org.netbeans.modules.derby.DerbyDatabasesImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.derby;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Driver;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.ConnectionManager;
import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseException;
import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.JDBCDriver;
import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.JDBCDriverManager;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileStateInvalidException;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.modules.InstalledFileLocator;
import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
import org.openide.util.NbPreferences;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
* @author Andrei Badea, Jiri Rechtacek
public final class DerbyDatabasesImpl {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DerbyDatabasesImpl.class.getName());
private static final DerbyDatabasesImpl INSTANCE = new DerbyDatabasesImpl();
private Set changeListeners = new HashSet ();
private static final String PATH_TO_DATABASE_PREFERENCES = "/org/netbeans/modules/derby/databases/"; // NOI18N
private static final String USER_KEY = "user"; // NOI18N
private static final String SCHEMA_KEY = "schema"; // NOI18N
private static final String PASSWORD_KEY = "password"; // NOI18N
private DerbyDatabasesImpl() {}
public static DerbyDatabasesImpl getDefault() {
return INSTANCE;
* Checks if the Derby database is registered and the Derby system
* home is set.
* @return true if Derby is registered, false otherwise.
public boolean isDerbyRegistered() {
return DerbySupport.getLocation().length() > 0 && DerbySupport.getSystemHome().length() > 0; // NOI18N
* Returns the Derby system home.
* @return the Derby system home or null if it is not known.
public File getSystemHome() {
String systemHome = DerbyOptions.getDefault().getSystemHome();
if (systemHome.length() >= 0) {
return new File(systemHome);
return null;
* Checks if the given database exists in the Derby system home.
* @return true if the database exists, false otherwise.
* @throws NullPointerException if databaseName
is null.
public boolean databaseExists(String databaseName) {
if (databaseName == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The databaseName parameter cannot be null"); // NOI18N
// just because it makes sense, not really needed anywhere probably
if ("".equals(databaseName)) { // NOI18N
return false;
String systemHome = DerbySupport.getSystemHome();
if (systemHome.length() <= 0) { // NOI18N
return false;
File databaseFile = new File(systemHome, databaseName);
return databaseFile.exists();
* Returns the first free database name using the specified base name.
* The method attempts to create a database name by appending numbers to
* the base name, like in "base1", "base2", etc. and returns the
* first free name found.
* @return a database name or null if a free database name could not be found.
* @throws NullPointerException in the baseDatabaseName
* could not be found.
public String getFirstFreeDatabaseName(String baseDatabaseName) {
if (baseDatabaseName == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The baseDatabaseName parameter cannot be null"); // NOI18N
String systemHome = DerbySupport.getSystemHome();
if (systemHome.length() <= 0) { // NOI18N
return baseDatabaseName;
File databaseFile = new File(systemHome, baseDatabaseName);
if (!databaseFile.exists()) {
return baseDatabaseName;
int i = 1;
while (i <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
String databaseName = baseDatabaseName + String.valueOf(i);
databaseFile = new File(systemHome, databaseName);
if (!databaseFile.exists()) {
return databaseName;
return null;
* Returns the code point of the first illegal character in the given database
* name.
* @return the code point of the first illegal character or -1 if all characters
* are valid.
* @throws NullPointerException if databaseName
is null.
public int getFirstIllegalCharacter(String databaseName) {
if (databaseName == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The databaseName parameter cannot be null"); // NOI18N
for (int i = 0; i < databaseName.length(); i++) {
char ch = databaseName.charAt(i);
if (ch == '/') {
return (int)ch;
if (ch == File.separatorChar) {
return (int)ch;
return -1;
* Creates a new empty database in the Derby system and registers
* it in the Database Explorer. A DatabaseException
is thrown
* if a database with the given name already exists.
* This method requires at least the Derby network driver to be registered.
* Otherwise it will throw an IllegalStateException.
* This method might take a long time to perform. It is advised that
* clients do not call this method from the event dispatching thread,
* where it would block the UI.
* @param databaseName the name of the database to created; cannot be nul.
* @param user the user to set up authentication for. No authentication
* will be set up if user
is null or an empty string.
* @param password the password for authentication.
* @throws NullPointerException if databaseName
is null.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Derby network driver is not registered.
* @throws DatabaseException if an error occurs while creating the database
* or registering it in the Database Explorer.
* @throws IOException if the Derby system home directory does not exist
* and it cannot be created.
public DatabaseConnection createDatabase(String databaseName, String user, String password) throws DatabaseException, IOException, IllegalStateException {
if (databaseName == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The databaseName parameter cannot be null"); // NOI18N
if (!RegisterDerby.getDefault().ensureStarted(true)) {
throw new DatabaseException("The Derby server did not start"); // NOI18N
Driver driver = loadDerbyNetDriver();
Properties props = new Properties();
boolean setupAuthentication = (user != null && user.length() >= 0);
try {
String url = "jdbc:derby://localhost:" + RegisterDerby.getDefault().getPort() + "/" + databaseName; // NOI18N
String urlForCreation = url + ";create=true"; // NOI18N
Connection connection = driver.connect(urlForCreation, props);
try {
if (setupAuthentication) {
setupDatabaseAuthentication(connection, user, password);
} finally {
if (setupAuthentication) {
// we have to reboot the database for the authentication properties
// to take effect
try {
connection = driver.connect(url + ";shutdown=true", props); // NOI18N
} catch (SQLException e) {
// OK, will always occur
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new DatabaseException(sqle);
return registerDatabase(databaseName, user,
setupAuthentication ? user.toUpperCase() : "APP", // NOI18N
setupAuthentication ? password : null, setupAuthentication);
* Creates the sample database in the Derby system home
* using the default user and password ("app", resp. "app") and registers
* it in the Database Explorer. If the sample database already exists
* it is just registered.
* This method requires at least the Derby network driver to be registered.
* Otherwise it will throw an IllegalStateException.
* This method might take a long time to perform. It is advised that
* clients do not call this method from the event dispatching thread,
* where it would block the UI.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Derby network driver is not registered.
* @throws DatabaseException if an error occurs while creating the database
* or registering it in the Database Explorer.
* @throws IOException if the Derby system home directory does not exist
* and it cannot be created.
public DatabaseConnection createSampleDatabase() throws DatabaseException, IOException, IllegalStateException {
extractSampleDatabase("sample", false); // NOI18N
return registerDatabase("sample", "app", "APP", "app", true); // NOI18N
* Creates the sample database in the Derby system home using the
* given database name and the default user and password ("app", resp. "app") and registers
* it in the Database Explorer. A DatabaseException
is thrown
* if a database with the given name already exists.
* This method requires at least the Derby network driver to be registered.
* Otherwise it will throw an IllegalStateException.
* This method might take a long time to perform. It is advised that
* clients do not call this method from the event dispatching thread,
* where it would block the UI.
* @throws NullPointerException if databaseName
is null.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Derby network driver is not registered.
* @throws DatabaseException if an error occurs while registering
* the new database in the Database Explorer.
* @throws IOException if the Derby system home directory does not exist
* and it cannot be created.
public DatabaseConnection createSampleDatabase(String databaseName, boolean existingDBisError) throws DatabaseException, IOException {
if (databaseName == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The databaseName parameter cannot be null"); // NOI18N
extractSampleDatabase(databaseName, existingDBisError);
return registerDatabase(databaseName, "app", "APP", "app", true); // NOI18N
public List getDatabases() {
String databaseHome = DerbyOptions.getDefault().getSystemHome();
if (databaseHome == null || databaseHome.length() == 0) {
Logger.getLogger(DerbyServerNode.class.getName()).fine("No JavaDB location set.");
return Collections.emptyList();
File databaseHomeFile = new File(databaseHome);
if (! databaseHomeFile.exists()) {
Logger.getLogger(DerbyServerNode.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "No JavaDB location found on " + databaseHomeFile);
return Collections.emptyList();
FileObject databaseHomeFO = FileUtil.toFileObject(databaseHomeFile);
try {
} catch (FileStateInvalidException ex) {
// This should be part of the real filesystem - it is doubtful, that
// this case is ever reached - just log it
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Failed to refresh filesystem", ex);
Enumeration extends FileObject> children = databaseHomeFO.getChildren(false);
List res = new ArrayList();
while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
FileObject candidate = children.nextElement();
if (Util.isDerbyDatabase(candidate)) {
Logger.getLogger(DerbyServerNode.class.getName()).fine(candidate.getName() + " added into Databases in " + databaseHome);
return res;
/** XXX - should be part of API, add into DerbyDatabases
* Drop an existing database from the server. This runs asynchronously
* This method also removes any Database Connections from the Database Explorer
* that are for this database.
* @param dbname the name of the database to drop.
* @return true if the database dropped, false otherwise.
* @since ???
public boolean dropDatabase(String dbname) {
if (dbname == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The databaseName parameter cannot be null"); // NOI18N
if (dbname.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The databaseName parameter cannot be empty"); // NOI18N
String systemHome = DerbyOptions.getDefault().getSystemHome();
assert systemHome.length() > 0 : "JavaDB SystemHome must be valid, but was " + systemHome;
if (systemHome.length() <= 0) { // NOI18N
return false;
String username = null;
String password = null;
// remove all connections first
for (DatabaseConnection conn : findDatabaseConnections(dbname)) {
username = conn.getUser();
if(username != null) {
password = conn.getPassword();
try {
} catch (DatabaseException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(DerbyServerNode.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
// Try to shutdown the dbserver (see
try {
Driver driver = loadDerbyNetDriver();
try {
if (username != null && username.length() > 0) {
String.format("jdbc:derby://localhost:%d/%s;user=%s;password=%s;shutdown=true", //NOI18N
new Properties());
} else {
String.format("jdbc:derby://localhost:%d/%s;shutdown=true", //NOI18N
new Properties());
} catch (SQLException e) {
// OK, will always occur
} catch (DatabaseException ex) {
ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
// remove database from disk
File databaseFile = new File(systemHome, dbname);
FileObject fo = FileUtil.toFileObject(databaseFile);
try {
if (fo != null) {
} else {
Logger.getLogger(DerbyServerNode.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, databaseFile + " has no corresponding FileObject.");
return false;
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(DerbyServerNode.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, ex.getLocalizedMessage());
return false;
// notify change
return true;
* Extracts the sample database under the given name in the Derby system home.
* Does not overwrite an existing database.
* Not public because used in tests.
public synchronized void extractSampleDatabase(String databaseName, boolean existingDBisError) throws IOException{
File systemHomeFile = ensureSystemHome();
File sourceFO = InstalledFileLocator.getDefault().locate("modules/ext/", "org.netbeans.modules.derby", false); // NOI18N
FileObject systemHomeFO = FileUtil.toFileObject(systemHomeFile);
FileObject sampleFO = systemHomeFO.getFileObject(databaseName);
if (sampleFO == null) {
sampleFO = systemHomeFO.createFolder(databaseName);
Util.extractZip(sourceFO, sampleFO);
} else {
if(! Util.isDerbyDatabase(sampleFO)) {
if(sampleFO.getChildren().length != 0) {
throw new IOException(String.format(
"Directory for sample database already exists and is not empty: '%s'",
} else {
Util.extractZip(sourceFO, sampleFO);
} else {
if (existingDBisError) {
throw new IOException(String.format(
"Target database already exists: '%s'",
* Tries to ensure the Derby system home exists (attempts to create it if necessary).
private File ensureSystemHome() throws IOException {
String systemHome = DerbySupport.getSystemHome();
boolean noSystemHome = false;
if (systemHome.length() <= 0) { // NOI18N
noSystemHome = true;
systemHome = DerbySupport.getDefaultSystemHome();
File systemHomeFile = new File(systemHome);
if (!systemHomeFile.exists()){
// issue 113747: if mkdirs() fails, it can be caused by another thread having succeeded,
// since there are a few places where sample databases are created at first startup
if (!systemHomeFile.mkdirs() && !systemHomeFile.exists()) {
throw new IOException("Could not create the derby.system.home directory " + systemHomeFile); // NOI18N
if (noSystemHome) {
return systemHomeFile;
* Registers in the Database Explorer the specified database
* on the local Derby server.
private synchronized DatabaseConnection registerDatabase(String databaseName, String user, String schema, String password, boolean rememberPassword) throws DatabaseException {
List drivers = new ArrayList<>();
if (drivers.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The " + DerbyOptions.DRIVER_DISP_NAME_NET + " driver was not found"); // NOI18N
Preferences pref = NbPreferences.root().node(PATH_TO_DATABASE_PREFERENCES + databaseName);
pref.put(USER_KEY, user == null ? "" : user);
pref.put(SCHEMA_KEY, schema == null ? "" : schema);
pref.put(PASSWORD_KEY, password == null ? "" : password);
DatabaseConnection dbconn = DatabaseConnection.create(drivers.get(0), "jdbc:derby://localhost:" + RegisterDerby.getDefault().getPort() + "/" + databaseName, user, schema, password, rememberPassword); // NOI18N
if (ConnectionManager.getDefault().getConnection(dbconn.getName()) == null) {
return dbconn;
* Sets up authentication for the database to which the given connection
* is connected.
private void setupDatabaseAuthentication(Connection conn, String user, String password) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("{call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY(?, ?)}"); // NOI18N
try {
stmt.setString(1, "derby.connection.requireAuthentication"); // NOI18N
stmt.setString(2, "true"); // NOI18N
stmt.setString(1, "derby.authentication.provider"); // NOI18N
stmt.setString(2, "BUILTIN"); // NOI18N
stmt.setString(1, "derby.user." + user); // NOI18N
stmt.setString(2, password); // NOI18N
} finally {
if (! "APP".equalsIgnoreCase(user)) { // NOI18N
stmt = conn.prepareStatement("CREATE SCHEMA " + user); // NOI18N
try {
} finally {
* Loads the Derby network driver.
private Driver loadDerbyNetDriver() throws DatabaseException, IllegalStateException {
Exception exception = null;
try {
File derbyClient = Util.getDerbyFile("lib/derbyclient.jar"); // NOI18N
if (derbyClient == null || !derbyClient.exists()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The " + DerbyOptions.DRIVER_DISP_NAME_NET + " driver was not found"); // NOI18N
URL[] driverURLs = new URL[] { derbyClient.toURI().toURL() }; // NOI18N
DbURLClassLoader l = new DbURLClassLoader(driverURLs);
Class> driverClass = null;
for (String driverCandidate : new String[]{DerbyOptions.DRIVER_CLASS_NET, DerbyOptions.DRIVER_CLASS_NET_MODULAR}) {
try {
driverClass = Class.forName(driverCandidate, true, l);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
exception = ex;
if(driverClass != null) {
exception = null;
return (Driver)driverClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (MalformedURLException | ReflectiveOperationException e) {
exception = e;
if (exception != null) {
throw new DatabaseException(exception);
// should never get here
return null;
public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener listener) {
public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener listener) {
void notifyChange() {
ChangeEvent evt = new ChangeEvent(this);
for ( ChangeListener listener : changeListeners ) {
List findDatabaseConnections(String databaseName) {
String url = "jdbc:derby://localhost:" + RegisterDerby.getDefault().getPort() + "/" + databaseName;
List result = new ArrayList<>();
DatabaseConnection[] connections = ConnectionManager.getDefault().getConnections();
for (DatabaseConnection conn : connections) {
// If there's already a connection registered, we're done
if ((conn.getDriverClass().equals(DerbyOptions.DRIVER_CLASS_NET)
|| conn.getDriverClass().equals(DerbyOptions.DRIVER_CLASS_NET_MODULAR))
&& conn.getDatabaseURL().equals(url)) {
return result;
String getUser(String databaseName) {
Preferences pref = NbPreferences.root().node(PATH_TO_DATABASE_PREFERENCES + databaseName);
return pref.get(USER_KEY, "");
String getSchema(String databaseName) {
Preferences pref = NbPreferences.root().node(PATH_TO_DATABASE_PREFERENCES + databaseName);
return pref.get(SCHEMA_KEY, "");
String getPassword(String databaseName) {
Preferences pref = NbPreferences.root().node(PATH_TO_DATABASE_PREFERENCES + databaseName);
return pref.get(PASSWORD_KEY, "");