Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import com.sun.source.doctree.DocCommentTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.ReferenceTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.*;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind;
import com.sun.source.util.DocSourcePositions;
import com.sun.source.util.DocTreePath;
import com.sun.source.util.DocTreePathScanner;
import com.sun.source.util.SourcePositions;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
import com.sun.source.util.Trees;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.*;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.type.UnionType;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
import com.sun.source.util.DocTrees;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.netbeans.api.annotations.common.CheckForNull;
import org.netbeans.api.annotations.common.NonNull;
import org.netbeans.api.annotations.common.NullAllowed;
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenSequence;
* @author Jan Lahoda, Dusan Balek, Tomas Zezula
public final class TreeUtilities {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TreeUtilities.class.getName());
/**{@link Kind}s that are represented by {@link ClassTree}.
* @since 0.67
public static final Set CLASS_TREE_KINDS = EnumSet.of(Kind.ANNOTATION_TYPE, Kind.CLASS, Kind.ENUM, Kind.INTERFACE, Kind.RECORD);
private final CompilationInfo info;
private final CommentHandlerService handler;
/** Creates a new instance of CommentUtilities */
TreeUtilities(final CompilationInfo info) {
assert info != null; = info;
this.handler = CommentHandlerService.instance(info.impl.getJavacTask().getContext());
/**Checks whether the given tree represents a class.
* @deprecated since 0.67, Tree.getKind() == Kind.CLASS
should be used instead.
public boolean isClass(ClassTree tree) {
return (((JCTree.JCModifiers)tree.getModifiers()).flags & (Flags.INTERFACE | Flags.ENUM | Flags.ANNOTATION)) == 0;
/**Checks whether the given tree represents an interface.
* @deprecated since 0.67, Tree.getKind() == Kind.INTERFACE
should be used instead.
public boolean isInterface(ClassTree tree) {
final long flags = ((JCTree.JCModifiers) tree.getModifiers()).flags;
return (flags & Flags.INTERFACE) != 0 && (flags & Flags.ANNOTATION) == 0;
/**Checks whether the given tree represents an enum.
* @deprecated since 0.67, Tree.getKind() == Kind.ENUM
should be used instead.
public boolean isEnum(ClassTree tree) {
return (((JCTree.JCModifiers)tree.getModifiers()).flags & Flags.ENUM) != 0;
* Checks whether given variable tree represents an enum constant.
public boolean isEnumConstant(VariableTree tree) {
return (((JCTree.JCModifiers) tree.getModifiers()).flags & Flags.ENUM) != 0;
/**Checks whether the given tree represents an annotation.
* @deprecated since 0.67, Tree.getKind() == Kind.ANNOTATION_TYPE
should be used instead.
public boolean isAnnotation(ClassTree tree) {
return (((JCTree.JCModifiers)tree.getModifiers()).flags & Flags.ANNOTATION) != 0;
* Checks whether given compilation unit represents a package-info.
* @since 2.23
public boolean isPackageInfo(CompilationUnitTree tree) {
return TreeInfo.isPackageInfo((JCTree.JCCompilationUnit)tree);
* Checks whether given compilation unit represents a module-info.
* @since 2.23
public boolean isModuleInfo(CompilationUnitTree tree) {
return TreeInfo.isModuleInfo((JCTree.JCCompilationUnit)tree);
* Checks whether given expression represents an expression statement.
* @since 2.56
public boolean isExpressionStatement(ExpressionTree tree) {
return TreeInfo.isExpressionStatement((JCTree.JCExpression)tree);
/**Returns whether or not the given tree is synthetic - generated by the parser.
* Please note that this method does not check trees transitively - a child of a synthetic tree
* may be considered non-synthetic.
* @return true if the given tree is synthetic, false otherwise
* @throws NullPointerException if the given tree is null
public boolean isSynthetic(TreePath path) throws NullPointerException {
if (path == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
while (path != null) {
if (isSynthetic(path.getCompilationUnit(), path.getLeaf()))
return true;
if (path.getParentPath() != null &&
path.getParentPath().getParentPath() != null &&
path.getParentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.NEW_CLASS) {
NewClassTree nct = (NewClassTree) path.getParentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf();
ClassTree body = nct.getClassBody();
if (body != null &&
(body.getExtendsClause() == path.getLeaf() ||
body.getImplementsClause().contains(path.getLeaf()))) {
return true;
if (path.getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.VARIABLE &&
path.getParentPath() != null &&
path.getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.METHOD &&
path.getParentPath().getParentPath() != null &&
path.getParentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.RECORD) {
JCMethodDecl m = (JCMethodDecl) path.getParentPath().getLeaf();
if ((m.mods.flags & Flags.COMPACT_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0 && m.getParameters().contains(path.getLeaf())) {
return true;
path = path.getParentPath();
return false;
boolean isSynthetic(CompilationUnitTree cut, Tree leaf) throws NullPointerException {
JCTree tree = (JCTree) leaf;
if (tree.pos == (-1))
return true;
if (leaf.getKind() == Kind.METHOD) {
//check for synthetic constructor:
return (((JCMethodDecl)leaf).mods.flags & Flags.GENERATEDCONSTR) != 0L;
//check for synthetic superconstructor call:
if (leaf.getKind() == Kind.EXPRESSION_STATEMENT) {
ExpressionStatementTree est = (ExpressionStatementTree) leaf;
if (est.getExpression().getKind() == Kind.METHOD_INVOCATION) {
MethodInvocationTree mit = (MethodInvocationTree) est.getExpression();
if (mit.getMethodSelect().getKind() == Kind.IDENTIFIER) {
IdentifierTree it = (IdentifierTree) mit.getMethodSelect();
if ("super".equals(it.getName().toString())) {
SourcePositions sp = info.getTrees().getSourcePositions();
return sp.getEndPosition(cut, leaf) == (-1);
return false;
* Returns path to the deepest tree of the given kind containing the given
* starting tree.
* @param kind requested tree kind
* @param path path to the starting tree
* @return requested path or null if no tree of the given kind encloses
* the given starting tree
* @since 0.136
public TreePath getPathElementOfKind(Tree.Kind kind, TreePath path) {
return getPathElementOfKind(EnumSet.of(kind), path);
* Returns path to the deepest tree of one of the given kinds containing
* the given starting tree.
* @param kinds requested tree kinds
* @param path path to the starting tree
* @return requested path or null if no tree of the given kinds encloses
* the given starting tree
* @since 0.136
public TreePath getPathElementOfKind(Set kinds, TreePath path) {
while (path != null) {
if (kinds.contains(path.getLeaf().getKind())) {
return path;
path = path.getParentPath();
return null;
/**Returns list of comments attached to a given tree. Can return either
* preceding or trailing comments.
* @param tree for which comments should be returned
* @param preceding true if preceding comments should be returned, false if trailing comments should be returned.
* @return list of preceding/trailing comments attached to the given tree
public List getComments(Tree tree, boolean preceding) {
CommentSetImpl set = handler.getComments(tree);
ensureCommentsMapped(info, tree, set);
List comments = preceding ? set.getPrecedingComments() : set.getTrailingComments();
return Collections.unmodifiableList(comments);
static void ensureCommentsMapped(CompilationInfo info, @NullAllowed Tree tree, CommentSetImpl set) {
if (!set.areCommentsMapped() && tree != null) {
boolean assertsEnabled = false;
boolean automap = true;
assert assertsEnabled = true;
TreePath tp = info.getCompilationUnit() == tree ? new TreePath(info.getCompilationUnit()) : TreePath.getPath(info.getCompilationUnit(), tree);
if (tp == null) {
if (assertsEnabled && !info.getTreeUtilities().isSynthetic(info.getCompilationUnit(), tree)) {
// HACK: if info is a working copy, the tree might be introduced by rewriting;
// in that case, no log should be printed
if (!(info instanceof WorkingCopy) || !((WorkingCopy)info).validateIsReplacement(tree)) {
Logger.getLogger(TreeUtilities.class.getName()).log(assertsEnabled ? Level.WARNING : Level.FINE, "Comment automap requested for Tree not from the root compilation info. Please, make sure to call GeneratorUtilities.importComments before Treeutilities.getComments. Tree: {0}", tree);
Logger.getLogger(TreeUtilities.class.getName()).log(assertsEnabled ? Level.INFO : Level.FINE, "Caller", new Exception());
automap = false;
if (automap) {
GeneratorUtilities.importComments(info, tree, info.getCompilationUnit());
public TreePath pathFor(int pos) {
return pathFor(new TreePath(info.getCompilationUnit()), pos);
public TreePath pathFor(TreePath path, int pos) {
return pathFor(path, pos, info.getTrees().getSourcePositions());
public TreePath pathFor(TreePath path, int pos, SourcePositions sourcePositions) {
if (info == null || path == null || sourcePositions == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
class Result extends Error {
TreePath path;
Result(TreePath path) {
this.path = path;
class PathFinder extends ErrorAwareTreePathScanner {
private int pos;
private SourcePositions sourcePositions;
private PathFinder(int pos, SourcePositions sourcePositions) {
this.pos = pos;
this.sourcePositions = sourcePositions;
public Void scan(Tree tree, Void p) {
if (tree != null) {
long startPos = sourcePositions.getStartPosition(getCurrentPath().getCompilationUnit(), tree);
long endPos = sourcePositions.getEndPosition(getCurrentPath().getCompilationUnit(), tree);
if (endPos == (-1)) {
switch (tree.getKind()) {
if (getCurrentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.ANNOTATION) {
ExpressionTree value = ((AssignmentTree) tree).getExpression();
startPos = sourcePositions.getStartPosition(getCurrentPath().getCompilationUnit(), value);
endPos = sourcePositions.getEndPosition(getCurrentPath().getCompilationUnit(), value);
case CLASS:
ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) tree;
if (!clazz.getMembers().isEmpty()) {
endPos = sourcePositions.getEndPosition(getCurrentPath().getCompilationUnit(), clazz.getMembers().get(clazz.getMembers().size() - 1));
if (startPos < pos && endPos >= pos) {
if (tree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ERRONEOUS) {
tree.accept(this, p);
throw new Result(getCurrentPath());
super.scan(tree, p);
throw new Result(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), tree));
return null;
public Void visitVariable(VariableTree node, Void p) {
int[] span = findNameSpan(node);
if (span != null && span[0] <= pos && pos < span[1]) {
throw new Result(getCurrentPath());
return super.visitVariable(node, p);
public Void visitMethod(MethodTree node, Void p) {
int[] span = findNameSpan(node);
if (span != null && span[0] <= pos && pos < span[1]) {
throw new Result(getCurrentPath());
return super.visitMethod(node, p);
public Void visitEnhancedForLoop(EnhancedForLoopTree node, Void p) {
int exprEndPos = (int) sourcePositions.getEndPosition(getCurrentPath().getCompilationUnit(), node.getExpression());
if (exprEndPos < pos) {
TokenSequence ts = info.getTokenHierarchy().tokenSequence(JavaTokenId.language()).subSequence(exprEndPos, pos);
boolean hasNonWhiteSpace;
while (hasNonWhiteSpace = ts.moveNext()) {
if (!IGNORE_TOKENS.contains(ts.token().id()))
if (!hasNonWhiteSpace) {
pos = exprEndPos;
return super.visitEnhancedForLoop(node, p);
try {
new PathFinder(pos, sourcePositions).scan(path, null);
} catch (Result result) {
path = result.path;
if (path.getLeaf() == path.getCompilationUnit())
return path;
TokenSequence tokenList = tokensFor(path.getLeaf(), sourcePositions, pos);
if (tokenList.movePrevious() && tokenList.offset() < pos) {
switch (tokenList.token().id()) {
case GTGTGT:
case GTGT:
case GT:
if (path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.MEMBER_SELECT || TreeUtilities.CLASS_TREE_KINDS.contains(path.getLeaf().getKind()) ||
path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.MEMBER_REFERENCE || path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.GREATER_THAN)
case RPAREN:
if (path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.PARENTHESIZED) {
path = path.getParentPath();
} else if (path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.ENHANCED_FOR_LOOP || path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.FOR_LOOP ||
path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.IF || path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.WHILE_LOOP ||
path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.DO_WHILE_LOOP || path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.TYPE_CAST ||
path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.LAMBDA_EXPRESSION)
if (path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.EMPTY_STATEMENT ||
path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.TRY ||
(path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.FOR_LOOP &&
tokenList.offset() <= sourcePositions.getStartPosition(path.getCompilationUnit(), ((ForLoopTree)path.getLeaf()).getUpdate().get(0))))
if (path.getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.TRY &&
((TryTree) path.getParentPath().getLeaf()).getResources().contains(path.getLeaf())) {
path = path.getParentPath();
case RBRACE:
path = path.getParentPath();
switch (path.getLeaf().getKind()) {
case CATCH:
path = path.getParentPath();
case METHOD:
case FOR_LOOP:
case TRY:
path = path.getParentPath();
case IF:
do {
path = path.getParentPath();
} while (path != null && path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.IF);
return path;
private static final Set IGNORE_TOKENS = EnumSet.of(
/**Return the deepest DocTreePath at the given position.
* @param treepath for which the {@code doc} comment was determined
* @param doc the documentation comment inside which the search should be performed
* @param pos the position to search for
* @return the deepest DocTreePath at the given position
* @since 0.124
public DocTreePath pathFor(TreePath treepath, DocCommentTree doc, int pos) {
return pathFor(new DocTreePath(treepath, doc), pos);
/**Return the deepest DocTreePath at the given position.
* @param path where the search should start
* @param pos the position to search for
* @return the deepest DocTreePath at the given position
* @since 0.124
public DocTreePath pathFor(DocTreePath path, int pos) {
return pathFor(path, pos, info.getDocTrees().getSourcePositions());
/**Return the deepest DocTreePath at the given position.
* @param path where the search should start
* @param pos the position to search for
* @param sourcePositions to determine spans of {@link DocTree}s
* @return the deepest DocTreePath at the given position
* @since 0.124
public DocTreePath pathFor(DocTreePath path, int pos, DocSourcePositions sourcePositions) {
if (info == null || path == null || sourcePositions == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
class Result extends Error {
DocTreePath path;
Result(DocTreePath path) {
this.path = path;
class PathFinder extends DocTreePathScanner {
private int pos;
private DocSourcePositions sourcePositions;
private PathFinder(int pos, DocSourcePositions sourcePositions) {
this.pos = pos;
this.sourcePositions = sourcePositions;
public Void scan(DocTree tree, TreePath p) {
if (tree != null) {
if (sourcePositions.getStartPosition(p.getCompilationUnit(), getCurrentPath().getDocComment(), tree) < pos && sourcePositions.getEndPosition(p.getCompilationUnit(), getCurrentPath().getDocComment(), tree) >= pos) {
if (tree.getKind() == DocTree.Kind.ERRONEOUS) {
tree.accept(this, p);
throw new Result(getCurrentPath());
super.scan(tree, p);
throw new Result(new DocTreePath(getCurrentPath(), tree));
return null;
// @Override
// public Void visitVariable(VariableTree node, Void p) {
// int[] span = findNameSpan(node);
// if (span != null && span[0] <= pos && pos < span[1]) {
// throw new Result(getCurrentPath());
// }
// return super.visitVariable(node, p);
// }
// @Override
// public Void visitMethod(MethodTree node, Void p) {
// int[] span = findNameSpan(node);
// if (span != null && span[0] <= pos && pos < span[1]) {
// throw new Result(getCurrentPath());
// }
// return super.visitMethod(node, p);
// }
try {
new PathFinder(pos, sourcePositions).scan(path, path.getTreePath());
} catch (Result result) {
path = result.path;
if (path.getLeaf() == path.getDocComment())
return path;
return path;
/**Parses given type in given context.
* @param expr type specification
* @param scope in which simple names should be resolved
* @return parsed {@link TypeMirror} or null if the given specification cannot be parsed
public TypeMirror parseType(String expr, TypeElement scope) {
Enter enter = Enter.instance(info.impl.getJavacTask().getContext()); jcMaker =;
int oldPos = jcMaker.pos;
try {
if (enter.getClassEnv((Symbol.TypeSymbol)scope) == null) {
if (info.getTrees().getTree(scope) == null)
return null;
return info.impl.getJavacTask().parseType(expr, scope);
} finally {
jcMaker.pos = oldPos;
/**Parses given type in given context.
* @param expr type specification
* @param scope in which simple names should be resolved
* @return parsed {@link TypeMirror} or null if the given specification cannot be parsed
Tree parseType(String expr) {
return doParse(expr, null, 0, Parser::parseType);
/**Parses given statement.
* @param stmt statement code
* @param sourcePositions return value - new SourcePositions for the new tree
* @return parsed {@link StatementTree} or null?
public StatementTree parseStatement(String stmt, SourcePositions[] sourcePositions) {
return parseStatementImpl(info.impl.getJavacTask(), stmt, sourcePositions);
private static StatementTree parseStatementImpl(JavacTaskImpl task, String stmt, SourcePositions[] sourcePositions) {
return doParse(task, stmt, sourcePositions, 0, Parser::parseStatement);
/**Parses given expression.
* @param expr expression code
* @param sourcePositions return value - new SourcePositions for the new tree
* @return parsed {@link ExpressionTree} or null?
public ExpressionTree parseExpression(String expr, SourcePositions[] sourcePositions) {
return doParse(expr, sourcePositions, 0, Parser::parseExpression);
/**Parses given variable initializer.
* @param init initializer code
* @param sourcePositions return value - new SourcePositions for the new tree
* @return parsed {@link ExpressionTree} or null?
public ExpressionTree parseVariableInitializer(String init, SourcePositions[] sourcePositions) {
return doParse(init, sourcePositions, 0, p -> ((JavacParser) p).variableInitializer());
/**Parses given static block.
* @param block block code
* @param sourcePositions return value - new SourcePositions for the new tree
* @return parsed {@link BlockTree} or null?
public BlockTree parseStaticBlock(String block, SourcePositions[] sourcePositions) {
return doParse("{ class C { " + block + " }", sourcePositions, "{ class C { ".length(), p -> {
JCClassDecl decl = (JCClassDecl) ((BlockTree) p.parseStatement()).getStatements().get(0);
return decl.defs.head.getKind() == Kind.BLOCK ? (BlockTree) decl.defs.head : null; //check result
/**Parses given statement.
* @param text code
* @param sourcePositions return value - new SourcePositions for the new tree
* @return parsed {@link T} or null?
private T doParse(String text, SourcePositions[] sourcePositions, int offset, Function actualParse) {
return doParse(info.impl.getJavacTask(), text, sourcePositions, offset, actualParse);
private static T doParse(JavacTaskImpl task, String text, SourcePositions[] sourcePositions, int offset, Function actualParse) {
if (text == null || (sourcePositions != null && sourcePositions.length != 1))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
//use a working init order:; jcMaker =;
int oldPos = jcMaker.pos;
try {
//from org/netbeans/modules/java/hints/spiimpl/
Context context = task.getContext();
JavaCompiler compiler = JavaCompiler.instance(context);
JavaFileObject prev = compiler.log.useSource(new DummyJFO());
Log.DiagnosticHandler discardHandler = new Log.DiscardDiagnosticHandler(compiler.log) {
public void report(JCDiagnostic diag) {
try {
CharBuffer buf = CharBuffer.wrap((text+"\u0000").toCharArray(), 0, text.length());
ParserFactory factory = ParserFactory.instance(context);
Parser parser = factory.newParser(buf, false, true, false, false);
if (parser instanceof JavacParser) {
if (sourcePositions != null)
sourcePositions[0] = new ParserSourcePositions((JavacParser)parser, offset);
return actualParse.apply(parser);
return null;
} finally {
} finally {
jcMaker.pos = oldPos;
//from org/netbeans/modules/java/hints/spiimpl/
private static final class DummyJFO extends SimpleJavaFileObject {
private DummyJFO() {
super(URI.create(""), JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE);
public CharSequence getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) throws IOException {
return "";
//from org/netbeans/modules/java/hints/spiimpl/
private static class ParserSourcePositions implements SourcePositions {
private final JavacParser parser;
private final int offset;
private ParserSourcePositions(JavacParser parser, int offset) {
this.parser = parser;
this.offset = offset;
public long getStartPosition(CompilationUnitTree file, Tree tree) {
return parser.getStartPos((JCTree)tree) - offset;
public long getEndPosition(CompilationUnitTree file, Tree tree) {
return parser.getEndPos((JCTree)tree) - offset;
//XXX: parseAnnotationValue
/**Computes {@link Scope} for the given position.
public Scope scopeFor(int pos) {
List extends StatementTree> stmts = null;
SourcePositions sourcePositions = info.getTrees().getSourcePositions();
TreePath path = pathFor(pos);
CompilationUnitTree root = path.getCompilationUnit();
switch (path.getLeaf().getKind()) {
case BLOCK:
stmts = ((BlockTree)path.getLeaf()).getStatements();
case FOR_LOOP:
stmts = ((ForLoopTree)path.getLeaf()).getInitializer();
stmts = Collections.singletonList(((EnhancedForLoopTree)path.getLeaf()).getStatement());
case CASE:
stmts = ((CaseTree)path.getLeaf()).getStatements();
case METHOD:
stmts = ((MethodTree)path.getLeaf()).getParameters();
if (stmts != null) {
Tree tree = null;
for (StatementTree st : stmts) {
if (sourcePositions.getStartPosition(root, st) < pos)
tree = st;
if (tree != null)
path = new TreePath(path, tree);
Scope scope = info.getTrees().getScope(path);
if (TreeUtilities.CLASS_TREE_KINDS.contains(path.getLeaf().getKind())) {
TokenSequence ts = info.getTokenHierarchy().tokenSequence(JavaTokenId.language());
while(ts.movePrevious()) {
switch (ts.token().id()) {
((JavacScope)scope).getEnv().baseClause = true;
return scope;
return scope;
* Creates {@link Scope} capable to access all private methods and fields when
* parsing and evaluating expressions. When using this Scope, the accessibility
* checks would not be enforced during a tree attribution.
* @param scope an existing scope
* @return scope with disabled accessibility checks
* @since 0.129
public Scope toScopeWithDisabledAccessibilityChecks(Scope scope) {
return new NBScope((JavacScope)scope);
private static Env getEnv(Scope scope) {
if (scope instanceof NBScope) {
scope = ((NBScope) scope).delegate;
if (scope instanceof HackScope) {
return ((HackScope) scope).getEnv();
return ((JavacScope) scope).getEnv();
/**Attribute the given tree in the given context.
public TypeMirror attributeTree(Tree tree, Scope scope) {
Env env = getEnv(scope);
if (scope instanceof NBScope && ((NBScope)scope).areAccessibilityChecksDisabled()) {
try {
return attributeTree(info.impl.getJavacTask(), env.toplevel, (JCTree) tree, scope, new ArrayList<>());
} finally {
/**Attribute the given tree until the given to
tree is reached.
* Returns scope valid at point when to
is reached.
public Scope attributeTreeTo(Tree tree, Scope scope, Tree to) {
Env env = getEnv(scope);
if (scope instanceof NBScope && ((NBScope)scope).areAccessibilityChecksDisabled()) {
try {
return attributeTreeTo(info.impl.getJavacTask(), env.toplevel, (JCTree)tree, scope, (JCTree)to, new ArrayList<>());
} finally {
public TypeMirror reattributeTree(Tree tree, Scope scope) {
Env env = getEnv(scope);
if (scope instanceof NBScope && ((NBScope)scope).areAccessibilityChecksDisabled()) {
try {
return attributeTree(info.impl.getJavacTask(), env.toplevel, (JCTree)tree, scope, new ArrayList<>());
} finally {
public Scope reattributeTreeTo(Tree tree, Scope scope, Tree to) {
Env env = getEnv(scope);
if (scope instanceof NBScope && ((NBScope)scope).areAccessibilityChecksDisabled()) {
try {
return attributeTreeTo(info.impl.getJavacTask(), env.toplevel, (JCTree)tree, scope, (JCTree)to, new ArrayList<>());
} finally {
//from org/netbeans/modules/java/hints/spiimpl/
private static TypeMirror attributeTree(JavacTaskImpl jti, CompilationUnitTree cut, Tree tree, Scope scope, final List> errors) {
Log log = Log.instance(jti.getContext());
JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(new DummyJFO());
Log.DiagnosticHandler discardHandler = new Log.DiscardDiagnosticHandler(log) {
public void report(JCDiagnostic diag) {
NBResolve resolve = NBResolve.instance(jti.getContext());
// Enter enter = Enter.instance(jti.getContext());
// enter.shadowTypeEnvs(true);
// ArgumentAttr argumentAttr = ArgumentAttr.instance(jti.getContext());
// ArgumentAttr.LocalCacheContext cacheContext = argumentAttr.withLocalCacheContext();
try {
Attr attr = Attr.instance(jti.getContext());
Env env = getEnv(scope);
if (tree instanceof JCExpression)
return attr.attribExpr((JCTree) tree,env, Type.noType);
return attr.attribStat((JCTree) tree,env);
} finally {
unenter(jti.getContext(), (JCCompilationUnit) cut, (JCTree) tree);
// cacheContext.leave();
// enter.shadowTypeEnvs(false);
private static void unenter(Context ctx, JCCompilationUnit cut, JCTree tree) {
try {
Method m = Enter.class.getDeclaredMethod("unenter", JCCompilationUnit.class, JCTree.class);
m.invoke(Enter.instance(ctx), cut, tree);
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, null, t);
private static Scope attributeTreeTo(JavacTaskImpl jti, CompilationUnitTree cut, Tree tree, Scope scope, Tree to, final List> errors) {
Log log = Log.instance(jti.getContext());
JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(new DummyJFO());
Log.DiagnosticHandler discardHandler = new Log.DiscardDiagnosticHandler(log) {
public void report(JCDiagnostic diag) {
NBResolve resolve = NBResolve.instance(jti.getContext());
// Enter enter = Enter.instance(jti.getContext());
// enter.shadowTypeEnvs(true);
// ArgumentAttr argumentAttr = ArgumentAttr.instance(jti.getContext());
// ArgumentAttr.LocalCacheContext cacheContext = argumentAttr.withLocalCacheContext();
try {
NBAttr attr = (NBAttr) NBAttr.instance(jti.getContext());
Env env = getEnv(scope);
Env result = attr.attributeAndCapture((JCTree) tree, env, (JCTree) to);
try {
Constructor c = JavacScope.class.getDeclaredConstructor(Env.class);
return c.newInstance(result);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
} finally {
unenter(jti.getContext(), (JCCompilationUnit) cut, (JCTree) tree);
// cacheContext.leave();
// enter.shadowTypeEnvs(false);
/**Returns tokens for a given tree.
public TokenSequence tokensFor(Tree tree) {
return tokensFor(tree, info.getTrees().getSourcePositions());
/**Returns tokens for a given tree. Uses specified {@link SourcePositions}.
public TokenSequence tokensFor(Tree tree, SourcePositions sourcePositions) {
return tokensFor(tree, sourcePositions, -1);
private TokenSequence tokensFor(Tree tree, SourcePositions sourcePositions, int farEnd) {
int start = (int)sourcePositions.getStartPosition(info.getCompilationUnit(), tree);
int end = (int)sourcePositions.getEndPosition(info.getCompilationUnit(), tree);
return info.getTokenHierarchy().tokenSequence(JavaTokenId.language()).subSequence(start, Math.max(end, farEnd));
* Checks whether the given element is accessible as a member of the given
* type in a given scope.
* @param scope the scope to be checked
* @param member the member to be checked
* @param type the type for which to check if the member is accessible
* @return true if {@code member} is accessible in {@code type}
* @deprecated since 0.111, {@link Trees#isAccessible(Scope, Element, DeclaredType)} should be used instead.
public boolean isAccessible(Scope scope, Element member, TypeMirror type) {
return type instanceof DeclaredType ? info.getTrees().isAccessible(scope, member, (DeclaredType)type) : false;
/**Checks whether the given scope is in "static" context.
public boolean isStaticContext(Scope scope) {
return NBResolve.isStatic(getEnv(scope));
/**Returns uncaught exceptions inside the given tree path.
public Set getUncaughtExceptions(TreePath path) {
Set set = new UnrelatedTypeMirrorSet(info.getTypes());
new UncaughtExceptionsVisitor(info).scan(path, set);
return set;
* Returns all uninitialized fields of the given class.
* @param path to class to inspect
* @return set of all uninitialized fields
* @since 0.136
public Set extends VariableElement> getUninitializedFields(TreePath path) {
final Set fields = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (path == null) {
return fields;
final Trees trees = info.getTrees();
Element element = trees.getElement(path);
if (element == null || !element.getKind().isClass()) {
return fields;
for (VariableElement ve : ElementFilter.fieldsIn(((TypeElement)element).getEnclosedElements())) {
if (ve instanceof Symbol && (((Symbol)ve).flags() & (Flags.HASINIT | Flags.STATIC)) == 0) {
new ErrorAwareTreePathScanner() {
public Void visitAssignment(AssignmentTree node, Boolean p) {
Element el = trees.getElement(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), node.getVariable()));
return null;
public Void visitClass(ClassTree node, Boolean p) {
//do not analyse the inner classes:
return p ? super.visitClass(node, Boolean.FALSE) : null;
public Void visitMethod(MethodTree node, Boolean p) {
return null;
}.scan(path, Boolean.TRUE);
return fields;
/**Find span of the {@link ClassTree}'s body in the source.
* Returns starting and ending offset of the body in the source code that was parsed
* (ie. {@link CompilationInfo#getText()}, which may differ from the positions in the source
* document if it has been already altered.
* @param clazz class which body should be searched for
* @return the span of the body, or null if cannot be found
* @since 0.127
public int[] findBodySpan(ClassTree clazz) {
JCTree jcTree = (JCTree) clazz;
int pos = jcTree.pos;
if (pos < 0)
return null;
TokenSequence tokenSequence = info.getTokenHierarchy().tokenSequence(JavaTokenId.language());
int startPos = -1;
int endPos = (int) info.getTrees().getSourcePositions().getEndPosition(info.getCompilationUnit(), clazz);
while(tokenSequence.moveNext()) {
if(tokenSequence.token().id() == JavaTokenId.LBRACE) {
startPos = tokenSequence.offset();
if(startPos == -1 || endPos == -1) {
return null;
return new int[] {
/**Find span of the {@link ClassTree#getSimpleName()} identifier in the source.
* Returns starting and ending offset of the name in the source code that was parsed
* (ie. {@link CompilationInfo#getText()}, which may differ from the positions in the source
* document if it has been already altered.
* @param clazz class which name should be searched for
* @return the span of the name, or null if cannot be found
* @since 0.25
public int[] findNameSpan(ClassTree clazz) {
return findNameSpan(clazz.getSimpleName().toString(), clazz, JavaTokenId.CLASS, JavaTokenId.INTERFACE, JavaTokenId.ENUM, JavaTokenId.AT, JavaTokenId.WHITESPACE, JavaTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT, JavaTokenId.LINE_COMMENT, JavaTokenId.JAVADOC_COMMENT);
/**Find span of the {@link MethodTree#getName()} identifier in the source.
* Returns starting and ending offset of the name in the source code that was parsed
* (ie. {@link CompilationInfo#getText()}, which may differ from the positions in the source
* document if it has been already altered.
* @param method method which name should be searched for
* @return the span of the name, or null if cannot be found
* @since 0.25
public int[] findNameSpan(MethodTree method) {
if (isSynthetic(info.getCompilationUnit(), method)) {
return null;
JCMethodDecl jcm = (JCMethodDecl) method;
String name;
if ( == {
TreePath path = info.getTrees().getPath(info.getCompilationUnit(), jcm);
if (path == null) {
return null;
Element em = info.getTrees().getElement(path);
Element clazz;
if (em == null || (clazz = em.getEnclosingElement()) == null || !clazz.getKind().isClass()) {
return null;
name = clazz.getSimpleName().toString();
} else {
name = method.getName().toString();
return findNameSpan(name, method);
/**Find span of the {@link VariableTree#getName()} identifier in the source.
* Returns starting and ending offset of the name in the source code that was parsed
* (ie. {@link CompilationInfo#getText()}, which may differ from the positions in the source
* document if it has been already altered.
* @param var variable which name should be searched for
* @return the span of the name, or null if cannot be found
* @since 0.25
public int[] findNameSpan(VariableTree var) {
return findNameSpan(var.getName().toString(), var);
/**Find span of the {@link LabeledStatementTree#getLabel()} identifier in the source.
* Returns starting and ending offset of the name in the source code that was parsed
* (ie. {@link CompilationInfo#getText()}, which may differ from the positions in the source
* document if it has been already altered.
* @param lst labeled statement which name should be searched for
* @return the span of the name, or null if cannot be found
* @since 0.131
public int[] findNameSpan(LabeledStatementTree lst) {
return findNameSpan(lst.getLabel().toString(), lst);
/**Find span of the {@link TypeParameterTree#getName()} identifier in the source.
* Returns starting and ending offset of the name in the source code that was parsed
* (ie. {@link CompilationInfo#getText()}, which may differ from the positions in the source
* document if it has been already altered.
* @param tpt type parameter which name should be searched for
* @return the span of the name, or null if cannot be found
* @since 0.131
public int[] findNameSpan(TypeParameterTree tpt) {
return findNameSpan(tpt.getName().toString(), tpt);
/**Find span of the {@link LabeledStatementTree#getLabel()} identifier in the source.
* Returns starting and ending offset of the name in the source code that was parsed
* (ie. {@link CompilationInfo#getText()}, which may differ from the positions in the source
* document if it has been already altered.
* @param brk labeled statement which name should be searched for
* @return the span of the name, or null if cannot be found
* @since 0.131
public int[] findNameSpan(BreakTree brk) {
return findNameSpan(brk.getLabel().toString(), brk);
/**Find span of the {@link LabeledStatementTree#getLabel()} identifier in the source.
* Returns starting and ending offset of the name in the source code that was parsed
* (ie. {@link CompilationInfo#getText()}, which may differ from the positions in the source
* document if it has been already altered.
* @param cont labeled statement which name should be searched for
* @return the span of the name, or null if cannot be found
* @since 0.131
public int[] findNameSpan(ContinueTree cont) {
return findNameSpan(cont.getLabel().toString(), cont);
/**Find span of the {@link MethodTree#getParameters()} parameter list in the source.
* Returns the position of the opening and closing parentheses of the parameter list
* in the source code that was parsed (ie. {@link CompilationInfo#getText()}, which
* may differ from the positions in the source document if it has been already altered.
* @param method method which parameter list should be searched for
* @return the span of the parameter list, or null if cannot be found
* @since 0.81
public @CheckForNull int[] findMethodParameterSpan(@NonNull MethodTree method) {
JCTree jcTree = (JCTree) method;
int pos = jcTree.pos;
if (pos < 0)
return null;
TokenSequence tokenSequence = info.getTokenHierarchy().tokenSequence(JavaTokenId.language());
int startPos = -1;
int endPos = -1;
while(tokenSequence.moveNext()) {
if(tokenSequence.token().id() == JavaTokenId.LPAREN) {
startPos = tokenSequence.offset();
if(tokenSequence.token().id() == JavaTokenId.RPAREN) {
endPos = tokenSequence.offset();
if(tokenSequence.token().id() == JavaTokenId.LBRACE) {
return null;
if(startPos == -1 || endPos == -1) {
return null;
return new int[] {
/**Find span of the {@link MemberSelectTree#getIdentifier()} identifier in the source.
* Returns starting and ending offset of the name in the source code that was parsed
* (ie. {@link CompilationInfo#getText()}, which may differ from the positions in the source
* document if it has been already altered.
* @param mst member select which identifier should be searched for
* @return the span of the name, or null if cannot be found
* @since 0.25
public int[] findNameSpan(MemberSelectTree mst) {
return findNameSpan(mst.getIdentifier().toString(), mst, JavaTokenId.DOT, JavaTokenId.WHITESPACE, JavaTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT, JavaTokenId.LINE_COMMENT, JavaTokenId.JAVADOC_COMMENT);
/**Find span of the {@link MemberReferenceTree#getName()} identifier in the source.
* Returns starting and ending offset of the name in the source code that was parsed
* (ie. {@link CompilationInfo#getText()}, which may differ from the positions in the source
* document if it has been already altered.
* @param mst member reference for which the identifier should be searched for
* @return the span of the name, or null if cannot be found
* @since 0.124
public int[] findNameSpan(MemberReferenceTree mst) {
return findNameSpan(mst.getName().toString(), mst, JavaTokenId.DOT, JavaTokenId.WHITESPACE, JavaTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT, JavaTokenId.LINE_COMMENT, JavaTokenId.JAVADOC_COMMENT);
/**Find span of the name in the DocTree's reference tree (see {@link #getReferenceName(com.sun.source.util.DocTreePath)}
* identifier in the source. Returns starting and ending offset of the name in
* the source code that was parsed (ie. {@link CompilationInfo#getText()}, which
* may differ from the positions in the source document if it has been already
* altered.
* @param ref reference for which the identifier should be found
* @return the span of the name, or null if cannot be found
* @since 0.124
public int[] findNameSpan(DocCommentTree docTree, ReferenceTree ref) {
Name name = ((DCReference) ref).memberName;
if (name == null || !SourceVersion.isIdentifier(name)) {
//names like "", etc.
return null;
int pos = (int) info.getDocTrees().getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(info.getCompilationUnit(), docTree, ref);
if (pos < 0)
return null;
TokenSequence tokenSequence = info.getTokenHierarchy().tokenSequence(JavaTokenId.language());
if (!tokenSequence.moveNext() ||
(tokenSequence.token().id() != JavaTokenId.JAVADOC_COMMENT &&
tokenSequence.token().id() != JavaTokenId.JAVADOC_COMMENT_LINE_RUN)) {
return null;
TokenSequence jdocTS = tokenSequence.embedded(JavadocTokenId.language());
boolean wasNext;
while ((wasNext = jdocTS.moveNext()) && jdocTS.token().id() != JavadocTokenId.HASH)
if (wasNext && jdocTS.moveNext()) {
if (jdocTS.token().id() == JavadocTokenId.IDENT &&
name.contentEquals(jdocTS.token().text())) {
return new int[] {
jdocTS.offset() + jdocTS.token().length()
return null;
private int[] findNameSpan(String name, Tree t, JavaTokenId... allowedTokens) {
if (!SourceVersion.isIdentifier(name)) {
//names like "", etc.
return null;
JCTree jcTree = (JCTree) t;
int pos = jcTree.pos;
if (pos < 0)
return null;
Set allowedTokensSet = EnumSet.noneOf(JavaTokenId.class);
TokenSequence tokenSequence = info.getTokenHierarchy().tokenSequence(JavaTokenId.language());
boolean wasNext;
while ((wasNext = tokenSequence.moveNext()) && allowedTokensSet.contains(tokenSequence.token().id()))
if (wasNext) {
if (tokenSequence.token().id() == JavaTokenId.IDENTIFIER) {
boolean nameMatches;
if (!(nameMatches = name.contentEquals(tokenSequence.token().text()))) {
ExpressionTree expr = info.getTreeUtilities().parseExpression(tokenSequence.token().text().toString(), new SourcePositions[1]);
nameMatches = expr.getKind() == Kind.IDENTIFIER && name.contentEquals(((IdentifierTree) expr).getName());
if (nameMatches) {
return new int[] {
tokenSequence.offset() + tokenSequence.token().length()
if (tokenSequence.moveNext() && tokenSequence.token().id() == JavaTokenId.JAVADOC_COMMENT) {
//TODO: this is not precise enough
return new int[] {
pos + 1,
pos + name.length() + 1
return null;
/**Find the target of break
or continue
. The given
* {@link CompilationInfo} has to be at least in the {@link Phase#RESOLVED} phase.
* @param breakOrContinue {@link TreePath} to the tree that should be inspected.
* The breakOrContinue.getLeaf().getKind()
* has to be one of {@link Kind#BREAK}, {@link Kind#CONTINUE}, or {@link Kind#YIELD}, or
* an IllegalArgumentException is thrown
* @return the tree that is the "target" for the given break or continue statement, or null if there is none. Tree can be of type StatementTree or ExpressionTree
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given tree is not a break or continue tree or if the given {@link CompilationInfo}
* is not in the {@link Phase#RESOLVED} phase.
* @since 2.40
public Tree getBreakContinueTargetTree(TreePath breakOrContinue) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (info.getPhase().compareTo(Phase.RESOLVED) < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not in correct Phase. Required: Phase.RESOLVED, got: Phase." + info.getPhase().toString());
Tree leaf = breakOrContinue.getLeaf();
switch (leaf.getKind()) {
case BREAK:
return (Tree) ((JCTree.JCBreak) leaf).target;
Tree target = (Tree) ((JCTree.JCContinue) leaf).target;
if (target == null)
return null;
if (((JCTree.JCContinue) leaf).label == null)
return target;
TreePath tp = breakOrContinue;
while (tp.getLeaf() != target) {
tp = tp.getParentPath();
Tree parent = tp.getParentPath().getLeaf();
if (parent.getKind() == Kind.LABELED_STATEMENT) {
return (StatementTree) parent;
} else {
return target;
case YIELD:
return (Tree) ((JCTree.JCYield) leaf).target;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported kind: " + leaf.getKind());
/**Find the target of break
or continue
. The given
* {@link CompilationInfo} has to be at least in the {@link Phase#RESOLVED} phase.
* @param breakOrContinue {@link TreePath} to the tree that should be inspected.
* The breakOrContinue.getLeaf().getKind()
* has to be either {@link Kind#BREAK} or {@link Kind#CONTINUE}, or
* an IllegalArgumentException is thrown
* @return the tree that is the "target" for the given break or continue statement, or null if there is none.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given tree is not a break or continue tree or if the given {@link CompilationInfo}
* is not in the {@link Phase#RESOLVED} phase.
* @since 0.16
public StatementTree getBreakContinueTarget(TreePath breakOrContinue) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (info.getPhase().compareTo(Phase.RESOLVED) < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not in correct Phase. Required: Phase.RESOLVED, got: Phase." + info.getPhase().toString());
Tree leaf = breakOrContinue.getLeaf();
switch (leaf.getKind()) {
case BREAK:
Tree breakTarget = (Tree) ((JCTree.JCBreak) leaf).target;
if (breakTarget == null || !(breakTarget instanceof StatementTree)) {
return null;
return (StatementTree) breakTarget;
StatementTree target = (StatementTree) ((JCTree.JCContinue) leaf).target;
if (target == null)
return null;
if (((JCTree.JCContinue) leaf).label == null)
return target;
TreePath tp = breakOrContinue;
while (tp.getLeaf() != target) {
tp = tp.getParentPath();
Tree parent = tp.getParentPath().getLeaf();
if (parent.getKind() == Kind.LABELED_STATEMENT) {
return (StatementTree) parent;
} else {
return target;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported kind: " + leaf.getKind());
/**Decode escapes defined in:, 3.1-3.9.
* Must be a full token text, including possible #".
* @param text to decode
* @return decoded escapes from the identifier
* @see ProjectCoinProposal
* @since 0.56
public @NonNull CharSequence decodeIdentifier(@NonNull CharSequence text) {
return decodeIdentifierInternal(text);
/**Encode identifier using escapes defined in:, 3.1-3.9.
* @param ident to encode
* @return encoded identifier, including #" if necessary
* @see ProjectCoinProposal
* @since 0.56
public @NonNull CharSequence encodeIdentifier(@NonNull CharSequence ident) {
return encodeIdentifierInternal(ident);
static @NonNull CharSequence decodeIdentifierInternal(@NonNull CharSequence text) {
if (text.charAt(0) != '#') {
return text;
int count = text.charAt(text.length() - 1) == '"' ? text.length() - 1 : text.length();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(text.length());
for (int c = 2; c < count; c++) {
if (text.charAt(c) == '\\' && ++c < count) {
if (EXOTIC_ESCAPE.contains(text.charAt(c))) {
} else {
//XXX: handle \012
Character remaped = ESCAPE_UNENCODE.get(text.charAt(c));
if (remaped != null) {
} else {
//TODO: illegal?
} else {
return sb.toString();
static @NonNull CharSequence encodeIdentifierInternal(@NonNull CharSequence ident) {
if (ident.length() == 0) {
return ident;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(ident.length());
boolean needsExotic = Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(ident.charAt(0));
//XXX: code points?
for (int i = 0; i < ident.length(); i++) {
char c = ident.charAt(i);
if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) {
needsExotic = true;
Character target = ESCAPE_ENCODE.get(c);
if (target != null) {
} else {
if (needsExotic) {
sb.insert(0, "#\"");
return sb.toString();
} else {
return ident;
static Set EXOTIC_ESCAPE = new HashSet(
Arrays.asList('!', '#', '$', '%', '&', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-',
':', '=', '?', '@', '^', '_', '`', '{', '|', '}')
private static final Map ESCAPE_UNENCODE;
private static final Map ESCAPE_ENCODE;
static {
Map unencode = new HashMap();
unencode.put('n', '\n');
unencode.put('t', '\t');
unencode.put('b', '\b');
unencode.put('r', '\r');
ESCAPE_UNENCODE = Collections.unmodifiableMap(unencode);
Map encode = new HashMap();
encode.put('\n', 'n');
encode.put('\t', 't');
encode.put('\b', 'b');
encode.put('\r', 'r');
ESCAPE_ENCODE = Collections.unmodifiableMap(encode);
/**Returns new tree based on {@code original}, such that each visited subtree
* that occurs as a key in {@code original2Translated} is replaced by the corresponding
* value from {@code original2Translated}. The value is then translated using the same
* algorithm. Each key from {@code original2Translated} is used at most once.
* Unless the provided {@code original} tree is a key in {@code original2Translated},
* the resulting tree has the same type as {@code original}.
* Principally, the method inner workings are:
* translate(original, original2Translated) {
* if (original2Translated.containsKey(original))
* return translate(original2Translated.remove(original));
* newTree = copyOf(original);
* for (Tree child : allChildrenOf(original)) {
* newTree.replace(child, translate(child, original2Translated));
* }
* return newTree;
* }
* @param original the tree that should be translated
* @param original2Translated map containing trees that should be translated
* @return translated tree.
* @since 0.64
public @NonNull Tree translate(final @NonNull Tree original, final @NonNull Map extends Tree, ? extends Tree> original2Translated) {
return translate(original, original2Translated, new NoImports(info), null);
@NonNull Tree translate(final @NonNull Tree original, final @NonNull Map extends Tree, ? extends Tree> original2Translated, ImportAnalysis2 ia, Map tree2Tag) {
ImmutableTreeTranslator itt = new ImmutableTreeTranslator(info instanceof WorkingCopy ? (WorkingCopy)info : null) {
private @NonNull Map map = new HashMap(original2Translated);
public Tree translate(Tree tree) {
Tree translated = map.remove(tree);
if (translated != null) {
return translate(translated);
} else {
return super.translate(tree);
Context c = info.impl.getJavacTask().getContext();
itt.attach(c, ia, tree2Tag);
return itt.translate(original);
/**Returns new tree based on {@code original}, such that each visited subtree
* that occurs as a key in {@code original2Translated} is replaced by the corresponding
* value from {@code original2Translated}. The value is then translated using the same
* algorithm. Each key from {@code original2Translated} is used at most once.
* Unless the provided {@code original} tree is a key in {@code original2Translated},
* the resulting tree has the same type as {@code original}.
* Principally, the method inner workings are:
* translate(original, original2Translated) {
* if (original2Translated.containsKey(original))
* return translate(original2Translated.remove(original));
* newTree = copyOf(original);
* for (Tree child : allChildrenOf(original)) {
* newTree.replace(child, translate(child, original2Translated));
* }
* return newTree;
* }
* @param original the tree that should be translated
* @param original2Translated map containing trees that should be translated
* @return translated tree.
* @since 0.124
public @NonNull DocTree translate(final @NonNull DocTree original, final @NonNull Map extends DocTree, ? extends DocTree> original2Translated) {
return translate(original, original2Translated, new NoImports(info), null);
@NonNull DocTree translate(final @NonNull DocTree original, final @NonNull Map extends DocTree, ? extends DocTree> original2Translated, ImportAnalysis2 ia, Map tree2Tag) {
ImmutableDocTreeTranslator itt = new ImmutableDocTreeTranslator(info instanceof WorkingCopy ? (WorkingCopy)info : null) {
private @NonNull Map map = new HashMap(original2Translated);
public DocTree translate(DocTree tree) {
DocTree translated = map.remove(tree);
if (translated != null) {
return translate(translated);
} else {
return super.translate(tree);
Context c = info.impl.getJavacTask().getContext();
itt.attach(c, ia, tree2Tag);
return itt.translate(original);
private static final class NoImports extends ImportAnalysis2 {
public NoImports(CompilationInfo info) {
public void classEntered(ClassTree clazz) {}
public void enterVisibleThroughClasses(ClassTree clazz) {}
public void classLeft() {}
public ExpressionTree resolveImport(MemberSelectTree orig, Element element) {
return orig;
public void setCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitTree cut) {}
public void setImports(List extends ImportTree> importsToAdd) {
public Set extends Element> getImports() {
return Collections.emptySet();
public void setPackage(ExpressionTree packageNameTree) {}
private static class UncaughtExceptionsVisitor extends ErrorAwareTreePathScanner> {
private final CompilationInfo info;
private UncaughtExceptionsVisitor(final CompilationInfo info) { = info;
public Void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree node, Set p) {
super.visitMethodInvocation(node, p);
Element el = info.getTrees().getElement(getCurrentPath());
if (el != null && el.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD)
return null;
public Void visitNewClass(NewClassTree node, Set p) {
super.visitNewClass(node, p);
Element el = info.getTrees().getElement(getCurrentPath());
if (el != null && el.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR)
return null;
public Void visitThrow(ThrowTree node, Set p) {
super.visitThrow(node, p);
TypeMirror tm = info.getTrees().getTypeMirror(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), node.getExpression()));
if (tm != null) {
if (tm.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED)
else if (tm.getKind() == TypeKind.UNION)
return null;
public Void visitTry(TryTree node, Set p) {
Set s = new LinkedHashSet();
Trees trees = info.getTrees();
Types types = info.getTypes();
Elements elements = info.getElements();
for (Tree res : node.getResources()) {
TypeMirror resType = trees.getTypeMirror(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), res));
if (resType != null && resType.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) {
for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(elements.getAllMembers((TypeElement)((DeclaredType)resType).asElement()))) {
if ("close".contentEquals(method.getSimpleName()) //NOI18N
&& method.getParameters().isEmpty()
&& method.getTypeParameters().isEmpty()) {
scan(node.getBlock(), s);
Set c = new LinkedHashSet();
for (CatchTree ct : node.getCatches()) {
TypeMirror t = trees.getTypeMirror(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), ct.getParameter().getType()));
if (t != null) {
if (t.getKind() == TypeKind.UNION) {
for (TypeMirror tm : ((UnionType)t).getAlternatives()) {
if (tm != null && tm.getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR)
} else if (t.getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR) {
for (TypeMirror t : c) {
for (Iterator it = s.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
if (types.isSubtype(, t))
scan(node.getCatches(), p);
scan(node.getFinallyBlock(), p);
return null;
public Void visitMethod(MethodTree node, Set p) {
Set s = new LinkedHashSet();
scan(node.getBody(), s);
for (ExpressionTree et : node.getThrows()) {
TypeMirror t = info.getTrees().getTypeMirror(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), et));
if (t != null && t.getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR) {
for (Iterator it = s.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
if (info.getTypes().isSubtype(, t))
return null;
public Void visitClass(ClassTree node, Set p) {
return null;
public Void visitLambdaExpression(LambdaExpressionTree node, Set p) {
return null;
private static class UnrelatedTypeMirrorSet extends AbstractSet {
private Types types;
private LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
public UnrelatedTypeMirrorSet(Types types) {
this.types = types;
public boolean add(TypeMirror typeMirror) {
for (ListIterator it = list.listIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
TypeMirror tm =;
if (types.isSubtype(typeMirror, tm))
return false;
if (types.isSubtype(tm, typeMirror))
return list.add(typeMirror);
public Iterator iterator() {
return list.iterator();
public int size() {
return list.size();
/**Checks whether the given expression is a compile-time constant, as per JLS 15.28.
* @param expression the expression to check
* @return true if and only if the given expression represents a compile-time constant value
* @since 0.91
public boolean isCompileTimeConstantExpression(TreePath expression) {
TypeMirror attributeTree = info.getTrees().getTypeMirror(expression);
Type attributeTreeImpl = (Type) attributeTree;
return attributeTreeImpl != null && attributeTreeImpl.constValue() != null;
/**Find the type (the part before {@code #}) that is being referenced by the given {@link ReferenceTree}.
* @param path the leaf must be {@link ReferenceTree}
* @return the referred type, or {@code null} if none.
* @since 0.124
public @CheckForNull ExpressionTree getReferenceClass(@NonNull DocTreePath path) {
TreePath tp = path.getTreePath();
DCReference ref = (DCReference) path.getLeaf();
// was:
// ((JavacTrees), ref);
return (ExpressionTree) ref.qualifierExpression;
/**Find the name (the name after {@code #}) that is being referenced by the given {@link ReferenceTree}.
* @param path the leaf must be {@link ReferenceTree}
* @return the referred member name, or {@code null} if none.
* @since 0.124
public @CheckForNull Name getReferenceName(@NonNull DocTreePath path) {
return ((DCReference) path.getLeaf()).memberName;
/**Find the parameters that are specified in the given {@link ReferenceTree}.
* @param path the leaf must be {@link ReferenceTree}
* @return the parameters for the referred method, or {@code null} if none.
* @since 0.124
public @CheckForNull List extends Tree> getReferenceParameters(@NonNull DocTreePath path) {
TreePath tp = path.getTreePath();
DCReference ref = (DCReference) path.getLeaf();
// was:
// ((JavacTrees), ref);
return ref.paramTypes;
/**Check the var type variable in given tree path {@link TreePath}.
* @param path the path of tree {@link TreePath}
* @return the true if tree contains var keyword else return false
* @since 2.31.0
public boolean isVarType(@NonNull TreePath path) {
TokenSequence tokenSequence = tokensFor(path.getLeaf());
while(tokenSequence.moveNext() && tokenSequence.token().id() != JavaTokenId.EQ && tokenSequence.token().id() != JavaTokenId.COLON && tokenSequence.token().id() != JavaTokenId.RPAREN && tokenSequence.token().id() != JavaTokenId.SEMICOLON){
if(tokenSequence.token().id() == JavaTokenId.VAR){
return true;
return false;
/**Check the tree is the end of compound declaration. {@link Tree}.
* @param tree the tree {@link Tree}
* @return the true if tree is end of compound declaration else return false
* @since 2.33.0
public boolean isEndOfCompoundVariableDeclaration(@NonNull Tree tree) {
TokenSequence tokenSequence = tokensFor(tree);
if (tokenSequence.movePrevious() && tokenSequence.token().id() != JavaTokenId.COMMA) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks whether tree is part of compound variable declaration.
* @param tree tree to examine.
* @return true if {@code tree} is part of compound var declaration.
* @since 2.34.0
public boolean isPartOfCompoundVariableDeclaration(@NonNull Tree tree) {
TokenSequence tokenSequence = tokensFor(tree);
if (tree.getKind() != Tree.Kind.VARIABLE) {
return false;
// If tree ends with comma then tree is part of compound variable declaration.
if (tokenSequence.movePrevious() && tokenSequence.token().id() == JavaTokenId.COMMA) {
return true;
int startPos = (int) info.getTrees().getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(info.getCompilationUnit(), tree);
int tokensLength = 0;
// To find out the first subtree from compound varaible declaration statement(if any).
while (tokenSequence.moveNext()) {
tokensLength += tokenSequence.token().length();
if (tokenSequence.token().id() == JavaTokenId.IDENTIFIER) {
Tree path = pathFor(startPos + tokensLength).getLeaf();
TokenSequence TokenSeq = tokensFor(path);
if (TokenSeq.movePrevious() && TokenSeq.token().id() == JavaTokenId.COMMA) {
return true;
return false;
* Check the tree has compile error in given errors.
* @param tree compilation tree
* @param errors Array of error code
* @return true if tree has compile error present in list of errors.
* @since 2.37
public boolean hasError(@NonNull Tree tree, String... errors) {
long startPos = info.getTrees().getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(info.getCompilationUnit(), tree);
long endPos = info.getTrees().getSourcePositions().getEndPosition(info.getCompilationUnit(), tree);
List diagnosticsList = info.getDiagnostics();
for (Diagnostic d : diagnosticsList) {
if ((d.getKind() == Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR) && ((d.getStartPosition() >= startPos) && (d.getEndPosition() <= endPos))) {
if (errors == null || errors.length == 0) {
return true;
} else {
for (String error : errors) {
if (error.equals(d.getCode())) {
return true;
return false;
private static final class NBScope implements Scope {
private final JavacScope delegate;
private NBScope(JavacScope delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
private boolean areAccessibilityChecksDisabled() {
return true;
public Scope getEnclosingScope() {
//TODO: wrap?
return delegate.getEnclosingScope();
public TypeElement getEnclosingClass() {
return delegate.getEnclosingClass();
public ExecutableElement getEnclosingMethod() {
return delegate.getEnclosingMethod();
public Iterable extends Element> getLocalElements() {
return delegate.getLocalElements();
static {
TreeUtilitiesAccessor.setInstance(new TreeUtilitiesAccessor() {
public StatementTree parseStatement(JavacTaskImpl task, String stmt, SourcePositions[] sourcePositions) {
return parseStatementImpl(task, stmt, sourcePositions);
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