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* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
* Neo4j Sweden AB []
* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package org.neo4j.fabric.planning
import org.neo4j.configuration.GraphDatabaseSettings
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.CatalogName
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.GraphDirectReference
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.UseGraph
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.semantics.Scope
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.InputPosition
import org.neo4j.fabric.planning.Fragment.Apply
import org.neo4j.fabric.planning.Fragment.Init
import org.neo4j.fabric.planning.Fragment.Leaf
import org.neo4j.fabric.planning.Fragment.Union
import org.neo4j.fabric.util.Errors
class FabricFragmenter(
defaultGraphName: String,
queryString: String,
queryStatement: ast.Statement,
semantics: ast.semantics.SemanticState
) {
private val defaultUse: Use = makeDefaultUse(defaultGraphName, InputPosition.NONE)
private val systemUse: Use =
makeDefaultUse(GraphDatabaseSettings.SYSTEM_DATABASE_NAME, InputPosition.NONE)
private val start = Init(defaultUse)
def fragment: Fragment = queryStatement match {
case query: ast.Query => fragmentQuery(start, query)
case command: ast.AdministrationCommand =>
Fragment.AdminCommand(systemUse, command)
case command: ast.SchemaCommand =>
val use =
Fragment.SchemaCommand(use, command)
private def fragmentQuery(
input: Fragment.Init,
part: ast.Query
): Fragment = part match {
case sq: ast.SingleQuery => fragmentSingle(input, sq)
case uq: ast.Union =>
Union(input, isDistinct(uq), fragmentQuery(input, uq.lhs), fragmentSingle(input, uq.rhs))(
private def fragmentSingle(
input: Fragment.Chain,
sq: ast.SingleQuery
): Fragment.Chain = {
val parts = partitioned(sq.clauses)
parts.foldLeft(input) {
case (previous, part) =>
val input = previous match {
case init: Init =>
// Previous is Init which means that we are at the start of a chain
// Inherit or declare new Use
val use = leadingUse(sq).map(Use.Declared).getOrElse(init.use)
Init(use, previous.argumentColumns, sq.importColumns)
case other => other
part match {
case Right(clauses) =>
// Section of normal clauses
Leaf(input, clauses, produced(clauses))(
case Left(subquery) =>
// Subquery: Recurse and start the child chain with Init
val use = Use.Inherited(input.use)(subquery.innerQuery.position)
fragmentQuery(Init(use, input.outputColumns, Seq.empty), subquery.innerQuery),
private def isDistinct(uq: ast.Union) =
uq match {
case _: ast.UnionAll => false
case _: ast.UnionDistinct => true
private def leadingUse(sq: ast.SingleQuery): Option[ast.GraphSelection] = {
val clauses = sq.clausesExceptLeadingImportWith
val (use, rest) = clauses.headOption match {
case Some(u: ast.UseGraph) => (Some(u), clauses.tail)
case _ => (None, clauses)
.map(clause =>
"USE can only appear at the beginning of a (sub-)query",
private def makeDefaultUse(graphName: String, pos: InputPosition) =
private def produced(clauses: Seq[ast.Clause]): Seq[String] =
private def produced(clause: ast.Clause): Seq[String] = clause match {
case r: ast.Return =>
case c => semantics.scope(c).getOrElse(Scope.empty).symbolNames.toSeq
* Returns a sequence where each element is either a subquery clause
* or a segment of clauses with no subqueries
private def partitioned(clauses: Seq[ast.Clause]) =
partition(clauses) {
case s: ast.SubqueryCall => Left(s)
case c => Right(c)
* Partitions the elements of a sequence depending on a predicate.
* The predicate returns either Left[H] or Right[M] for each element
* Running lengths of Right[M]'s gets aggregated into sub-sequences
* while Left[H]'s are left singular
private def partition[E, H, M](es: Seq[E])(pred: E => Either[H, M]): Seq[Either[H, Seq[M]]] = {[Either[H, Seq[M]]]()) {
case (seq, Left(hit)) => seq :+ Left(hit)
case (seq, Right(miss)) =>
seq.lastOption match {
case None => seq :+ Right(Seq(miss))
case Some(Left(_)) => seq :+ Right(Seq(miss))
case Some(Right(ms)) => seq.init :+ Right(ms :+ miss)