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* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
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* This file is part of Neo4j.
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package org.neo4j.fabric.planning
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.CypherVersion
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.AliasedReturnItem
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.Clause
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.GraphSelection
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.InputDataStream
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.Query
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.Return
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.ReturnItems
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.ScopeClauseSubqueryCall
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.SingleQuery
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.Statement
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.SubqueryCall
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.SubqueryCall.InTransactionsOnErrorBehaviour.OnErrorBreak
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.UnionAll
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.UnionDistinct
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.With
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.ExplicitParameter
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.Property
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.SensitiveAutoParameter
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.SensitiveParameter
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.SensitiveStringLiteral
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.Variable
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.rewriting.rewriters.sensitiveLiteralReplacement
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.InputPosition
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.symbols.CTAny
import org.neo4j.cypher.messages.MessageUtilProvider
import org.neo4j.cypher.rendering.QueryRenderer
import org.neo4j.exceptions.SyntaxException
import org.neo4j.fabric.eval.UseEvaluation
import org.neo4j.fabric.pipeline.FabricFrontEnd
import org.neo4j.fabric.planning.Ast.aliasedReturn
import org.neo4j.fabric.planning.Fragment.Apply
import org.neo4j.fabric.planning.Fragment.Exec
import org.neo4j.fabric.planning.Fragment.Init
import org.neo4j.fabric.util.Rewritten.RewritingOps
* @param queryString For error reporting
* @param compositeContext When false, throws on multi-graph queries
case class FabricStitcher(
queryString: String,
compositeContext: Boolean,
cypherVersion: CypherVersion,
pipeline: FabricFrontEnd#Pipeline,
useHelper: UseHelper
) {
* Convert to executable fragments
* Exec fragments formed by recursively stitching same-graph Leaf:s together
* and adding appropriate glue clauses
def convert(fragment: Fragment): Fragment = fragment match {
case chain: Fragment.Chain =>
val convertedChain = convertChain(chain)
if (compositeContext) processCompositeCallInTx(convertedChain) else convertedChain
case union: Fragment.Union => convertUnion(union)
case command: Fragment.Command =>
if (!compositeContext && !UseEvaluation.isStatic(command.use.graphSelection)) {
private def processCompositeCallInTx(fragment: Fragment): Fragment.Chain = fragment match {
// Go over the fragment chain and process CALL IN TX Apply if present
case apply: Apply if apply.inTransactionsParameters.isDefined => {
val newExec = apply.inner match {
case exec: Exec => constructCallInTransactionExec(exec, apply.inTransactionsParameters.get)
// At the end of stitching an Apply can have only Exec as the inner fragment
case f => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected fragment: " + f);
apply.copy(input = processCompositeCallInTx(apply.input), inner = newExec)(apply.pos)
case apply: Apply => apply.copy(input = processCompositeCallInTx(apply.input))(apply.pos)
case init: Init => init
case exec: Exec => exec.copy(input = processCompositeCallInTx(exec.input))
case f => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected fragment: " + f);
private def constructCallInTransactionExec(
originalExec: Exec,
inTransactionsParameters: SubqueryCall.InTransactionsParameters
): Fragment = {
val pos = originalExec.pos
val clauses = originalExec.query match {
case singleQuery: SingleQuery => singleQuery.clauses
case q => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected query type: " + q)
val clausesWithoutInsertedWith = if (originalExec.importColumns.isEmpty) clauses else clauses.tail
val unwind =
ast.Unwind(ExplicitParameter(Apply.CALL_IN_TX_ROWS, CTAny)(pos), Variable(Apply.CALL_IN_TX_ROW)(pos))(pos)
val postUnwindWith = With(ReturnItems(
includeExisting = false,
items =
for {
varName <- originalExec.importColumns :+ Apply.CALL_IN_TX_ROW_ID
} yield AliasedReturnItem(
expression = Property(
(org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions PropertyKeyName varName)(pos)
variable = Variable(varName)(pos)
val adjustedParameters = adjustInTransactionsParameters(inTransactionsParameters)
val call =
isImportingAll = false, => Variable(x)(pos)),
optional = false
val outputColumns = callInTxOutputColumns(originalExec, adjustedParameters)
val returnClause = aliasedReturn(outputColumns, pos)
val resultClauses = Seq(unwind, postUnwindWith, call, returnClause)
asExec(originalExec.input, SingleQuery(resultClauses)(pos), outputColumns)
private def callInTxOutputColumns(
originalExec: Exec,
inTransactionsParameters: SubqueryCall.InTransactionsParameters
): Seq[String] = {
// These are the columns that were actually specified in the query ...
val userColumns = inTransactionsParameters.reportParams
.map(reportParams =>
.map(reportVariable => originalExec.outputColumns :+ reportVariable)
// ... and we add one extra column that will enable the runtime to pair
// output rows to the input ones.
userColumns :+ Apply.CALL_IN_TX_ROW_ID
// When using ON ERROR break, we need the status regardless if the user
// wanted the status report or not. The reason is that success or failure
// of the batch cannot be determined without the status report in the case of ON ERROR break.
private def adjustInTransactionsParameters(inTransactionsParameters: SubqueryCall.InTransactionsParameters)
: SubqueryCall.InTransactionsParameters = {
if (
|| !inTransactionsParameters.errorParams.get.behaviour.equals(OnErrorBreak)
) {
return inTransactionsParameters
if (inTransactionsParameters.reportParams.isDefined) {
return inTransactionsParameters
inTransactionsParameters.copy(reportParams =
def convertUnion(union: Fragment.Union): Fragment =
lhs = convert(union.lhs),
rhs = convertChain(union.rhs)
def convertChain(chain: Fragment.Chain): Fragment.Chain =
def convertSeparate(chain: Fragment.Chain, lastInChain: Boolean = true): Fragment.Chain = chain match {
case init: Fragment.Init => init
case stitched: Fragment.Exec => stitched
case leaf: Fragment.Leaf =>
val input = convertSeparate(leaf.input, lastInChain = false)
if (leaf.executable)
single(leaf.copy(input = input)(leaf.pos), lastInChain)
case apply: Fragment.Apply =>
apply.copy(input = convertSeparate(apply.input, lastInChain = false), inner = convert(apply.inner))(apply.pos)
def validateNoTransactionalSubquery(fragment: Fragment): Unit = {
fragment.flatten.foreach {
case apply: Fragment.Apply if apply.inTransactionsParameters.isDefined =>
case exec: Fragment.Exec => SubqueryCall.findTransactionalSubquery(exec.query).foreach(subquery =>
case leaf: Fragment.Leaf => leaf.clauses.foreach(c =>
SubqueryCall.findTransactionalSubquery(c).foreach(subquery =>
case _ => ()
* Transform a single leaf into exec
def single(leaf: Fragment.Leaf, lastInChain: Boolean): Fragment.Exec = {
val pos = leaf.clauses.head.position
val clauses = Seq(
Ast.inputDataStream(leaf.input.outputColumns, pos).toSeq,
Ast.paramBindings(leaf.importColumns, pos).toSeq,
if (lastInChain)
Ast.aliasedReturn(leaf.clauses.last, leaf.outputColumns, leaf.clauses.last.position).toSeq
input = leaf.input,
statement = SingleQuery(clauses)(pos),
outputColumns = leaf.outputColumns
* Transform the entire fragment tree into exec, by stitching it back together.
* Returns a value when the entire query targets the same graph, statically
def stitched(fragment: Fragment): Option[Fragment.Exec] = {
val noPos = InputPosition.NONE
val stitched = stitcher(
clauseExpansion = {
case Outer(init: Fragment.Init) => Ast.paramBindings(init.importColumns, noPos).toSeq
case Outer(leaf: Fragment.Leaf) => Ast.withoutGraphSelection(leaf.clauses)
case Inner(leaf: Fragment.Leaf) => Ast.withoutGraphSelection(leaf.clauses)
case _ => Seq()
val nonStatic = stitched.useAppearances.flatMap(_.nonStatic).headOption
val nonEqual = stitched.useAppearances.flatMap(_.nonEqual).headOption
val invalidOverride = stitched.useAppearances.flatMap(_.isInvalidOverride).headOption
(compositeContext, nonStatic, nonEqual, invalidOverride) match {
case (false, Some(use), _, _) => failDynamicGraph(use)
case (false, _, Some(use), _) => failMultipleGraphs(use)
case (true, _, _, Some(use)) => failInvalidOverride(use)
case (_, _, None, None) =>
val init = Fragment.Init(stitched.lastUse, fragment.argumentColumns, fragment.importColumns)
Some(asExec(init, stitched.query, fragment.outputColumns))
case (_, _, _, _) => None
private def asExec(
input: Fragment.Chain,
statement: Statement,
outputColumns: Seq[String]
): Fragment.Exec = {
val sensitive = statement.folder.treeExists {
// these are used for auto-parameterization when query-obfuscation
// is enabled, we should still cache these.
case _: SensitiveAutoParameter => false
// these two are used for password fields
case _: SensitiveParameter => true
case _: SensitiveStringLiteral => true
val local = pipeline.checkAndFinalize.process(statement, useFullQueryText = !compositeContext)
val (rewriter, extracted) = sensitiveLiteralReplacement(statement)
val toRender = statement.endoRewrite(rewriter)
val remote = Fragment.RemoteQuery(QueryRenderer.render(toRender), extracted)
Fragment.Exec(input, statement, local, remote, sensitive, outputColumns)
private def failDynamicGraph(use: Use): Nothing =
throw new SyntaxException(
private def failMultipleGraphs(use: Use): Nothing =
throw new SyntaxException(
private def failInvalidOverride(use: Use): Nothing =
throw new SyntaxException(
s"""Nested subqueries must use the same graph as their parent query.
|Attempted to access graph ${}""".stripMargin,
private def failFabricTransactionalSubquery(pos: InputPosition): Nothing =
throw new SyntaxException(
"Transactional subquery is not allowed here. This feature is not supported on composite databases.",
private case class StitchResult(
query: Query,
lastUse: Use,
useAppearances: Seq[UseAppearance]
private case class StitchChainResult(
clauses: Seq[Clause],
lastUse: Use,
useAppearances: Seq[UseAppearance]
sealed private trait NestedFragment
final private case class Outer(fragment: Fragment) extends NestedFragment
final private case class Inner(fragment: Fragment) extends NestedFragment
sealed private trait UseAppearance {
def nonStatic: Option[Use] = uses.find(use => !UseEvaluation.isStatic(use.graphSelection))
def nonEqual: Option[Use] = uses.find(use => use.graphSelection != uses.head.graphSelection)
def isInvalidOverride: Option[Use] = None
def uses: Seq[Use]
final private case class UnionUse(lhs: Use, rhs: Use) extends UseAppearance {
def uses: Seq[Use] = Seq(lhs, rhs)
final private case class ChainUse(outer: Option[Use], inner: Use) extends UseAppearance {
def uses: Seq[Use] = outer.toSeq :+ inner
override def isInvalidOverride: Option[Use] = outer match {
case None => None
case Some(outer) =>
def outerIsComposite = useHelper.useTargetsCompositeContext(outer)
def same = outer.graphSelection == inner.graphSelection
if (!outerIsComposite && !same) Some(inner) else None
private def stitcher(
fragment: Fragment,
clauseExpansion: NestedFragment => Seq[Clause]
): StitchResult = {
def stitch(fragment: Fragment, outermost: Boolean, outerUse: Option[Use]): StitchResult = {
fragment match {
case chain: Fragment.Chain =>
val stitched = stitchChain(chain, outermost, outerUse)
StitchResult(SingleQuery(stitched.clauses)(chain.pos), stitched.lastUse, stitched.useAppearances)
case union: Fragment.Union =>
val lhs = stitch(union.lhs, outermost, outerUse)
val rhs = stitchChain(union.rhs, outermost, outerUse)
val uses = lhs.useAppearances ++ rhs.useAppearances :+ UnionUse(lhs.lastUse, rhs.lastUse)
val rhsQuery = SingleQuery(rhs.clauses)(union.rhs.pos)
val differentReturnOderAllowed = cypherVersion == CypherVersion.Cypher5
val result =
if (union.distinct) {
UnionDistinct(lhs.query, rhsQuery, differentReturnOderAllowed)(union.pos)
} else {
UnionAll(lhs.query, rhsQuery, differentReturnOderAllowed)(union.pos)
StitchResult(result, rhs.lastUse, uses)
def stitchChain(chain: Fragment.Chain, outermost: Boolean, outerUse: Option[Use]): StitchChainResult = {
def wrapped: NestedFragment = if (outermost) Outer(chain) else Inner(chain)
chain match {
case init: Fragment.Init =>
val clauses = clauseExpansion(wrapped)
StitchChainResult(clauses, init.use, Seq(ChainUse(outerUse, init.use)))
case leaf: Fragment.Leaf =>
val before = stitchChain(leaf.input, outermost, outerUse)
val clauses = clauseExpansion(wrapped)
before.copy(clauses = before.clauses ++ clauses)
case apply: Fragment.Apply =>
val before = stitchChain(apply.input, outermost, outerUse)
val inner = stitch(apply.inner, outermost = false, Some(before.lastUse))
val innerImports = inner.query.importColumns
val scopeImports = apply.inner.importColumns
val imports = (innerImports ++ scopeImports)
clauses = before.clauses :+ ScopeClauseSubqueryCall(
isImportingAll = false,
optional = false
useAppearances = before.useAppearances ++ inner.useAppearances
stitch(fragment, outermost = true, outerUse = None)
private object Ast {
private def conditionally[T](cond: Boolean, prod: => T) =
if (cond) Some(prod) else None
private def variable(name: String, pos: InputPosition) =
def paramBindings(columns: Seq[String], pos: InputPosition): Option[With] =
includeExisting = false,
items =
for {
varName <- columns
parName = Columns.paramName(varName)
} yield AliasedReturnItem(
expression = ExplicitParameter(parName, CTAny)(pos),
variable = variable(varName, pos)
def inputDataStream(names: Seq[String], pos: InputPosition): Option[InputDataStream] =
variables = for {
name <- names
} yield variable(name, pos)
def aliasedReturn(lastClause: Clause, names: Seq[String], pos: InputPosition): Option[Return] =
lastClause match {
case _: Return => None
case _ => Some(aliasedReturn(names, pos))
def aliasedReturn(names: Seq[String], pos: InputPosition): Return =
includeExisting = false,
items =
for {
name <- names
} yield AliasedReturnItem(
expression = variable(name, pos),
variable = variable(name, pos)
def withoutGraphSelection(clauses: Seq[Clause]): Seq[Clause] =
clauses.filter {
case _: GraphSelection => false
case _ => true
def withoutGraphSelection(query: Query): Query = {
query.rewritten.bottomUp {
case sq: SingleQuery =>
SingleQuery(clauses = withoutGraphSelection(sq.clauses))(sq.position)
def chain[T <: AnyRef](rewrites: (T => T)*): T => T =
rewrites.foldLeft(identity[T] _)(_ andThen _)