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org.neo4j.fabric.planning.FabricStitcher.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
* Neo4j Sweden AB []
* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package org.neo4j.fabric.planning
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.AliasedReturnItem
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.Clause
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.GraphSelection
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.InputDataStream
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.PeriodicCommitHint
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.Query
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.QueryPart
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.Return
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.ReturnItems
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.SingleQuery
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.Statement
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.SubqueryCall
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.UnionAll
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.UnionDistinct
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.With
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.Parameter
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.SensitiveAutoParameter
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.SensitiveParameter
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.SensitiveStringLiteral
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.rewriting.rewriters.sensitiveLiteralReplacement
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.InputPosition
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.symbols.CTAny
import org.neo4j.cypher.rendering.QueryRenderer
import org.neo4j.exceptions.SyntaxException
import org.neo4j.fabric.eval.UseEvaluation
import org.neo4j.fabric.pipeline.FabricFrontEnd
import org.neo4j.fabric.util.Rewritten.RewritingOps
* @param queryString For error reporting
* @param allowMultiGraph When false, throws on multi-graph queries
case class FabricStitcher(
queryString: String,
allowMultiGraph: Boolean,
fabricContextName: Option[String],
periodicCommitHint: Option[PeriodicCommitHint],
pipeline: FabricFrontEnd#Pipeline,
) {
* Convert to executable fragments
* Exec fragments formed by recursively stitching same-graph Leaf:s together
* and adding appropriate glue clauses
def convert(fragment: Fragment): Fragment = {
val result = fragment match {
case chain: Fragment.Chain => convertChain(chain)
case union: Fragment.Union => convertUnion(union)
case command: Fragment.Command =>
if (!allowMultiGraph && !UseEvaluation.isStatic(command.use.graphSelection)) {
if (allowMultiGraph) validateNoTransactionalSubquery(result)
def convertUnion(union: Fragment.Union): Fragment =
lhs = convert(union.lhs),
rhs = convertChain(union.rhs))(union.pos))
def convertChain(chain: Fragment.Chain): Fragment.Chain =
def convertSeparate(chain: Fragment.Chain, lastInChain: Boolean = true): Fragment.Chain = chain match {
case init: Fragment.Init => init
case stitched: Fragment.Exec => stitched
case leaf: Fragment.Leaf =>
val input = convertSeparate(leaf.input, lastInChain = false)
if (leaf.executable)
single(leaf.copy(input = input)(leaf.pos), lastInChain)
case apply: Fragment.Apply =>
apply.copy(input = convertSeparate(apply.input, lastInChain = false), inner = convert(apply.inner))(apply.pos)
def validateNoTransactionalSubquery(fragment: Fragment): Unit = {
fragment.flatten.foreach {
case apply: Fragment.Apply if apply.inTransactionsParameters.isDefined => failFabricTransactionalSubquery(apply.pos)
case exec: Fragment.Exec => SubqueryCall.findTransactionalSubquery(exec.query).foreach(subquery => failFabricTransactionalSubquery(subquery.position))
case leaf: Fragment.Leaf => leaf.clauses.foreach(c => SubqueryCall.findTransactionalSubquery(c).foreach(subquery => failFabricTransactionalSubquery(subquery.position)))
case _ => ()
* Transform a single leaf into exec
def single(leaf: Fragment.Leaf, lastInChain: Boolean): Fragment.Exec = {
val pos = leaf.clauses.head.position
val clauses = Seq(
Ast.inputDataStream(leaf.input.outputColumns, pos).toSeq,
Ast.paramBindings(leaf.importColumns, pos).toSeq,
if (lastInChain)
Ast.aliasedReturn(leaf.clauses.last, leaf.outputColumns, leaf.clauses.last.position).toSeq,
input = leaf.input,
statement = Query(None, SingleQuery(clauses)(pos))(pos),
outputColumns = leaf.outputColumns
* Transform the entire fragment tree into exec, by stitching it back together.
* Returns a value when the entire query targets the same graph, statically
def stitched(fragment: Fragment): Option[Fragment.Exec] = {
val noPos = InputPosition.NONE
val stitched = stitcher(fragment,
clauseExpansion = {
case Outer(init: Fragment.Init) => Ast.paramBindings(init.importColumns, noPos).toSeq
case Outer(leaf: Fragment.Leaf) => Ast.withoutGraphSelection(leaf.clauses)
case Inner(leaf: Fragment.Leaf) => Ast.withoutGraphSelection(leaf.clauses)
case _ => Seq()
val nonStatic = stitched.useAppearances.flatMap(_.nonStatic).headOption
val nonEqual = stitched.useAppearances.flatMap(_.nonEqual).headOption
val invalidOverride = stitched.useAppearances.flatMap(_.isInvalidOverride).headOption
(allowMultiGraph, nonStatic, nonEqual, invalidOverride) match {
case (false, Some(use), _, _) => failDynamicGraph(use)
case (false, _, Some(use), _) => failMultipleGraphs(use)
case (true, _, _, Some(use)) => failInvalidOverride(use)
case (_, _, None, None) =>
val query = Query(None, stitched.queryPart)(stitched.queryPart.position)
val init = Fragment.Init(stitched.lastUse, fragment.argumentColumns, fragment.importColumns)
Some(asExec(init, query, fragment.outputColumns))
case (_, _, _, _) => None
private def asExec(
input: Fragment.Chain,
statement: Statement,
outputColumns: Seq[String],
): Fragment.Exec = {
val updatedStatement = withPeriodicCommitHint(statement)
val sensitive = statement.folder.treeExists {
// these are used for auto-parameterization when query-obfuscation
// is enabled, we should still cache these.
case _: SensitiveAutoParameter => false
// these two are used for password fields
case _: SensitiveParameter => true
case _: SensitiveStringLiteral => true
val local = pipeline.checkAndFinalize.process(updatedStatement)
val (rewriter, extracted) = sensitiveLiteralReplacement(updatedStatement)
val toRender = updatedStatement.endoRewrite(rewriter)
val remote = Fragment.RemoteQuery(QueryRenderer.render(toRender), extracted)
Fragment.Exec(input, updatedStatement, local, remote, sensitive, outputColumns)
private def withPeriodicCommitHint(statement: Statement) = statement match {
case query: Query => query.copy(periodicCommitHint = periodicCommitHint)(query.position)
case stmt => stmt
private def failDynamicGraph(use: Use): Nothing =
throw new SyntaxException(
s"""Dynamic graph lookup not allowed here. This feature is only available in a Fabric database
|Attempted to access graph ${}""".stripMargin,
queryString, use.position.offset)
private def failMultipleGraphs(use: Use): Nothing =
throw new SyntaxException(
s"""Multiple graphs in the same query not allowed here. This feature is only available in a Fabric database.
|Attempted to access graph ${}""".stripMargin,
queryString, use.position.offset)
private def failInvalidOverride(use: Use): Nothing =
throw new SyntaxException(
s"""Nested subqueries must use the same graph as their parent query.
|Attempted to access graph ${}""".stripMargin,
queryString, use.position.offset)
private def failFabricTransactionalSubquery(pos: InputPosition): Nothing =
throw new SyntaxException(
"Transactional subquery is not allowed here. This feature is not supported in a Fabric database.",
queryString, pos.offset)
private case class StitchResult(
queryPart: QueryPart,
lastUse: Use,
useAppearances: Seq[UseAppearance],
private case class StitchChainResult(
clauses: Seq[Clause],
lastUse: Use,
useAppearances: Seq[UseAppearance],
private sealed trait NestedFragment
private final case class Outer(fragment: Fragment) extends NestedFragment
private final case class Inner(fragment: Fragment) extends NestedFragment
private sealed trait UseAppearance {
def nonStatic: Option[Use] = uses.find(use => !UseEvaluation.isStatic(use.graphSelection))
def nonEqual: Option[Use] = uses.find(use => use.graphSelection != uses.head.graphSelection)
def isInvalidOverride: Option[Use] = None
def uses: Seq[Use]
private final case class UnionUse(lhs: Use, rhs: Use) extends UseAppearance {
def uses: Seq[Use] = Seq(lhs, rhs)
private final case class ChainUse(outer: Option[Use], inner: Use) extends UseAppearance {
def uses: Seq[Use] = outer.toSeq :+ inner
override def isInvalidOverride: Option[Use] = outer match {
case None => None
case Some(outer) =>
def outerIsFabric = UseEvaluation.evaluateStatic(outer.graphSelection).exists( == fabricContextName.toSeq)
def same = outer.graphSelection == inner.graphSelection
if (!outerIsFabric && !same) Some(inner) else None
private def stitcher(
fragment: Fragment,
clauseExpansion: NestedFragment => Seq[Clause],
): StitchResult = {
def stitch(fragment: Fragment, outermost: Boolean, outerUse: Option[Use]): StitchResult = {
fragment match {
case chain: Fragment.Chain =>
val stitched = stitchChain(chain, outermost, outerUse)
StitchResult(SingleQuery(stitched.clauses)(chain.pos), stitched.lastUse, stitched.useAppearances)
case union: Fragment.Union =>
val lhs = stitch(union.lhs, outermost, outerUse)
val rhs = stitchChain(union.rhs, outermost, outerUse)
val uses = lhs.useAppearances ++ rhs.useAppearances :+ UnionUse(lhs.lastUse, rhs.lastUse)
val query = SingleQuery(rhs.clauses)(union.rhs.pos)
val result = if (union.distinct) {
UnionDistinct(lhs.queryPart, query)(union.pos)
} else {
UnionAll(lhs.queryPart, query)(union.pos)
StitchResult(result, rhs.lastUse, uses)
def stitchChain(chain: Fragment.Chain, outermost: Boolean, outerUse: Option[Use]): StitchChainResult = {
def wrapped: NestedFragment = if (outermost) Outer(chain) else Inner(chain)
chain match {
case init: Fragment.Init =>
val clauses = clauseExpansion(wrapped)
StitchChainResult(clauses, init.use, Seq(ChainUse(outerUse, init.use)))
case leaf: Fragment.Leaf =>
val before = stitchChain(leaf.input, outermost, outerUse)
val clauses = clauseExpansion(wrapped)
before.copy(clauses = before.clauses ++ clauses)
case apply: Fragment.Apply =>
val before = stitchChain(apply.input, outermost, outerUse)
val inner = stitch(apply.inner, outermost = false, Some(before.lastUse))
clauses = before.clauses :+ SubqueryCall(inner.queryPart, apply.inTransactionsParameters)(apply.pos),
useAppearances = before.useAppearances ++ inner.useAppearances)
stitch(fragment, outermost = true, outerUse = None)
private object Ast {
private def conditionally[T](cond: Boolean, prod: => T) =
if (cond) Some(prod) else None
private def variable(name: String, pos: InputPosition) =
def paramBindings(columns: Seq[String], pos: InputPosition): Option[With] =
includeExisting = false,
items = for {
varName <- columns
parName = Columns.paramName(varName)
} yield AliasedReturnItem(
expression = Parameter(parName, CTAny)(pos),
variable = variable(varName, pos),
)(pos, isAutoAliased = false)
def inputDataStream(names: Seq[String], pos: InputPosition): Option[InputDataStream] =
variables = for {
name <- names
} yield variable(name, pos)
def aliasedReturn(lastClause: Clause, names: Seq[String], pos: InputPosition): Option[Return] =
lastClause match {
case _: Return => None
case _ => Some(aliasedReturn(names, pos))
def aliasedReturn(names: Seq[String], pos: InputPosition): Return =
includeExisting = false,
items = for {
name <- names
} yield AliasedReturnItem(
expression = variable(name, pos),
variable = variable(name, pos),
)(pos, isAutoAliased = true)
def withoutGraphSelection(clauses: Seq[Clause]): Seq[Clause] =
clauses.filter {
case _: GraphSelection => false
case _ => true
def withoutGraphSelection(query: Query): Query = {
query.rewritten.bottomUp {
case sq: SingleQuery =>
SingleQuery(clauses = withoutGraphSelection(sq.clauses))(sq.position)
def chain[T <: AnyRef](rewrites: (T => T)*): T => T =
rewrites.foldLeft(identity[T] _)(_ andThen _)