org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.PredicateExpressions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
* Neo4j Sweden AB []
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.CanonicalStringHelper.nodeRelationCanonicalString
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.InputPosition
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.collection.immutable.ListSet
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.symbols.CTAny
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.symbols.CTBoolean
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.symbols.CTString
case class And(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with BinaryOperatorExpression {
override val signatures = Vector(
TypeSignature(argumentTypes = Vector(CTBoolean, CTBoolean), outputType = CTBoolean)
object Ands {
def create(exprs: ListSet[Expression]): Expression = {
val size = exprs.size
if (size == 0)
else if (size == 1)
def apply(exprs: IterableOnce[Expression])(position: InputPosition): Ands = {
* Conjunction of multiple expressions.
case class Ands(exprs: ListSet[Expression])(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with MultiOperatorExpression {
override def canonicalOperatorSymbol = "AND"
override val signatures = Vector(
TypeSignature(argumentTypes = Vector.fill(exprs.size)(CTBoolean), outputType = CTBoolean)
* Only used after planning to mark predicates that can be reordered at runtime.
case class AndsReorderable(exprs: ListSet[Expression])(override val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression {
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean = exprs.forall(_.isConstantForQuery)
case class Or(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with BinaryOperatorExpression {
override val signatures: Seq[ExpressionTypeSignature] = Vector(
TypeSignature(argumentTypes = Vector(CTBoolean, CTBoolean), outputType = CTBoolean)
object Ors {
def create(exprs: ListSet[Expression]): Expression = {
val size = exprs.size
if (size == 0)
else if (size == 1)
def apply(exprs: IterableOnce[Expression])(position: InputPosition): Ors = {
* Disjunction of multiple expressions.
case class Ors(exprs: ListSet[Expression])(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with MultiOperatorExpression {
override def canonicalOperatorSymbol = "OR"
override val signatures = Vector(
TypeSignature(argumentTypes = Vector.fill(exprs.size)(CTBoolean), outputType = CTBoolean)
case class Xor(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with BinaryOperatorExpression {
override val signatures = Vector(
TypeSignature(Vector(CTBoolean, CTBoolean), outputType = CTBoolean)
case class Not(rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with LeftUnaryOperatorExpression {
override val signatures = Vector(
TypeSignature(Vector(CTBoolean), outputType = CTBoolean)
case class Equals(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with ChainableBinaryOperatorExpression {
override val signatures = Vector(
TypeSignature(argumentTypes = Vector(CTAny, CTAny), outputType = CTBoolean)
override def canonicalOperatorSymbol = "="
def switchSides: Equals = copy(rhs, lhs)(position)
case class NotEquals(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with ChainableBinaryOperatorExpression {
override val signatures = Vector(
TypeSignature(argumentTypes = Vector(CTAny, CTAny), outputType = CTBoolean)
override def canonicalOperatorSymbol = "<>"
def switchSides: NotEquals = copy(rhs, lhs)(position)
case class InvalidNotEquals(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with ChainableBinaryOperatorExpression {
override def canonicalOperatorSymbol = "!="
case class RegexMatch(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with BinaryOperatorExpression {
override val signatures = Vector(
TypeSignature(argumentTypes = Vector(CTString, CTString), outputType = CTBoolean)
override def canonicalOperatorSymbol = "=~"
case class In(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with BinaryOperatorExpression
// Partial predicates are predicates that are covered by a larger predicate which is going to be solved later during planning
// (and then will replace this predicate).
// (i.e. final query graph matches up with original query)
sealed trait PartialPredicate[+P <: Expression] extends Expression {
def coveredPredicate: P
def coveringPredicate: Expression
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean = coveredPredicate.isConstantForQuery
object PartialPredicate {
def apply[P <: Expression](coveredPredicate: P, coveringPredicate: Expression): Expression =
ifNotEqual(coveredPredicate, coveringPredicate).getOrElse(coveringPredicate)
def ifNotEqual[P <: Expression](coveredPredicate: P, coveringPredicate: Expression): Option[PartialPredicate[P]] =
if (coveredPredicate == coveringPredicate) None
else Some(PartialPredicateWrapper(coveredPredicate, coveringPredicate))
final case class PartialPredicateWrapper[P <: Expression](coveredPredicate: P, coveringPredicate: Expression)
extends PartialPredicate[P] {
override def position: InputPosition = coveredPredicate.position
final case class PartialDistanceSeekWrapper[P <: Expression](predicate: P) extends PartialPredicate[P] {
override def coveredPredicate: P = predicate
override def coveringPredicate: Expression = predicate
override def position: InputPosition = coveredPredicate.position
case class StartsWith(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with BinaryOperatorExpression {
override val signatures = Vector(
TypeSignature(argumentTypes = Vector(CTAny, CTAny), outputType = CTBoolean)
override def canonicalOperatorSymbol = "STARTS WITH"
case class EndsWith(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with BinaryOperatorExpression {
override val signatures = Vector(
TypeSignature(argumentTypes = Vector(CTAny, CTAny), outputType = CTBoolean)
override def canonicalOperatorSymbol = "ENDS WITH"
case class Contains(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with BinaryOperatorExpression {
override val signatures = Vector(
TypeSignature(argumentTypes = Vector(CTAny, CTAny), outputType = CTBoolean)
case class IsNull(lhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with RightUnaryOperatorExpression {
override val signatures = Vector(
TypeSignature(argumentTypes = Vector(CTAny), outputType = CTBoolean)
override def canonicalOperatorSymbol = "IS NULL"
case class IsNotNull(lhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression
with RightUnaryOperatorExpression {
override val signatures = Vector(
TypeSignature(argumentTypes = Vector(CTAny), outputType = CTBoolean)
override def canonicalOperatorSymbol = "IS NOT NULL"
object InequalityExpression {
def unapply(arg: InequalityExpression): Option[(Expression, Expression)] = Some((arg.lhs, arg.rhs))
sealed trait InequalityExpression extends BooleanExpression with ChainableBinaryOperatorExpression {
override val signatures = Vector(TypeSignature(argumentTypes = Vector(CTAny, CTAny), outputType = CTBoolean))
def includeEquality: Boolean
def negated: InequalityExpression
def swapped: InequalityExpression
def lhs: Expression
def rhs: Expression
final case class LessThan(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends InequalityExpression {
override val canonicalOperatorSymbol = "<"
override val includeEquality = false
override def negated: InequalityExpression = GreaterThanOrEqual(lhs, rhs)(position)
override def swapped: InequalityExpression = GreaterThan(rhs, lhs)(position)
final case class LessThanOrEqual(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition)
extends InequalityExpression {
override val canonicalOperatorSymbol = "<="
override val includeEquality = true
override def negated: InequalityExpression = GreaterThan(lhs, rhs)(position)
override def swapped: InequalityExpression = GreaterThanOrEqual(rhs, lhs)(position)
final case class GreaterThan(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition)
extends InequalityExpression {
override val canonicalOperatorSymbol = ">"
override val includeEquality = false
override def negated: InequalityExpression = LessThanOrEqual(lhs, rhs)(position)
override def swapped: InequalityExpression = LessThan(rhs, lhs)(position)
final case class GreaterThanOrEqual(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition)
extends InequalityExpression {
override val canonicalOperatorSymbol = ">="
override val includeEquality = true
override def negated: InequalityExpression = LessThan(lhs, rhs)(position)
override def swapped: InequalityExpression = LessThanOrEqual(rhs, lhs)(position)
case class HasDegreeLessThan(
node: Expression,
relType: Option[RelTypeName],
dir: SemanticDirection,
degree: Expression
)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression {
override def asCanonicalStringVal: String =
s"getDegree(${nodeRelationCanonicalString(node, relType, dir)}) < ${degree.asCanonicalStringVal}"
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean = node.isConstantForQuery
case class HasDegreeLessThanOrEqual(
node: Expression,
relType: Option[RelTypeName],
dir: SemanticDirection,
degree: Expression
)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression {
override def asCanonicalStringVal: String =
s"getDegree(${nodeRelationCanonicalString(node, relType, dir)}) <= ${degree.asCanonicalStringVal}"
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean = node.isConstantForQuery
case class HasDegreeGreaterThan(
node: Expression,
relType: Option[RelTypeName],
dir: SemanticDirection,
degree: Expression
)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression {
override def asCanonicalStringVal: String =
s"getDegree(${nodeRelationCanonicalString(node, relType, dir)}) > ${degree.asCanonicalStringVal}"
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean = node.isConstantForQuery
case class HasDegreeGreaterThanOrEqual(
node: Expression,
relType: Option[RelTypeName],
dir: SemanticDirection,
degree: Expression
)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression {
override def asCanonicalStringVal: String =
s"getDegree(${nodeRelationCanonicalString(node, relType, dir)}) >= ${degree.asCanonicalStringVal}"
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean = node.isConstantForQuery
case class HasDegree(node: Expression, relType: Option[RelTypeName], dir: SemanticDirection, degree: Expression)(
val position: InputPosition
) extends BooleanExpression {
override def asCanonicalStringVal: String =
s"getDegree(${nodeRelationCanonicalString(node, relType, dir)}) = ${degree.asCanonicalStringVal}"
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean = node.isConstantForQuery
case class AssertIsNode(lhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends BooleanExpression {
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean = lhs.isConstantForQuery
* Predicate used for enforcing relationship uniqueness as done in
* AddRelationshipPredicates.
sealed trait RelationshipUniquenessPredicate extends BooleanExpression
* Tests whether the two relationships given are different.
* @param rel1 first relationship
* @param rel2 second relationship
case class DifferentRelationships(rel1: Expression, rel2: Expression)(val position: InputPosition)
extends RelationshipUniquenessPredicate {
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean = false
* Tests whether the relationship is none of the elements from the list.
* @param relationship the relationship
* @param listOfRelationships the list of relationships
case class NoneOfRelationships(relationship: Expression, listOfRelationships: Expression)(val position: InputPosition)
extends RelationshipUniquenessPredicate {
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean = relationship.isConstantForQuery && listOfRelationships.isConstantForQuery
* Tests whether the elements in the two lists given are disjoint, that is, none of the elements from one list
* also exist in the other list.
* @param lhs first list
* @param rhs second list
case class Disjoint(lhs: Expression, rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition)
extends RelationshipUniquenessPredicate {
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean = lhs.isConstantForQuery && rhs.isConstantForQuery
* Tests whether the elements in the list given are all unique.
* Cannot be used in Cypher directly but is generated by AddUniquenessPredicates.
* @param rhs the list to test
case class Unique(rhs: Expression)(val position: InputPosition) extends RelationshipUniquenessPredicate {
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean = rhs.isConstantForQuery
* Tests whether the relationship is unique across Repeat(Trail) iterations.
case class IsRepeatTrailUnique(variableToCheck: Variable)(val position: InputPosition)
extends RelationshipUniquenessPredicate {
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean = false
* Implicit predicate generated for size constraints on the list of relationships matched by variable-length relationships.
abstract class VarLengthBound(val relName: Variable, val bound: Long) extends BooleanExpression {
// We always depend on the relationship referenced
override def isConstantForQuery: Boolean = false
def getRewrittenPredicate: InequalityExpression = {
val pos = position
val size: Expression => FunctionInvocation = FunctionInvocation(FunctionName("size")(pos), _)(pos)
val literal = SignedDecimalIntegerLiteral(bound.toString)(pos)
getInequalityExpression(size(relName), literal, pos)
def getInequalityExpression(
relationshipExpression: Expression,
boundExpression: Expression,
position: InputPosition
): InequalityExpression
* The implicit predicate that the list of relationships matched by a variable-length relationship is at least as long as the lower bound of the var-length relationship.
case class VarLengthLowerBound(override val relName: Variable, override val bound: Long)(val position: InputPosition)
extends VarLengthBound(relName, bound) {
override def getInequalityExpression(
relationshipExpression: Expression,
boundExpression: Expression,
position: InputPosition
): InequalityExpression = GreaterThanOrEqual(relationshipExpression, boundExpression)(position)
* The implicit predicate that the list of relationships matched by a variable-length relationship is at most as long as the upper bound of the var-length relationship.
case class VarLengthUpperBound(override val relName: Variable, override val bound: Long)(val position: InputPosition)
extends VarLengthBound(relName, bound) {
override def getInequalityExpression(
relationshipExpression: Expression,
boundExpression: Expression,
position: InputPosition
): InequalityExpression = LessThanOrEqual(relationshipExpression, boundExpression)(position)
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