org.neo4j.cypher.internal.parser.ShowCommand.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
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package org.neo4j.cypher.internal.parser
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.Parameter
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.InputPosition
import org.parboiled.scala.Parser
import org.parboiled.scala.Rule1
trait ShowCommand extends Parser
with Base
with GraphSelection
with CommandHelper {
def ShowSchemaCommand: Rule1[ast.Query] = rule(ShowIndexes | ShowConstraints | ShowProcedures | ShowFunctions | ShowTransactions | TerminateTransactions)
private def briefVerboseOutput: Rule1[Boolean] = rule("type of show output") {
keyword("VERBOSE") ~~ optional(keyword("OUTPUT")) ~~~> (_ => true) |
keyword("BRIEF") ~~ optional(keyword("OUTPUT")) ~~~> (_ => false)
private def ExecutableByClause: Rule1[ast.ExecutableBy] = rule("EXECUTABLE BY") {
keyword("EXECUTABLE BY CURRENT USER") ~~~> (_ => ast.CurrentUser) |
keyword("EXECUTABLE BY") ~~ SymbolicNameString ~~>> (name => _ => ast.User(name)) |
keyword("EXECUTABLE") ~~~> (_ => ast.CurrentUser)
private def ShowIndexes: Rule1[ast.Query] = rule("SHOW INDEXES") {
UseGraph ~~ ShowIndexesClauses ~~>> ((use, show) => pos => ast.Query(None, ast.SingleQuery(use +: show)(pos))(pos)) |
ShowIndexesClauses ~~>> (show => pos => ast.Query(None, ast.SingleQuery(show)(pos))(pos))
private def ShowIndexesClauses: Rule1[Seq[ast.Clause]] = rule("SHOW INDEXES YIELD / WHERE / RETURN") {
keyword("SHOW") ~~ OldIndexType ~~ IndexKeyword ~~ briefVerboseOutput ~~>>
((indexType, verbose) => pos => Seq(ast.ShowIndexesClause(indexType, !verbose, verbose, None, hasYield = false)(pos))) |
keyword("SHOW") ~~ IndexType ~~ IndexKeyword ~~ ShowCommandClauses ~~>>
((indexType, clauses) => pos => clauses match {
case Right(where) => Seq(ast.ShowIndexesClause(indexType, brief = false, verbose = false, Some(where), hasYield = false)(pos))
case Left((y, Some(r))) => Seq(ast.ShowIndexesClause(indexType, brief = false, verbose = false, None, hasYield = true)(pos), y, r)
case Left((y, None)) => Seq(ast.ShowIndexesClause(indexType, brief = false, verbose = false, None, hasYield = true)(pos), y)
}) |
keyword("SHOW") ~~ IndexType ~~ IndexKeyword ~~>>
(indexType => pos => Seq(ast.ShowIndexesClause(indexType, brief = false, verbose = false, None, hasYield = false)(pos)))
private def OldIndexType: Rule1[ast.ShowIndexType] = rule("type of indexes") {
keyword("BTREE") ~~~> (_ => ast.BtreeIndexes) |
optional(keyword("ALL")) ~~~> (_ => ast.AllIndexes)
private def IndexType: Rule1[ast.ShowIndexType] = rule("type of indexes") {
keyword("BTREE") ~~~> (_ => ast.BtreeIndexes) |
keyword("RANGE") ~~~> (_ => ast.RangeIndexes) |
keyword("FULLTEXT") ~~~> (_ => ast.FulltextIndexes) |
keyword("TEXT") ~~~> (_ => ast.TextIndexes) |
keyword("POINT") ~~~> (_ => ast.PointIndexes) |
keyword("LOOKUP") ~~~> (_ => ast.LookupIndexes) |
optional(keyword("ALL")) ~~~> (_ => ast.AllIndexes)
private def ShowConstraints: Rule1[ast.Query] = rule("SHOW CONSTRAINTS") {
UseGraph ~~ ShowConstraintsClauses ~~>> ((use, show) => pos => ast.Query(None, ast.SingleQuery(use +: show)(pos))(pos)) |
ShowConstraintsClauses ~~>> (show => pos => ast.Query(None, ast.SingleQuery(show)(pos))(pos))
private def ShowConstraintsClauses: Rule1[Seq[ast.Clause]] = rule("SHOW CONSTRAINTS YIELD / WHERE / RETURN") {
keyword("SHOW") ~~ OldConstraintType ~~ ConstraintKeyword ~~ briefVerboseOutput ~~>>
((constraintType, verbose) => pos => Seq(ast.ShowConstraintsClause(constraintType, !verbose, verbose, None, hasYield = false)(pos))) |
keyword("SHOW") ~~ NewConstraintType ~~ ConstraintKeyword ~~ ShowCommandClauses ~~>>
((constraintType, clauses) => pos => clauses match {
case Right(where) => Seq(ast.ShowConstraintsClause(constraintType, brief = false, verbose = false, Some(where), hasYield = false)(pos))
case Left((y, Some(r))) => Seq(ast.ShowConstraintsClause(constraintType, brief = false, verbose = false, None, hasYield = true)(pos), y, r)
case Left((y, None)) => Seq(ast.ShowConstraintsClause(constraintType, brief = false, verbose = false, None, hasYield = true)(pos), y)
}) |
keyword("SHOW") ~~ MixedConstraintType ~~ ConstraintKeyword ~~>>
(constraintType => pos => Seq(ast.ShowConstraintsClause(constraintType, brief = false, verbose = false, None, hasYield = false)(pos)))
private def OldConstraintType: Rule1[ast.ShowConstraintType] = rule("old type of constraints") {
keyword("UNIQUE") ~~~> (_ => ast.UniqueConstraints) |
keyword("NODE KEY") ~~~> (_ => ast.NodeKeyConstraints) |
keyword("NODE") ~~ OldExistencePart ~~> (ecs => ast.NodeExistsConstraints(ecs)) |
keyword("RELATIONSHIP") ~~ OldExistencePart ~~> (ecs => ast.RelExistsConstraints(ecs)) |
OldExistencePart ~~> (ecs => ast.ExistsConstraints(ecs)) |
optional(keyword("ALL")) ~~~> (_ => ast.AllConstraints)
private def MixedConstraintType: Rule1[ast.ShowConstraintType] = rule("type of constraints") {
keyword("UNIQUE") ~~~> (_ => ast.UniqueConstraints) |
keyword("NODE KEY") ~~~> (_ => ast.NodeKeyConstraints) |
keyword("NODE") ~~ MixedExistencePart ~~> (ecs => ast.NodeExistsConstraints(ecs)) |
keyword("RELATIONSHIP") ~~ MixedExistencePart ~~> (ecs => ast.RelExistsConstraints(ecs)) |
keyword("REL") ~~ NewExistencePart ~~> (_ => ast.RelExistsConstraints(ast.NewSyntax)) |
MixedExistencePart ~~> (ecs => ast.ExistsConstraints(ecs)) |
optional(keyword("ALL")) ~~~> (_ => ast.AllConstraints)
private def NewConstraintType: Rule1[ast.ShowConstraintType] = rule("type of constraints") {
keyword("UNIQUE") ~~~> (_ => ast.UniqueConstraints) |
keyword("NODE KEY") ~~~> (_ => ast.NodeKeyConstraints) |
keyword("NODE") ~~ NewExistencePart ~~> (ecs => ast.NodeExistsConstraints(ecs)) |
keyword("RELATIONSHIP") ~~ NewExistencePart ~~> (ecs => ast.RelExistsConstraints(ecs)) |
keyword("REL") ~~ NewExistencePart ~~> (_ => ast.RelExistsConstraints(ast.NewSyntax)) |
NewExistencePart ~~> (ecs => ast.ExistsConstraints(ecs)) |
optional(keyword("ALL")) ~~~> (_ => ast.AllConstraints)
private def OldExistencePart: Rule1[ast.ExistenceConstraintSyntax] = rule {
keyword("EXISTS") ~~~> (_ => ast.DeprecatedSyntax) |
keyword("EXIST") ~~~> (_ => ast.OldValidSyntax)
private def MixedExistencePart: Rule1[ast.ExistenceConstraintSyntax] = rule {
keyword("PROPERTY EXISTENCE") ~~~> (_ => ast.NewSyntax) |
keyword("PROPERTY EXIST") ~~~> (_ => ast.NewSyntax) |
keyword("EXISTENCE") ~~~> (_ => ast.NewSyntax) |
keyword("EXISTS") ~~~> (_ => ast.DeprecatedSyntax) |
keyword("EXIST") ~~~> (_ => ast.OldValidSyntax)
private def NewExistencePart: Rule1[ast.ExistenceConstraintSyntax] = rule {
keyword("PROPERTY EXISTENCE") ~~~> (_ => ast.NewSyntax) |
keyword("PROPERTY EXIST") ~~~> (_ => ast.NewSyntax) |
keyword("EXISTENCE") ~~~> (_ => ast.NewSyntax) |
keyword("EXIST") ~~~> (_ => ast.OldValidSyntax)
private def ShowProcedures: Rule1[ast.Query] = rule("SHOW PROCEDURES") {
UseGraph ~~ ShowProceduresClauses ~~>> ((use, show) => pos => ast.Query(None, ast.SingleQuery(use +: show)(pos))(pos)) |
ShowProceduresClauses ~~>> (show => pos => ast.Query(None, ast.SingleQuery(show)(pos))(pos))
private def ShowProceduresClauses: Rule1[Seq[ast.Clause]] = rule("SHOW PROCEDURES YIELD / WHERE / RETURN") {
val showProceduresClausesStart = keyword("SHOW") ~~ ProcedureKeyword
showProceduresClausesStart ~~ ExecutableByClause ~~ ShowCommandClauses ~~>> ((executable, clauses) => pos => showProcClauses(Some(executable), clauses, pos)) |
showProceduresClausesStart ~~ ExecutableByClause ~~>> (executable => pos => Seq(ast.ShowProceduresClause(Some(executable), None, hasYield = false)(pos))) |
showProceduresClausesStart ~~ ShowCommandClauses ~~>> (clauses => pos => showProcClauses(None, clauses, pos)) |
showProceduresClausesStart ~~~> (pos => Seq(ast.ShowProceduresClause(None, None, hasYield = false)(pos)))
private def showProcClauses(executableBy: Option[ast.ExecutableBy], clauses: Either[(ast.Yield, Option[ast.Return]), ast.Where], pos: InputPosition): Seq[ast.Clause] = clauses match {
case Right(where) => Seq(ast.ShowProceduresClause(executableBy, Some(where), hasYield = false)(pos))
case Left((y, Some(r))) => Seq(ast.ShowProceduresClause(executableBy, None, hasYield = true)(pos), y, r)
case Left((y, None)) => Seq(ast.ShowProceduresClause(executableBy, None, hasYield = true)(pos), y)
private def ShowFunctions: Rule1[ast.Query] = rule("SHOW FUNCTIONS") {
UseGraph ~~ ShowFunctionsClauses ~~>> ((use, show) => pos => ast.Query(None, ast.SingleQuery(use +: show)(pos))(pos)) |
ShowFunctionsClauses ~~>> (show => pos => ast.Query(None, ast.SingleQuery(show)(pos))(pos))
private def ShowFunctionsClauses: Rule1[Seq[ast.Clause]] = rule("SHOW FUNCTIONS YIELD / WHERE / RETURN") {
val showFunctionClausesStart = keyword("SHOW") ~~ FunctionType ~~ FunctionKeyword
showFunctionClausesStart ~~ ExecutableByClause ~~ ShowCommandClauses ~~>>
((functionType, executable, clauses) => pos => showFuncClauses(functionType, Some(executable), clauses, pos)) |
showFunctionClausesStart ~~ ExecutableByClause ~~>>
((functionType, executable) => pos => Seq(ast.ShowFunctionsClause(functionType, Some(executable), None, hasYield = false)(pos))) |
showFunctionClausesStart ~~ ShowCommandClauses ~~>>
((functionType, clauses) => pos => showFuncClauses(functionType, None, clauses, pos)) |
showFunctionClausesStart ~~>>
(functionType => pos => Seq(ast.ShowFunctionsClause(functionType, None, None, hasYield = false)(pos)))
private def FunctionType: Rule1[ast.ShowFunctionType] = rule("type of functions") {
keyword("BUILT IN") ~~~> (_ => ast.BuiltInFunctions) |
keyword("USER DEFINED") ~~~> (_ => ast.UserDefinedFunctions) |
optional(keyword("ALL")) ~~~> (_ => ast.AllFunctions)
private def showFuncClauses(functionType: ast.ShowFunctionType,
executableBy: Option[ast.ExecutableBy],
clauses: Either[(ast.Yield, Option[ast.Return]), ast.Where],
pos: InputPosition): Seq[ast.Clause] = clauses match {
case Right(where) => Seq(ast.ShowFunctionsClause(functionType, executableBy, Some(where), hasYield = false)(pos))
case Left((y, Some(r))) => Seq(ast.ShowFunctionsClause(functionType, executableBy, None, hasYield = true)(pos), y, r)
case Left((y, None)) => Seq(ast.ShowFunctionsClause(functionType, executableBy, None, hasYield = true)(pos), y)
// Transaction commands
private def TransactionIdStringList: Rule1[List[String]] = rule("a list of string transaction ids") {
//noinspection LanguageFeature
(oneOrMore(WS ~~ StringLiteral ~~ WS, separator = ",") memoMismatches).suppressSubnodes ~~>>(strings => _ =>
private def TransactionIds: Rule1[Either[List[String], Parameter]] = rule("transaction ids, either a parameter or a list of strings") {
TransactionIdStringList ~~> (ids => Left(ids)) |
Parameter ~~> (p => Right(p))
private def ShowTransactions: Rule1[ast.Query] = rule("SHOW TRANSACTIONS") {
UseGraph ~~ ShowTransactionsClauses ~~>> ((use, show) => pos => ast.Query(None, ast.SingleQuery(use +: show)(pos))(pos)) |
ShowTransactionsClauses ~~>> (show => pos => ast.Query(None, ast.SingleQuery(show)(pos))(pos))
private def ShowTransactionsClauses: Rule1[Seq[ast.Clause]] = rule("SHOW TRANSACTIONS YIELD / WHERE / RETURN") {
val showTransactionsClausesStart = keyword("SHOW") ~~ TransactionKeyword
group(showTransactionsClausesStart ~~ TransactionIds ~~ ShowCommandClauses) ~~>>
((ids, clauses) => pos => showTransactionClauses(ids, clauses, pos)) |
group(showTransactionsClausesStart ~~ ShowCommandClauses) ~~>>
(clauses => pos => showTransactionClauses(Left(List.empty), clauses, pos)) |
group(showTransactionsClausesStart ~~ TransactionIds) ~~>>
(ids => pos => Seq(ast.ShowTransactionsClause(ids, None, hasYield = false)(pos))) |
showTransactionsClausesStart ~~~>
(pos => Seq(ast.ShowTransactionsClause(Left(List.empty), None, hasYield = false)(pos)))
private def showTransactionClauses(ids: Either[List[String], Parameter],
clauses: Either[(ast.Yield, Option[ast.Return]), ast.Where],
pos: InputPosition): Seq[ast.Clause] = clauses match {
case Right(where) => Seq(ast.ShowTransactionsClause(ids, Some(where), hasYield = false)(pos))
case Left((y, Some(r))) => Seq(ast.ShowTransactionsClause(ids, None, hasYield = true)(pos), y, r)
case Left((y, None)) => Seq(ast.ShowTransactionsClause(ids, None, hasYield = true)(pos), y)
private def TerminateTransactions: Rule1[ast.Query] = rule("TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS") {
UseGraph ~~ TerminateTransactionsClauses ~~>> ((use, show) => pos => ast.Query(None, ast.SingleQuery(use +: show)(pos))(pos)) |
TerminateTransactionsClauses ~~>> (show => pos => ast.Query(None, ast.SingleQuery(show)(pos))(pos))
private def TerminateTransactionsClauses: Rule1[Seq[ast.Clause]] = rule("TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS") {
val terminateTransactionsClausesStart = keyword("TERMINATE") ~~ TransactionKeyword
terminateTransactionsClausesStart ~~ TransactionIds ~~>>
(ids => pos => Seq(ast.TerminateTransactionsClause(ids)(pos))) |
terminateTransactionsClausesStart ~~~>
(pos => Seq(ast.TerminateTransactionsClause(Left(List.empty))(pos)))
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