org.netbeans.modules.languages.parser.DGUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.netbeans.modules.languages.parser;
import java.util.*;
* @author Jan Jancura
public class DGUtils {
public static DG cloneDG (DG dg, boolean cloneProperties, NodeFactory nodeFactory) {
DG ndg = DG.createDG ();
Map oldToNew = new HashMap ();
Iterator it = dg.getNodes ().iterator ();
while (it.hasNext ()) {
N oldNode = ();
N newNode = oldToNew.get (oldNode);
if (newNode == null) {
newNode = nodeFactory.createNode ();
ndg.addNode (newNode);
oldToNew.put (oldNode, newNode);
if (cloneProperties)
ndg.putAllProperties (newNode, dg.getProperties (oldNode));
Iterator it2 = dg.getEdges (oldNode).iterator ();
while (it2.hasNext ()) {
E edge = ();
N oldEnd = dg.getNode (oldNode, edge);
N newEnd = oldToNew.get (oldEnd);
if (newEnd == null) {
newEnd = nodeFactory.createNode ();
ndg.addNode (newEnd);
oldToNew.put (oldEnd, newEnd);
if (cloneProperties)
ndg.putAllProperties (newEnd, dg.getProperties (oldEnd));
ndg.addEdge (newNode, newEnd, edge);
if (cloneProperties)
ndg.putAllProperties (newNode, edge, dg.getProperties (oldNode, edge));
if (dg.getEnds ().contains (oldNode))
ndg.addEnd (newNode);
N newStart = oldToNew.get (dg.getStartNode ());
ndg.setStart (newStart);
return ndg;
public static DG append (DG dg1, DG dg2, E star, NodeFactory nodeFactory) {
DG ndg = DG.createDG ();
Set newStart = new HashSet ();
newStart.add (dg1.getStartNode ());
if (dg1.getEnds ().contains (dg1.getStartNode ()))
newStart.add (dg2.getStartNode ());
Map,N> newToOld = new HashMap,N> ();
merge (dg1, dg2, newStart, ndg, newToOld, dg1.getEnds (), dg2.getStartNode (), false, true, star, nodeFactory);
N nnn = newToOld.get (newStart);
ndg.setStart (nnn);
return ndg;
public static DG plus (DG dg, E star, NodeFactory nodeFactory) {
DG ndg = DG.createDG ();
N what = dg.getStartNode ();
Set where = dg.getEnds ();
Set nn = new HashSet ();
nn.add (dg.getStartNode ());
if (where.contains (dg.getStartNode ()))
nn.add (what);
Map,N> newToOld = new HashMap,N> ();
merge (dg, dg, nn, ndg, newToOld, where, what, true, true, star, nodeFactory);
N nnn = newToOld.get (nn);
ndg.setStart (nnn);
return ndg;
private static void merge (
DG dg1,
DG dg2,
Set nn,
DG ndg,
Map,N> newToOld,
Set where,
N what,
boolean setEnds1,
boolean setEnds2,
E star,
NodeFactory nodeFactory
) {
N nnn = newToOld.get (nn);
if (nnn != null) return;
nnn = nodeFactory.createNode ();
newToOld.put (nn, nnn);
ndg.addNode (nnn);
Map> edges = new HashMap> ();
Map> properties = new HashMap> ();
Iterator it = nn.iterator ();
while (it.hasNext ()) {
N n = ();
DG cdg = dg1.containsNode (n) ? dg1 : dg2;
ndg.putAllProperties (nnn, cdg.getProperties (n));
if (setEnds1 && dg1.getEnds ().contains (n))
ndg.addEnd (nnn);
if (setEnds2 && dg2.getEnds ().contains (n))
ndg.addEnd (nnn);
Iterator it2 = cdg.getEdges (n).iterator ();
while (it2.hasNext ()) {
E edge = ();
Set ends = edges.get (edge);
Map props = properties.get (edge);
if (ends == null) {
ends = new HashSet ();
props = new HashMap ();
edges.put (edge, ends);
properties.put (edge, props);
N en = cdg.getNode (n, edge);
ends.add (en);
props.putAll (cdg.getProperties (n, edge));
if (where.contains (en))
ends.add (what);
it = nn.iterator ();
while (it.hasNext ()) {
N n = ();
DG cdg = dg1.containsNode (n) ? dg1 : dg2;
N en = cdg.getNode (n, star);
if (en == null) continue;
Iterator it2 = edges.keySet ().iterator ();
while (it2.hasNext ()) {
E e = ();
if (cdg.getNode (n, e) != null) continue;
edges.get (e).add (en);
properties.get (e).putAll (cdg.getProperties (n, e));
if (where.contains (en))
edges.get (e).add (what);
Iterator it2 = edges.keySet ().iterator ();
while (it2.hasNext ()) {
E edge = ();
Set en = edges.get (edge);
merge (dg1, dg2, en, ndg, newToOld, where, what, setEnds1, setEnds2, star, nodeFactory);
N enn = newToOld.get (en);
ndg.addEdge (nnn, enn, edge);
ndg.putAllProperties (nnn, edge, properties.get (edge));
public static DG merge (DG dg1, DG dg2, E star, NodeFactory nodeFactory) {
DG ndg = DG.createDG ();
Map,N> newToOld = new HashMap,N> ();
N startNode = merge (
dg1, dg2,
dg1.getStartNode (),
dg2.getStartNode (),
true, true,
ndg.setStart (startNode);
return ndg;
private static N merge (
DG dg1,
DG dg2,
N n1,
N n2,
DG ndg,
boolean addEnds1,
boolean addEnds2,
E star,
NodeFactory nodeFactory,
Map,N> newToOld,
int depth
) {
Set nNode = new HashSet ();
nNode.add (n1);
nNode.add (n2);
if (newToOld.containsKey (nNode))
return newToOld.get (nNode);
N dnode = nodeFactory.createNode ();
newToOld.put (nNode, dnode);
ndg.addNode (dnode);
ndg.putAllProperties (dnode, dg1.getProperties (n1));
ndg.putAllProperties (dnode, dg2.getProperties (n2));
if (addEnds1 && dg1.getEnds ().contains (n1))
ndg.addEnd (dnode);
if (addEnds2 && dg2.getEnds ().contains (n2))
ndg.addEnd (dnode);
Set edges2 = new HashSet (dg2.getEdges (n2));
Iterator it = dg1.getEdges (n1).iterator ();
while (it.hasNext ()) {
E edge = ();
N nn1 = dg1.getNode (n1, edge);
N nn2 = dg2.getNode (n2, edge);
Map properties = null;
if ( !edge.equals (star) &&
edges2.contains (star) &&
nn2 == null
) {
nn2 = dg2.getNode (n2, star);
properties = dg2.getProperties (n2, star);
} else
if (nn2 != null)
properties = dg2.getProperties (n2, edge);
N nnode = nn2 == null ?
merge (dg1, nn1, ndg, addEnds1) :
merge (dg1, dg2, nn1, nn2, ndg, addEnds1, addEnds2, star, nodeFactory, newToOld, depth + 1);
ndg.addEdge (dnode, nnode, edge);
ndg.putAllProperties (dnode, edge, dg1.getProperties (n1, edge));
if (properties != null)
ndg.putAllProperties (dnode, edge, properties);
edges2.remove (edge);
it = edges2.iterator ();
while (it.hasNext ()) {
E edge = ();
N nn2 = dg2.getNode (n2, edge);
N nnode = null;
Map properties = null;
if ( !edge.equals (star) &&
dg1.getEdges (n1).contains (star)
) {
nnode = merge (dg1, dg2, dg1.getNode (n1, star), nn2, ndg, addEnds1, addEnds2, star, nodeFactory, newToOld, depth + 1);
properties = dg1.getProperties (n1, star);
} else
nnode = merge (dg2, nn2, ndg, addEnds2);
ndg.addEdge (dnode, nnode, edge);
ndg.putAllProperties (dnode, edge, dg2.getProperties (n2, edge));
if (properties != null)
ndg.putAllProperties (dnode, edge, properties);
return dnode;
private static N merge (
DG dg,
N n,
DG ndg,
boolean addEnds
) {
if (ndg.containsNode (n)) return n;
ndg.addNode (n);
ndg.putAllProperties (n, dg.getProperties (n));
if (addEnds && dg.getEnds ().contains (n))
ndg.addEnd (n);
Iterator it = dg.getEdges (n).iterator ();
while (it.hasNext ()) {
E edge = ();
N nn = dg.getNode (n, edge);
N endN = merge (dg, nn, ndg, addEnds);
ndg.addEdge (n, endN, edge);
ndg.putAllProperties (n, edge, dg.getProperties (n, edge));
return n;
static DG reduce (DG dg, NodeFactory nodeFactory) {
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