Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import com.sun.source.tree.AssignmentTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.BinaryTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.BlockTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.CompoundAssignmentTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.IfTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MemberSelectTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ModifiersTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ParenthesizedTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.StatementTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.SynchronizedTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind;
import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import org.netbeans.spi.editor.hints.ErrorDescription;
import org.netbeans.spi.editor.hints.Fix;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
* The hint detects double-locking idion that cannot work with JDK < 5.
* It also detects a variant that first assigns the field into a local variable first.
* In JDK 5, a recommended idiom can be generated
* @author Jaroslav tulach
@Hint(displayName = "", description = "", id="", category="thread", suppressWarnings="DoubleCheckedLocking")
public class DoubleCheck {
public static ErrorDescription run(HintContext ctx) {
CompilationInfo compilationInfo = ctx.getInfo();
TreePath treePath = ctx.getPath();
Tree e = treePath.getLeaf();
SynchronizedTree synch = (SynchronizedTree)e;
TreePath outer = findOuterIf(ctx, treePath);
if (outer == null) {
return null;
IfTree same = null;
TreePath samePath = null;
TreePath block = new TreePath(treePath, synch.getBlock());
TreePath exprPath = null;
TreePath[] fieldPath = new TreePath[1];
for (StatementTree statement : synch.getBlock().getStatements()) {
samePath = new TreePath(block, statement);
exprPath = sameIfAndValidate(compilationInfo, samePath, outer, fieldPath);
if (exprPath != null) {
same = (IfTree)statement;
if (ctx.isCanceled()) {
return null;
if (same == null) {
return null;
Element el = compilationInfo.getTrees().getElement(fieldPath[0]);
if (el == null) {
return null;
Element checkEl = compilationInfo.getTrees().getElement(exprPath);
boolean jdk5 = compilationInfo.getSourceVersion().compareTo(SourceVersion.RELEASE_5) >= 0;
boolean checkLocalVar = checkEl != null && checkEl.getKind() == ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE;
boolean varVolatile = el.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.VOLATILE);
boolean field = el.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD;
Fix fix = null;
if (!varVolatile || !jdk5 || !field) {
// the field is not volatile or it cannot be resolved from the code [local var cannot be volatile]
// the only fix available when JDK5 is missing
fix = new SynchronizeFix(
TreePathHandle.create(treePath, compilationInfo),
TreePathHandle.create(outer, compilationInfo),
Fix fix2 = null;
// can be only applied the real field is known
if (jdk5 && field && !(checkLocalVar && varVolatile)) {
int style;
if (checkLocalVar && !varVolatile) {
style = 0;
} else if (varVolatile && !checkLocalVar) {
style = 2;
} else {
// default JDK5 idiom
style = 1;
fix2 = new DoubleCheckJDK5Fix(
TreePathHandle.create(outer, compilationInfo),
TreePathHandle.create(exprPath, compilationInfo),
TreePathHandle.create(fieldPath[0], compilationInfo),
TreePathHandle.create(samePath, compilationInfo),
int span = (int)compilationInfo.getTrees().getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(
if (fix == null && fix2 == null) {
return null;
return ErrorDescriptionFactory.forName(ctx, ctx.getPath(), NbBundle.getMessage(DoubleCheck.class, "ERR_DoubleCheck"), fix2, fix);// NOI18N
private static TreePath findOuterIf(HintContext ctx, TreePath treePath) {
while (!ctx.isCanceled()) {
treePath = treePath.getParentPath();
if (treePath == null) {
Tree leaf = treePath.getLeaf();
if (leaf.getKind() == Kind.IF) {
return treePath;
if (leaf.getKind() == Kind.BLOCK) {
BlockTree b = (BlockTree)leaf;
if (b.getStatements().size() == 1) {
// ok, empty blocks can be around synchronized(this)
// statements
return null;
return null;
private static TreePath findParentOfKind(TreePath p, Tree.Kind kind) {
while (p != null) {
if (p.getLeaf().getKind() == kind) {
return p;
p = p.getParentPath();
return p;
private static boolean sameCompilationUnit(TreePath first, TreePath second) {
TreePath one = findParentOfKind(first, Kind.COMPILATION_UNIT);
TreePath two = findParentOfKind(second, Kind.COMPILATION_UNIT);
return one != null && two != null && one.getLeaf() == two.getLeaf();
* Checks, that the two if statements test the same variable. Returns the tree that references
* the guard variable if the two ifs are the same, or {@code null} if the ifs do not match.
* @param info
* @param statementTP
* @param secondTP
* @return
private static TreePath sameIfAndValidate(CompilationInfo info, TreePath statementTP, TreePath secondTP, TreePath[] fieldRef) {
StatementTree statement = (StatementTree) statementTP.getLeaf();
if (statement.getKind() != Kind.IF) {
return null;
IfTree first = (IfTree)statement;
IfTree second = (IfTree) secondTP.getLeaf();
if (first.getElseStatement() != null) {
return null;
if (second.getElseStatement() != null) {
return null;
TreePath varFirst = equalToNull(new TreePath(statementTP, first.getCondition()));
TreePath varSecond = equalToNull(new TreePath(secondTP, second.getCondition()));
if (varFirst == null || varSecond == null) {
return null;
Element firstVariable = info.getTrees().getElement(varFirst);
Element secondVariable = info.getTrees().getElement(varSecond);
Element target = firstVariable;
if (firstVariable != null && firstVariable.equals(secondVariable)) {
TreePath var = info.getTrees().getPath(firstVariable);
if (info.getSourceVersion().compareTo(SourceVersion.RELEASE_5) < 0) {
fieldRef[0] = var;
return varFirst;
if (firstVariable.getKind() == ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE) {
// check how the variable was assigned:
TreePath methodPath = Utilities.findTopLevelBlock(varFirst);
FlowResult fr = Flow.assignmentsForUse(info, methodPath, new AtomicBoolean(false));
Iterable extends TreePath> itp = fr.getAssignmentsForUse().get(varFirst.getLeaf());
if (itp != null) {
Iterator extends TreePath> i = itp.iterator();
if (i.hasNext()) {
TreePath v =;
if (!i.hasNext()) {
// if the local variable has exactly one possible value,
// use it as the field
target = info.getTrees().getElement(v);
if (target != null && target.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD) {
var = info.getTrees().getPath(target);
if (!sameCompilationUnit(var, varFirst)) {
// the variable is somewhere ...
var = info.getTrees().getPath(firstVariable);
fieldRef[0] = var;
return varFirst;
return null;
private static TreePath equalToNull(TreePath tp) {
ExpressionTree t = (ExpressionTree) tp.getLeaf();
if (t.getKind() == Kind.PARENTHESIZED) {
ParenthesizedTree p = (ParenthesizedTree)t;
t = p.getExpression();
tp = new TreePath(tp, t);
if (t.getKind() != Kind.EQUAL_TO) {
return null;
BinaryTree bt = (BinaryTree)t;
if (bt.getLeftOperand().getKind() == Kind.NULL_LITERAL && bt.getRightOperand().getKind() != Kind.NULL_LITERAL) {
return new TreePath(tp, bt.getRightOperand());
if (bt.getLeftOperand().getKind() != Kind.NULL_LITERAL && bt.getRightOperand().getKind() == Kind.NULL_LITERAL) {
return new TreePath(tp, bt.getLeftOperand());
return null;
* This fix will declare the checked field volatile, if it is not already.
* Assigns the field into a local variable
private static final class DoubleCheckJDK5Fix extends JavaFix {
private final TreePathHandle fieldAccessHandle;
private final TreePathHandle fieldHandle;
private final TreePathHandle innerIfHandle;
private final int justVolatile;
private FlowResult flow;
public DoubleCheckJDK5Fix(TreePathHandle handle, TreePathHandle fieldAccessHandle, TreePathHandle fieldHandle, TreePathHandle innerIfHandle,
int justVolatile) {
this.fieldAccessHandle = fieldAccessHandle;
this.fieldHandle = fieldHandle;
this.innerIfHandle = innerIfHandle;
this.justVolatile = justVolatile;
protected String getText() {
switch (justVolatile) {
case 0:
return NbBundle.getMessage(DoubleCheck.class, "FIX_DoubleCheck_Volatile");
case 1:
return NbBundle.getMessage(DoubleCheck.class, "FIX_DoubleCheck_5"); // NOI18N
case 2:
return NbBundle.getMessage(DoubleCheck.class, "FIX_DoubleCheck_Local"); // NOI18N
throw new IllegalStateException();
protected void performRewrite(TransformationContext ctx) throws Exception {
WorkingCopy wc = ctx.getWorkingCopy();
TreeMaker mk = wc.getTreeMaker();
TreePath varPath = fieldAccessHandle.resolve(wc);
TreePath fieldPath = fieldHandle.resolve(wc);
Element ve = wc.getTrees().getElement(fieldPath);
if (ve == null) {
// TODO: log/inform the user
VariableTree vt = (VariableTree)fieldPath.getLeaf();
if (!vt.getModifiers().getFlags().contains(Modifier.VOLATILE)) {
ModifiersTree mt = wc.getTreeMaker().addModifiersModifier(vt.getModifiers(), Modifier.VOLATILE);
wc.rewrite(vt.getModifiers(), mt);
Element classEl = ((VariableElement)ve).getEnclosingElement();
if (justVolatile == 0) {
// the checked symbol is already a variable
// construct the reference to the field. If the field is referenced just using the
// simple name, combine it with [outerClass.]this. If the reference is more complex,
// it is qualified enough and can be used as it is
ExpressionTree fieldAccess = (ExpressionTree)varPath.getLeaf();
if (fieldAccess.getKind() == Tree.Kind.IDENTIFIER) {
if (ve.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) {
fieldAccess = mk.MemberSelect(mk.QualIdent(classEl), vt.getName());
} else {
fieldAccess = mk.MemberSelect(mk.Identifier("this"), vt.getName());
TreePath ifStatement = ctx.getPath();
TreePath ifParent = ifStatement.getParentPath();
BlockTree blTree = (BlockTree)ifParent.getLeaf();
VariableTree localCopy = mk.Variable(
mk.Modifiers(Collections.emptySet()), vt.getName(),
vt.getType(), fieldAccess);
// insert the variable declaration before the if statement:
int ifIndex = blTree.getStatements().indexOf(ifStatement.getLeaf());
BlockTree newBlock = mk.insertBlockStatement(blTree, ifIndex, localCopy);
wc.rewrite(blTree, newBlock);
TreePath innerIf = innerIfHandle.resolve(wc);
TreePath innerBlock = innerIf.getParentPath();
assert innerBlock.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.BLOCK;
BlockTree bt = (BlockTree)innerBlock.getLeaf();
int innerIfIndex = bt.getStatements().indexOf(innerIf.getLeaf());
// add a second assignment to the local variable
BlockTree nbt = mk.insertBlockStatement(bt, innerIfIndex,
mk.Assignment(mk.Identifier(vt.getName()), fieldAccess)
wc.rewrite(bt, nbt);
TreePath topLevel = Utilities.findTopLevelBlock(ifParent);
flow = Flow.assignmentsForUse(wc, topLevel, new AtomicBoolean(false));
VariableAccessWalker walker = new VariableAccessWalker((VariableElement)ve,
fieldAccess, mk.Identifier(localCopy.getName()), ifStatement, wc);
walker.scan(topLevel, null);
private static final class VariableAccessWalker extends ErrorAwareTreePathScanner {
private final VariableElement originalVariable;
private final ExpressionTree fieldAccessTree;
* Tree that references the local variable, will be used instead of
* field access for reading
private final ExpressionTree localVarTree;
private final TreePath ifPath;
private final WorkingCopy wc;
private final TreeMaker mk;
public VariableAccessWalker(VariableElement originalVariable, ExpressionTree fieldAccessTree, ExpressionTree localVarTree, TreePath ifPath, WorkingCopy wc) {
this.originalVariable = originalVariable;
this.fieldAccessTree = fieldAccessTree;
this.localVarTree = localVarTree;
this.ifPath = ifPath;
this.wc = wc; = wc.getTreeMaker();
// will turn to true once the outer `if' is traversed. The following code should
private boolean ifEncountered;
public Object scan(TreePath p, Object o) {
// after the outer if is encountered, direct every reference to local variable
ifEncountered |= p.getLeaf() == ifPath.getLeaf();
return super.scan(p, o);
public Object scan(Tree p, Object o) {
// after the outer if is encountered, direct every reference to local variable
ifEncountered |= p == ifPath.getLeaf();
return super.scan(p, o);
public Object visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree node, Object p) {
if (ifEncountered) {
// inside the inner if-statement, all but assignments should transform to local variable references.
Element el = wc.getTrees().getElement(getCurrentPath());
if (el == originalVariable) {
// rewrite the member select to whatever tree access is necessary
wc.rewrite(node, localVarTree);
// skip the member select
return null;
return super.visitIdentifier(node, p); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
public Object visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree node, Object p) {
if (ifEncountered) {
// inside the inner if-statement, all but assignments should transform to local variable references.
Element el = wc.getTrees().getElement(getCurrentPath());
if (el == originalVariable) {
// rewrite the member select to whatever tree access is necessary
wc.rewrite(node, localVarTree);
// skip the member select
return null;
return super.visitMemberSelect(node, p);
public Object visitCompoundAssignment(CompoundAssignmentTree node, Object p) {
// TODO: it's not necessary for reference-type variables; might be eventually used
// for primitives
return super.visitCompoundAssignment(node, p);
public Object visitAssignment(AssignmentTree node, Object p) {
if (!ifEncountered) {
return super.visitAssignment(node, p);
Element el = wc.getTrees().getElement(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), node.getVariable()));
if (el == originalVariable) {
// assignment should be converted into local var + field assignment
ExpressionTree et = mk.Assignment(fieldAccessTree,
mk.Assignment(localVarTree, node.getExpression()));
wc.rewrite(node, et);
return scan(node.getExpression(), p);
private static final class SynchronizeFix extends JavaFix {
private TreePathHandle synchHandle;
private FileObject file;
public SynchronizeFix(TreePathHandle synchHandle, TreePathHandle ifHandle, FileObject file) {
this.synchHandle = synchHandle;
this.file = file;
public String getText() {
return NbBundle.getMessage(DoubleCheck.class, "FIX_DoubleCheck"); // NOI18N
@Override public String toString() {
return "FixDoubleCheck"; // NOI18N
protected void performRewrite(TransformationContext ctx) {
WorkingCopy wc = ctx.getWorkingCopy();
TreePath ifTreePath = ctx.getPath();
Tree syncTree = synchHandle.resolve(wc).getLeaf();
wc.rewrite(ifTreePath.getLeaf(), syncTree);
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