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import java.util.ResourceBundle;
* Various Profiler engine-internal constants used in various parts of the system.
* @author Tomas Hurka
* @author Misha Dmitriev
public interface CommonConstants {
//~ Static fields/initializers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----
// I18N String constants
public static final String THREAD_STATUS_UNKNOWN_STRING = ResourceBundle.getBundle("").getString("CommonConstants_ThreadStatusUnknownString"); // NOI18N // TODO CHECK: unused method
public static final String THREAD_STATUS_ZOMBIE_STRING = ResourceBundle.getBundle("").getString("CommonConstants_ThreadStatusZombieString"); // NOI18N
public static final String THREAD_STATUS_RUNNING_STRING = ResourceBundle.getBundle("").getString("CommonConstants_ThreadStatusRunningString"); // NOI18N
public static final String THREAD_STATUS_SLEEPING_STRING = ResourceBundle.getBundle("").getString("CommonConstants_ThreadStatusSleepingString"); // NOI18N;
public static final String THREAD_STATUS_MONITOR_STRING = ResourceBundle.getBundle("").getString("CommonConstants_ThreadStatusMonitorString"); // NOI18N
public static final String THREAD_STATUS_WAIT_STRING = ResourceBundle.getBundle("").getString("CommonConstants_ThreadStatusWaitString"); // NOI18N
public static final String THREAD_STATUS_PARK_STRING = ResourceBundle.getBundle("").getString("CommonConstants_ThreadStatusParkString"); // NOI18N
// -----
/** Names of our own classes, in various forms */
public static final String PROFILER_SERVER_SLASHED_CLASS_PREFIX = "org/netbeans/lib/profiler/server/"; // NOI18N
public static final String PROFILER_DOTTED_CLASS_PREFIX = "org.netbeans.lib.profiler."; // NOI18N
// State of the profiler server
public static final int SERVER_RUNNING = 0;
public static final int SERVER_INITIALIZING = 1;
public static final int SERVER_PREPARING = 2;
public static final int SERVER_INSTRUMENTING = 3;
// Server progress constants
public static final int SERVER_PROGRESS_INDETERMINATE = -1;
public static final int SERVER_PROGRESS_WORKUNITS = 100;
// Agent state
public static final int AGENT_STATE_NOT_RUNNING = 0;
public static final int AGENT_STATE_READY_DYNAMIC = 1;
public static final int AGENT_STATE_READY_DIRECT = 2;
public static final int AGENT_STATE_CONNECTED = 3;
public static final int AGENT_STATE_DIFFERENT_ID = 4;
public static final int AGENT_STATE_OTHER_SESSION_IN_PROGRESS = 5;
// Agent Id
public static final int AGENT_ID_ANY = -1;
/** Numeric JDK versions that we currently distinguish between */
public static final int JDK_15 = 2;
public static final int JDK_16 = 3; // we treat JDK 1.5 the same as Tiger for now
public static final int JDK_17 = 4; // we treat JDK 17 the same as JDK 1.5 for now
public static final int JDK_18 = 6;
public static final int JDK_19 = 7;
public static final int JDK_110_BEYOND = 8; //JDK 10 and beyond
public static final int JDK_CVM = 5;
public static final int JDK_UNSUPPORTED = -1;
/** Denoting strings for JDK versions that we currently distinguish between */
public static final String JDK_15_STRING = "jdk15"; // NOI18N
public static final String JDK_16_STRING = "jdk16"; // NOI18N
public static final String JDK_17_STRING = "jdk17"; // NOI18N
public static final String JDK_18_STRING = "jdk18"; // NOI18N
public static final String JDK_19_STRING = "jdk19"; // NOI18N
public static final String JDK_110_BEYOND_STRING = "jdk110"; // NOI18N
public static final String JDK_CVM_STRING = "cvm"; // NOI18N
public static final String JDK_UNSUPPORTED_STRING = "UNSUPPORTED_JDK"; // NOI18N
/** Constants for determining 32/64bit architecture */
public static final int ARCH_32 = 32;
public static final int ARCH_64 = 64;
/** Size of the event buffer, used to store/read rough profiling data */
public static final int EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 1200000;
// Codes of various profiling events, that are generated and stored in the buffer file by server and
// then retrieved by tool
public static final byte ROOT_ENTRY = 1;
public static final byte ROOT_EXIT = 2;
public static final byte MARKER_ENTRY = 3;
public static final byte MARKER_EXIT = 4;
public static final byte ADJUST_TIME = 5;
public static final byte METHOD_ENTRY = 6;
public static final byte METHOD_EXIT = 7;
public static final byte THREADS_SUSPENDED = 8;
public static final byte THREADS_RESUMED = 9;
public static final byte RESET_COLLECTORS = 10;
public static final byte NEW_THREAD = 11;
public static final byte OBJ_ALLOC_STACK_TRACE = 12;
public static final byte SET_FOLLOWING_EVENTS_THREAD = 13;
public static final byte OBJ_LIVENESS_STACK_TRACE = 14;
public static final byte OBJ_GC_HAPPENED = 15;
// These are used by hybrid (instrumentation-sampling) CPU profiling
public static final byte METHOD_ENTRY_UNSTAMPED = 16;
public static final byte METHOD_EXIT_UNSTAMPED = 17;
public static final byte MARKER_ENTRY_UNSTAMPED = 18;
public static final byte MARKER_EXIT_UNSTAMPED = 19;
// locks/wait monitoring
public static final byte METHOD_ENTRY_WAIT = 20;
public static final byte METHOD_EXIT_WAIT = 21;
public static final byte METHOD_ENTRY_MONITOR = 22;
public static final byte METHOD_EXIT_MONITOR = 23;
public static final byte METHOD_ENTRY_SLEEP = 24;
public static final byte METHOD_EXIT_SLEEP = 25;
public static final byte METHOD_ENTRY_PARK = 26;
public static final byte METHOD_EXIT_PARK = 27;
public static final byte NEW_MONITOR = 28;
public static final byte BUFFEREVENT_PROFILEPOINT_HIT = 29;
public static final byte SERVLET_DO_METHOD = 30;
public static final byte THREAD_DUMP_START = 31;
public static final byte THREAD_DUMP_END = 32;
public static final byte THREAD_INFO_IDENTICAL = 33;
public static final byte THREAD_INFO = 34;
public static final byte MARKER_ENTRY_PARAMETERS = 35;
// The following are used when storing unstamped method entry/exit events in the "compact" format, when both
// event code and method id are packed in a single char. See more comments in
public static final char MAX_METHOD_ID_FOR_COMPACT_FORMAT = 0x3FFF;
public static final byte COMPACT_EVENT_FORMAT_BYTE_MASK = (byte) 0x80;
public static final char METHOD_ENTRY_COMPACT_MASK = 0x8000;
public static final byte METHOD_ENTRY_COMPACT_BYTE_MASK = (byte) 0x80;
public static final char METHOD_EXIT_COMPACT_MASK = 0xC000;
public static final byte METHOD_EXIT_COMPACT_BYTE_MASK = (byte) 0xC0;
public static final char COMPACT_EVENT_METHOD_ID_MASK = 0x3FFF;
// Target app instrumentation types
public static final int INSTR_NONE = 0; // no instrumentation performed => no profiling data
public static final int INSTR_CODE_REGION = 1; // instrument code region for CPU data
public static final int INSTR_NONE_SAMPLING = 2; // no instrumentation performed, CPU sampling will be used
public static final int INSTR_RECURSIVE_FULL = 3; // instrument for CPU data, full instrumentation (timestamps for each method entry/exit)
public static final int INSTR_RECURSIVE_SAMPLED = 4; // instrument for CPU data, sampled data obtained (timestamps at periodic intervals only)
public static final int INSTR_OBJECT_ALLOCATIONS = 5; // instrument for Memory data, allocations only
public static final int INSTR_OBJECT_LIVENESS = 6; // instrument for Memory data, complete
public static final int INSTR_NONE_MEMORY_SAMPLING = 7; // no instrumentation performed, Memory sampling will be used (live instances at periodic intervals only)
// These are just helpful constants, not actual instrumentation types
public static final int INSTR_MEMORY_BASE = 5;
public static final int INSTR_MAXNUMBER = 7;
// Constants used to distinguish between "full" and "sampled" CPU instrumentation in the settings.
// Internally they are translated into INSTR_RECURSIVE and INSTR_RECURSIVE_SAMPLED, respectively
// CPU_SAMPLED is used for pure sampling without instrumentation, internally CPU_SAMPLED is
// translated to INSTR_NONE_SAMPLING
public static final int CPU_INSTR_FULL = 0;
public static final int CPU_INSTR_SAMPLED = 1;
public static final int CPU_SAMPLED = 2;
// Target app instrumentation schemes for CPU profiling
public static final int INSTRSCHEME_LAZY = 1; // Lazy scheme (B in the NB Profiler papers/report)
public static final int INSTRSCHEME_EAGER = 2; // Eager scheme (A in the above report)
public static final int INSTRSCHEME_TOTAL = 3; // Total instrumentation
// Names of special Java threads created by NB Profiler
public static final String PROFILER_SERVER_THREAD_NAME = "*** Profiler Agent Communication Thread"; // NOI18N
public static final String PROFILER_SPECIAL_EXEC_THREAD_NAME = "*** Profiler Agent Special Execution Thread"; // NOI18N
public static final String PROFILER_SEPARATE_EXEC_THREAD_NAME = "*** JFluid Separate Command Execution Thread"; // NOI18N
// Calibration-only run pseudo main class name
public static final String CALIBRATION_PSEUDO_CLASS_NAME = "____Profiler+Calibration+Run____"; // NOI18N
// These are used to signal to server that there is no defined root class/method to instrument. Instead, we instrument
// run() methods of all threads spawned after instrumentation command is received.
public static final String NO_CLASS_NAME = "*NO_CLASS_NAME*"; // NOI18N
public static final String NO_METHOD_NAME = "*NO_METHOD_NAME*"; // NOI18N
public static final String NO_METHOD_SIGNATURE = "*NO_METHOD_SIGNATURE*"; // NOI18N
// Stuff used by various instrumentation-related classes
static final String JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_METHOD_DOTTED_CLASS_NAME = "java.lang.reflect.Method"; // NOI18N
static final String JAVA_LANG_REFLECT_METHOD_SLASHED_CLASS_NAME = "java/lang/reflect/Method"; // NOI18N
static final String INVOKE_METHOD_NAME = "invoke"; // NOI18N
static final String INVOKE_METHOD_SIGNATURE = "(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"; // NOI18N
static final String OBJECT_SLASHED_CLASS_NAME = "java/lang/Object";
// Kinds of injections that we make into TA methods
public static final int INJ_RECURSIVE_NORMAL_METHOD = 0;
public static final int INJ_RECURSIVE_ROOT_METHOD = 1;
public static final int INJ_RECURSIVE_MARKER_METHOD = 2;
public static final int INJ_RECURSIVE_SAMPLED_NORMAL_METHOD = 3;
public static final int INJ_RECURSIVE_SAMPLED_ROOT_METHOD = 4;
public static final int INJ_RECURSIVE_SAMPLED_MARKER_METHOD = 5;
public static final int INJ_REFLECT_METHOD_INVOKE = 6;
public static final int INJ_SERVLET_DO_METHOD = 7;
public static final int INJ_CODE_REGION = 8;
public static final int INJ_OBJECT_ALLOCATIONS = 9;
public static final int INJ_OBJECT_LIVENESS = 10;
public static final int INJ_STACKMAP = 11;
public static final int INJ_THROWABLE = 12;
public static final int INJ_MAXNUMBER = 13;
// Thread state constants. We currently use what is provided in JVMDI, and will probably have to change that once
// we switch to JVMTI in JDK 5.0
public static final byte THREAD_STATUS_UNKNOWN = -1; // Thread status is unknown.
public static final byte THREAD_STATUS_ZOMBIE = 0; // Thread is waiting to die. Also used for "doesn't exist yet" and "dead"
public static final byte THREAD_STATUS_RUNNING = 1; // Thread is runnable. Note that we unfortunately don't know whether it'
// s actually running or pre-empted by another thread...
public static final byte THREAD_STATUS_SLEEPING = 2; // Thread is sleeping - Thread.sleep() or JVM_Sleep() was called
public static final byte THREAD_STATUS_MONITOR = 3; // Thread is waiting on a java monitor
public static final byte THREAD_STATUS_WAIT = 4; // Thread is waiting - Object.wait() or JVM_MonitorWait() was called
public static final byte THREAD_STATUS_PARK = 5; // Thread is parked - sun/misc/Unsafe.park() was called
// Thread state color constants.
/** Thread status is unknown. */
public static final java.awt.Color THREAD_STATUS_UNKNOWN_COLOR = null;
/** Thread is waiting to die. Also used for "doesn't exist yet" and "dead" */
public static final java.awt.Color THREAD_STATUS_ZOMBIE_COLOR = null;
/** Thread is runnable. Note that we unfortunately don't know whether it's actually running or
* pre-empted by another thread...*/
public static final java.awt.Color THREAD_STATUS_RUNNING_COLOR = new java.awt.Color(58, 228, 103);
/** Thread is sleeping - Thread.sleep() or JVM_Sleep() was called */
public static final java.awt.Color THREAD_STATUS_SLEEPING_COLOR = new java.awt.Color(155, 134, 221);
/** Thread is waiting on a java monitor */
public static final java.awt.Color THREAD_STATUS_MONITOR_COLOR = new java.awt.Color(255, 114, 102);
/** Thread is waiting - Object.wait() or JVM_MonitorWait() was called */
public static final java.awt.Color THREAD_STATUS_WAIT_COLOR = new java.awt.Color(255, 228, 90);
/** Thread is parked - sun/misc/Unsafe.park() was called */
public static final java.awt.Color THREAD_STATUS_PARK_COLOR = new java.awt.Color(230, 128, 30);
// Thread state description constants.
// see I18N String constants at the top of this file
// Modes for obtaining Thread states data
public static final int MODE_THREADS_NONE = 0;
public static final int MODE_THREADS_SAMPLING = 1;
public static final int MODE_THREADS_EXACT = 2;
// Constants for results filter types
public static final int FILTER_NONE = 0;
public static final int FILTER_STARTS_WITH = 10;
public static final int FILTER_CONTAINS = 20;
public static final int FILTER_NOT_CONTAINS = 25;
public static final int FILTER_ENDS_WITH = 30;
public static final int FILTER_EQUALS = 40;
public static final int FILTER_REGEXP = 50;
// Default sorting column constant, means that target component decides itself which column will be used for sorting
public static final int SORTING_COLUMN_DEFAULT = -1;
// Miscellaneous
public static final String ENGINE_WARNING = "*** Profiler engine warning: "; // NOI18N
public static final String PLEASE_REPORT_PROBLEM = "*** Please report this problem to [email protected]"; // NOI18N
// Agent versioning
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_10_M9 = 1;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_10_M10 = 2;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_60_M5 = 3;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_60_M6 = 4;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_60_M7 = 5;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_60_M8 = 6;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_60_M10 = 7;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_60_BETA1 = 8;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_67_BETA = 9;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_69 = 10;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_610_M2 = 11;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_71 = 12;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_73 = 13;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_74 = 14;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_80 = 15;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_81 = 16;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_82 = 17;
public static final int AGENT_VERSION_90 = 18;
public static final int CURRENT_AGENT_VERSION = AGENT_VERSION_90;
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