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org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.plaf.WinFlatViewTabDisplayerUI Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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 * under the License.
package org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.plaf;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
import org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.TabDisplayer;
import org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.event.TabActionEvent;
import org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.plaf.WinFlatUtils.FlatTabControlIcon;
import org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.plaf.WinFlatUtils.HiDPIUtils;
import org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.plaf.WinFlatUtils.UIScale;
import org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.plaf.WinFlatUtils.Utils;
import org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer;

 * "Fork" of {@code org.netbeans.swing.laf.flatlaf.ui.FlatViewTabDisplayerUI}, for use with the
 * Windows LAF.
public class WinFlatViewTabDisplayerUI extends AbstractViewTabDisplayerUI {

    // Do not change or scale ICON_X_PAD because super class has a copy of this field.
    // Scaling ICON_X_PAD would truncate tab title.
    private static final int ICON_X_PAD = 4;

     * True when colors were already initialized, false otherwise
    private static boolean colorsReady = false;

    private static Color
            background,             // background of tabs and tabs area if view group is inactive
            activeBackground,       // background of tabs and tabs area if view group is active;  optional; defaults to foreground
            selectedBackground,     // background of tab if tab is selected in active view group; optional; defaults to activeBackground
            hoverBackground,        // background of tab if mouse is over tab
            unselectedHoverBackground, // if defined, use this color instead of hoverBackground for unselected tabs
            attentionBackground,    // background of tab if tab is in attension mode

            foreground,             // text color if view group is inactive;               optional; defaults to TabbedPane.foreground
            activeForeground,       // text color if view group is active;                 optional; defaults to foreground
            selectedForeground,     // text color if tab is selected in active view group; optional; defaults to activeForeground
            hoverForeground,        // text color if mouse is over tab;                    optional; defaults to foreground
            attentionForeground,    // text color if tab is in attension mode;             optional; defaults to foreground

            underlineColor,         // underline color of selected active tabs
            inactiveUnderlineColor, // underline color of selected inactive tabs
            tabSeparatorColor,      // tab separator color
            contentBorderColor;     // bottom border color

    private static Insets tabInsets;
    private static int underlineHeight;     // height of "underline" painted at bottom of tab to indicate selection
    private static boolean underlineAtTop;  // paint "underline" at top of tab
    private static boolean showTabSeparators; // paint tab separators

    private static boolean showSelectedTabBorder; // Paint a border around the selected tab
    private static boolean unscaledBorders; // Leave the thickness of borders unaffected by HiDPI scaling

    private Font font;

    public WinFlatViewTabDisplayerUI(TabDisplayer displayer) {

    public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) {
        return new WinFlatViewTabDisplayerUI((TabDisplayer) c);

    public void installUI(JComponent c) {
        getLayoutModel().setPadding(new Dimension(tabInsets.left + tabInsets.right, 0));

    protected AbstractViewTabDisplayerUI.Controller createController() {
        return new OwnController();

    public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c) {
        FontMetrics fm = getTxtFontMetrics();
        int height = fm.getHeight() + + tabInsets.bottom;
        return new Dimension(100, height);

    protected void paintTabContent(Graphics g, int index, String text, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
        int txtLeftPad = tabInsets.left;
        int txtRightPad = tabInsets.right;

        FontMetrics fm = getTxtFontMetrics();
        // setting font already here to compute string width correctly
        int availTxtWidth = width - (txtLeftPad + txtRightPad);
        if (isSelected(index)) {
            // layout buttons
            Component buttons = getControlButtons();
            if (null != buttons) {
                Dimension buttonsSize = buttons.getPreferredSize();
                if (width < buttonsSize.width + ICON_X_PAD) {
                } else {
                    availTxtWidth -= (buttonsSize.width + ICON_X_PAD);
                    // Ad hoc adjustment for the Windows LAF.
                    int yAdjustment = 2;
                    buttons.setLocation(x + width - buttonsSize.width - ICON_X_PAD, y + ((height - buttonsSize.height) / 2) - 1 + yAdjustment);

        final Icon busyIcon;
        final int busyWidth;
        if (isTabBusy(index)) {
            busyIcon = BusyTabsSupport.getDefault().getBusyIcon(isSelected(index));
            busyWidth = busyIcon.getIconWidth() + UIScale.scale(3);
            availTxtWidth -= busyWidth;
        } else {
            busyIcon = null;
            busyWidth = 0;

        // make sure that as much text as possible is shown (and avoid empty tabs)
        int realTxtWidth = (text.startsWith(" availTxtWidth) {
            // add left and right insets to available width
            int left = Math.min(txtLeftPad - 2, realTxtWidth - availTxtWidth);
            availTxtWidth += left + txtRightPad;
            txtLeftPad -= left;

            // Truncate text here because HtmlRenderer.renderString() does not paint any text
            // if it is longer that 3 characters and the available width is smaller
            // than the width of the first 3 characters plus "…".
            if (realTxtWidth > availTxtWidth && text.length() > 3) {
                int minWidth = fm.stringWidth(text.substring(0, 3) + "…"); //NOI18N
                if (minWidth > availTxtWidth) {
                    // truncate text; in the worst case, text becomes "…" only
                    for (int i = 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                        text = text.substring(0, i) + "…"; //NOI18N
                        if (fm.stringWidth(text) < availTxtWidth)

        if (busyIcon != null) {
            busyIcon.paintIcon(displayer, g, x + txtLeftPad, y + (height - busyIcon.getIconHeight()) / 2);
            x += busyWidth;
            width -= busyWidth;

        // text color
        Color c = colorForState(index, foreground, activeForeground, selectedForeground,
                hoverForeground, hoverForeground, attentionForeground);

        // paint text
        int txtX = x + txtLeftPad;
        int availH = height - - tabInsets.bottom;
        int style = HtmlRenderer.STYLE_TRUNCATE;
        if (!isSelected(index)) {
            // center text of unselected tabs
            txtX = Math.max(x + 1, x + ((width - realTxtWidth) / 2));

        /* Keep the txtY calculation the same as for WinFlatEditorTabCellRenderer, with an offset that
        makes the text in view tabs and editor tabs always line up. */
        double txtVisualAscent = getTxtFont().createGlyphVector(fm.getFontRenderContext(), "H")
        int txtY = + (int) Math.round((availH + txtVisualAscent) / 2) + 1;

        HtmlRenderer.renderString(text, g, txtX, txtY, availTxtWidth, height,
                getTxtFont(), c, style, true);

    protected void paintTabBorder(Graphics g, int index, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
        /* In the showSelectedTabBorder case, we draw borders as part of paintTabBackground, for
        consistency with WinFlatEditorTabCellRenderer. */

    protected void paintTabBackground(Graphics g, int index, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
        // Paint the whole tab background at scale 1x (on HiDPI screens).
        // Necessary so that it aligns nicely at bottom left and right edges
        // with the content border, which is also painted at scale 1x.
        HiDPIUtils.paintAtScale1x(g, x, y, width, height,
                (g1x, width1x, height1x, scale) -> {
                    paintTabBackgroundAtScale1x(g1x, index, width1x, height1x, scale);

    private void paintTabBackgroundAtScale1x(Graphics2D g, int index, int width, int height, double scale) {
        boolean selected = isSelected(index);

        Color bg = colorForState(index, background, activeBackground, selectedBackground,
                hoverBackground, unselectedHoverBackground, attentionBackground);

        /* For the original o.n.swing.laf.flatlaf.ui.WinFlatViewTabDisplayerUI, the default seems to
        be to show the separator after every tab, even around the selected one (unlike in
        WinFlatEditorTabCellRenderer). Keep this behavior, except in the showSelectedTabBorder case. */
        boolean showSeparator = showTabSeparators && index >= 0 && (!showSelectedTabBorder ||
                !selected && index < getDataModel().size() - 1 && !isSelected(index + 1));

        int contentBorderWidth = unscaledBorders ? 1 : HiDPIUtils.deviceBorderWidth(scale, 1);
        int tabSeparatorWidth = showSeparator ? contentBorderWidth : 0;

        // paint background
        g.fillRect(0, 0, width - (bg != background ? tabSeparatorWidth : 0), height);

        if (selected) {
            if (showSelectedTabBorder) {
                g.fillRect(0, 0, width - tabSeparatorWidth, contentBorderWidth); // Top
                g.fillRect(0, 0, contentBorderWidth, height); // Left
                g.fillRect(width - tabSeparatorWidth - contentBorderWidth, 0, contentBorderWidth, height); // Right

            if (underlineHeight > 0) {
                // paint underline if tab is selected
                int underlineHeight = (int) Math.round(this.underlineHeight * scale);
                g.setColor(isActive() ? underlineColor : inactiveUnderlineColor);
                if (underlineAtTop) {
                    g.fillRect(0, 0, width - tabSeparatorWidth, underlineHeight);
                } else {
                    g.fillRect(0, height - underlineHeight, width - tabSeparatorWidth, underlineHeight);
        } else {
            // paint bottom border
            g.fillRect(0, height - contentBorderWidth, width, contentBorderWidth);

        if (showSeparator) {
            int offset = (int) (4 * scale);
            g.fillRect(width - tabSeparatorWidth, offset, tabSeparatorWidth, height - (offset * 2) - 1);

    protected void paintDisplayerBackground(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
        // Fill the whole displayer background to avoid occasional 1px gaps
        // between tabs on HiDPI screens at 125%, 150% or 175%.
        paintTabBackground(g, -1, 0, 0, c.getWidth(), c.getHeight());

        super.paintDisplayerBackground(g, c);

    private Color colorForState(int index, Color normal, Color active, Color selected,
            Color selectedHover, Color unselectedHover, Color attention)
        return isAttention(index) ? attention
                : isMouseOver(index) ? (isSelected(index) ? selectedHover : unselectedHover)
                : isSelected(index) ? selected
                : isActive() ? active
                : normal;

    protected Font getTxtFont() {
        if (font == null) {
            font = UIManager.getFont("ViewTab.font"); // NOI18N
            if (font == null) {
                font = UIManager.getFont("Label.font"); // NOI18N
        return font;

     * @return true if tab with given index has mouse cursor above, false otherwise.
    boolean isMouseOver(int index) {
        if (index < 0) {
            return false;
        return ((OwnController) getController()).getMouseIndex() == index;

     * Initialization of colors
    private static void initColors() {
        if (!colorsReady) {
            background = UIManager.getColor("ViewTab.background"); // NOI18N
            activeBackground = Utils.getUIColor("ViewTab.activeBackground", background); // NOI18N
            selectedBackground = Utils.getUIColor("ViewTab.selectedBackground", activeBackground); // NOI18N
            hoverBackground = UIManager.getColor("ViewTab.hoverBackground"); // NOI18N
            unselectedHoverBackground = Utils.getUIColor("ViewTab.unselectedHoverBackground", hoverBackground); // NOI18N
            attentionBackground = UIManager.getColor("ViewTab.attentionBackground"); // NOI18N

            foreground = Utils.getUIColor("ViewTab.foreground", "TabbedPane.foreground"); // NOI18N
            activeForeground = Utils.getUIColor("ViewTab.activeForeground", foreground); // NOI18N
            selectedForeground = Utils.getUIColor("ViewTab.selectedForeground", activeForeground); // NOI18N
            hoverForeground = Utils.getUIColor("ViewTab.hoverForeground", foreground); // NOI18N
            attentionForeground = Utils.getUIColor("ViewTab.attentionForeground", foreground); // NOI18N

            underlineColor = UIManager.getColor("ViewTab.underlineColor"); // NOI18N
            inactiveUnderlineColor = UIManager.getColor("ViewTab.inactiveUnderlineColor"); // NOI18N
            tabSeparatorColor = UIManager.getColor("ViewTab.tabSeparatorColor"); // NOI18N
            contentBorderColor = UIManager.getColor("TabbedContainer.view.contentBorderColor"); // NOI18N

            tabInsets = UIManager.getInsets("ViewTab.tabInsets"); // NOI18N
            underlineHeight = UIManager.getInt("ViewTab.underlineHeight"); // NOI18N
            underlineAtTop = UIManager.getBoolean("ViewTab.underlineAtTop"); // NOI18N
            showTabSeparators = UIManager.getBoolean("ViewTab.showTabSeparators"); // NOI18N

            // scale on Java 8 and Linux
            tabInsets = UIScale.scale(tabInsets);
            underlineHeight = UIScale.scale(underlineHeight);

            showSelectedTabBorder = Utils.getUIBoolean("ViewTab.showSelectedTabBorder", false); // NOI18N
            unscaledBorders = Utils.getUIBoolean("ViewTab.unscaledBorders", false); // NOI18N

            colorsReady = true;

    public Icon getButtonIcon(int buttonId, int buttonState) {
        Icon ret = FlatTabControlIcon.get(buttonId, buttonState);
        return ret != null ? ret : super.getButtonIcon(buttonId, buttonState);

    public void postTabAction(TabActionEvent e) {
        if (TabDisplayer.COMMAND_MAXIMIZE.equals(e.getActionCommand())) {
            ((OwnController) getController()).updateHighlight(-1);

     * Own close icon button controller
    private class OwnController extends Controller {

         * holds index of tab in which mouse pointer was lastly located. -1
         * means mouse pointer is out of component's area
        // TBD - should be part of model, not controller
        private int lastIndex = -1;

         * @return Index of tab in which mouse pointer is currently located.
        public int getMouseIndex() {
            return lastIndex;

         * Triggers visual tab header change when mouse enters/leaves tab in
         * advance to superclass functionality.
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
            Point pos = e.getPoint();
            updateHighlight(getLayoutModel().indexOfPoint(pos.x, pos.y));

         * Resets tab header in advance to superclass functionality
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
            if (!inControlButtonsRect(e.getPoint())) {

         * Invokes repaint of dirty region if needed
        private void updateHighlight(int curIndex) {
            if (curIndex == lastIndex) {
            // compute region which needs repaint
            TabLayoutModel tlm = getLayoutModel();
            int x, y, w, h;
            Rectangle repaintRect = null;
            if (curIndex != -1) {
                x = tlm.getX(curIndex) - 1;
                y = tlm.getY(curIndex);
                w = tlm.getW(curIndex) + 2;
                h = tlm.getH(curIndex);
                repaintRect = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
            // due to model changes, lastIndex may become invalid, so check
            if ((lastIndex != -1) && (lastIndex < getDataModel().size())) {
                x = tlm.getX(lastIndex) - 1;
                y = tlm.getY(lastIndex);
                w = tlm.getW(lastIndex) + 2;
                h = tlm.getH(lastIndex);
                if (repaintRect != null) {
                    repaintRect = repaintRect.union(new Rectangle(x, y, w, h));
                } else {
                    repaintRect = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
            // trigger repaint if needed, update index
            if (repaintRect != null) {
            lastIndex = curIndex;
    } // end of OwnController

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