org.netbeans.modules.subversion.VersionsCache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.subversion;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.netbeans.modules.subversion.client.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.subversion.ui.diff.Setup;
import org.netbeans.modules.subversion.util.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.versioning.historystore.Storage;
import org.netbeans.modules.versioning.historystore.StorageManager;
import org.netbeans.modules.versioning.util.FileUtils;
import org.netbeans.modules.versioning.util.Utils;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.*;
* File revisions cache. It can access pristine files.
* @author Petr Kuzel
public class VersionsCache {
private static VersionsCache instance;
/** Creates a new instance of VersionsCache */
private VersionsCache() {
public static synchronized VersionsCache getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new VersionsCache();
return instance;
* Loads a content of the given file in the given revision. May communicate over network.
* @param repoUrl target repository URL
* @param url target file full url
* @param revision target revision, will be used also as the peg revision
* @param fileName basename of the file which will be used as a temporary file's name
* @return a temporary file with given file's content
* @throws
public File getFileRevision(SVNUrl repoUrl, SVNUrl url, String revision, String fileName) throws IOException {
return getFileRevision(repoUrl, url, revision, revision, fileName);
* Loads a content of the given file in the given revision. May communicate over network.
* @param repoUrl target repository URL
* @param url target file full url
* @param revision target revision
* @param pegRevision peg revision
* @param fileName basename of the file which will be used as a temporary file's name
* @return a temporary file with given file's content
* @throws
public File getFileRevision(SVNUrl repoUrl, SVNUrl url, String revision, String pegRevision, String fileName) throws IOException {
boolean canUseRevisionsCache = true;
try {
canUseRevisionsCache = SVNRevision.getRevision(revision).getKind() == SVNRevision.Kind.number
&& SVNRevision.getRevision(pegRevision).getKind() == SVNRevision.Kind.number;
} catch (ParseException ex) { }
try {
if (!canUseRevisionsCache || "false".equals(System.getProperty("versioning.subversion.historycache.enable", "true"))) { //NOI18N
SvnClient client = Subversion.getInstance().getClient(repoUrl);
InputStream in = getInputStream(client, url, revision, pegRevision);
return createContent(fileName, in);
} else {
String rootUrl = repoUrl.toString();
String resourceUrl = url.toString() + "@" + pegRevision; //NOI18N
Storage cachedVersions = StorageManager.getInstance().getStorage(rootUrl);
File cachedFile = cachedVersions.getContent(resourceUrl, fileName, revision);
if (cachedFile.length() == 0) { // not yet cached
SvnClient client = Subversion.getInstance().getClient(repoUrl);
InputStream in = getInputStream(client, url, revision, pegRevision);
cachedFile = createContent(fileName, in);
if (cachedFile.length() != 0) {
cachedVersions.setContent(resourceUrl, revision, cachedFile);
return cachedFile;
} catch (SVNClientException ex) {
throw new IOException("Can not load: " + url + " in revision: " + revision, ex);
* Loads the file in specified revision.
* For peg revision revision
will be used for existing files, for repository files it will be the HEAD revision.
* It's may connect over network I/O do not
* call from the GUI thread.
* @return null if the file does not exit in given revision
public File getFileRevision(File base, String revision) throws IOException {
return getFileRevision(base, revision, Setup.REVISION_BASE);
* Loads the file in specified revision.
* It's may connect over network I/O do not
* call from the GUI thread.
* @return null if the file does not exit in given revision
public File getFileRevision(File base, String revision, String pegRevision) throws IOException {
try {
} catch (SVNClientException e) {
return null;
if (Setup.REVISION_BASE.equals(revision)) {
return getBaseRevisionFile(base);
} else if (Setup.REVISION_PRISTINE.equals(revision)) {
// should not be used, will not work with 1.7
String name = base.getName();
File svnDir = getMetadataDir(base.getParentFile());
if (svnDir != null) {
File text_base = new File(svnDir, "text-base"); // NOI18N
File pristine = new File(text_base, name + ".svn-base"); // NOI18N
if (pristine.isFile()) {
return pristine;
} else {
return null;
} else {
return null;
} else if (Setup.REVISION_CURRENT.equals(revision)) {
return base;
} else {
SVNRevision svnrevision = SvnUtils.toSvnRevision(revision);
try {
SvnClient client = Subversion.getInstance().getClient(base);
FileStatusCache cache = Subversion.getInstance().getStatusCache();
InputStream in = null;
try {
boolean gotContent = false;
if ((cache.getStatus(base).getStatus() & FileInformation.STATUS_VERSIONED) != 0) {
try {
in = client.getContent(base, svnrevision);
gotContent = true;
} catch (SVNClientException e) {
if(svnrevision.getKind() != SVNRevision.Kind.number
|| !(SvnClientExceptionHandler.isFileNotFoundInRevision(e.getMessage()) || SvnClientExceptionHandler.isPathNotFound(e.getMessage()))) {
throw e;
if (!gotContent) {
if (Setup.REVISION_BASE.equals(pegRevision)) {
try {
// we can't contact server with BASE being peg revision
ISVNStatus st = SvnUtils.getSingleStatus(client, base);
if (st != null && st.getRevision() != null) {
pegRevision = st.getRevision().toString();
} else {
pegRevision = SVNRevision.HEAD.toString();
} catch (SVNClientException e) {}
SVNUrl url = SvnUtils.getRepositoryUrl(base);
if (url != null) {
in = getInputStream(client, url, revision, pegRevision);
} else {
in = new ByteArrayInputStream(org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(VersionsCache.class, "MSG_UnknownURL").getBytes()); // NOI18N
} catch (SVNClientException e) {
if(SvnClientExceptionHandler.isFileNotFoundInRevision(e.getMessage()) ||
SvnClientExceptionHandler.isPathNotFound(e.getMessage())) {
in = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[] {});
} else {
throw e;
return createContent(base.getName(), in);
} catch (SVNClientException ex) {
throw new IOException("Can not load: " + base.getAbsolutePath() + " in revision: " + revision, ex);
* Returns content of the given file at its base revision.
* In other words, returns content of the given file without local
* modifications.
* The returned {@code File} may be deleted after use.
* The returned {@code File} is not scheduled for automatic
* deletion upon JVM shutdown.
* @param referenceFile reference file
* @return file holding content of the unmodified version of the given file
* @exception if some file handling operation failed
File getBaseRevisionFile(File referenceFile) throws IOException {
try {
boolean newMetadataFormat = false;
File svnDir = getMetadataDir(referenceFile.getParentFile());
if (svnDir == null) {
// try to check 1.7 metadata
File topmost = Subversion.getInstance().getTopmostManagedAncestor(referenceFile);
File newMetadataFolder;
if (topmost != null && (newMetadataFolder = new File(topmost, SvnUtils.SVN_ADMIN_DIR)).exists()) {
svnDir = newMetadataFolder;
newMetadataFormat = new File(svnDir, "pristine").exists(); //NOI18N
if (!newMetadataFormat) {
"No 1.7 metadata in {0}", svnDir); //NOI18N
if (svnDir == null) {
return null;
if (newMetadataFormat) {
return getContentBase(referenceFile, new File(Utils.getTempFolder(), referenceFile.getName() + ".netbeans-base")); //NOI18N
} else {
File svnBase = new File(svnDir, "text-base/" + referenceFile.getName() + ".svn-base"); //NOI18N
if (!svnBase.exists()) {
if (new File(svnDir, "pristine").exists()) { //NOI18N - svn1.7, file is directly in the root of a checkout
return getContentBase(referenceFile, new File(Utils.getTempFolder(), referenceFile.getName() + ".netbeans-base")); //NOI18N
return null;
File expanded = new File(svnDir, "text-base/" + referenceFile.getName() + ".netbeans-base"); //NOI18N
if (expanded.canRead() && svnBase.isFile() && expanded.length() == svnBase.length()
&& (expanded.lastModified() >= svnBase.lastModified())) {
return expanded;
expanded = getContentBase(referenceFile, expanded);
return expanded;
} catch (SVNClientException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
private File getContentBase (File referenceFile, File output) throws SVNClientException, IOException {
SvnClient client = Subversion.getInstance().getClient(false); // local call, does not need to be instantiated with the file instance
InputStream in;
try {
in = client.getContent(referenceFile, SVNRevision.BASE);
} catch (SVNClientException ex) {
|| SvnClientExceptionHandler.hasNoBaseRevision(ex.getMessage())) {
// Subversion 1.7 error messages
in = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[] {});
} else {
throw ex;
output = FileUtil.normalizeFile(output);
FileUtils.copyStreamToFile(new BufferedInputStream(in), output);
return output;
* Tries to acquire a content of the given file url in the given revision
* @param client
* @param url
* @param revision
* @param pegRevision
* @return content of the file in the given revision
* @throws org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.SVNClientException
private InputStream getInputStream (SvnClient client, SVNUrl url, String revision, String pegRevision) throws SVNClientException {
InputStream in = null;
try {
in = client.getContent(url, SvnUtils.toSvnRevision(revision), SvnUtils.toSvnRevision(pegRevision));
} catch (SVNClientException e) {
if (SvnClientExceptionHandler.isFileNotFoundInRevision(e.getMessage()) ||
SvnClientExceptionHandler.isPathNotFound(e.getMessage())) {
in = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[]{});
} else {
throw e;
return in;
* Creates a temporary file and prints the content of in
to it.
* @param fileName temporary file name, will be prefixed by "nb-svn"
* @param in content to be printed
* @return created temporary file
* @throws
private File createContent (String fileName, InputStream in) throws IOException {
// keep original extension so MIME can be guessed by the extension
File tmp = new File(Utils.getTempFolder(), fileName); // NOI18N
tmp = FileUtil.normalizeFile(tmp);
tmp.deleteOnExit(); // hard to track actual lifetime
FileUtils.copyStreamToFile(new BufferedInputStream(in), tmp);
return tmp;
private File getMetadataDir(File dir) {
File svnDir = new File(dir, SvnUtils.SVN_ADMIN_DIR); // NOI18N
if (!svnDir.isDirectory()) {
return null;
return svnDir;