org.netbeans.editor.BaseAction Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.editor;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Caret;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
import javax.swing.text.TextAction;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib2.actions.MacroRecording;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
* This is the parent of majority of the actions. It implements
* the necessary resetting depending of what is required
* by constructor of target action.
* The other thing implemented here is macro recording.
* Property "noIconInMenu" can be set to inform menu items not to use action's icon.
* @author Miloslav Metelka
* @version 1.00
public abstract class BaseAction extends TextAction {
/** Text of the menu item in popup menu for this action */
public static final String POPUP_MENU_TEXT = "PopupMenuText"; // NOI18N
/** Prefix for the name of the key for description in locale support */
public static final String LOCALE_DESC_PREFIX = "desc-"; // NOI18N
/** Prefix for the name of the key for popup description in locale support */
public static final String LOCALE_POPUP_PREFIX = "popup-"; // NOI18N
/** Resource for the icon */
public static final String ICON_RESOURCE_PROPERTY = "IconResource"; // NOI18N
/** Remove the selected text at the action begining */
public static final int SELECTION_REMOVE = 1;
/** Reset magic caret position */
public static final int MAGIC_POSITION_RESET = 2;
* Reset abbreviation accounting to empty string.
* @deprecated Not used anymore.
public static final int ABBREV_RESET = 4;
/** Prevents adding the new undoable edit to the old one when the next
* document change occurs.
public static final int UNDO_MERGE_RESET = 8;
/** Reset word-match table */
public static final int WORD_MATCH_RESET = 16;
/** Clear status bar text */
public static final int CLEAR_STATUS_TEXT = 32;
/** The action will not be recorded if in macro recording */
public static final int NO_RECORDING = 64;
/** Save current position in the jump list */
public static final int SAVE_POSITION = 128;
/** The name of Action property. If the action has property NO_KEYBINDING set to true, it won't
* be listed in editor keybindings customizer list.
public static final String NO_KEYBINDING = "no-keybinding"; //NOI18N
/** logger for reporting invoked actions */
private static Logger UILOG = Logger.getLogger("org.netbeans.ui.actions.editor"); // NOI18N
* Whether invoked actions not logged by default, such as caret moves, should be logged too.
* -J-Dorg.netbeans.editor.ui.actions.logging.detailed=true
private static final boolean UI_LOG_DETAILED = Boolean.getBoolean("org.netbeans.editor.ui.actions.logging.detailed");
/** Bit mask of what should be updated when the action is performed before
* the action's real task is invoked.
protected int updateMask;
private static boolean recording;
static final long serialVersionUID =-4255521122272110786L;
public BaseAction() {
public BaseAction(int updateMask) {
this(null, updateMask);
public BaseAction(String name) {
this(name, 0);
public BaseAction(String name, int updateMask) {
this.updateMask = updateMask;
/** Find a value in resource bundles.
* @deprecated this method is deprecated like the LocaleSupport which it uses by default.
* It should be replaced by implementing {@link #getShortDescriptionBundleClass()}
protected Object findValue(String key){
return LocaleSupport.getString(key);
public @Override Object getValue(String key){
Object obj = super.getValue(key);
if (obj == null){
obj = createDefaultValue(key);
if (obj != null) {
putValue(key, obj);
return obj;
public void putValue(String key, Object value) {
super.putValue(key, value);
if (Action.NAME.equals(key) && value instanceof String) {
* Called by {@link #putValue(String,String)} when {@link Action#NAME} property
* is set to a non-null String value. This allows a "polymorphic" action (with
* Action.NAME-specific behavior) to update certain properties (e.g. an icon)
* according to the name that was set.
* @param actionName non-null action's name (value of Action.NAME property).
* @since 1.34
protected void actionNameUpdate(String actionName) {
* This method is called when there is no value for the particular key.
* If the returned value is non-null it is remembered
* by {@link #putValue(String, Object)} so in that case this method
* is only called once.
* Note: When overriding this method super
* should always be called.
* @param key key for which the default value should be found.
* @return default value or null if the default value does not exist
* for the given key.
protected Object createDefaultValue(String key) {
Object ret = null;
if (SHORT_DESCRIPTION.equals(key)) {
Class bundleClass = getShortDescriptionBundleClass();
if (bundleClass != null) {
// The bundle key is just the action's name
String bundleKey = (String)getValue(Action.NAME);
try {
ret = NbBundle.getBundle(bundleClass).getString(bundleKey);
} catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
MissingResourceException mre2 = new MissingResourceException("Can't find SHORT_DESCRIPTION for " + this //NOI18N
+ "; bundleClass=" + bundleClass + "; bundleKey=" + bundleKey, bundleClass.getName(), bundleKey); //NOI18N
throw mre2;
} else { // default to slow deprecated findValue()
// getDefaultShortDescription() is only called once for non-null ret value
ret = getDefaultShortDescription();
} else if (POPUP_MENU_TEXT.equals(key)){
String bundleKey = LOCALE_POPUP_PREFIX + getValue(Action.NAME);
ret = findValue(bundleKey);
if (ret == null){
ret = getValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION);
return ret;
* Get the class in a package where resource bundle for localization
* of the short description of this action resides.
* By default this method returns null.
protected Class getShortDescriptionBundleClass() {
return null;
* Get the default value for {@link Action#SHORT_DESCRIPTION} property.
* If this method returns non-empty value it will only be called once
* (its result will be remembered).
* @return value that will be use as result for
* Action.getValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION)
protected Object getDefaultShortDescription() {
String actionName = (String)getValue(Action.NAME);
String localizerKey = LOCALE_DESC_PREFIX + actionName;
Object obj = findValue(localizerKey);
if (obj==null){
obj = findValue(actionName);
if (obj==null) obj = actionName;
return obj;
// XXX: remove
// /** This method is called once after the action is constructed
// * and then each time the settings are changed.
// * @param evt event describing the changed setting name. It's null
// * if it's called after the action construction.
// * @param kitClass class of the kit that created the actions
// */
// protected void settingsChange(SettingsChangeEvent evt, Class kitClass) {
// }
/** This method is made final here as there's an important
* processing that must be done before the real action
* functionality is performed. It can include the following:
* 1. Updating of the target component depending on the update
* mask given in action constructor.
* 2. Possible macro recoding when the macro recording
* is turned on.
* The real action functionality should be done in
* the method actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target)
* which must be redefined by the target action.
public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) {
final JTextComponent target = getTextComponent(evt);
// #146657 - Only perform the action if the document is BaseDocument's instance
// #147899 - NPE
if (target == null || !(target.getDocument() instanceof BaseDocument)) {
if(0 == (updateMask & NO_RECORDING) ) {
MacroRecording.get().recordAction(this, evt, target);
if (UILOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
String actionName = getValue(NAME) != null ? getValue(NAME).toString().toLowerCase() : null;
if (actionName != null &&
!"default-typed".equals(actionName) && //NOI18N
-1 == actionName.indexOf("build-tool-tip") &&//NOI18N
-1 == actionName.indexOf("build-popup-menu") &&//NOI18N
-1 == actionName.indexOf("-kit-install") && //NOI18N
-1 == actionName.indexOf("caret") && //NOI18N
-1 == actionName.indexOf("delete") && //NOI18N
-1 == actionName.indexOf("undo") &&//NOI18N
-1 == actionName.indexOf("redo") &&//NOI18N
-1 == actionName.indexOf("selection") && //NOI18N
-1 == actionName.indexOf("page-up") &&//NOI18N
-1 == actionName.indexOf("page-down") //NOI18N
) {
LogRecord r = new LogRecord(Level.FINE, "UI_ACTION_EDITOR"); // NOI18N
if (evt != null) {
r.setParameters(new Object[] { evt, evt.toString(), this, toString(), getValue(NAME) });
} else {
r.setParameters(new Object[] { "no-ActionEvent", "no-ActionEvent", this, toString(), getValue(NAME) }); //NOI18N
if (asynchonous()) {
RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable () {
public void run() {
actionPerformed(evt, target);
} else {
actionPerformed(evt, target);
* Use MacroRecording from editor.lib2
boolean startRecording( JTextComponent target ) {
boolean b = MacroRecording.get().startRecording();
if (b) {
recording = true;
Utilities.setStatusText( target,
NbBundle.getBundle(BaseAction.class).getString( "macro-recording" ) );
return b;
* Use MacroRecording from editor.lib2
String stopRecording( JTextComponent target ) {
String s = MacroRecording.get().stopRecording();
if (s == null) {
return s;
recording = false;
Utilities.setStatusText( target, "" ); // NOI18N
return s;
/** The target method that performs the real action functionality.
* @param evt action event describing the action that occured
* @param target target component where the action occured. It's retrieved
* by the TextAction.getTextComponent(evt).
public abstract void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target);
protected boolean asynchonous() {
return false;
public JMenuItem getPopupMenuItem(JTextComponent target) {
return null;
public String getPopupMenuText(JTextComponent target) {
String txt = (String)getValue(POPUP_MENU_TEXT);
if (txt == null) {
txt = (String)getValue(NAME);
return txt;
/** Update the component according to the update mask specified
* in the constructor of the action.
* @param target target component to be updated.
public void updateComponent(JTextComponent target) {
updateComponent(target, this.updateMask);
/** Update the component according to the given update mask
* @param target target component to be updated.
* @param updateMask mask that specifies what will be updated
public void updateComponent(JTextComponent target, int updateMask) {
if (target != null && target.getDocument() instanceof BaseDocument) {
BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)target.getDocument();
boolean writeLocked = false;
try {
// remove selected text
if ((updateMask & SELECTION_REMOVE) != 0) {
writeLocked = true;
Caret caret = target.getCaret();
if (caret != null && Utilities.isSelectionShowing(caret)) {
int dot = caret.getDot();
int markPos = caret.getMark();
if (dot < markPos) { // swap positions
int tmpPos = dot;
dot = markPos;
markPos = tmpPos;
try {
target.getDocument().remove(markPos, dot - markPos);
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
// reset magic caret position
if ((updateMask & MAGIC_POSITION_RESET) != 0) {
if (target.getCaret() != null)
// reset merging of undoable edits
if ((updateMask & UNDO_MERGE_RESET) != 0) {
// reset word matching
if ((updateMask & WORD_MATCH_RESET) != 0) {
// Clear status bar text
if (!recording && (updateMask & CLEAR_STATUS_TEXT) != 0) {
// Save current caret position in the jump-list
if ((updateMask & SAVE_POSITION) != 0) {
} finally {
if (writeLocked) {