org.neo4j.cypher.internal.parser.Base.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
* Neo4j Sweden AB []
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.neo4j.cypher.internal.parser
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.CypherExceptionFactory
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.InputPosition
import org.parboiled.Context
import org.parboiled.errors.InvalidInputError
import org.parboiled.errors.ParseError
import org.parboiled.scala.ANY
import org.parboiled.scala.EOI
import org.parboiled.scala.Parser
import org.parboiled.scala.ReductionRule1
import org.parboiled.scala.ReductionRule2
import org.parboiled.scala.ReportingParseRunner
import org.parboiled.scala.Rule0
import org.parboiled.scala.Rule1
import org.parboiled.scala.Rule2
import org.parboiled.scala.Rule3
import org.parboiled.scala.Rule4
import org.parboiled.scala.Rule5
import org.parboiled.scala.Rule6
import org.parboiled.scala.Rule7
import scala.language.postfixOps
trait Base extends Parser {
def OpChar = rule("an operator char") { anyOf("|^&<>=?!:+-*/%~") }
def OpCharTail = rule("an operator char") { anyOf("|^&<>=?!:*/%~") }
def DecimalInteger = rule { (optional("-") ~ UnsignedDecimalInteger).memoMismatches }
def UnsignedDecimalInteger = rule { (group(("1" - "9") ~ optional(DigitString)) | "0").memoMismatches }
def RegularDecimalReal = rule { (optional("-") ~ zeroOrMore("0" - "9") ~ "." ~ DigitString).memoMismatches }
def ExponentDecimalReal = rule { (optional("-") ~ oneOrMore("0" - "9" | ".") ~ (ch('e') | ch('E')) ~ optional("-" | "+") ~ DigitString).memoMismatches }
def DigitString = rule("'0'-'9'") { oneOrMore(IdentifierPart) ~ !IdentifierPart }
def OctalInteger = rule { (optional("-") ~ UnsignedOctalInteger).memoMismatches }
def UnsignedOctalInteger = rule { ("0" ~ OctalString).memoMismatches }
def OctalString = rule("'0'-'7'") { oneOrMore(IdentifierPart) ~ !IdentifierPart }
def HexInteger = rule { (optional("-") ~ UnsignedHexInteger).memoMismatches }
def UnsignedHexInteger = rule { (("0x" | "0X") ~ HexString).memoMismatches }
def HexString = rule("'0'-'9', 'a'-'f'") { oneOrMore(IdentifierPart) ~ !IdentifierPart }
def Dash = rule("'-'") {
// U+002D ‑ hyphen-minus
// U+00AD - soft hyphen
// U+2010 - hyphen
// U+2011 ‐ non-breaking hyphen
// U+2012 ‒ figure dash
// U+2013 – en dash
// U+2014 — em dash
// U+2015 ― horizontal bar
// U+2212 − minus sign
// U+FE58 ﹘ small em dash
// U+FE63 ﹣ small hyphen-minus
// U+FF0D - full-width hyphen-minus
anyOf(Array('\u002d', '\u00ad', '\u2010', '\u2011', '\u2012', '\u2013', '\u2014', '\u2015', '\u2212', '\ufe58', '\ufe63', '\uff0d'))
def LeftArrowHead = rule("'<'") {
// U+003c < less-than sign
// U+27e8 ⟨ mathematical left angle bracket
// U+3008 〈 left angle bracket
// U+fe64 ﹤ small less-than sign
// U+ff1c < full-width less-than sign
anyOf(Array('\u003c', '\u27e8', '\u3008', '\ufe64', '\uff1c'))
def RightArrowHead = rule("'>'") {
// U+003e > greater-than sign
// U+27e9 ⟩ mathematical left angle bracket
// U+3009 〉 right angle bracket
// U+fe65 ﹥ small greater-than sign
// U+ff1e > full-width greater-than sign
anyOf(Array('\u003e', '\u27e9', '\u3009', '\ufe65', '\uff1e'))
def CommaSep = rule("','") { WS ~ ch(',') ~ WS }
def WS = rule("whitespace") {
(oneOrMore(WSChar) memoMismatches)
| (ch('/').label("comment") ~ (
ch('*') ~ zeroOrMore(!"*/" ~ ANY) ~ "*/"
| ch('/') ~ zeroOrMore(!anyOf("\n\r") ~ ANY) ~ (optional(ch('\r')) ~ ch('\n') | EOI)
) memoMismatches)
def keyword(string: String): Rule0 = {
def word(string: String): Rule0 = group(ignoreCase(string).label(string.toUpperCase) ~ !IdentifierPart)
val strings = string.trim.split(' ')
group(strings.tail.foldLeft(word(strings.head)) {
(acc, s) => acc ~ WS ~ word(s)
def operator(string: String) = group(string ~ !OpCharTail)
def push[R](f: InputPosition => R): Rule1[R] = pushFromContext(ctx => f(ContextPosition(ctx)))
def position = withContext((_: IndexRange, ctx: Context[Any]) => ContextPosition(ctx))
def SymbolicNameString: Rule1[String] = UnescapedSymbolicNameString | EscapedSymbolicNameString
def GlobbedSymbolicNameString: Rule1[String] = GlobbedUnescapedSymbolicNameString | EscapedSymbolicNameString
def SymbolicDatabaseNameString: Rule1[String] =
SymbolicNameString ~ zeroOrMore("." ~ SymbolicNameString) ~~>> ((firstPart, tail) => _ => (firstPart +: tail).mkString("."))
def UnescapedSymbolicNameString: Rule1[String] = rule("an identifier") {
group(IdentifierStart ~ zeroOrMore(IdentifierPart)) ~> (_.toString) ~ !IdentifierPart
def GlobbedUnescapedSymbolicNameString: Rule1[String] = rule("an identifier") {
group(GlobbedIdentifierStart ~ zeroOrMore(GlobbedIdentifierPart)) ~> (_.toString) ~ !GlobbedIdentifierPart
def EscapedSymbolicNameString: Rule1[String] = rule("an identifier") {
ch('`') ~ zeroOrMore(!ch('`') ~ ANY) ~> (_.toString) ~ ch('`')
) memoMismatches) ~~> (_.reduce(_ + '`' + _))
def SymbolicNamesList: Rule1[List[String]] =
rule("a list of symbolic names") {
(oneOrMore(WS ~~ SymbolicNameString ~~ WS, separator = ",") memoMismatches).suppressSubnodes
def Namespace: Rule1[expressions.Namespace] = rule("namespace of a procedure") {
zeroOrMore(SymbolicNameString ~ ".") ~~>> (expressions.Namespace(_))
def GlobbedNamespace: Rule1[expressions.Namespace] = rule("globbed namespace of a procedure") {
zeroOrMore(GlobbedSymbolicNameString ~ ".") ~~>> (expressions.Namespace(_))
def parseOrThrow[T](input: String, cypherExceptionFactory: CypherExceptionFactory, initialOffset: Option[InputPosition], rule: Rule1[Seq[T]]): T = {
val parsingResults = ReportingParseRunner(rule).run(input)
parsingResults.result match {
case Some(statements) =>
if (statements.size == 1) {
val statement = statements.head
} else {
throw cypherExceptionFactory.syntaxException(s"Expected exactly one statement per query but got: ${statements.size}", InputPosition.NONE)
case _ =>
val parseErrors: List[ParseError] = parsingResults.parseErrors { error =>
val message = if (error.getErrorMessage != null) {
} else {
error match {
case invalidInput: InvalidInputError => new InvalidInputErrorFormatter().format(invalidInput)
case _ => error.getClass.getSimpleName
// The `initialOffset` will be added to the position by the factory
val position = BufferPosition(error.getInputBuffer, error.getStartIndex)
throw cypherExceptionFactory.syntaxException(message, position)
throw new IllegalStateException("Parsing failed but no parse errors were provided")
def captureString[A](r: Rule1[A]): Rule1[(A, String)] =
r ~~> withContext { (a: A, ctx) =>
a -> ctx.getInputBuffer.extract(ctx.getMatchRange.start, ctx.getMatchRange.end)
implicit class RichRule0(r: Rule0) {
def ~~(other: Rule0): Rule0 = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A](other: Rule1[A]): Rule1[A] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B](other: Rule2[A, B]): Rule2[A, B] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B, C](other: Rule3[A, B, C]): Rule3[A, B, C] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B, C, D](other: Rule4[A, B, C, D]): Rule4[A, B, C, D] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B, C, D, E](other: Rule5[A, B, C, D, E]): Rule5[A, B, C, D, E] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B, C, D, E, F](other: Rule6[A, B, C, D, E, F]): Rule6[A, B, C, D, E, F] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B, C, D, E, F, G](other: Rule7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G]): Rule7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B](other: ReductionRule1[A, B]): ReductionRule1[A, B] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B, C](other: ReductionRule2[A, B, C]): ReductionRule2[A, B, C] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~>>>[R](f: String => InputPosition => R): Rule1[R] = r ~> withContext((s: String, ctx) => f(s)(ContextPosition(ctx)))
def ~~>>[Z, R](f: Z => InputPosition => R): ReductionRule1[Z, R] =
r ~~> withContext((z: Z, ctx) => f(z)(ContextPosition(ctx)))
def ~~>>[Y, Z, R](f: (Y, Z) => InputPosition => R): ReductionRule2[Y, Z, R] =
r ~~> withContext((y: Y, z: Z, ctx) => f(y, z)(ContextPosition(ctx)))
def ~~~>[R](f: InputPosition => R): Rule1[R] = r ~> withContext((_, ctx) => f(ContextPosition(ctx)))
implicit class RichString(s: String) {
def ~~(other: Rule0): Rule0 = s ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A](other: String): Rule0 = s ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A](other: Rule1[A]): Rule1[A] = s ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B](other: Rule2[A, B]): Rule2[A, B] = s ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B, C](other: Rule3[A, B, C]): Rule3[A, B, C] = s ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B, C, D](other: Rule4[A, B, C, D]): Rule4[A, B, C, D] = s ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B, C, D, E](other: Rule5[A, B, C, D, E]): Rule5[A, B, C, D, E] = s ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B, C, D, E, F](other: Rule6[A, B, C, D, E, F]): Rule6[A, B, C, D, E, F] = s ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B, C, D, E, F, G](other: Rule7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G]): Rule7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G] = s ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B](other: ReductionRule1[A, B]): ReductionRule1[A, B] = s ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[A, B, C](other: ReductionRule2[A, B, C]): ReductionRule2[A, B, C] = s ~ WS ~ other
implicit class RichRule1[+A](r: Rule1[A]) {
def ~~(other: Rule0): Rule1[A] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[B](other: Rule1[B]): Rule2[A, B] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[B, C](other: Rule2[B, C]): Rule3[A, B, C] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[B, C, D](other: Rule3[B, C, D]): Rule4[A, B, C, D] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[B, C, D, E](other: Rule4[B, C, D, E]): Rule5[A, B, C, D, E] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[B, C, D, E, F](other: Rule5[B, C, D, E, F]): Rule6[A, B, C, D, E, F] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[B, C, D, E, F, G](other: Rule6[B, C, D, E, F, G]): Rule7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[B](other: ReductionRule1[A, B]): Rule1[B] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~>>[R](f: A => InputPosition => R): Rule1[R] =
r ~~> withContext((a: A, ctx) => f(a)(ContextPosition(ctx)))
def ~~>>[Z, R](f: (Z, A) => InputPosition => R): ReductionRule1[Z, R] =
r ~~> withContext((z: Z, a: A, ctx) => f(z, a)(ContextPosition(ctx)))
def ~~>>[Y, Z, R](f: (Y, Z, A) => InputPosition => R): ReductionRule2[Y, Z, R] =
r ~~> withContext((y: Y, z: Z, a: A, ctx) => f(y, z, a)(ContextPosition(ctx)))
implicit class RichRule2[+A, +B](r: Rule2[A, B]) {
def ~~(other: Rule0): Rule2[A, B] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[C](other: Rule1[C]): Rule3[A, B, C] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[C, D](other: Rule2[C, D]): Rule4[A, B, C, D] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[C, D, E](other: Rule3[C, D, E]): Rule5[A, B, C, D, E] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[C, D, E, F](other: Rule4[C, D, E, F]): Rule6[A, B, C, D, E, F] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[C, D, E, F, G](other: Rule5[C, D, E, F, G]): Rule7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[BB >: B, C](other: ReductionRule1[BB, C]): Rule2[A, C] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[AA >: A, BB >: B, C](other: ReductionRule2[AA, BB, C]): Rule1[C] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~>>[R](f: (A, B) => InputPosition => R): Rule1[R] =
r ~~> withContext((a: A, b: B, ctx) => f(a, b)(ContextPosition(ctx)))
def ~~>>[Z, R](f: (Z, A, B) => InputPosition => R): ReductionRule1[Z, R] =
r ~~> withContext((z: Z, a: A, b: B, ctx) => f(z, a, b)(ContextPosition(ctx)))
def ~~>>[Y, Z, R](f: (Y, Z, A, B) => InputPosition => R): ReductionRule2[Y, Z, R] =
r ~~> withContext((y: Y, z: Z, a: A, b: B, ctx) => f(y, z, a, b)(ContextPosition(ctx)))
implicit class RichRule3[+A, +B, +C](r: Rule3[A, B, C]) {
def ~~(other: Rule0): Rule3[A, B, C] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[D](other: Rule1[D]): Rule4[A, B, C, D] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[D, E](other: Rule2[D, E]): Rule5[A, B, C, D, E] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[D, E, F](other: Rule3[D, E, F]): Rule6[A, B, C, D, E, F] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[D, E, F, G](other: Rule4[D, E, F, G]): Rule7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~>>[R](f: (A, B, C) => InputPosition => R): Rule1[R] =
r ~~> withContext((a: A, b: B, c: C, ctx) => f(a, b, c)(ContextPosition(ctx)))
implicit class RichRule4[+A, +B, +C, +D](r: Rule4[A, B, C, D]) {
def ~~(other: Rule0): Rule4[A, B, C, D] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[E](other: Rule1[E]): Rule5[A, B, C, D, E] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[E, F](other: Rule2[E, F]): Rule6[A, B, C, D, E, F] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[E, F, G](other: Rule3[E, F, G]): Rule7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~>>[R](f: (A, B, C, D) => InputPosition => R): Rule1[R] =
r ~~> withContext((a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, ctx) => f(a, b, c, d)(ContextPosition(ctx)))
implicit class RichRule5[+A, +B, +C, +D, +E](r: Rule5[A, B, C, D, E]) {
def ~~(other: Rule0): Rule5[A, B, C, D, E] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[F](other: Rule1[F]): Rule6[A, B, C, D, E, F] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[F, G](other: Rule2[F, G]): Rule7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~>>[R](f: (A, B, C, D, E) => InputPosition => R): Rule1[R] =
r ~~> withContext((a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, ctx) => f(a, b, c, d, e)(ContextPosition(ctx)))
implicit class RichRule6[+A, +B, +C, +D, +E, +F](r: Rule6[A, B, C, D, E, F]) {
def ~~(other: Rule0): Rule6[A, B, C, D, E, F] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~[G](other: Rule1[G]): Rule7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~>>[R](func: (A, B, C, D, E, F) => InputPosition => R): Rule1[R] =
r ~~> withContext((a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, ctx) => func(a, b, c, d, e, f)(ContextPosition(ctx)))
implicit class RichRule7[+A, +B, +C, +D, +E, +F, +G](r: Rule7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G]) {
def ~~(other: Rule0): Rule7[A, B, C, D, E, F, G] = r ~ WS ~ other
def ~~>>[R](func: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) => InputPosition => R): Rule1[R] =
r ~~> withContext((a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g:G, ctx) => func(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)(ContextPosition(ctx)))
implicit class RichReductionRule1[-A, +B](r: ReductionRule1[A, B]) {
def ~~(other: Rule0): ReductionRule1[A, B] = r ~ WS ~ other
implicit class RichReductionRule2[-A, -B, +C](r: ReductionRule2[A, B, C]) {
def ~~(other: Rule0): ReductionRule2[A, B, C] = r ~ WS ~ other
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