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org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.IterableExpressions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
* Neo4j Sweden AB []
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.functions.Category
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.functions.FunctionWithName
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.ASTNode
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.InputPosition
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.symbols.CTAny
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.symbols.CTBoolean
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.symbols.CTList
trait FilteringExpression extends Expression {
def name: String
def variable: LogicalVariable
def expression: Expression
def innerPredicate: Option[Expression]
override def arguments = Seq(expression)
case class ListComprehension(scope: ExtractScope, expression: Expression)(val position: InputPosition)
extends FilteringExpression {
val name = "[...]"
def variable: LogicalVariable = scope.variable
def innerPredicate: Option[Expression] = scope.innerPredicate
def extractExpression: Option[Expression] = scope.extractExpression
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean =
expression.isConstantForQuery &&
innerPredicate.forall(_.isConstantForQuery) &&
object ListComprehension {
def apply(
variable: LogicalVariable,
expression: Expression,
innerPredicate: Option[Expression],
extractExpression: Option[Expression]
)(position: InputPosition): ListComprehension =
ListComprehension(ExtractScope(variable, innerPredicate, extractExpression)(position), expression)(position)
case class PatternComprehension(
namedPath: Option[LogicalVariable],
pattern: RelationshipsPattern,
predicate: Option[Expression],
projection: Expression
val position: InputPosition,
override val computedIntroducedVariables: Option[Set[LogicalVariable]],
override val computedScopeDependencies: Option[Set[LogicalVariable]]
) extends SubqueryExpression {
self =>
override def withComputedIntroducedVariables(computedIntroducedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable])
: ExpressionWithComputedDependencies =
copy()(position, computedIntroducedVariables = Some(computedIntroducedVariables), computedScopeDependencies)
override def withComputedScopeDependencies(computedScopeDependencies: Set[LogicalVariable])
: ExpressionWithComputedDependencies =
copy()(position, computedIntroducedVariables, computedScopeDependencies = Some(computedScopeDependencies))
override def subqueryAstNode: ASTNode = pattern
override def dup(children: Seq[AnyRef]): this.type = {
)(position, computedIntroducedVariables, computedScopeDependencies).asInstanceOf[this.type]
sealed trait IterableExpressionWithInfo extends FunctionWithName with TypeSignatures {
def description: String
// TODO: Get specification formalized by CLG
override def signatures: Seq[TypeSignature] =
function = this,
names = Vector("variable", "list"),
description = description,
argumentTypes = Vector(CTAny, CTList(CTAny)),
category = Category.PREDICATE,
overrideDefaultAsString =
Some(s"$name(variable :: VARIABLE IN list :: LIST WHERE predicate :: ANY) :: BOOLEAN")
sealed trait IterablePredicateExpression extends FilteringExpression with BooleanExpression {
def scope: FilterScope
def variable: LogicalVariable = scope.variable
def innerPredicate: Option[Expression] = scope.innerPredicate
override def asCanonicalStringVal: String = {
val predicate = => s" where ${p.asCanonicalStringVal}").getOrElse("")
s"$name(${variable.asCanonicalStringVal}) in ${expression.asCanonicalStringVal}$predicate"
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean =
expression.isConstantForQuery &&
object IterablePredicateExpression {
private val knownPredicateFunctions: Seq[IterableExpressionWithInfo] = Vector(
def functionInfo: Seq[FunctionTypeSignature] = knownPredicateFunctions.flatMap( {
case f: FunctionTypeSignature => f
case problem => throw new IllegalStateException("Did not expect the following at this point: " + problem)
case class AllIterablePredicate(scope: FilterScope, expression: Expression)(val position: InputPosition)
extends IterablePredicateExpression {
val name: String =
object AllIterablePredicate extends IterableExpressionWithInfo {
val name = "all"
val description = "Returns true if the predicate holds for all elements in the given `LIST`."
def apply(
variable: LogicalVariable,
expression: Expression,
innerPredicate: Option[Expression]
)(position: InputPosition): AllIterablePredicate =
AllIterablePredicate(FilterScope(variable, innerPredicate)(position), expression)(position)
case class AnyIterablePredicate(scope: FilterScope, expression: Expression)(val position: InputPosition)
extends IterablePredicateExpression {
val name: String =
object AnyIterablePredicate extends IterableExpressionWithInfo {
val name = "any"
val description = "Returns true if the predicate holds for at least one element in the given `LIST`."
def apply(
variable: LogicalVariable,
expression: Expression,
innerPredicate: Option[Expression]
)(position: InputPosition): AnyIterablePredicate =
AnyIterablePredicate(FilterScope(variable, innerPredicate)(position), expression)(position)
case class NoneIterablePredicate(scope: FilterScope, expression: Expression)(val position: InputPosition)
extends IterablePredicateExpression {
val name: String =
object NoneIterablePredicate extends IterableExpressionWithInfo {
val name = "none"
val description = "Returns true if the predicate holds for no element in the given `LIST`."
def apply(
variable: LogicalVariable,
expression: Expression,
innerPredicate: Option[Expression]
)(position: InputPosition): NoneIterablePredicate =
NoneIterablePredicate(FilterScope(variable, innerPredicate)(position), expression)(position)
case class SingleIterablePredicate(scope: FilterScope, expression: Expression)(val position: InputPosition)
extends IterablePredicateExpression {
val name: String =
object SingleIterablePredicate extends IterableExpressionWithInfo {
val name = "single"
val description = "Returns true if the predicate holds for exactly one of the elements in the given `LIST`."
def apply(
variable: LogicalVariable,
expression: Expression,
innerPredicate: Option[Expression]
)(position: InputPosition): SingleIterablePredicate =
SingleIterablePredicate(FilterScope(variable, innerPredicate)(position), expression)(position)
case class ReduceExpression(scope: ReduceScope, init: Expression, list: Expression)(val position: InputPosition)
extends Expression {
def variable: LogicalVariable = scope.variable
def accumulator: LogicalVariable = scope.accumulator
def expression: Expression = scope.expression
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean =
scope.expression.isConstantForQuery && init.isConstantForQuery && list.isConstantForQuery
object ReduceExpression {
val AccumulatorExpressionTypeMismatchMessageGenerator: (String, String) => String =
(expected: String, existing: String) => s"accumulator is $expected but expression has type $existing"
def apply(
accumulator: Variable,
init: Expression,
variable: Variable,
list: Expression,
expression: Expression
)(position: InputPosition): ReduceExpression =
ReduceExpression(ReduceScope(accumulator, variable, expression)(position), init, list)(position)