org.netbeans.swing.outline.DefaultOutlineModel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.netbeans.swing.outline;
import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent;
import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener;
import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener;
import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
import javax.swing.tree.AbstractLayoutCache;
import javax.swing.tree.FixedHeightLayoutCache;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
import javax.swing.tree.VariableHeightLayoutCache;
/** Proxies a standard TreeModel and TableModel, translating events between
* the two. Note that the constructor is not public; the TableModel that is
* proxied is the OutlineModel's own. To make use of this class, implement
* RowModel - that is a mini-table model in which the TreeModel is responsible
* for defining the set of rows; it is passed an object from the tree, which
* it may use to generate values for the other columns. Pass that and the
* TreeModel you want to use to createOutlineModel
* A note on TableModelEvents produced by this model: There is a slight
* impedance mismatch between TableModelEvent and TreeModelEvent. When the
* tree changes, it is necessary to fire TableModelEvents to update the display.
* However, TreeModelEvents support changes to discontiguous segments of the
* model (i.e. "child nodes 3, 4 and 9 were deleted"). TableModelEvents
* have no such concept - they operate on contiguous ranges of rows. Therefore,
* one incoming TreeModelEvent may result in more than one TableModelEvent being
* fired. Discontiguous TreeModelEvents will be broken into their contiguous
* segments, which will be fired sequentially (in the case of removals, in
* reverse order). So, the example above would generate two TableModelEvents,
* the first indicating that row 9 was removed, and the second indicating that
* rows 3 and 4 were removed.
* Clients which need to know whether the TableModelEvent they have just
* received is one of a group (perhaps they update some data structure, and
* should not do so until the table's state is fully synchronized with that
* of the tree model) may call areMoreEventsPending()
* In the case of TreeModelEvents which add items to an unexpanded tree node,
* a simple value change TableModelEvent will be fired for the row in question
* on the tree column index.
* Note also that if the model is large-model, removal events may only indicate
* those indices which were visible at the time of removal, because less data
* is retained about the position of nodes which are not displayed. In this
* case, the only issue is the accuracy of the scrollbar in the model; in
* practice this is a non-issue, since it is based on the Outline's row count,
* which will be accurate.
* A note to subclassers, if we even leave this class non-final: If you do
* not use ProxyTableModel and RowMapper (which probably means you are doing
* something wrong), do not fire structural changes from the TableModel.
* This class is designed such that the TreeModel is entirely in control of the
* count and contents of the rows of the table. It and only it may fire
* structural changes.
* Note that this class enforces access only on the event dispatch thread
* with assertions. All events fired by the underlying table and tree model
* must be fired on the event dispatch thread.
* @author Tim Boudreau
public class DefaultOutlineModel implements OutlineModel {
private TreeModel treeModel;
private TableModel tableModel;
private AbstractLayoutCache layout;
private TreePathSupport treePathSupport;
private EventBroadcaster broadcaster;
private String nodesColumnLabel = "Nodes";
//Some constants we use to have a single method handle all translated
//event firing
private static final int NODES_CHANGED = 0;
private static final int NODES_INSERTED = 1;
private static final int NODES_REMOVED = 2;
private static final int STRUCTURE_CHANGED = 3;
/** Create a small model OutlineModel using the supplied tree model and row model
* @param treeModel The tree model that is the data model for the expandable
* tree column of an Outline
* @param rowModel The row model which will supply values for each row based
* on the tree node in that row in the tree model
public static OutlineModel createOutlineModel(TreeModel treeModel, RowModel rowModel) {
return createOutlineModel (treeModel, rowModel, false, null);
/** Create an OutlineModel using the supplied tree model and row model,
* specifying if it is a large-model tree
* @param treeModel The tree model
* @param rowModel The row model
* @param isLargeModel true
if it's a large model tree, false
public static OutlineModel createOutlineModel(TreeModel treeModel, RowModel rowModel, boolean isLargeModel) {
return createOutlineModel (treeModel, rowModel, isLargeModel, null);
/** Create an OutlineModel using the supplied tree model and row model,
* specifying if it is a large-model tree
* @param treeModel The tree model
* @param rowModel The row model
* @param isLargeModel true
if it's a large model tree, false
* @param nodesColumnLabel Label of the node's column
public static OutlineModel createOutlineModel(TreeModel treeModel, RowModel rowModel, boolean isLargeModel, String nodesColumnLabel) {
return new DefaultOutlineModel (treeModel, rowModel, isLargeModel, nodesColumnLabel);
/** Create a new instance of DefaultOutlineModel using the supplied tree model and row model,
* specifying if it is a large-model tree
* @param treeModel The tree model
* @param rowModel The row model
* @param largeModel true
if it's a large model tree, false
* @param nodesColumnLabel Label of the node's column
protected DefaultOutlineModel(TreeModel treeModel, RowModel rowModel, boolean largeModel, String nodesColumnLabel) {
this( treeModel, new ProxyTableModel(rowModel), largeModel, nodesColumnLabel );
/** Creates a new instance of DefaultOutlineModel. Note
* Do not fire table structure changes from the wrapped TableModel (value
* changes are okay). Changes that affect the number of rows must come
* from the TreeModel.
* @param treeModel The tree model
* @param tableModel The table model
* @param largeModel true
if it's a large model tree, false
* @param nodesColumnLabel Label of the node's column
protected DefaultOutlineModel(TreeModel treeModel, TableModel tableModel, boolean largeModel, String nodesColumnLabel) {
this.treeModel = treeModel;
this.tableModel = tableModel;
if (nodesColumnLabel != null) {
this.nodesColumnLabel = nodesColumnLabel;
layout = largeModel ? (AbstractLayoutCache) new FixedHeightLayoutCache()
: (AbstractLayoutCache) new VariableHeightLayoutCache();
broadcaster = new EventBroadcaster (this);
treePathSupport = new TreePathSupport(this, layout);
if (tableModel instanceof ProxyTableModel) {
((ProxyTableModel) tableModel).setOutlineModel(this);
public final TreePathSupport getTreePathSupport() {
return treePathSupport;
public final AbstractLayoutCache getLayout() {
return layout;
/** Flag which is set to true while multiple TableModelEvents generated
* from a single TreeModelEvent are being fired, so clients can avoid
* any model queries until all pending changes have been fired. The
* main thing to avoid is any mid-process repaints, which can only happen
* if the response to an event will be to call paintImmediately().
* This value is guaranteed to be true for the first group of
* related events, and false if tested in response to the final event.
* @return true
if more events are pending, false
public boolean areMoreEventsPending() {
return broadcaster.areMoreEventsPending();
/** Accessor for EventBroadcaster */
TreeModel getTreeModel() {
return treeModel;
/** Accessor for EventBroadcaster */
TableModel getTableModel() {
return tableModel;
public final Object getChild(Object parent, int index) {
return treeModel.getChild (parent, index);
public final int getChildCount(Object parent) {
return treeModel.getChildCount (parent);
/** Delegates to the RowMapper for > 0 columns; column 0 always
* returns Object.class */
public final Class getColumnClass(int columnIndex) {
if (columnIndex == 0) {
return Object.class;
} else {
return tableModel.getColumnClass(columnIndex-1);
public final int getColumnCount() {
return tableModel.getColumnCount()+1;
public String getColumnName(int columnIndex) {
if (columnIndex == 0) {
return nodesColumnLabel;
} else {
return tableModel.getColumnName(columnIndex-1);
* Change the label of the 'tree' column.
* @param label New label for tree column.
public void setNodesColumnLabel( String label ) {
this.nodesColumnLabel = label;
broadcaster.fireTableChange( new TableModelEvent( this, -1, -1, 0, TableModelEvent.HEADER_ROW ) );
public final int getIndexOfChild(Object parent, Object child) {
return treeModel.getIndexOfChild(parent, child);
public final Object getRoot() {
return treeModel.getRoot();
public final int getRowCount() {
return layout.getRowCount();
public final Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
Object result;
if (columnIndex == 0) { //XXX need a column ID - columnIndex = 0 depends on the column model
TreePath path = getLayout().getPathForRow(rowIndex);
if (path != null) {
result = path.getLastPathComponent();
} else {
result = null;
} else {
result = (tableModel.getValueAt(rowIndex, columnIndex -1));
return result;
public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
if (columnIndex == 0) {
return false; //XXX support editing of node names
} else {
return tableModel.isCellEditable(rowIndex, columnIndex-1);
public final boolean isLeaf(Object node) {
return null != node && treeModel.isLeaf(node);
// Delegates to the EventBroadcaster for this model
public final synchronized void addTableModelListener(TableModelListener l) {
broadcaster.addTableModelListener (l);
// Delegates to the EventBroadcaster for this model
public final synchronized void addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener l) {
broadcaster.addTreeModelListener (l);
// Delegates to the EventBroadcaster for this model
public final synchronized void removeTableModelListener(TableModelListener l) {
// Delegates to the EventBroadcaster for this model
public final synchronized void removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener l) {
/** Delegates to the RowModel (or TableModel) for non-0 columns */
public final void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
if (columnIndex != 0) {
tableModel.setValueAt (aValue, rowIndex, columnIndex-1);
} else {
setTreeValueAt(aValue, rowIndex);
* Sets the value of a 'tree' cell at given row number.
* The default implementation does nothing.
* @param aValue
* @param rowIndex
protected void setTreeValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex) {
//do nothing
public final void valueForPathChanged(javax.swing.tree.TreePath path, Object newValue) {
//if the model is correctly implemented, this will trigger a change
treeModel.valueForPathChanged(path, newValue);
public boolean isLargeModel() {
return layout instanceof FixedHeightLayoutCache;