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org.netbeans.modules.terminal.ioprovider.Terminal Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package org.netbeans.modules.terminal.ioprovider;

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dialog;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard;
import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor;
import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;
import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.ActionMap;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.InputMap;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.TransferHandler;
import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent;
import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener;
import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet;
import javax.swing.text.Keymap;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileAttributeEvent;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileEvent;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileRenameEvent;

import org.openide.util.NbPreferences;

import org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator.ActiveTerm;
import org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator.Term;

import org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator.Coord;
import org.netbeans.modules.terminal.api.IOConnect;
import org.netbeans.modules.terminal.api.ui.IOVisibility;
import org.netbeans.modules.terminal.api.ui.IOVisibilityControl;

import org.netbeans.modules.terminal.nb.TermAdvancedOption;
import org.openide.awt.TabbedPaneFactory;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.openide.util.lookup.Lookups;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.mimelookup.MimeLookup;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.settings.EditorStyleConstants;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.settings.FontColorNames;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.settings.FontColorSettings;
import org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator.ActiveRegion;
import org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator.ActiveTermListener;
import org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator.Extent;
import org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator.TermAdapter;
import org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator.TermListener;
import org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator.TermStream;
import org.netbeans.modules.terminal.nb.actions.ActionFactory;
import org.netbeans.modules.terminal.nb.actions.PinTabAction;
import org.netbeans.modules.terminal.api.IOResizable;
import org.netbeans.modules.terminal.api.ui.TerminalContainer;
import org.netbeans.modules.terminal.spi.ui.ExternalCommandActionProvider;
import org.openide.DialogDescriptor;
import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;
import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor;
import org.openide.cookies.*;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileChangeAdapter;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
import org.openide.text.Line;
import org.openide.util.ContextAwareAction;
import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
import org.openide.util.ImageUtilities;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;
import org.openide.util.WeakListeners;
import org.openide.util.datatransfer.MultiTransferObject;

 * A {@link org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator.Term}-based terminal component for
 * inside NetBeans.

* The most straightforward way of using it is as follows: *

    import org.netbeans.lib.richexecution.Command;
    import org.netbeans.lib.richexecution.Program;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
        // Ask user what command they want to run
        String cmd = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Command");
        if (cmd == null || cmd.trim().equals(""))

        TerminalProvider terminalProvider = TerminalProvider.getDefault();
        Terminal terminal = terminalProvider.createTerminal("command: " + cmd);
        Program program = new Command(cmd);
        terminal.startProgram(program, true);
* @author ivan */ public final class Terminal extends JComponent { private final PropertyChangeSupport pcs = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); private final IOContainer ioContainer; private final TerminalInputOutput tio; // back pointer private final String name; private final MouseAdapter mouseAdapter; private final CallBacks callBacks = new CallBacks(); // Not final so we can dispose of them private final ActiveTerm term; private final TermListener termListener; private FindState findState; private static final Preferences prefs = NbPreferences.forModule(TermAdvancedOption.class); private final TermOptions termOptions; private final TermOptionsPCL termOptionsPCL = new TermOptionsPCL(); private final FileObject shortcutsDir = FileUtil.getConfigFile("Terminal/Shortcuts"); //NOI18N private final ShortcutsListener shortcutsListener = new ShortcutsListener(); private String title; private boolean customTitle; // AKA ! weak closed private boolean visibleInContainer; // AKA ! stream closed private boolean outConnected; private boolean errConnected; private boolean extConnected; // AKA strong closed private boolean disposed; // properties managed by IOvisibility private boolean closable = true; private boolean pinned = false; private String cwd; private boolean closedUnconditionally; private class TermOptionsPCL implements PropertyChangeListener { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { applyTermOptions(false); } } /** * These are messages from IOContainer we are obligated to handle. */ private class CallBacks implements IOContainer.CallBacks, Lookup.Provider { private final Lookup lookup = Lookups.fixed(new MyIOVisibilityControl()); @Override public Lookup getLookup() { return lookup; } @Override public void closed() { // System.out.printf("Terminal.CallBacks.closed()\n"); // Causes assertion error in IOContainer/IOWindow. // OLD close(); setVisibleInContainer(false); } @Override public void selected() { // System.out.printf("Terminal.CallBacks.selected()\n"); } @Override public void activated() { // System.out.printf("Terminal.CallBacks.activated()\n"); } @Override public void deactivated() { // System.out.printf("Terminal.CallBacks.deactivated()\n"); } private class MyIOVisibilityControl extends IOVisibilityControl { @Override protected boolean okToClose() { if (Terminal.this.isClosedUnconditionally()) return true; return Terminal.this.okToHide(); } @Override protected boolean isClosable() { if (Terminal.this.isClosedUnconditionally()) return true; return Terminal.this.isClosable(); } } } /** * Adapter to forward Term size change events as property changes. */ private class MyTermListener implements TermListener { private final static int MAX_TITLE_LENGTH = 35; private final static String PREFIX = "..."; // NOI18N private final static String INFIX = " - "; // NOI18N @Override public void sizeChanged(Dimension cells, Dimension pixels) { IOResizable.Size size = new IOResizable.Size(cells, pixels); tio.pcs().firePropertyChange(IOResizable.PROP_SIZE, null, size); } @Override public void cwdChanged(String cwd) { if (!customTitle) { int newLength = PREFIX.length() + INFIX.length() + cwd.length(); String newTitle = name.concat(INFIX).concat(cwd); updateTooltopText(newTitle); if (newLength > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) { newTitle = name .concat(INFIX) .concat(PREFIX) .concat(cwd.substring(newLength - MAX_TITLE_LENGTH)); } updateName(newTitle); } } @Override public void titleChanged(String title) { if (!customTitle) { String newTitle = title; updateTooltopText(newTitle); if (title.length() > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) { newTitle = PREFIX.concat(title.substring(title.length() - MAX_TITLE_LENGTH)); } updateName(newTitle); } } @Override public void externalToolCalled(String command) { if (!command.startsWith(Term.ExternalCommandsConstants.COMMAND_PREFIX)) { return; } command = command.substring(Term.ExternalCommandsConstants.COMMAND_PREFIX.length()); if (!command.startsWith(Term.ExternalCommandsConstants.IDE_OPEN)) { return; } ExternalCommandActionProvider.getProvider(command).handle(command, Lookups.fixed(getCwd(), term)); } } private static class TerminalOutputEvent extends OutputEvent { private final String text; public TerminalOutputEvent(InputOutput io, String text) { super(io); this.text = text; } @Override public String getLine() { return text; } } /* package */ Terminal(IOContainer ioContainer, TerminalInputOutput tio, String name) { if (ioContainer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ioContainer cannot be null"); // NOI18N this.ioContainer = ioContainer; this.tio = tio; = name; termOptions = TermOptions.getDefault(prefs); // this.term = new StreamTerm(); this.term = createActiveTerminal(); applyDebugFlags(); this.term.setCursorVisible(true); findState = new DefaultFindState(term); term.setHorizontallyScrollable(false); term.setEmulation("xterm"); // NOI18N term .setBackground(Color.white); term.setHistorySize(4000); term.setRenderingHints(getRenderingHints()); term.addListener(new TermAdapter() { @Override public void cwdChanged(String aCwd) { cwd = aCwd; } }); shortcutsDir.addFileChangeListener(shortcutsListener); termOptions.addPropertyChangeListener(termOptionsPCL); applyTermOptions(true); final Set actions = new HashSet(); final Set awareActions = new HashSet(); actions.add(newTabAction); actions.add(copyAction); actions.add(pasteAction); actions.add(findAction); actions.add(wrapAction); actions.add(largerFontAction); actions.add(smallerFontAction); actions.add(setTitleAction); actions.add(pinTabAction); actions.add(clearAction); actions.add(dumpSequencesAction); actions.add(closeAction); actions.add(switchTabAction); for (Action action : actions) { if (action instanceof ContextAwareAction) { action = ((ContextAwareAction) action).createContextAwareInstance(Lookups.fixed(this)); } awareActions.add(action); } final TerminalPinSupport support = TerminalPinSupport.getDefault(); TerminalPinSupport.DetailsStateListener listener = new TerminalPinSupport.DetailsStateListener() { @Override public void detailsAdded(Term notifiedTerm) { if (notifiedTerm != term) { return; } TerminalPinSupport.TerminalPinningDetails pinDetails = support.findPinningDetails(notifiedTerm); if (pinDetails != null) { boolean customTitle = pinDetails.isCustomTitle(); setCustomTitle(customTitle); if (customTitle) { setTitle(pinDetails.getTitle()); } pin(true); } } }; support.addDetailsStateListener(WeakListeners.create(DetailsStateListener.class, listener, support)); setupKeymap(awareActions); mouseAdapter = new MouseAdapter() { @Override // On UNIX popup on press // On Windows popup on release. // See public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { Point p = SwingUtilities.convertPoint((Component) e.getSource(), e.getPoint(), term.getScreen()); postPopupMenu(p); } } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { Point p = SwingUtilities.convertPoint((Component) e.getSource(), e.getPoint(), term.getScreen()); postPopupMenu(p); } } }; term.getScreen().addMouseListener(mouseAdapter); term.getScreen().getActionMap().put("org.openide.actions.PopupAction", new AbstractAction() { //NOI18N @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Point p = getPopupPosition(); postPopupMenu(p); } } ); term.getScreen().addMouseWheelListener(new MouseWheelListener() { @Override public void mouseWheelMoved(final MouseWheelEvent e) { if (e.isAltDown() || e.isAltGraphDown() || e.isControlDown()) { int change = -e.getWheelRotation(); changeFontSizeBy(change); e.consume(); } } }); termListener = new MyTermListener(); term.addListener(termListener); // final SupportStream supportStream = new SupportStream(); // term.pushStream(supportStream); // term.setTransferHandler(new TransferHandlerImpl(supportStream)); // Set up to convert clicks on active regions, created by OutputWriter. // println(), to outputLineAction notifications. term.setActionListener(new ActiveTermListener() { @Override public void action(ActiveRegion r, InputEvent e) { final Object userObject = r.getUserObject(); if (userObject == null) { return; } if (r.isLink() && userObject instanceof String) { String text = (String) userObject; int lineNumber = -1; String filePath = text; int colonIdx = text.lastIndexOf(':'); // Shortest file path if (colonIdx > 2) { try { lineNumber = Integer.parseInt(text.substring(colonIdx + 1)); filePath = text.substring(0, colonIdx); } catch (NumberFormatException x) { } }, lineNumber); } else if (userObject instanceof OutputListener) { OutputListener ol = (OutputListener) r.getUserObject(); if (ol == null) { return; } Extent extent = r.getExtent(); String text = term.textWithin(extent.begin, extent.end); OutputEvent oe = new TerminalOutputEvent(Terminal.this.tio, text); ol.outputLineAction(oe); } } }); // Tell term about keystrokes we use for menu accelerators so // it passes them through. /* LATER * A-V brings up the main View menu. term.getKeyStrokeSet().add(copyAction.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY)); term.getKeyStrokeSet().add(pasteAction.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY)) ; term.getKeyStrokeSet().add(closeAction.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY)) ; */ this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(term, BorderLayout.CENTER); setFocusable(false); } void dispose() { if (disposed) return; disposed = true; term.getScreen().removeMouseListener(mouseAdapter); term.removeListener(termListener); term.setActionListener(null); findState = null; shortcutsDir.removeFileChangeListener(shortcutsListener); termOptions.removePropertyChangeListener(termOptionsPCL); tio.dispose(); } boolean isDisposed() { return disposed; } public IOContainer.CallBacks callBacks() { return callBacks; } public String name() { return name; } @Override public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { pcs.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); } @Override public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { pcs.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); } @Override public void requestFocus() { // redirect focus into terminal's screen term.getScreen().requestFocus(); } @Override public boolean requestFocusInWindow() { // redirect focus into terminal's screen return term.getScreen().requestFocusInWindow(); } private void applyDebugFlags() { String value = System.getProperty("Term.debug"); if (value == null) return; int flags = 0; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, ","); // NOI18N while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = st.nextToken(); if (s.toLowerCase().equals("ops")) // NOI18N flags |= Term.DEBUG_OPS; else if (s.toLowerCase().equals("keys")) // NOI18N flags |= Term.DEBUG_KEYS; else if (s.toLowerCase().equals("input")) // NOI18N flags |= Term.DEBUG_INPUT; else if (s.toLowerCase().equals("output")) // NOI18N flags |= Term.DEBUG_OUTPUT; else if (s.toLowerCase().equals("wrap")) // NOI18N flags |= Term.DEBUG_WRAP; else if (s.toLowerCase().equals("margins")) // NOI18N flags |= Term.DEBUG_MARGINS; else if (s.toLowerCase().equals("sequences")) // NOI18N term.setSequenceLogging(true); else ; } term.setDebugFlags(flags); } private void applyTermOptions(boolean initial) { term.setFixedFont(true); term.setFont(termOptions.getFont()); term.setBackground(termOptions.getBackground()); term.setForeground(termOptions.getForeground()); term.setHighlightColor(termOptions.getSelectionBackground()); term.setHistorySize(termOptions.getHistorySize()); term.setTabSize(termOptions.getTabSize()); term.setSelectByWordDelimiters(termOptions.getSelectByWordDelimiters()); term.setClickToType(termOptions.getClickToType()); term.setScrollOnInput(termOptions.getScrollOnInput()); term.setScrollOnOutput(termOptions.getScrollOnOutput()); term.setAltSendsEscape(termOptions.getAltSendsEscape()); if (initial) { term.setHorizontallyScrollable(!termOptions.getLineWrap()); } applyShortcuts(); // If we change the font from smaller to bigger, the size // calculations go awry and the last few lines are forever hidden. setSize(getPreferredSize()); validate(); } /** * Return the underlying Term. * @return the underlying StreamTerm. */ public ActiveTerm term() { return term; } public String getCwd() { return cwd; } public void setTitle(String title) { customTitle = true; updateName(title); } public void resetTitle() { customTitle = false; updateName(""); //NOI18N } public String getTitle() { return title; } public FindState getFindState() { return findState; } public void activateSearch() { if (findState.isVisible()) { return; } findState.setVisible(true); Container ancestor = SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(TerminalContainer.class, this); if (ancestor != null && ancestor instanceof TerminalContainer) { Task t = new Task.ActivateSearch((TerminalContainer) ancestor, this);; } } public void changeFontSizeBy(final int d) { int oldFontSize = termOptions.getFontSize(); int newFontSze = oldFontSize + d; if (newFontSze <= TermOptions.MIN_FONT_SIZE) { newFontSze = TermOptions.MIN_FONT_SIZE; } else if (newFontSze >= TermOptions.MAX_FONT_SIZE) { newFontSze = TermOptions.MAX_FONT_SIZE; } TermOptions.getDefault(prefs).setFontSize(newFontSze); } public boolean isPinned() { return pinned; } public void setPinned(boolean pinned) { this.pinned = pinned; } public boolean isCustomTitle() { return customTitle; } public void setCustomTitle(boolean customTitle) { this.customTitle = customTitle; } // Ideally IOContainer.remove() would be unconditional and we could check // the isClosable() and vetoing here. However, Closing a tab via it's 'X' // is internal to IOContainer implementation and it calls IOCOntainer.remove() // directly. So we're stuck with it being conditional. // // But we can trick it into being unconditional by having MyIOVisibilityControl, // which gets called from IOCOntainer.remove(), return true if we're // closing unconditionally. /* package */ void setClosedUnconditionally(boolean closedUnconditionally) { this.closedUnconditionally = closedUnconditionally; } /* package */ boolean isClosedUnconditionally() { return closedUnconditionally; } public void closeUnconditionally() { setClosedUnconditionally(true); close(); } public void close() { if (!isVisibleInContainer()) { return; } if (isPinnable()) { /* Will be enabled after delegating actions from TerminalContainerTabber will * be implemented. Enabling this now will cause inconsistensy or copy-pasting. */ final AtomicBoolean canceled = new AtomicBoolean(false); if (pinned && !closedUnconditionally) { final int CLOSE_AND_UNPIN = 0; final int CLOSE = 1; final int CANCEL = 2; final String CMD_CLOSE_AND_UNPIN = "CloseAndUnpin"; //NOI18N final String CMD_CLOSE = "Close"; //NOI18N final String CMD_CANCEL = "Cancel"; //NOI18N JButton[] options = new JButton[]{ new JButton(NbBundle.getMessage(Terminal.class, "TXT_CloseAndUnpin", getTitle())), new JButton(NbBundle.getMessage(Terminal.class, "TXT_Close")), new JButton(NbBundle.getMessage(Terminal.class, "TXT_Cancel")) }; ActionListener commandListener = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String command = e.getActionCommand(); if (CMD_CLOSE_AND_UNPIN.equals(command)) { Action pinTabAction = ActionFactory.forID(ActionFactory.PIN_TAB_ACTION_ID); if (pinTabAction != null) { pinTabAction.actionPerformed(null); } } else if (CMD_CANCEL.equals(command)) { canceled.set(true); return; } else if (CMD_CLOSE.equals(command)){ return; } } }; options[CLOSE_AND_UNPIN].setActionCommand(CMD_CLOSE_AND_UNPIN); options[CLOSE].setActionCommand(CMD_CLOSE); options[CANCEL].setActionCommand(CMD_CANCEL); options[CLOSE_AND_UNPIN].addActionListener(commandListener); options[CLOSE].addActionListener(commandListener); options[CANCEL].addActionListener(commandListener); String message = NbBundle.getMessage(Terminal.class, "LBL_CloseTerminal", getTitle()); DialogDescriptor dd = new DialogDescriptor( message, NbBundle.getMessage(Terminal.class, "TXT_CloseTerminalTitle"), true, options, options[CLOSE_AND_UNPIN], DialogDescriptor.DEFAULT_ALIGN, null, null ); dd.setClosingOptions(options); // all are closing Dialog dialog = DialogDisplayer.getDefault().createDialog(dd); try { dialog.setVisible(true); } catch (Throwable th) { if (!(th.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException)) { throw new RuntimeException(th); } dd.setValue(options[CANCEL]); } finally { dialog.dispose(); } if (dd.getValue().equals(DialogDescriptor.DEFAULT_OPTION)) { canceled.set(true); } } if (canceled.get()) { return; } } ioContainer.remove(this); } public void setVisibleInContainer(boolean visible) { boolean wasVisible = this.visibleInContainer; this.visibleInContainer = visible; if (visible != wasVisible) tio.pcs().firePropertyChange(IOVisibility.PROP_VISIBILITY, wasVisible, visible); } public boolean isVisibleInContainer() { return visibleInContainer; } public void setOutConnected(boolean outConnected) { boolean wasConnected = isConnected(); this.outConnected = outConnected; // closing out implies closing err. if (outConnected == false) this.errConnected = false; if (isConnected() != wasConnected) { updateName(); tio.pcs().firePropertyChange(IOConnect.PROP_CONNECTED, wasConnected, isConnected()); } } public void setErrConnected(boolean errConnected) { boolean wasConnected = isConnected(); this.errConnected = errConnected; if (isConnected() != wasConnected) { updateName(); tio.pcs().firePropertyChange(IOConnect.PROP_CONNECTED, wasConnected, isConnected()); } } public void setExtConnected(boolean extConnected) { boolean wasConnected = isConnected(); this.extConnected = extConnected; if (isConnected() != wasConnected) { updateName(); tio.pcs().firePropertyChange(IOConnect.PROP_CONNECTED, wasConnected, isConnected()); } } public boolean isConnected() { return outConnected || errConnected || extConnected; } private boolean okToHide() { try { tio.vcs().fireVetoableChange(IOVisibility.PROP_VISIBILITY, true, false); } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) { return false; } return true; } public void setClosable(boolean closable) { this.closable = closable; putClientProperty(TabbedPaneFactory.NO_CLOSE_BUTTON, ! closable); } public boolean isClosable() { return closable; } public void updateName(final String name) { this.title = name; updateName(); } private void updateName() { Task task = new Task.UpdateName(ioContainer, this);; } private void updateTooltopText(String text) { Task task = new Task.SetToolTipText(ioContainer, this, text);; } private void setIcon(Icon icon) { Task task = new Task.SetIcon(ioContainer, this, icon);; } private final ImageIcon icon = ImageUtilities.loadImageIcon("org/netbeans/modules/terminal/support/pin.png", false); //NOI18N public void pin(boolean newState) { if (newState) { setIcon(icon); } else { setIcon(null); } TerminalPinSupport.getDefault().findPinningDetails(term).setPinned(newState); setPinned(newState); pinTabAction.putValue("Name", PinTabAction.getMessage(newState)); //NOI18N } private boolean isPinnable() { Object clientProperty = this.getClientProperty("pinAction"); //NOI18N return clientProperty != null && clientProperty.equals("enabled"); //NOI18N } /* private static final String BOOLEAN_STATE_ACTION_KEY = "boolean_state_action"; // NOI18N private static final String BOOLEAN_STATE_ENABLED_KEY = "boolean_state_enabled"; // NOI18N private boolean isBooleanStateAction(Action a) { Boolean isBooleanStateAction = (Boolean) a.getValue(BOOLEAN_STATE_ACTION_KEY); // return isBooleanStateAction != null && isBooleanStateAction; } // not used private void addMenuItem(JPopupMenu menu, Object o) { if (o instanceof JSeparator) { menu.add((JSeparator) o); } else if (o instanceof Action) { Action a = (Action) o; if (isBooleanStateAction(a)) { JCheckBoxMenuItem item = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(a); item.setSelected((Boolean) a.getValue(BOOLEAN_STATE_ENABLED_KEY)); menu.add(item); } else { menu.add((Action) o); } } } */ private Action copyAction = ActionFactory.forID(ActionFactory.COPY_ACTION_ID); private Action pasteAction = ActionFactory.forID(ActionFactory.PASTE_ACTION_ID); private Action findAction = ActionFactory.forID(ActionFactory.FIND_ACTION_ID); private Action wrapAction = ActionFactory.forID(ActionFactory.WRAP_ACTION_ID); private Action largerFontAction = ActionFactory.forID(ActionFactory.LARGER_FONT_ACTION_ID); private Action smallerFontAction = ActionFactory.forID(ActionFactory.SMALLER_FONT_ACTION_ID); private Action setTitleAction = ActionFactory.forID(ActionFactory.SET_TITLE_ACTION_ID); private Action pinTabAction = ActionFactory.forID(ActionFactory.PIN_TAB_ACTION_ID); private Action clearAction = ActionFactory.forID(ActionFactory.CLEAR_ACTION_ID); private Action dumpSequencesAction = ActionFactory.forID(ActionFactory.DUMP_SEQUENCE_ACTION_ID); private Action closeAction = ActionFactory.forID(ActionFactory.CLOSE_ACTION_ID); private Action switchTabAction = ActionFactory.forID(ActionFactory.SWITCH_TAB_ACTION_ID); private Action newTabAction = ActionFactory.forID(ActionFactory.NEW_TAB_ACTION_ID); private void setupKeymap(Set actions) { // We need to do two things. // 1) bind various Actions' keystrokes via InputMap/ActionMap // 2_ Tell Term to ignore said keystrokes and not consume them. JComponent comp = term.getScreen(); ActionMap actionMap = comp.getActionMap(); ActionMap newActionMap = new ActionMap(); newActionMap.setParent(actionMap); InputMap inputMap = comp.getInputMap(); InputMap newInputMap = new InputMap(); newInputMap.setParent(inputMap); Set passKeystrokes = new HashSet(); for (Action a : actions) { String n = (String) a.getValue(Action.NAME); Object key = a.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY); if (key == null) { continue; } if (key instanceof KeyStroke) { KeyStroke accelerator = (KeyStroke) key; newInputMap.put(accelerator, n); newActionMap.put(n, a); passKeystrokes.add(accelerator); } else if (key instanceof KeyStroke[]) { for (KeyStroke accelerator : (KeyStroke[]) key) { newInputMap.put(accelerator, n); newActionMap.put(n, a); passKeystrokes.add(accelerator); } } } /* LATER * unsuccessful attempt at fixing bug #185483 * getBoundKeyStrokes is not implemented. // get global keymap Collection c = Lookup.getDefault().lookupAll(Keymap.class); System.out.printf("Terminal.setupKeymap() ... lookup returns %d hits\n", c.size()); Keymap globalKeymap = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(Keymap.class); if (globalKeymap == null) { System.out.printf("\tCouldn't findPinningDetails keymap\n"); } else { KeyStroke[] keyStrokes = globalKeymap.getBoundKeyStrokes(); for (KeyStroke ks : keyStrokes) { System.out.printf("\tks %s\n", ks); } } // passKeystrokes.add(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F7, 0)); // passKeystrokes.add(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F8, 0)); */ comp.setActionMap(newActionMap); comp.setInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED, newInputMap); term.setKeyStrokeSet((HashSet) passKeystrokes); } private Point getPopupPosition() { final int offset = 25; return new Point(offset, offset); } private void postPopupMenu(Point p) { findAction.setEnabled(!findState.isVisible()); // TMP Find is not operation so keep it disabled // TODO IG fix findAction.setEnabled(false); Container container = SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(TerminalContainer.class, this); boolean isTerminalContainer = (container != null && container instanceof TerminalContainer); JPopupMenu menu = Utilities.actionsToPopup( new Action[]{ newTabAction, null, copyAction, pasteAction, null, isTerminalContainer ? findAction: null, null, wrapAction, largerFontAction, smallerFontAction, null, setTitleAction, isPinnable() ? pinTabAction : null, //NOI18N null, clearAction, isClosable() ? closeAction : null, // it's ok to have null as last element, (System.getProperty("Term.debug") != null) ? dumpSequencesAction : null }, Lookups.fixed(this) ); menu.putClientProperty("container", ioContainer); // NOI18N menu.putClientProperty("component", this); // NOI18N /* LATER? * NB IO APIS don't add sidebar actions to menu Action[] acts = getActions(); if (acts.length > 0) { for (Action a : acts) { if (a.getValue(Action.NAME) != null) menu.add(a); } if (menu.getSubElements().length > 0) menu.add(new JSeparator()); } */ menu.addPopupMenuListener(new PopupMenuListener() { @Override public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent e) { } @Override public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent e) { } @Override public void popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent e) { } } );, p.x, p.y); } private Map getRenderingHints() { Map renderingHints = null; // init hints if any Lookup lookup = MimeLookup.getLookup("text/plain"); // NOI18N if (lookup != null) { FontColorSettings fcs = lookup.lookup(FontColorSettings.class); if (fcs != null) { AttributeSet attributes = fcs.getFontColors(FontColorNames.DEFAULT_COLORING); if (attributes != null) { renderingHints = (Map) attributes.getAttribute(EditorStyleConstants.RenderingHints); } } } return renderingHints; } /** * Callback for when a hyperlink in a Terminal is clicked. *

* A hyperlink can be created by outputting a sequence like this: *
* ESC]10;clientData;textBEL * @author ivan */ public interface HyperlinkListener { public void action(String clientData); } public void setHyperlinkListener(final HyperlinkListener hyperlinkListener) { term.setActionListener(new ActiveTermListener() { public void action(ActiveRegion r, InputEvent e) { if (r.isLink()) { String url = (String) r.getUserObject(); hyperlinkListener.action(url); } } }); } void scrollTo(Coord coord) { term.possiblyNormalize(coord); } private void applyShortcuts() { if (!termOptions.getIgnoreKeymap()) { Set actions = new HashSet(); for (FileObject def : shortcutsDir.getChildren()) { try { DataObject dobj = DataObject.find(def); InstanceCookie ic = dobj.getLookup().lookup(InstanceCookie.class); if (ic != null) { // put class names in the map, // otherwise we may end with several instances of the action actions.add(ic.instanceCreate().getClass().getName()); } } catch (Exception e) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(e); } } term.setKeymap(Lookup.getDefault().lookup(Keymap.class), actions); // needed for Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab switching term.getScreen().setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(false); } else { term.setKeymap(null, null); term.getScreen().setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(true); } } private class ShortcutsListener extends FileChangeAdapter { @Override public void fileAttributeChanged(FileAttributeEvent fe) { applyShortcuts(); } @Override public void fileChanged(FileEvent fe) { applyShortcuts(); } @Override public void fileDataCreated(FileEvent fe) { applyShortcuts(); } @Override public void fileDeleted(FileEvent fe) { applyShortcuts(); } @Override public void fileFolderCreated(FileEvent fe) { applyShortcuts(); } @Override public void fileRenamed(FileRenameEvent fe) { applyShortcuts(); } } private ActiveTerm createActiveTerminal() { Clipboard aSystemClipboard = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(Clipboard.class); if (aSystemClipboard == null) { aSystemClipboard = getToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); } return new MyActiveTerm(aSystemClipboard); } private static final class MyActiveTerm extends ActiveTerm { private final Clipboard systemClipboard; private MyActiveTerm(Clipboard systemClipboard) { this.systemClipboard = systemClipboard; } @Override public void copyToClipboard() { String text = getSelectedText(); if (text != null) { StringSelection ss = new StringSelection(text); systemClipboard.setContents(ss, ss); } } } private static class SupportStream extends TermStream { @Override public void flush() { if (toDCE == toDTE) { toDCE.flush(); } else { toDTE.flush(); toDCE.flush(); } } @Override public void putChar(char c) { toDTE.putChar(c); } @Override public void putChars(char[] buf, int offset, int count) { toDTE.putChars(buf, offset, count); } @Override public void sendChar(char c) { toDCE.sendChar(c); } @Override public void sendChars(char[] c, int offset, int count) { toDCE.sendChars(c, offset, count); } } private static class TransferHandlerImpl extends TransferHandler { private DataFlavor dataObjectDnd = null; private DataFlavor multiTransferObject = null; private final SupportStream stream; public TransferHandlerImpl(SupportStream stream) { /* * Trying to load data flavor for drag'n'drop operations . * So in this case just don't enable drag'n'drop feature for FileObjects. */ try { this.dataObjectDnd = new DataFlavor("application/x-java-openide-dataobjectdnd;class=org.openide.loaders.DataObject;mask={0}");//NOI18N } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { } try { this.multiTransferObject = new DataFlavor("application/x-java-openide-multinode;class=org.openide.util.datatransfer.MultiTransferObject;mask={0}");//NOI18N } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { } = stream; } private void display(List strings) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String string : strings) { sb.append('\''); sb.append(string); sb.append('\''); sb.append(' '); } final String str = sb.toString(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { stream.sendChars(str.toCharArray(), 0, str.length()); } }); } @Override public boolean canImport(TransferHandler.TransferSupport support) { boolean canHandleDO = (dataObjectDnd != null && support.isDataFlavorSupported(dataObjectDnd)); boolean canHandleMTO = (multiTransferObject != null && support.isDataFlavorSupported(multiTransferObject)); boolean canHandleList = support.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor); if (canHandleDO || canHandleList) { return true; } else if (canHandleMTO) { try { MultiTransferObject mto = (MultiTransferObject) support.getTransferable().getTransferData(multiTransferObject); for (int i = 0; i < mto.getCount(); i++) { if (mto.isDataFlavorSupported(i, dataObjectDnd)) { return true; } } } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException ex) { } catch (IOException ex) { } } return false; } /** * Drops a list of objects to the Terminal, single quoted, space as * a delimiter. Terminal TC won't gain focus. * Order: * 1. List of FileObject * 2. Single FileObject * 3. List of File. * FO stands before File because list of RemoteFO is recognized as list * of File but can't be correctly handled. * */ @Override public boolean importData(TransferHandler.TransferSupport support) { Transferable transferable = support.getTransferable(); try { if (multiTransferObject != null && support.isDataFlavorSupported(multiTransferObject)) { MultiTransferObject mto = (MultiTransferObject) transferable.getTransferData(multiTransferObject); List strings = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < mto.getCount(); i++) { if (mto.isDataFlavorSupported(i, dataObjectDnd)) { DataObject dObj = (DataObject) mto.getTransferData(i, dataObjectDnd); FileObject fObj = dObj.getLookup().lookup(FileObject.class); if (fObj != null) { strings.add(fObj.getPath()); } } } display(strings); return true; } else if (dataObjectDnd != null && support.isDataFlavorSupported(dataObjectDnd)) { DataObject dObj = (DataObject) transferable.getTransferData(dataObjectDnd); FileObject fObj = dObj.getLookup().lookup(FileObject.class); if (fObj != null) { String str = fObj.getPath(); display(Arrays.asList(str)); return true; } } else if (support.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor)) { List list = (List) transferable.getTransferData(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor); List strings = new ArrayList(); for (File file : list) { strings.add(file.getAbsolutePath()); } display(strings); return true; } } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException ex) { } catch (IOException ex) { } return false; } } }

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