org.openide.awt.Actions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.openide.awt;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.openide.util.LookupEvent;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.ActionMap;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import org.netbeans.api.actions.Closable;
import org.netbeans.api.actions.Editable;
import org.netbeans.api.actions.Openable;
import org.netbeans.api.actions.Printable;
import org.netbeans.api.actions.Viewable;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.util.ContextAwareAction;
import org.openide.util.ImageUtilities;
import org.openide.util.LookupListener;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;
import org.openide.util.WeakListeners;
import org.openide.util.actions.BooleanStateAction;
import org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction;
/** Supporting class for manipulation with menu and toolbar presenters.
* @author Jaroslav Tulach
public class Actions {
* Action may {@link Action#putValue} this value to indicate that, if not enabled,
* it should not be visible at all. Presenters may honour the request by removing
* action's presenter from the UI.
public static final String ACTION_VALUE_VISIBLE = "openide.awt.actionVisible"; // NOI18N
* Key for {@link Action#getValue} to indicate that the action should be presented
* as toggle, if possible. Presenters may create checkbox item, toggle button etc.
* This is to avoid accessing the {@link Action#SELECTED_KEY} actual value during
* presenter construction, as evaluation may be expensive.
* @since 7.71
public static final String ACTION_VALUE_TOGGLE = "openide.awt.actionToggle"; // NOI18N
* @deprecated should not be used
public Actions() {}
* Make sure an icon is not null, so that e.g. menu items for javax.swing.Action's
* with no specified icon are correctly aligned. SystemAction already does this so
* that is not affected.
private static Icon nonNullIcon(Icon i) {
return null;
/*if (i != null) {
return i;
} else {
if (BLANK_ICON == null) {
BLANK_ICON = new ImageIcon(Utilities.loadImage("org/openide/resources/actions/empty.gif", true)); // NOI18N
return BLANK_ICON;
/** Method that finds the keydescription assigned to this action.
* @param action action to find key for
* @return the text representing the key or null if there is no text assigned
public static String findKey(SystemAction action) {
return findKey((Action) action);
/** Same method as above, but works just with plain actions.
private static String findKey(Action action) {
if (action == null) {
return null;
KeyStroke stroke = (KeyStroke) action.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY);
if (stroke == null) {
return null;
return keyStrokeToString(stroke);
// Based on com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatMenuItemRenderer.getMacOSModifiersExText
private static String getMacOSModifiersExText(int modifiersEx) {
/* Use the proper MacOS convention, which uses single-character modifier symbols, in the
order below, without "+" or space separators. */
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
if ((modifiersEx & InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK) != 0) {
buf.append('\u2303'); // MacOS "control key" symbol.
if ((modifiersEx & (InputEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK | InputEvent.ALT_GRAPH_DOWN_MASK)) != 0) {
buf.append('\u2325'); // MacOS "option key" symbol.
if ((modifiersEx & InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK) != 0) {
buf.append('\u21E7'); // MacOS "shift key" symbol.
if ((modifiersEx & InputEvent.META_DOWN_MASK) != 0) {
buf.append('\u2318'); // MacOS "command key" symbol.
return buf.toString();
* Creates nice textual representation of KeyStroke.
* Modifiers and an actual key label are concated per the platform-specific convention
* @param stroke the KeyStroke to get description of
* @return String describing the KeyStroke
public static String keyStrokeToString( KeyStroke stroke ) {
boolean macOS = Utilities.isMac();
String modifText = macOS
? getMacOSModifiersExText(stroke.getModifiers())
: InputEvent.getModifiersExText(stroke.getModifiers());
String keyText = (stroke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UNDEFINED) ?
String.valueOf(stroke.getKeyChar()) : getKeyText(stroke.getKeyCode());
if (!modifText.isEmpty()) {
if (macOS) {
return modifText + keyText;
} else {
return modifText + '+' + keyText;
} else {
return keyText;
/** @return slight modification of what KeyEvent.getKeyText() returns.
* The numpad Left, Right, Down, Up get extra result.
private static String getKeyText(int keyCode) {
String ret = KeyEvent.getKeyText(keyCode);
if (ret != null) {
switch (keyCode) {
case KeyEvent.VK_KP_DOWN:
ret = prefixNumpad(ret, KeyEvent.VK_DOWN);
case KeyEvent.VK_KP_LEFT:
ret = prefixNumpad(ret, KeyEvent.VK_LEFT);
case KeyEvent.VK_KP_RIGHT:
ret = prefixNumpad(ret, KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT);
case KeyEvent.VK_KP_UP:
ret = prefixNumpad(ret, KeyEvent.VK_UP);
return ret;
private static String prefixNumpad(String key, int nonNumpadCode) {
final String REPLACABLE_PREFIX = "KP_";
final String usePrefix = NbBundle.getMessage(Actions.class, "key-prefix-numpad");
final String nonNumpadName = KeyEvent.getKeyText(nonNumpadCode);
if (key.equals(nonNumpadName)) {
/* AWT's name for the key does not distinguish the numpad vs. non-numpad version of the
key; add our "Numpad-" prefix. */
return usePrefix + key;
} else if (key.startsWith(REPLACABLE_PREFIX)) {
/* AWT's name for the numpad key uses the somewhat confusing "KP_" prefix (e.g.
"KP_LEFT"); use our own preferred prefix instead (e.g. "Numpad-LEFT"). */
return usePrefix + key.substring(REPLACABLE_PREFIX.length());
} else {
/* AWT is using some other convention to disambiguate the numpad vs. non-numpad version
of the key. Use AWT's name in this case. */
return key;
/** Attaches menu item to an action.
* @param item menu item
* @param action action
* @param popup create popup or menu item
* @deprecated Use {@link #connect(JMenuItem, Action, boolean)} instead.
public static void connect(JMenuItem item, SystemAction action, boolean popup) {
connect(item, (Action) action, popup);
/** Attaches menu item to an action.
* You can supply an alternative implementation
* for this method by implementing method
* {@link ButtonActionConnector#connect(JMenuItem, Action, boolean)} and
* registering an instance of {@link ButtonActionConnector} in the
* default lookup.
* Since version 7.1 the action can also provide properties
* "menuText" and "popupText" if one wants to use other text on the JMenuItem
* than the name
* of the action taken from Action.NAME. The popupText is checked only if the
* popup parameter is true and takes the biggest precedence. The menuText is
* tested everytime and takes precedence over standard Action.NAME
* By default icons are not visible in popup menus. This can be configured
* via branding.
* @param item menu item
* @param action action
* @param popup create popup or menu item
* @since 3.29
public static void connect(JMenuItem item, Action action, boolean popup) {
for (ButtonActionConnector bac : buttonActionConnectors()) {
if (bac.connect(item, action, popup)) {
Bridge b;
if ((item instanceof JCheckBoxMenuItem) && (action.getValue(Actions.ACTION_VALUE_TOGGLE) != null)) {
b = new CheckMenuBridge((JCheckBoxMenuItem)item, action, popup);
} else {
b = new MenuBridge(item, action, popup);
if (item instanceof Actions.MenuItem) {
item.putClientProperty(DynamicMenuContent.HIDE_WHEN_DISABLED, action.getValue(DynamicMenuContent.HIDE_WHEN_DISABLED));
/** Attaches checkbox menu item to boolean state action.
* @param item menu item
* @param action action
* @param popup create popup or menu item
* @deprecated Please use {@link #connect(javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem, javax.swing.Action, boolean)}.
* Have your action to implement properly {@link Action#getValue} for {@link Action#SELECTED_KEY}
public static void connect(JCheckBoxMenuItem item, BooleanStateAction action, boolean popup) {
Bridge b = new CheckMenuBridge(item, action, popup);
/** Attaches checkbox menu item to boolean state action. The presenter connects to the
* {@link Action#SELECTED_KEY} action value
* @param item menu item
* @param action action
* @param popup create popup or menu item
* @since 7.71
public static void connect(JCheckBoxMenuItem item, Action action, boolean popup) {
Bridge b = new CheckMenuBridge(item, action, popup);
/** Connects buttons to action.
* @param button the button
* @param action the action
* @deprecated Use {@link #connect(AbstractButton, Action)} instead.
public static void connect(AbstractButton button, SystemAction action) {
connect(button, (Action) action);
/** Connects buttons to action. If the action supplies value for "iconBase"
* key from getValue(String) with a path to icons, the methods set*Icon
* will be called on the
* button with loaded icons using the iconBase. E.g. if the value for "iconBase"
* is "com/mycompany/myIcon.gif" then the following images are tried
* - setIcon with "com/mycompany/myIcon.gif"
* - setPressedIcon with "com/mycompany/myIcon_pressed.gif"
* - setDisabledIcon with "com/mycompany/myIcon_disabled.gif"
* - setRolloverIcon with "com/mycompany/myIcon_rollover.gif"
* - setSelectedIcon with "com/mycompany/myIcon_selected.gif"
* - setRolloverSelectedIcon with "com/mycompany/myIcon_rolloverSelected.gif"
* - setDisabledSelectedIcon with "com/mycompany/myIcon_disabledSelected.gif"
* SystemAction has special support for iconBase - please check
* {@link SystemAction#iconResource} for more details.
* You can supply an alternative implementation
* for this method by implementing method
* {@link ButtonActionConnector#connect(AbstractButton, Action)} and
* registering an instance of {@link ButtonActionConnector} in the
* default lookup.
* @param button the button
* @param action the action
* @since 3.29
* @since 7.32 for set*SelectedIcon
public static void connect(AbstractButton button, Action action) {
for (ButtonActionConnector bac : buttonActionConnectors()) {
if (bac.connect(button, action)) {
Bridge b;
if (action instanceof BooleanStateAction) {
b = new BooleanButtonBridge(button, (BooleanStateAction)action);
} else if (action.getValue(Actions.ACTION_VALUE_TOGGLE) != null) {
b = new BooleanButtonBridge(button, action);
} else {
b = new ButtonBridge(button, action);
button.putClientProperty(DynamicMenuContent.HIDE_WHEN_DISABLED, action.getValue(DynamicMenuContent.HIDE_WHEN_DISABLED));
/** Connects buttons to action.
* @param button the button
* @param action the action
public static void connect(AbstractButton button, BooleanStateAction action) {
Bridge b = new BooleanButtonBridge(button, action);
/** Sets the text for the menu item or other subclass of AbstractButton.
* Cut from the name '&' char.
* @param item AbstractButton
* @param text new label
* @param useMnemonic if true and '&' char found in new text, next char is used
* as Mnemonic.
* @deprecated Use either {@link AbstractButton#setText} or {@link Mnemonics#setLocalizedText(AbstractButton, String)} as appropriate.
public static void setMenuText(AbstractButton item, String text, boolean useMnemonic) {
String msg = NbBundle.getMessage(Actions.class, "USE_MNEMONICS"); // NOI18N
if ("always".equals(msg)) { // NOI18N
useMnemonic = true;
} else if ("never".equals(msg)) { // NOI18N
useMnemonic = false;
} else {
assert "default".equals(msg); // NOI18N
if (useMnemonic) {
Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(item, text);
} else {
* Removes an ampersand from a text string; commonly used to strip out unneeded mnemonics.
* Replaces the first occurence of &?
by ?
or (&??
by the empty string
* where ?
is a wildcard for any character.
* &?
is a shortcut in English locale.
* (&?)
is a shortcut in Japanese locale.
* Used to remove shortcuts from workspace names (or similar) when shortcuts are not supported.
* The current implementation behaves in the same way regardless of locale.
* In case of a conflict it would be necessary to change the
* behavior based on the current locale.
* @param text a localized label that may have mnemonic information in it
* @return string without first &
if there was any
public static String cutAmpersand(String text) {
// XXX should this also be deprecated by something in Mnemonics?
if( null == text )
return null;
int i;
String result = text;
/* First check of occurence of '(&'. If not found check
* for '&' itself.
* If '(&' is found then remove '(&??'.
i = text.indexOf("(&"); // NOI18N
if ((i >= 0) && ((i + 3) < text.length()) && /* #31093 */
(text.charAt(i + 3) == ')')) { // NOI18N
result = text.substring(0, i) + text.substring(i + 4);
} else {
//Sequence '(&?)' not found look for '&' itself
i = text.indexOf('&');
if (i < 0) {
//No ampersand
result = text;
} else if (i == (text.length() - 1)) {
//Ampersand is last character, wrong shortcut but we remove it anyway
result = text.substring(0, i);
} else {
//Remove ampersand from middle of string
//Is ampersand followed by space? If yes do not remove it.
if (" ".equals(text.substring(i + 1, i + 2))) {
result = text;
} else {
result = text.substring(0, i) + text.substring(i + 1);
return result;
// Factories
/** Creates new action which is always enabled. Rather than using this method
* directly, use {@link ActionRegistration} annotation:
* {@link ActionRegistration @ActionRegistration}(displayName="#key")
* {@link ActionID @ActionID}(id="", category="Tools")
* public final class Always implements {@link ActionListener} {
* public Always() {
* }
* public void actionPerformed({@link ActionEvent} e) {
* // your code
* }
* }
* This method can also be used from
* XML Layer
* directly by following XML definition:
* <file name="your-pkg-action-id.instance">
* <attr name="instanceCreate" methodvalue="org.openide.awt.Actions.alwaysEnabled"/>
* <attr name="delegate" methodvalue="your.pkg.YourAction.factoryMethod"/>
* <attr name="displayName" bundlevalue="your.pkg.Bundle#key"/>
* <attr name="iconBase" stringvalue="your/pkg/YourImage.png"/>
* <!-- if desired: <attr name="noIconInMenu" boolvalue="true"/> -->
* <!-- if desired: <attr name="asynchronous" boolvalue="true"/> -->
* </file>
* In case the "delegate" is not just {@link ActionListener}, but also
* {@link Action}, the returned action acts as a lazy proxy - it defers initialization
* of the action itself, but as soon as it is created, it delegates all queries
* to it. This way one can create an action that looks statically enabled, and as soon
* as user really uses it, it becomes active - it can change its name, it can
* change its enabled state, etc.
* @param delegate the task to perform when action is invoked
* @param displayName the name of the action
* @param iconBase the location to the actions icon
* @param noIconInMenu true if this icon shall not have an item in menu
* @since 7.3
public static Action alwaysEnabled(
ActionListener delegate, String displayName, String iconBase, boolean noIconInMenu
) {
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put("delegate", delegate); // NOI18N
map.put("displayName", displayName); // NOI18N
map.put("iconBase", iconBase); // NOI18N
map.put("noIconInMenu", noIconInMenu); // NOI18N
return alwaysEnabled(map);
// for use from layers
static Action alwaysEnabled(Map map) {
return AlwaysEnabledAction.create(map);
/** Creates action which represents a boolean value in {@link java.util.prefs.Preferences}.
* When added to a menu the action is presented as a JCheckBox.
* This method can also be used from
* XML Layer
* directly by following XML definition:
* <file name="your-pkg-action-id.instance">
* <attr name="preferencesNode" methodvalue="method-returning-Preferences-instance" or
* methodvalue="method-returning-Lookup-that-contains-Preferences-instance" or
* stringvalue="see below for the preferencesNode parameter description"
* />
* <attr name="preferencesKey" stringvalue="preferences-key-name"/>
* <attr name="instanceCreate" methodvalue="org.openide.awt.Actions.checkbox"/>
* <attr name="displayName" bundlevalue="your.pkg.Bundle#key"/>
* <attr name="iconBase" stringvalue="your/pkg/YourImage.png"/>
* <!-- if desired: <attr name="noIconInMenu" boolvalue="true"/> -->
* <!-- if desired: <attr name="asynchronous" boolvalue="true"/> -->
* </file>
* @param preferencesNode It's one of:
* - Absolute path to preferences node under
* - "system:" followed by absolute path to preferences node under
* - "user:" followed by absolute path to preferences node under
* @param preferencesKey name of the preferences key.
* @param displayName the name of the action
* @param iconBase the location to the actions icon
* @param noIconInMenu true if this icon shall not have an item in menu
* @since 7.17
public static Action checkbox(
String preferencesNode, String preferencesKey,
String displayName, String iconBase, boolean noIconInMenu
) {
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put("preferencesNode", preferencesNode); // NOI18N
map.put("preferencesKey", preferencesKey); // NOI18N
map.put("displayName", displayName); // NOI18N
map.put("iconBase", iconBase); // NOI18N
map.put("noIconInMenu", noIconInMenu); // NOI18N
return checkbox(map);
// for use from layers
static Action checkbox(Map map) {
return AlwaysEnabledAction.create(map);
/** Creates new "callback" action. Such action has an assigned key
* which is used to find proper delegate in {@link ActionMap} of currently
* active component. You can use {@link ActionRegistration} annotation to
* register your action:
* {@link ActionRegistration @ActionRegistration}(displayName="#Key", key="KeyInActionMap")
* {@link ActionID @ActionID}(category="Tools", id = "action.pkg.ClassName")
* public final class Fallback implements {@link ActionListener} {
* public void actionPerformed({@link ActionEvent} e) {
* // your code
* }
* }
* If you want to create callback action without any fallback implementation,
* you can annotate any string constant:
* {@link ActionRegistration @ActionRegistration}(displayName = "#Key")
* {@link ActionID @ActionID}(category = "Edit", id = "my.field.action")
* public static final String ACTION_MAP_KEY = "KeyInActionMap";
* This action can be lazily declared in a
* layer file using following XML snippet:
* <file name="action-pkg-ClassName.instance">
* <attr name="instanceCreate" methodvalue="org.openide.awt.Actions.callback"/>
* <attr name="key" stringvalue="KeyInActionMap"/>
* <attr name="surviveFocusChange" boolvalue="false"/> <!-- defaults to false -->
* <attr name="fallback" newvalue="action.pkg.DefaultAction"/> <!-- may be missing -->
* <attr name="displayName" bundlevalue="your.pkg.Bundle#key"/>
* <attr name="iconBase" stringvalue="your/pkg/YourImage.png"/>
* <!-- if desired: <attr name="noIconInMenu" boolvalue="true"/> -->
* <!-- if desired: <attr name="asynchronous" boolvalue="true"/> -->
* </file>
* @param key the key to search for in an {@link ActionMap}
* @param surviveFocusChange true to remember action provided by previously
* active component even some other component is currently active
* @param fallback action to delegate to when no key found. Use null
* to make the action disabled if delegate assigned to key is missing
* @param displayName localized name of the action (including ampersand)
* @param iconBase the location to the action icon
* @param noIconInMenu true if this icon shall not have an item in menu
* @return creates new action associated with given key
* @since 7.10
public static ContextAwareAction callback(
String key, Action fallback, boolean surviveFocusChange,
String displayName, String iconBase, boolean noIconInMenu
) {
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("key", key); // NOI18N
map.put("surviveFocusChange", surviveFocusChange); // NOI18N
map.put("fallback", fallback); // NOI18N
map.put("displayName", displayName); // NOI18N
map.put("iconBase", iconBase); // NOI18N
map.put("noIconInMenu", noIconInMenu); // NOI18N
return callback(map);
static ContextAwareAction callback(Map fo) {
return GeneralAction.callback(fo);
/** Creates new "context" action, an action that observes the current
* selection for a given type and enables if instances of given type are
* present. Common interfaces to watch for include {@link Openable},
* {@link Editable}, {@link Closable}, {@link Viewable}, and any interfaces
* defined and exposed by various other APIs. Use {@link ActionRegistration}
* annotation to register your action::
* {@link ActionRegistration @ActionRegistration}(displayName="#Key")
* {@link ActionID @ActionID}(category="Tools", id = "action.pkg.YourClass")
* public final class YourClass implements {@link ActionListener} {
* Openable context;
* public YourClass(Openable context) {
* this.context = context;
* }
* public void actionPerformed({@link ActionEvent} ev) {
* // do something with context
* }
* }
* In case you are interested in creating multi selection action, just
* change parameters of your constructor:
* {@link ActionRegistration @ActionRegistration}(displayName="#Key")
* {@link ActionID @ActionID}(category="Tools", id = "action.pkg.YourClass")
* public final class YourClass implements {@link ActionListener} {
* List<Openable> context;
* public YourClass(List<Openable> context) {
* this.context = context;
* }
* public void actionPerformed({@link ActionEvent} ev) {
* // do something with context
* }
* }
* Actions of this kind can be declared in
* layer file using following XML snippet:
* <file name="action-pkg-ClassName.instance">
* <attr name="instanceCreate" methodvalue="org.openide.awt.Actions.context"/>
* <attr name="type" stringvalue="org.netbeans.api.actions.Openable"/>
* <attr name="selectionType" stringvalue="ANY"/> <-- or EXACTLY_ONE -->
* <attr name="delegate" newvalue="action.pkg.YourAction"/>
* <!--
* Similar registration like in case of "callback" action.
* May be missing completely:
* -->
* <attr name="key" stringvalue="KeyInActionMap"/>
* <attr name="surviveFocusChange" boolvalue="false"/>
* <attr name="displayName" bundlevalue="your.pkg.Bundle#key"/>
* <attr name="iconBase" stringvalue="your/pkg/YourImage.png"/>
* <!-- if desired: <attr name="noIconInMenu" boolvalue="true"/> -->
* <!-- if desired: <attr name="asynchronous" boolvalue="true"/> -->
* </file>
* In the previous case there has to be a class with public default constructor
* named action.pkg.YourAction
. It has to implement
* {@link ContextAwareAction} interface. Its {@link ContextAwareAction#createContextAwareInstance(org.openide.util.Lookup)}
* method is called when the action is invoked. The passed in {@link Lookup}
* contains instances of the type
interface, actionPerformed
* is then called on the returned clone.
* Alternatively one can use support for simple dependency injection by
* using following attributes:
* <file name="action-pkg-ClassName.instance">
* <attr name="instanceCreate" methodvalue="org.openide.awt.Actions.context"/>
* <attr name="type" stringvalue="org.netbeans.api.actions.Openable"/>
* <attr name="delegate" methodvalue="org.openide.awt.Actions.inject"/>
* <attr name="selectionType" stringvalue="EXACTLY_ONE"/>
* <attr name="injectable" stringvalue="pkg.YourClass"/>
* <attr name="displayName" bundlevalue="your.pkg.Bundle#key"/>
* <attr name="iconBase" stringvalue="your/pkg/YourImage.png"/>
* <!-- if desired: <attr name="noIconInMenu" boolvalue="true"/> -->
* </file>
* where pkg.YourClass
is defined with public constructor taking
* type
* public final class YourClass implements ActionListener {
* Openable context;
* public YourClass(Openable context) {
* this.context = context;
* }
* public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
* // do something with context
* }
* }
* The instance of this class is created when the action is invoked and
* its constructor is fed with the instance of type
* the active context. actionPerformed
method is called then.
* To create action that handled multiselection
* one can use following XML snippet:
* <file name="action-pkg-ClassName.instance">
* <attr name="type" stringvalue="org.netbeans.api.actions.Openable"/>
* <attr name="delegate" methodvalue="org.openide.awt.Actions.inject"/>
* <attr name="selectionType" stringvalue="ANY"/>
* <attr name="injectable" stringvalue="pkg.YourClass"/>
* <attr name="displayName" bundlevalue="your.pkg.Bundle#key"/>
* <attr name="iconBase" stringvalue="your/pkg/YourImage.png"/>
* <!-- if desired: <attr name="noIconInMenu" boolvalue="true"/> -->
* <!-- since 7.33: <attr name="context" newvalue=""/> -->
* </file>
* Now the constructor of YourClass
needs to have following
* form:
* public final class YourClass implements ActionListener {
* List<Openable> context;
* public YourClass(List<Openable> context) {
* this.context = context;
* }
* }
* Further attributes are defined to control action's enabled and checked state.
* Attributes which control enable state are prefixed by "{@code enableOn}". Attributes
* controlling checked state have prefix "{@code checkedOn}":
* <file name="action-pkg-ClassName.instance">
* <!-- Enable on certain type in Lookup -->
* <attr name="enableOnType" stringvalue=""/>
* <!-- Monitor specific property in that type -->
* <attr name="enableOnProperty" stringvalue="propertyName"/>
* <!-- The property value, which corresponds to enabled action.
* Values "#null" and "#non-null" are treated specially.
* -->
* <attr name="enableOnValue" stringvalue="propertyName"/>
* <!-- Name of custom listener interface -->
* <attr name="enableOnChangeListener" stringvalue="qualifier.listener.interface"/>
* <!-- Name of listener method that triggers state re-evaluation -->
* <attr name="enableOnMethod" stringvalue="methodName"/>
* <!-- Delegate to the action instance for final decision -->
* <attr name="enableOnActionProperty" stringvalue="actionPropertyName"/>
* <!-- ... -->
* </file>
* @param type the object to seek for in the active context
* @param single shall there be just one or multiple instances of the object
* @param surviveFocusChange shall the action remain enabled and act on
* previous selection even if no selection is currently in context?
* @param delegate action to call when this action is invoked
* @param key alternatively an action can be looked up in action map
* (see {@link Actions#callback(java.lang.String, javax.swing.Action, boolean, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean)})
* @param displayName localized name of the action (including ampersand)
* @param iconBase the location to the action icon
* @param noIconInMenu true if this icon shall not have an item in menu
* @return new instance of context aware action watching for type
* @since 7.10
public static ContextAwareAction context(
Class> type,
boolean single,
boolean surviveFocusChange,
ContextAwareAction delegate,
String key,
String displayName, String iconBase, boolean noIconInMenu
) {
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("key", key); // NOI18N
map.put("surviveFocusChange", surviveFocusChange); // NOI18N
map.put("delegate", delegate); // NOI18N
map.put("type", type); // NOI18N
map.put("selectionType", single ? ContextSelection.EXACTLY_ONE : ContextSelection.ANY);
map.put("displayName", displayName); // NOI18N
map.put("iconBase", iconBase); // NOI18N
map.put("noIconInMenu", noIconInMenu); // NOI18N
return GeneralAction.context(map, true);
static Action context(Map fo) {
Object context = fo.get("context");
if (context instanceof Lookup) {
Lookup lkp = (Lookup)context;
return GeneralAction.bindContext(fo, lkp);
} else {
return GeneralAction.context(fo);
static ContextAction.Performer> inject(final Map fo) {
Object t = fo.get("selectionType"); // NOI18N
if (ContextSelection.EXACTLY_ONE.toString().equals(t)) {
return new InjectorExactlyOne(fo);
if (ContextSelection.ANY.toString().equals(t)) {
return new InjectorAny(fo);
throw new IllegalStateException("no selectionType parameter in " + fo); // NOI18N
static ContextAction.Performer> performer(final Map fo) {
String type = (String)fo.get("type");
if (type.equals(Openable.class.getName())) {
return new ActionDefaultPerfomer(0);
if (type.equals(Viewable.class.getName())) {
return new ActionDefaultPerfomer(1);
if (type.equals(Editable.class.getName())) {
return new ActionDefaultPerfomer(2);
if (type.equals(Closable.class.getName())) {
return new ActionDefaultPerfomer(3);
if (type.equals(Printable.class.getName())) {
return new ActionDefaultPerfomer(4);
throw new IllegalStateException(type);
* Locates a specific action programmatically.
* The action will typically have been registered using {@link ActionRegistration}.
* Normally an {@link ActionReference} will suffice to insert the action
* into various UI elements (typically using {@link Utilities#actionsForPath}),
* but in special circumstances you may need to find a single known action.
* This method is just a shortcut for using {@link FileUtil#getConfigObject}
* with the correct arguments, plus using {@link AcceleratorBinding#setAccelerator}.
* @param category as in {@link ActionID#category}
* @param id as in {@link ActionID#id}
* @return the action registered under that ID, or null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a corresponding {@link ActionID} would have been rejected
* @since 7.42
public static Action forID(String category, String id) throws IllegalArgumentException {
// copied from ActionProcessor:
if (category.startsWith("Actions/")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("category should not start with Actions/: " + category);
if (!FQN.matcher(id).matches()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("id must be valid fully qualified name: " + id);
String path = "Actions/" + category + "/" + id.replace('.', '-') + ".instance";
Action a = FileUtil.getConfigObject(path, Action.class);
if (a == null) {
return null;
FileObject def = FileUtil.getConfigFile(path);
if (def != null) {
AcceleratorBinding.setAccelerator(a, def);
return a;
private static final String IDENTIFIER = "(?:\\p{javaJavaIdentifierStart}\\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}*)"; // NOI18N
private static final Pattern FQN = Pattern.compile(IDENTIFIER + "(?:[.]" + IDENTIFIER + ")*"); // NOI18N
/** Extracts help from action.
private static HelpCtx findHelp(Action a) {
if (a instanceof HelpCtx.Provider) {
return ((HelpCtx.Provider) a).getHelpCtx();
} else {
return HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP;
// #40824 - when the text changes, it's too late to update in (which triggers the updateState() in the MenuBridge).
// check JmenuPlus.setPopupMenuVisible()
static void prepareMenuBridgeItemsInContainer(Container c) {
Component[] comps = c.getComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) {
if (comps[i] instanceof JComponent) {
JComponent cop = (JComponent) comps[i];
MenuBridge bridge = (MenuBridge) cop.getClientProperty("menubridgeresizehack");
if (bridge != null) {
// Methods for configuration of MenuItems
/** Method to prepare the margins and text positions.
static void prepareMargins(JMenuItem item, Action action) {
/** Updates value of the key
* @param item item to update
* @param action the action to update
static void updateKey(JMenuItem item, Action action) {
if (!(item instanceof JMenu)) {
item.setAccelerator((KeyStroke) action.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY));
/** Interface for the creating Actions.SubMenu. It provides the methods for
* all items in submenu: name shortcut and perform method. Also has methods
* for notification of changes of the model.
* @deprecated used by deprecated {@link SubMenu}
public static interface SubMenuModel {
/** @return count of the submenu items. */
public int getCount();
/** Gets label for specific index
* @param index of the submenu item
* @return label for this menu item (or null
for a separator)
public String getLabel(int index);
/** Gets shortcut for specific index
* @index of the submenu item
* @return menushortcut for this menu item
// public MenuShortcut getMenuShortcut(int index);
/** Get context help for the specified item.
* This can be used to associate help with individual items.
* You may return null
to just use the context help for
* the associated system action (if any).
* Note that only help IDs will work, not URLs.
* @return the context help, or null
public HelpCtx getHelpCtx(int index);
/** Perform the action on the specific index
* @param index of the submenu item which should be performed
public void performActionAt(int index);
/** Adds change listener for changes of the model.
public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l);
/** Removes change listener for changes of the model.
public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener l);
/** Listener on showing/hiding state of the component.
* Is attached to menu or toolbar item in prepareXXX methods and
* method addNotify is called when the item is showing and
* the method removeNotify is called when the item is hidding.
* There is a special support listening on changes in the action and
* if such change occures, updateState method is called to
* reflect it.
private abstract static class Bridge extends Object implements PropertyChangeListener {
/** component to work with */
protected JComponent comp;
/** action to associate */
protected Action action;
private final PropertyChangeListener actionL;
/** @param comp component
* @param action the action
public Bridge(JComponent comp, Action action) {
if(comp == null || action == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"None of the arguments can be null: comp=" + comp + //NOI18N
", action=" + action); // NOI18N
this.comp = comp;
this.action = action;
actionL = WeakListeners.propertyChange(this, action);
// associate context help, if applicable
// [PENDING] probably belongs in ButtonBridge.updateState to make it dynamic
HelpCtx help = findHelp(action);
if ((help != null) && !help.equals(HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP) && (help.getHelpID() != null)) {
HelpCtx.setHelpIDString(comp, help.getHelpID());
protected void prepare() {
comp.addPropertyChangeListener(new VisL());
if (comp.isShowing()) {
} else {
/** Attaches listener to given action */
final void addNotify() {
/** Remove the listener */
final void removeNotify() {
/** @param changedProperty the name of property that has changed
* or null if it is not known
public abstract void updateState(String changedProperty);
/** Listener to changes of some properties.
* Multicast - reacts to keymap changes and ancestor changes
* together.
public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
//assert EventQueue.isDispatchThread();
if (!EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
new IllegalStateException("This must happen in the event thread!").printStackTrace();
// Must be separate from general PCL, because otherwise
// SystemAction.PROP_ENABLED -> updateState("enabled") ->
// button.setEnabled(...) -> JButton.PROP_ENABLED ->
// updateState("enabled") -> button.setEnabled(same)
private class VisL implements PropertyChangeListener {
VisL() {
public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
if ("ancestor".equals(ev.getPropertyName())) {
// ancestor change - decide if parent is null or not
if (ev.getNewValue() != null) {
} else {
/** Bridge between an action and button.
private static class ButtonBridge extends Bridge
implements ActionListener {
/** UI logger to notify about invocation of an action */
private static Logger UILOG = Logger.getLogger("org.netbeans.ui.actions"); // NOI18N
/** the button */
protected AbstractButton button;
public ButtonBridge(AbstractButton button, Action action) {
super(button, action);
this.button = button;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
LogRecord rec = new LogRecord(Level.FINER, "UI_ACTION_BUTTON_PRESS"); // NOI18N
rec.setParameters(new Object[] { button, button.getClass().getName(), action, action.getClass().getName(), action.getValue(Action.NAME) });
rec.setResourceBundleName(Actions.class.getPackage().getName() + ".Bundle"); // NOI18N
protected void updateButtonIcon() {
Object i = null;
Object base = action.getValue("iconBase"); // NOI18N
boolean useSmallIcon = true;
Object prop = button.getClientProperty("PreferredIconSize"); //NOI18N
if (prop instanceof Integer) {
if (((Integer) prop).intValue() == 24) {
useSmallIcon = false;
if (action instanceof SystemAction) {
if (base instanceof String) {
String b = (String) base;
ImageIcon imgIcon = loadImage(b, useSmallIcon, null);
if (imgIcon != null) {
i = imgIcon;
} else {
SystemAction sa = (SystemAction) action;
i = sa.getIcon(useTextIcons());
button.setIcon((Icon) i);
button.setDisabledIcon(ImageUtilities.createDisabledIcon((Icon) i));
} else {
SystemAction sa = (SystemAction) action;
i = sa.getIcon(useTextIcons());
button.setIcon((Icon) i);
button.setDisabledIcon(ImageUtilities.createDisabledIcon((Icon) i));
} else {
//Try to get icon from iconBase for non SystemAction action
if (base instanceof String) {
String b = (String) base;
ImageIcon imgIcon = loadImage(b, useSmallIcon, null); // NOI18N
if (imgIcon != null) {
i = imgIcon;
button.setIcon((Icon) i);
} else {
i = action.getValue(Action.SMALL_ICON);
if (i instanceof Icon) {
button.setIcon((Icon) i);
button.setDisabledIcon(ImageUtilities.createDisabledIcon((Icon) i));
} else {
} else {
i = action.getValue(Action.SMALL_ICON);
if (i instanceof Icon) {
button.setIcon((Icon) i);
button.setDisabledIcon(ImageUtilities.createDisabledIcon((Icon) i));
} else {
if (base instanceof String) {
String b = (String) base;
ImageIcon imgIcon = null;
if (i == null) {
// even for regular icon
imgIcon = loadImage(b, useSmallIcon, null);
if (imgIcon != null) {
i = imgIcon;
ImageIcon pImgIcon = loadImage(b, useSmallIcon, "_pressed"); // NOI18N
if (pImgIcon != null) {
ImageIcon rImgIcon = loadImage(b, useSmallIcon, "_rollover"); // NOI18N
if (rImgIcon != null) {
ImageIcon dImgIcon = loadImage(b, useSmallIcon, "_disabled"); // NOI18N
if (dImgIcon != null) {
} else if (imgIcon != null) {
ImageIcon sImgIcon = loadImage(b, useSmallIcon, "_selected"); // NOI18N
if (sImgIcon != null) {
sImgIcon = loadImage(b, useSmallIcon, "_rolloverSelected"); // NOI18N
if (sImgIcon != null) {
sImgIcon = loadImage(b, useSmallIcon, "_disabledSelected"); // NOI18N
if (sImgIcon != null) {
static ImageIcon loadImage(String iconBase, boolean useSmallIcon, String suffix) {
if (!useSmallIcon) {
String bigBase = insertBeforeSuffix(iconBase, "24"); // NOI18N
ImageIcon icon = ImageUtilities.loadImageIcon(insertBeforeSuffix(bigBase, suffix), true);
if (icon != null) {
return icon;
return ImageUtilities.loadImageIcon(insertBeforeSuffix(iconBase, suffix), true); // NOI18N
static String insertBeforeSuffix(String path, String toInsert) {
if (toInsert == null) {
return path;
String withoutSuffix = path;
String suffix = ""; // NOI18N
if (path.lastIndexOf('.') >= 0) {
withoutSuffix = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('.'));
suffix = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('.'), path.length());
return withoutSuffix + toInsert + suffix;
/** @param changedProperty the name of property that has changed
* or null if it is not known
public void updateState(String changedProperty) {
// note: "enabled" (== SA.PROP_ENABLED) hardcoded in AbstractAction
if ((changedProperty == null) || changedProperty.equals(SystemAction.PROP_ENABLED)) {
if (
(changedProperty == null) || changedProperty.equals(SystemAction.PROP_ICON) ||
changedProperty.equals(Action.SMALL_ICON) || changedProperty.equals("iconBase")
) { // NOI18N
if (
(changedProperty == null) || changedProperty.equals(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY) ||
(changedProperty.equals(Action.NAME) && (action.getValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION) == null)) ||
) {
String tip = findKey(action);
String toolTip = (String) action.getValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION);
if (toolTip == null) {
toolTip = (String) action.getValue(Action.NAME);
toolTip = (toolTip == null) ? "" : cutAmpersand(toolTip);
if ((tip == null) || tip.equals("")) { // NOI18N
} else {
org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(Actions.class, "FMT_ButtonHint", toolTip, tip)
if (
button instanceof javax.accessibility.Accessible &&
((changedProperty == null) || changedProperty.equals(Action.NAME))
) {
button.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName((String) action.getValue(Action.NAME));
/** Should textual icons be used when lacking a real icon?
* In the default implementation, true
* @return true
if so
protected boolean useTextIcons() {
return true;
/** Bridge for button and boolean action.
private static class BooleanButtonBridge extends ButtonBridge {
private final BooleanStateAction stateAction;
private final PropertyChangeListener bsaL;
public BooleanButtonBridge(AbstractButton button, BooleanStateAction bsa) {
super(button, bsa);
this.stateAction = bsa;
if (bsa != null && bsa != action) {
bsaL = WeakListeners.propertyChange(this, BooleanStateAction.PROP_BOOLEAN_STATE, bsa);
} else {
bsaL = null;
public BooleanButtonBridge(AbstractButton button, Action action) {
super(button, action);
this.stateAction = null;
this.bsaL = null;
/** @param changedProperty the name of property that has changed
* or null if it is not known
public void updateState(String changedProperty) {
if ((changedProperty == null) ||
changedProperty.equals(BooleanStateAction.PROP_BOOLEAN_STATE) ||
(bsaL == null && changedProperty.equals(Action.SELECTED_KEY))) {
protected boolean getBooleanState() {
if (action instanceof AlwaysEnabledAction.CheckBox) {
return ((AlwaysEnabledAction.CheckBox)action).isPreferencesSelected();
return stateAction != null ? stateAction.getBooleanState() :
/** Menu item bridge.
private static class MenuBridge extends ButtonBridge {
/** behave like menu or popup */
private boolean popup;
/** Constructor.
* @param popup pop-up menu
public MenuBridge(JMenuItem item, Action action, boolean popup) {
super(item, action);
this.popup = popup;
if (popup) {
prepareMargins(item, action);
} else {
// #40824 hack
item.putClientProperty("menubridgeresizehack", this);
// #40824 hack end.
protected @Override void prepare() {
if (popup) {
// popups generally get no hierarchy events, yet we need to listen to other changes
} else {
/** @param changedProperty the name of property that has changed
* or null if it is not known
public void updateState(String changedProperty) {
if (this.button == null) {
this.button = (AbstractButton) this.comp;
if ((changedProperty == null) || changedProperty.equals(SystemAction.PROP_ENABLED)) {
if ((changedProperty == null) || !changedProperty.equals(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY)) {
updateKey((JMenuItem) comp, action);
if (!popup) {
if (
(changedProperty == null) || changedProperty.equals(SystemAction.PROP_ICON) ||
changedProperty.equals(Action.SMALL_ICON) || changedProperty.equals("iconBase")
) { // NOI18N
if ((changedProperty == null) || changedProperty.equals(Action.NAME)) {
Object s = null;
boolean useMnemonic = true;
if (popup) {
s = action.getValue("popupText"); // NOI18N
if (s == null) {
s = action.getValue("menuText"); // NOI18N
useMnemonic = !popup;
if (s == null) {
s = action.getValue(Action.NAME);
useMnemonic = !popup;
if (s instanceof String) {
setMenuText(((JMenuItem) comp), (String) s, useMnemonic);
//System.out.println("Menu item: " + s);
//System.out.println("Action class: " + action.getClass());
protected void updateButtonIcon() {
Object i = null;
Object obj = action.getValue("noIconInMenu"); //NOI18N
Object base = action.getValue("iconBase"); // NOI18N
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(obj)) {
if (action instanceof SystemAction) {
SystemAction sa = (SystemAction) action;
i = sa.getIcon(useTextIcons());
if( i != null ) {
button.setIcon((Icon) i);
button.setDisabledIcon(ImageUtilities.createDisabledIcon((Icon) i));
} else {
if (base == null) {
i = action.getValue(Action.SMALL_ICON);
if (i instanceof Icon) {
button.setIcon((Icon) i);
button.setDisabledIcon(ImageUtilities.createDisabledIcon((Icon) i));
} else {
if (base instanceof String) {
String b = (String) base;
ImageIcon imgIcon = null;
if (i == null) {
// even for regular icon
imgIcon = ImageUtilities.loadImageIcon(b, true);
if (imgIcon != null) {
ImageIcon pImgIcon = ImageUtilities.loadImageIcon(insertBeforeSuffix(b, "_pressed"), true); // NOI18N
if (pImgIcon != null) {
ImageIcon rImgIcon = ImageUtilities.loadImageIcon(insertBeforeSuffix(b, "_rollover"), true); // NOI18N
if (rImgIcon != null) {
ImageIcon dImgIcon = ImageUtilities.loadImageIcon(insertBeforeSuffix(b, "_disabled"), true); // NOI18N
if (dImgIcon != null) {
} else if (imgIcon != null) {
protected boolean useTextIcons() {
return false;
/** Check menu item bridge.
private static final class CheckMenuBridge extends BooleanButtonBridge {
/** is popup or menu */
private boolean popup;
private boolean hasOwnIcon = false;
/** Popup menu */
public CheckMenuBridge(JCheckBoxMenuItem item, BooleanStateAction bsa, boolean popup) {
super(item, bsa);
init(item, popup);
public CheckMenuBridge(JCheckBoxMenuItem item, Action action, boolean popup) {
super(item, action);
init(item, popup);
private void init(JCheckBoxMenuItem item, boolean popup) {
this.popup = popup;
if (popup) {
prepareMargins(item, action);
Object base = action.getValue("iconBase"); //NOI18N
Object i = null;
if (action instanceof SystemAction) {
i = action.getValue(SystemAction.PROP_ICON);
} else {
i = action.getValue(Action.SMALL_ICON);
hasOwnIcon = (base != null) || (i != null);
/** @param changedProperty the name of property that has changed
* or null if it is not known
public void updateState(String changedProperty) {
if ((changedProperty == null) || !changedProperty.equals(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY)) {
updateKey((JMenuItem) comp, action);
if ((changedProperty == null) || changedProperty.equals(Action.NAME)) {
Object s = action.getValue(Action.NAME);
if (s instanceof String) {
setMenuText(((JMenuItem) comp), (String) s, true);
protected void updateButtonIcon() {
if (hasOwnIcon) {
if (!popup) {
button.setIcon(ImageUtilities.loadImageIcon("org/openide/resources/actions/empty.gif", true)); // NOI18N
protected boolean useTextIcons() {
return false;
/** The class that listens to the menu item selections and forwards it to the
* action class via the performAction() method.
private static class ISubActionListener implements java.awt.event.ActionListener {
int index;
SubMenuModel support;
public ISubActionListener(int index, SubMenuModel support) {
this.index = index; = support;
/** called when a user clicks on this menu item */
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
/** Sub menu bridge 2.
private static final class SubMenuBridge extends MenuBridge implements ChangeListener, DynamicMenuContent {
/** model to obtain subitems from */
private SubMenuModel model;
private List currentOnes;
private JMenuItem single;
private JMenu multi;
/** Constructor.
public SubMenuBridge(JMenuItem one, JMenu more, Action action, SubMenuModel model, boolean popup) {
super(one, action, popup);
single = one;
multi = more;
setMenuText(multi, (String)action.getValue(Action.NAME), popup);
prepareMargins(one, action);
prepareMargins(more, action);
currentOnes = new ArrayList();
this.model = model;
/** Called when model changes. Regenerates the model.
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ev) {
//assert EventQueue.isDispatchThread();
if (!EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
new IllegalStateException("This must happen in the event thread!").printStackTrace();
// change in keys or in submenu model
// checkVisibility();
public void updateState(String changedProperty) {
// checkVisibility();
public JComponent[] getMenuPresenters() {
return synchMenuPresenters(null);
public JComponent[] synchMenuPresenters(JComponent[] items) {
int cnt = model.getCount();
if (cnt == 0) {
// menu disabled
} else if (cnt == 1) {
// generate without submenu
HelpCtx help = model.getHelpCtx(0);
associateHelp(single, (help == null) ? findHelp(action) : help);
} else {
Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(multi, (String)action.getValue(Action.NAME));
boolean addSeparator = false;
int count = model.getCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
String label = model.getLabel(i);
// MenuShortcut shortcut = support.getMenuShortcut(i);
if (label == null) {
addSeparator = multi.getItemCount() > 0;
} else {
if (addSeparator) {
addSeparator = false;
// if (shortcut == null)
// (Dafe) changed to support mnemonics in item labels
JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem();
Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(item, label);
// attach the shortcut to the first item
if (i == 0) {
updateKey(item, action);
item.addActionListener(new ISubActionListener(i, model));
HelpCtx help = model.getHelpCtx(i);
associateHelp(item, (help == null) ? findHelp(action) : help);
associateHelp(multi, findHelp(action));
return currentOnes.toArray(new JMenuItem[currentOnes.size()]);
private void associateHelp(JComponent comp, HelpCtx help) {
if ((help != null) && !help.equals(HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP) && (help.getHelpID() != null)) {
HelpCtx.setHelpIDString(comp, help.getHelpID());
} else {
HelpCtx.setHelpIDString(comp, null);
// The presenter classes
* Extension of Swing menu item with connection to
* system actions.
public static class MenuItem extends javax.swing.JMenuItem implements DynamicMenuContent {
static final long serialVersionUID = -21757335363267194L;
private Actions.Bridge bridge;
/** Constructs a new menu item with the specified label
* and no keyboard shortcut and connects it to the given SystemAction.
* @param aAction the action to which this menu item should be connected
* @param useMnemonic if true, the menu try to find mnemonic in action label
public MenuItem(SystemAction aAction, boolean useMnemonic) {
Actions.connect(this, aAction, !useMnemonic);
/** Constructs a new menu item with the specified label
* and no keyboard shortcut and connects it to the given SystemAction.
* @param aAction the action to which this menu item should be connected
* @param useMnemonic if true, the menu try to find mnemonic in action label
public MenuItem(Action aAction, boolean useMnemonic) {
Actions.connect(this, aAction, !useMnemonic);
void setBridge(Actions.Bridge br) {
bridge = br;
public JComponent[] synchMenuPresenters(JComponent[] items) {
if (bridge != null) {
return getMenuPresenters();
public JComponent[] getMenuPresenters() {
return new JComponent[] {this};
/** CheckboxMenuItem extends the java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem and adds
* a connection to boolean state actions. The ActCheckboxMenuItem
* processes the ItemEvents itself and calls the action.seBooleanState() method.
* It also tracks the enabled and boolean state of the action and reflects it
* as its visual enabled/check state.
* @author Ian Formanek, Jan Jancura
public static class CheckboxMenuItem extends javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6190621106981774043L;
/** Constructs a new ActCheckboxMenuItem with the specified label
* and connects it to the given BooleanStateAction.
* @param aAction the action to which this menu item should be connected
* @param useMnemonic if true, the menu try to find mnemonic in action label
* @deprecated use {@link #CheckboxMenuItem(javax.swing.Action, boolean)}.
* Have your action to implement properly {@link Action#getValue} for {@link Action#SELECTED_KEY}
public CheckboxMenuItem(BooleanStateAction aAction, boolean useMnemonic) {
Actions.connect(this, aAction, !useMnemonic);
/** Constructs a new ActCheckboxMenuItem with the specified label
* and connects it to the given Action and its {@link Action#SELECTED_KEY}
* value.
* @param aAction the action to which this menu item should be connected
* @param useMnemonic if true, the menu try to find mnemonic in action label
* @since 7.71
public CheckboxMenuItem(Action aAction, boolean useMnemonic) {
Actions.connect(this, aAction, !useMnemonic);
/** Component shown in toolbar, representing an action.
* @deprecated extends deprecated ToolbarButton
public static class ToolbarButton extends org.openide.awt.ToolbarButton {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6564434578524381134L;
public ToolbarButton(SystemAction aAction) {
Actions.connect(this, aAction);
public ToolbarButton(Action aAction) {
Actions.connect(this, aAction);
* Gets the maximum size of this component.
* @return A dimension object indicating this component's maximum size.
* @see #getMinimumSize
* @see #getPreferredSize
* @see java.awt.LayoutManager
public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
return this.getPreferredSize();
public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
return this.getPreferredSize();
/** The Component for BooleeanState action that is to be shown
* in a toolbar.
* @deprecated extends deprecated ToolbarToggleButton
public static class ToolbarToggleButton extends org.openide.awt.ToolbarToggleButton {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4783163952526348942L;
/** Constructs a new ActToolbarToggleButton for specified action */
public ToolbarToggleButton(BooleanStateAction aAction) {
super(null, false);
Actions.connect(this, aAction);
* Gets the maximum size of this component.
* @return A dimension object indicating this component's maximum size.
* @see #getMinimumSize
* @see #getPreferredSize
* @see java.awt.LayoutManager
public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
return this.getPreferredSize();
public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
return this.getPreferredSize();
/** SubMenu provides easy way of displaying submenu items based on
* SubMenuModel.
* @deprecated Extends deprecated {@link JMenuPlus}. Instead create a regular {@link JMenu} and add items to it (or use {@link DynamicMenuContent}).
public static class SubMenu extends JMenuPlus implements DynamicMenuContent {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4446966671302959091L;
private SubMenuBridge bridge;
/** Constructs a new ActMenuItem with the specified label
* and no keyboard shortcut and connects it to the given SystemAction.
* No icon is used by default.
* @param aAction the action to which this menu item should be connected
* @param model the support for the menu items
public SubMenu(SystemAction aAction, SubMenuModel model) {
this(aAction, model, true);
/** Constructs a new ActMenuItem with the specified label
* and no keyboard shortcut and connects it to the given SystemAction.
* No icon is used by default.
* @param aAction the action to which this menu item should be connected
* @param model the support for the menu items
* @param popup whether this is a popup menu
public SubMenu(SystemAction aAction, SubMenuModel model, boolean popup) {
this((Action) aAction, model, popup);
/** Constructs a new ActMenuItem with the specified label
* and no keyboard shortcut and connects it to the given SystemAction.
* No icon is used by default.
* @param aAction the action to which this menu item should be connected
* @param model the support for the menu items
* @param popup whether this is a popup menu
public SubMenu(Action aAction, SubMenuModel model, boolean popup) {
bridge = new SubMenuBridge(new JMenuItem(), this, aAction, model, popup);
public JComponent[] getMenuPresenters() {
return bridge.getMenuPresenters();
public JComponent[] synchMenuPresenters(JComponent[] items) {
return bridge.synchMenuPresenters(items);
* SPI for supplying alternative implementation of connection between actions and presenters.
* The implementations
* of this interface are being looked up in the default lookup.
* If there is no implemenation in the lookup the default implementation
* is used.
* @see Lookup#getDefault()
* @since org.openide.awt 6.9
public interface ButtonActionConnector {
* Connects the action to the supplied button.
* @return true if the connection was successful and no
* further actions are needed. If false is returned the
* default connect implementation is called
boolean connect(AbstractButton button, Action action);
* Connects the action to the supplied JMenuItem.
* @return true if the connection was successful and no
* further actions are needed. If false is returned the
* default connect implementation is called
boolean connect(JMenuItem item, Action action, boolean popup);
private static final ButtonActionConnectorGetter GET = new ButtonActionConnectorGetter();
private static Collection extends ButtonActionConnector> buttonActionConnectors() {
return GET.all();
private static final class ButtonActionConnectorGetter implements LookupListener {
private final Lookup.Result result;
private Collection extends ButtonActionConnector> all;
ButtonActionConnectorGetter() {
result = Lookup.getDefault().lookupResult(ButtonActionConnector.class);
final Collection extends ButtonActionConnector> all() {
return all;
public void resultChanged(LookupEvent ev) {
all = result.allInstances();