Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# under the License.
OpenIDE-Module-Display-Category=Testing Tools
This module is capable of collecting various information about user actions. \
It contains UI elements that allow inspection and submission of these data to the collecting server.
OpenIDE-Module-Name=UI Gestures Collector Infrastructure
MSG_SubmitDialogTitle=UI Gestures Collector
# {0} = getFileName()
# {1} = getClassName()
# {2} = getMethodName()
# {3} = getLineNumber()
# {4} = getClassName() without package
MSG_RootDisplayName=UI Gestures
# Not necessary after the UI has changed by
#MSG_DisplayNameParameters=Message Parameters
#MSG_ParameterDisplayName=Param #{0}
#MSG_ParameterShortDescription=Shows value of message parameter #{0}
#MSG_DateShortDescription=Time when the event happened
#MSG_LoggerDisplayName=Logger Name
#MSG_LoggerShortDescription=Name of the logger that generated the event
#MSG_MessageShortDescription=The actual message from the log
OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=Collects Information about UI Gestures
UI_USER_CONFIGURATION=The operating system is {0}, virtual machine {1}, Application version {2} and user name {3}.
# A resource bundle the application version is read from
# A key with the application version number
# A system property, that is used as an argument to the application version number key
UI_DISABLED_MODULES=List of disabled modules {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} ...
UI_ENABLED_MODULES=List of enabled modules {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} ...
# messages on exit
MSG_EXIT_URL_EXIT=E&xit without Getting Statistics
# messages on startup
# URL to display to as a welcome text
# URL to display to as a welcome text in case of error
MSG_SubmitButton=&Review and Report Problem
# {0} - host
# {1} - url of upload
# {2} - the absolute path to the IDE's log file (defined by the LOG_FILE key above)
MSG_ConnetionFailed=Upload of log to {0} failed!
# {0} - host
# {1} - url of upload
# {2} - the absolute path to the IDE's log file (defined by the LOG_FILE key above)
# String between [URL] and [/URL] is rendered as an URL and it opens in a browser upon a click
# String between [TTC] and [/TTC] (Text To Copy) is possible to select and copy
MSG_ConnetionFailedReport=Upload of log failed, please report the original problem directly at [URL][/URL] and attach messages.log file.\
\nThe messages.log file is located at [TTC]{2}[/TTC].
# {0} - host
# {1} - url of upload
# {2} - the absolute path to the IDE's log file (defined by the LOG_FILE key above)
# {3} - response message
MSG_ConnetionFailedWithResponse=Upload of log to {0} failed: {3}
# {0} - host
# {1} - url of upload
# {2} - the absolute path to the IDE's log file (defined by the LOG_FILE key above)
# {3} - response message
# String between [URL] and [/URL] is rendered as an URL and it opens in a browser upon a click
# String between [TTC] and [/TTC] (Text To Copy) is possible to select and copy
MSG_ConnetionFailedReportWithResponse=Upload of log failed ({3}), please report the original problem directly at [URL][/URL] and attach messages.log file.\
\nThe messages.log file is located at [TTC]{2}[/TTC].
MSG_UploadProgressHandle=Uploading log file
MSG_UploadSending=Sending logs...
MSG_UploadReading=Reading reply...
#exceptions solving
ErrorDialogTitle=Connecting ...
SubmitPanel.jLabel1.text_1=Show Record\:
Metrics_title=Usage Statistics
LBL_BottomText1=Help us improve the MyApplication by providing anonymous usage data.
LBL_BottomText2=If you agree to participate, the application will send anonymous \
information about the high-level features that you use to a database at
LBL_BottomText3=The usage statistics help us better understand user \
requirements and prioritize improvements in future releases. We will never \
reverse-engineer the collected data to find specific details about your projects.
LBL_MetricsEnable=I Agree
ACSN_MetricsEnable=Enable usage statistics
ACSD_MetricsEnable=Enable usage statistics
LBL_MetricsCancel=No, Thank You
ACSN_MetricsCancel=Disable usage statistics
ACSD_MetricsCancel=Disable usage statistics
LBL_LearnMore=Learn more
ACSN_LearnMore=Learn more
ACSD_LearnMore=Learn more
IDE_LOG_TAB_TITLE=Application Log
# Slowness Reporter
LowPerformance=Slowness detected. Was it a problem?
# {0} time in ms
# {1} time in s
BlockedForLowPerformance=Not responsive for {0,choice,0#{0} ms|5000#{1} s}. \
Do you want to report it?
GoToType=Slow Go to Type detected. Was it a problem?
BlockedForGoToType=Go to Type Action took {0,choice,0#{0} ms|5000#{1} s}. \
Do you want to report it?
CodeCompletion=Slow Code Completion detected. Was it a problem?
BlockedForCodeCompletion=Invoking Code Completion took {0,choice,0#{0} ms|5000#{1} s}. \
Do you want to report it?
Report=Review and Report Problem.
IDE_STARTUP=Application startup
SubmitPanel.profileData.text=Show profiler data
SubmitPanel.heapDump.text=Show heap dump
ReportPanel.sendButton.tooltip=Sends a report once description or steps to reproduce are provided.
LOADING_TEXT=Loading ...
MSG_SCAN_CANCELLED=It is not possible to interrupt the scanning process.
If you are encountering a problem related to the scanning process
and would like to send us your log file click Send Report.
MSG_SCAN_CANCELLED2=It is not possible to interrupt the scanning process.
If you are encountering a problem related to the scanning process and would like to send us your
log file click Send Report. \
In case the slowness appears repeatedly, you may enable internal profiling for further reports
by clicking Send Report and Enable Profiling. Profiling will be enabled for this IDE run only and
will be disabled again once the IDE is restarted. By providing profiling data, you significantly
enhance the chances the real problem is identified and solved.
Profiling is off by default, because it might slow the IDE operations. To enable it permanently,
add "-J-Dorg.netbeans.modules.parsing.impl.indexing.RepositoryUpdater.indexerSampling=enable"
option to the etc/netbeans.conf file in your IDE installation.
LBL_SendReport=Send Report
LBL_SendReportAndProfile=Send Report and Enable Profiling
MSG_SCAN_CANCELLED_EARLY=It is not possible to interrupt the scanning process.
If you are encountering a problem related to scanning and would like to report it,
please wait for several minutes so statistics are gathered, then the report
will be generated and you will be prompted with an option to send the report.
TITLE_SCAN_CANCELLED_EARLY=Scan canceled too early