org.neo4j.values.storable.PointValue Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
* Neo4j Sweden AB []
* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package org.neo4j.values.storable;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static org.neo4j.memory.HeapEstimator.shallowSizeOfInstance;
import static org.neo4j.memory.HeapEstimator.sizeOf;
import static org.neo4j.values.utils.ValueMath.HASH_CONSTANT;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.neo4j.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException;
import org.neo4j.exceptions.InvalidSpatialArgumentException;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.spatial.CRS;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.spatial.Coordinate;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.spatial.Point;
import org.neo4j.hashing.HashFunction;
import org.neo4j.values.Comparison;
import org.neo4j.values.Equality;
import org.neo4j.values.ValueMapper;
import org.neo4j.values.utils.PrettyPrinter;
import org.neo4j.values.virtual.MapValue;
public class PointValue extends HashMemoizingScalarValue implements Point, Comparable {
private static final long SHALLOW_SIZE = shallowSizeOfInstance(PointValue.class);
static final long SIZE_2D = SHALLOW_SIZE + sizeOf(new double[2]);
static final long SIZE_3D = SHALLOW_SIZE + sizeOf(new double[3]);
static final PointValue MIN_VALUE_WGS_84 = new PointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem.WGS_84, -180, -90);
static final PointValue MAX_VALUE_WGS_84 = new PointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem.WGS_84, 180, 90);
static final PointValue MIN_VALUE_WGS_84_3D =
new PointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem.WGS_84_3D, -180, -90, -Double.MAX_VALUE);
static final PointValue MAX_VALUE_WGS_84_3D =
new PointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem.WGS_84_3D, 180, 90, Double.MAX_VALUE);
static final PointValue MIN_VALUE_CARTESIAN =
new PointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem.CARTESIAN, -Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE);
static final PointValue MAX_VALUE_CARTESIAN =
new PointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem.CARTESIAN, Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE);
static final PointValue MIN_VALUE_CARTESIAN_3D = new PointValue(
CoordinateReferenceSystem.CARTESIAN_3D, -Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE);
static final PointValue MAX_VALUE_CARTESIAN_3D = new PointValue(
CoordinateReferenceSystem.CARTESIAN_3D, Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE);
public static PointValue minPointValueOf(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
return switch (crs) {
case WGS_84 -> MIN_VALUE_WGS_84;
case WGS_84_3D -> MIN_VALUE_WGS_84_3D;
public static PointValue maxPointValueOf(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
return switch (crs) {
case WGS_84 -> MAX_VALUE_WGS_84;
case WGS_84_3D -> MAX_VALUE_WGS_84_3D;
public static final PointValue MIN_VALUE =
public static final PointValue MAX_VALUE =
private final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs;
private final double[] coordinate;
PointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, double... coordinate) { = crs;
this.coordinate = coordinate;
for (double c : coordinate) {
if (!Double.isFinite(c)) {
throw InvalidSpatialArgumentException.infiniteCoordinateValue(coordinate);
if (coordinate.length != crs.getDimension()) {
throw InvalidSpatialArgumentException.invalidDimension(crs.toString(), crs.getDimension(), coordinate);
if (crs.isGeographic() && (coordinate.length == 2 || coordinate.length == 3)) {
// anything with less or more coordinates gets a pass as it is and needs to be stopped from other places
// like bolt does
// (@see org.neo4j.bolt.v2.messaging.Neo4jPackV2Test#shouldFailToPackPointWithIllegalDimensions )
if (coordinate[1] > 90 || coordinate[1] < -90) {
throw InvalidSpatialArgumentException.invalidGeographicCoordinates(coordinate);
double x = coordinate[0];
// Valid range for X is [-180,180]
while (x > 180) {
x = x - 360;
while (x < -180) {
x = x + 360;
this.coordinate[0] = x;
public void writeTo(ValueWriter writer) throws E {
writer.writePoint(getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), coordinate);
public String prettyPrint() {
PrettyPrinter prettyPrinter = new PrettyPrinter();
return prettyPrinter.value();
public ValueRepresentation valueRepresentation() {
return ValueRepresentation.GEOMETRY;
public NumberType numberType() {
return NumberType.NO_NUMBER;
public boolean equals(Value other) {
if (other instanceof PointValue pv) {
return Arrays.equals(this.coordinate, pv.coordinate)
&& this.getCoordinateReferenceSystem().equals(pv.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
return false;
public boolean equals(Point other) {
if (!other.getCRS().getHref().equals(this.getCRS().getHref())) {
return false;
double[] otherCoordinates = other.getCoordinate().getCoordinate();
return Arrays.equals(coordinate, otherCoordinates);
public boolean equalTo(Object other) {
return other != null
&& ((other instanceof Value && equals((Value) other))
|| (other instanceof Point && equals((Point) other)));
public int compareTo(PointValue other) {
int cmpCRS =,;
if (cmpCRS != 0) {
return cmpCRS;
// TODO: This is unnecessary and can be an assert. Is it even correct? This implies e.g. that all 2D points are
// before all 3D regardless of x and y
if (this.coordinate.length > other.coordinate.length) {
return 1;
} else if (this.coordinate.length < other.coordinate.length) {
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < coordinate.length; i++) {
int cmpVal =[i], other.coordinate[i]);
if (cmpVal != 0) {
return cmpVal;
return 0;
protected int unsafeCompareTo(Value otherValue) {
return compareTo((PointValue) otherValue);
public Comparison unsafeTernaryCompareTo(Value otherValue) {
if (ternaryEquals(otherValue) == Equality.TRUE) {
return Comparison.EQUAL;
} else {
return Comparison.UNDEFINED;
public boolean isIncomparableType() {
return true;
public Point asObjectCopy() {
return this;
public CoordinateReferenceSystem getCoordinateReferenceSystem() {
return crs;
* Consumers must not modify the returned array.
public double[] coordinate() {
return this.coordinate;
protected int computeHashToMemoize() {
int result = 1;
result = HASH_CONSTANT * result + NumberValues.hash(crs.getCode());
result = HASH_CONSTANT * result + NumberValues.hash(coordinate);
return result;
public long updateHash(HashFunction hashFunction, long hash) {
hash = hashFunction.update(hash, crs.getCode());
for (double v : coordinate) {
hash = hashFunction.update(hash, Double.doubleToLongBits(v));
return hash;
public T map(ValueMapper mapper) {
return mapper.mapPoint(this);
public String toString() {
String coordString = coordinate.length == 2
? format("x: %s, y: %s", coordinate[0], coordinate[1])
: format("x: %s, y: %s, z: %s", coordinate[0], coordinate[1], coordinate[2]);
return format(
"point({%s, crs: '%s'})",
coordString, getCoordinateReferenceSystem().getName()); // TODO: Use getTypeName -> Breaking change
public String getTypeName() {
return "Point";
public List getCoordinates() {
return singletonList(new Coordinate(coordinate));
public CRS getCRS() {
return crs;
public long estimatedHeapUsage() {
if (coordinate.length == 2) {
return SIZE_2D;
} else {
return SIZE_3D;
public static PointValue fromMap(MapValue map) {
PointBuilder fields = new PointBuilder();
map.foreach((key, value) -> fields.assign(key.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), value));
return fromInputFields(fields);
public static PointValue parse(CharSequence text) {
return PointValue.parse(text, null);
* Parses the given text into a PointValue. The information stated in the header is saved into the PointValue
* unless it is overridden by the information in the text
* @param text the input text to be parsed into a PointValue
* @param fieldsFromHeader must be a value obtained from {@link #parseHeaderInformation(CharSequence)} or null
* @return a PointValue instance with information from the {@param fieldsFromHeader} and {@param text}
public static PointValue parse(CharSequence text, CSVHeaderInformation fieldsFromHeader) {
PointBuilder fieldsFromData = parseHeaderInformation(text);
if (fieldsFromHeader != null) {
// Merge InputFields: Data fields override header fields
if (!(fieldsFromHeader instanceof PointBuilder)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong header information type: " + fieldsFromHeader);
fieldsFromData.mergeWithHeader((PointBuilder) fieldsFromHeader);
return fromInputFields(fieldsFromData);
public static PointBuilder parseHeaderInformation(CharSequence text) {
return parseHeaderInformation(Value.parseStringMap(text));
public static PointBuilder parseHeaderInformation(Map options) {
PointBuilder fields = new PointBuilder();
return fields;
private static CoordinateReferenceSystem findSpecifiedCRS(PointBuilder fields) {
String crsValue =;
int sridValue = fields.srid;
if (crsValue != null && sridValue != -1) {
throw InvalidArgumentException.invalidSpatialValueCombination();
} else if (crsValue != null) {
return CoordinateReferenceSystem.byName(crsValue);
} else if (sridValue != -1) {
return CoordinateReferenceSystem.get(sridValue);
} else {
return null;
* This contains the logic to decide the default coordinate reference system based on the input fields
private static PointValue fromInputFields(PointBuilder fields) {
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = findSpecifiedCRS(fields);
double[] coordinates;
if (fields.x != null && fields.y != null) {
coordinates =
fields.z != null ? new double[] {fields.x, fields.y, fields.z} : new double[] {fields.x, fields.y};
if (crs == null) {
crs = coordinates.length == 3
? CoordinateReferenceSystem.CARTESIAN_3D
: CoordinateReferenceSystem.CARTESIAN;
} else if (fields.latitude != null && fields.longitude != null) {
if (fields.z != null) {
coordinates = new double[] {fields.longitude, fields.latitude, fields.z};
} else if (fields.height != null) {
coordinates = new double[] {fields.longitude, fields.latitude, fields.height};
} else {
coordinates = new double[] {fields.longitude, fields.latitude};
if (crs == null) {
crs = coordinates.length == 3 ? CoordinateReferenceSystem.WGS_84_3D : CoordinateReferenceSystem.WGS_84;
if (!crs.isGeographic()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(String.format(
"Geographic points does not support coordinate reference system: %s."
+ "This is set either in the csv header or the actual data column",
} else {
if (crs == null) {
throw InvalidArgumentException.invalidCoordinateNames();
var mandatoryKeys =
switch (crs) {
case CARTESIAN -> "'x' and 'y'";
case CARTESIAN_3D -> "'x', 'y' and 'z'";
case WGS_84 -> "'latitude' and 'longitude'";
case WGS_84_3D -> "'latitude', 'longitude' and 'height'";
var mandatoryKeysList =
switch (crs) {
case CARTESIAN -> List.of("x", "y");
case CARTESIAN_3D -> List.of("x", "y", "z");
case WGS_84 -> List.of("latitude", "longitude");
case WGS_84_3D -> List.of("latitude", "longitude", "height");
throw InvalidArgumentException.incompleteSpatialValue(
String.valueOf(crs), mandatoryKeys, mandatoryKeysList);
if (crs.getDimension() != coordinates.length) {
throw InvalidArgumentException.pointWithWrongDimensions(crs.getDimension(), coordinates.length);
return Values.pointValue(crs, coordinates);
* For accessors from cypher.
public Value get(String fieldName) {
return PointFields.fromName(fieldName).get(this);
DoubleValue getNthCoordinate(int n, String fieldName, boolean onlyGeographic) {
if (onlyGeographic && !this.getCoordinateReferenceSystem().isGeographic()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Field: " + fieldName + " is not available on cartesian point: " + this);
} else if (n >= this.coordinate().length) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Field: " + fieldName + " is not available on point: " + this);
} else {
return Values.doubleValue(coordinate[n]);
private static class PointBuilder implements CSVHeaderInformation {
private String crs;
private Double x;
private Double y;
private Double z;
private Double longitude;
private Double latitude;
private Double height;
private int srid = -1;
public void assign(String key, Object value) {
switch (key.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) {
case "crs" -> {
checkUnassigned(crs, key);
key, value, str -> crs = QUOTES_PATTERN.matcher(str).replaceAll(""));
case "x" -> {
checkUnassigned(x, key);
assignFloatingPoint(key, value, i -> x = i);
case "y" -> {
checkUnassigned(y, key);
assignFloatingPoint(key, value, i -> y = i);
case "z" -> {
checkUnassigned(z, key);
assignFloatingPoint(key, value, i -> z = i);
case "longitude" -> {
checkUnassigned(longitude, key);
assignFloatingPoint(key, value, i -> longitude = i);
case "latitude" -> {
checkUnassigned(latitude, key);
assignFloatingPoint(key, value, i -> latitude = i);
case "height" -> {
checkUnassigned(height, key);
assignFloatingPoint(key, value, i -> height = i);
case "srid" -> {
if (srid != -1) {
throw InvalidArgumentException.duplicateFieldNotAllowed(key);
assignIntegral(key, value, i -> srid = i);
default -> {}
void mergeWithHeader(PointBuilder header) { = == null ? :;
this.x = this.x == null ? header.x : this.x;
this.y = this.y == null ? header.y : this.y;
this.z = this.z == null ? header.z : this.z;
this.longitude = this.longitude == null ? header.longitude : this.longitude;
this.latitude = this.latitude == null ? header.latitude : this.latitude;
this.height = this.height == null ? header.height : this.height;
this.srid = this.srid == -1 ? header.srid : this.srid;
private static void assignTextValue(String key, Object value, Consumer assigner) {
if (value instanceof String) {
assigner.accept((String) value);
} else if (value instanceof TextValue) {
assigner.accept(((TextValue) value).stringValue());
} else {
String prettyVal = value instanceof Value v ? v.prettyPrint() : String.valueOf(value);
throw InvalidArgumentException.cannotAssignPointField(
String.valueOf(value), prettyVal, key, List.of("STRING"));
private static void assignFloatingPoint(String key, Object value, Consumer assigner) {
if (value instanceof String) {
assigner.accept(assertConvertible(() -> Double.parseDouble((String) value)));
} else if (value instanceof IntegralValue) {
assigner.accept(((IntegralValue) value).doubleValue());
} else if (value instanceof FloatingPointValue) {
assigner.accept(((FloatingPointValue) value).doubleValue());
} else {
String prettyVal = value instanceof Value v ? v.prettyPrint() : String.valueOf(value);
throw InvalidArgumentException.cannotAssignPointField(
String.valueOf(value), prettyVal, key, List.of("FLOAT", "INTEGER"));
private static void assignIntegral(String key, Object value, Consumer assigner) {
if (value instanceof String) {
assigner.accept(assertConvertible(() -> Integer.parseInt((String) value)));
} else if (value instanceof IntegralValue) {
assigner.accept((int) ((IntegralValue) value).longValue());
} else {
String prettyVal = value instanceof Value v ? v.prettyPrint() : String.valueOf(value);
throw InvalidArgumentException.cannotAssignPointField(
String.valueOf(value), prettyVal, key, List.of("INTEGER"));
private static T assertConvertible(Supplier func) {
try {
return func.get();
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e);
private static void checkUnassigned(Object key, String fieldName) {
if (key != null) {
throw InvalidArgumentException.duplicateFieldNotAllowed(fieldName);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
PointBuilder that = (PointBuilder) o;
return srid == that.srid
&& Objects.equals(crs,
&& Objects.equals(x, that.x)
&& Objects.equals(y, that.y)
&& Objects.equals(z, that.z)
&& Objects.equals(longitude, that.longitude)
&& Objects.equals(latitude, that.latitude)
&& Objects.equals(height, that.height);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(crs, x, y, z, longitude, latitude, height, srid);
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