org.nlpcn.es4sql.parse.SqlParser Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.nlpcn.es4sql.parse;
import java.util.*;
import org.nlpcn.es4sql.domain.*;
import org.nlpcn.es4sql.domain.hints.Hint;
import org.nlpcn.es4sql.domain.hints.HintFactory;
import org.nlpcn.es4sql.exception.SqlParseException;
import org.nlpcn.es4sql.query.multi.MultiQuerySelect;
* es sql support
* @author ansj
public class SqlParser {
public SqlParser() {
public Select parseSelect(SQLQueryExpr mySqlExpr) throws SqlParseException {
MySqlSelectQueryBlock query = (MySqlSelectQueryBlock) mySqlExpr.getSubQuery().getQuery();
Select select = parseSelect(query);
return select;
public Select parseSelect(MySqlSelectQueryBlock query) throws SqlParseException {
Select select = new Select();
WhereParser whereParser = new WhereParser(this, query);
findSelect(query, select, query.getFrom().getAlias());
findLimit(query.getLimit(), select);
findOrderBy(query, select);
findGroupBy(query, select);
return select;
public Delete parseDelete(SQLDeleteStatement deleteStatement) throws SqlParseException {
Delete delete = new Delete();
WhereParser whereParser = new WhereParser(this, deleteStatement);
return delete;
public MultiQuerySelect parseMultiSelect(SQLUnionQuery query) throws SqlParseException {
Select firstTableSelect = this.parseSelect((MySqlSelectQueryBlock) query.getLeft());
Select secondTableSelect = this.parseSelect((MySqlSelectQueryBlock) query.getRight());
return new MultiQuerySelect(query.getOperator(),firstTableSelect,secondTableSelect);
private void findSelect(MySqlSelectQueryBlock query, Select select, String tableAlias) throws SqlParseException {
List selectList = query.getSelectList();
for (SQLSelectItem sqlSelectItem : selectList) {
Field field = FieldMaker.makeField(sqlSelectItem.getExpr(), sqlSelectItem.getAlias(), tableAlias);
private void findGroupBy(MySqlSelectQueryBlock query, Select select) throws SqlParseException {
SQLSelectGroupByClause groupBy = query.getGroupBy();
SQLTableSource sqlTableSource = query.getFrom();
if (groupBy == null) {
List items = groupBy.getItems();
List standardGroupBys = new ArrayList<>();
for (SQLExpr sqlExpr : items) {
//todo: mysql expr patch
if (sqlExpr instanceof MySqlSelectGroupByExpr) {
MySqlSelectGroupByExpr sqlSelectGroupByExpr = (MySqlSelectGroupByExpr) sqlExpr;
sqlExpr = sqlSelectGroupByExpr.getExpr();
if ((sqlExpr instanceof SQLParensIdentifierExpr || !(sqlExpr instanceof SQLIdentifierExpr || sqlExpr instanceof SQLMethodInvokeExpr)) && !standardGroupBys.isEmpty()) {
// flush the standard group bys
select.addGroupBy(convertExprsToFields(standardGroupBys, sqlTableSource));
standardGroupBys = new ArrayList<>();
if (sqlExpr instanceof SQLParensIdentifierExpr) {
// single item with parens (should get its own aggregation)
select.addGroupBy(FieldMaker.makeField(sqlExpr, null, sqlTableSource.getAlias()));
} else if (sqlExpr instanceof SQLListExpr) {
// multiple items in their own list
SQLListExpr listExpr = (SQLListExpr) sqlExpr;
select.addGroupBy(convertExprsToFields(listExpr.getItems(), sqlTableSource));
} else {
// everything else gets added to the running list of standard group bys
if (!standardGroupBys.isEmpty()) {
select.addGroupBy(convertExprsToFields(standardGroupBys, sqlTableSource));
private List convertExprsToFields(List extends SQLExpr> exprs, SQLTableSource sqlTableSource) throws SqlParseException {
List fields = new ArrayList<>(exprs.size());
for (SQLExpr expr : exprs) {
//here we suppose groupby field will not have alias,so set null in second parameter
fields.add(FieldMaker.makeField(expr, null, sqlTableSource.getAlias()));
return fields;
private String sameAliasWhere(Where where, String... aliases) throws SqlParseException {
if (where == null) return null;
if (where instanceof Condition) {
Condition condition = (Condition) where;
String fieldName = condition.getName();
for (String alias : aliases) {
String prefix = alias + ".";
if (fieldName.startsWith(prefix)) {
return alias;
throw new SqlParseException(String.format("fieldName : %s on codition:%s does not contain alias", fieldName, condition.toString()));
List sameAliases = new ArrayList<>();
if (where.getWheres() != null && where.getWheres().size() > 0) {
for (Where innerWhere : where.getWheres())
sameAliases.add(sameAliasWhere(innerWhere, aliases));
if (sameAliases.contains(null)) return null;
String firstAlias = sameAliases.get(0);
//return null if more than one alias
for (String alias : sameAliases) {
if (!alias.equals(firstAlias)) return null;
return firstAlias;
private void findOrderBy(MySqlSelectQueryBlock query, Select select) throws SqlParseException {
SQLOrderBy orderBy = query.getOrderBy();
if (orderBy == null) {
List items = orderBy.getItems();
addOrderByToSelect(select, items, null);
private void addOrderByToSelect(Select select, List items, String alias) throws SqlParseException {
for (SQLSelectOrderByItem sqlSelectOrderByItem : items) {
SQLExpr expr = sqlSelectOrderByItem.getExpr();
String orderByName = FieldMaker.makeField(expr, null, null).toString();
if (sqlSelectOrderByItem.getType() == null) {
String type = sqlSelectOrderByItem.getType().toString();
orderByName = orderByName.replace("`", "");
if (alias != null) orderByName = orderByName.replaceFirst(alias + "\\.", "");
select.addOrderBy(orderByName, type);
private void findLimit(MySqlSelectQueryBlock.Limit limit, Select select) {
if (limit == null) {
if (limit.getOffset() != null)
* Parse the from clause
* @param from the from clause.
* @return list of From objects represents all the sources.
private List findFrom(SQLTableSource from) {
boolean isSqlExprTable = from.getClass().isAssignableFrom(SQLExprTableSource.class);
if (isSqlExprTable) {
SQLExprTableSource fromExpr = (SQLExprTableSource) from;
String[] split = fromExpr.getExpr().toString().split(",");
ArrayList fromList = new ArrayList<>();
for (String source : split) {
fromList.add(new From(source.trim(), fromExpr.getAlias()));
return fromList;
SQLJoinTableSource joinTableSource = ((SQLJoinTableSource) from);
List fromList = new ArrayList<>();
return fromList;
public JoinSelect parseJoinSelect(SQLQueryExpr sqlExpr) throws SqlParseException {
MySqlSelectQueryBlock query = (MySqlSelectQueryBlock) sqlExpr.getSubQuery().getQuery();
List joinedFrom = findJoinedFrom(query.getFrom());
if (joinedFrom.size() != 2)
throw new RuntimeException("currently supports only 2 tables join");
JoinSelect joinSelect = createBasicJoinSelectAccordingToTableSource((SQLJoinTableSource) query.getFrom());
List hints = parseHints(query.getHints());
String firstTableAlias = joinedFrom.get(0).getAlias();
String secondTableAlias = joinedFrom.get(1).getAlias();
Map aliasToWhere = splitAndFindWhere(query.getWhere(), firstTableAlias, secondTableAlias);
Map> aliasToOrderBy = splitAndFindOrder(query.getOrderBy(), firstTableAlias, secondTableAlias);
List connectedConditions = getConditionsFlatten(joinSelect.getConnectedWhere());
fillTableSelectedJoin(joinSelect.getFirstTable(), query, joinedFrom.get(0), aliasToWhere.get(firstTableAlias), aliasToOrderBy.get(firstTableAlias), connectedConditions);
fillTableSelectedJoin(joinSelect.getSecondTable(), query, joinedFrom.get(1), aliasToWhere.get(secondTableAlias), aliasToOrderBy.get(secondTableAlias), connectedConditions);
updateJoinLimit(query.getLimit(), joinSelect);
//todo: throw error feature not supported: no group bys on joins ?
return joinSelect;
private Map> splitAndFindOrder(SQLOrderBy orderBy, String firstTableAlias, String secondTableAlias) throws SqlParseException {
Map> aliasToOrderBys = new HashMap<>();
aliasToOrderBys.put(firstTableAlias, new ArrayList());
aliasToOrderBys.put(secondTableAlias, new ArrayList());
if (orderBy == null) return aliasToOrderBys;
List orderByItems = orderBy.getItems();
for (SQLSelectOrderByItem orderByItem : orderByItems) {
if (orderByItem.getExpr().toString().startsWith(firstTableAlias + ".")) {
} else if (orderByItem.getExpr().toString().startsWith(secondTableAlias + ".")) {
} else
throw new SqlParseException("order by field on join request should have alias before, got " + orderByItem.getExpr().toString());
return aliasToOrderBys;
private void updateJoinLimit(MySqlSelectQueryBlock.Limit limit, JoinSelect joinSelect) {
if (limit != null && limit.getRowCount() != null) {
int sizeLimit = Integer.parseInt(limit.getRowCount().toString());
private List parseHints(List sqlHints) throws SqlParseException {
List hints = new ArrayList<>();
for (SQLCommentHint sqlHint : sqlHints) {
Hint hint = HintFactory.getHintFromString(sqlHint.getText());
if (hint != null) hints.add(hint);
return hints;
private JoinSelect createBasicJoinSelectAccordingToTableSource(SQLJoinTableSource joinTableSource) throws SqlParseException {
JoinSelect joinSelect = new JoinSelect();
if (joinTableSource.getCondition() != null) {
Where where = Where.newInstance();
WhereParser whereParser = new WhereParser(this, joinTableSource.getCondition());
whereParser.parseWhere(joinTableSource.getCondition(), where);
SQLJoinTableSource.JoinType joinType = joinTableSource.getJoinType();
return joinSelect;
private Map splitAndFindWhere(SQLExpr whereExpr, String firstTableAlias, String secondTableAlias) throws SqlParseException {
WhereParser whereParser = new WhereParser(this, whereExpr);
Where where = whereParser.findWhere();
return splitWheres(where, firstTableAlias, secondTableAlias);
private void fillTableSelectedJoin(TableOnJoinSelect tableOnJoin, MySqlSelectQueryBlock query, From tableFrom, Where where, List orderBys, List conditions) throws SqlParseException {
String alias = tableFrom.getAlias();
fillBasicTableSelectJoin(tableOnJoin, tableFrom, where, orderBys, query);
tableOnJoin.setConnectedFields(getConnectedFields(conditions, alias));
tableOnJoin.setSelectedFields(new ArrayList(tableOnJoin.getFields()));
private List getConnectedFields(List conditions, String alias) throws SqlParseException {
List fields = new ArrayList<>();
String prefix = alias + ".";
for (Condition condition : conditions) {
if (condition.getName().startsWith(prefix)) {
fields.add(new Field(condition.getName().replaceFirst(prefix, ""), null));
} else {
if (!((condition.getValue() instanceof SQLPropertyExpr) || (condition.getValue() instanceof SQLIdentifierExpr) || (condition.getValue() instanceof String))) {
throw new SqlParseException("conditions on join should be one side is firstTable second Other , condition was:" + condition.toString());
String aliasDotValue = condition.getValue().toString();
int indexOfDot = aliasDotValue.indexOf(".");
String owner = aliasDotValue.substring(0, indexOfDot);
if (owner.equals(alias))
fields.add(new Field(aliasDotValue.substring(indexOfDot + 1), null));
return fields;
private void fillBasicTableSelectJoin(TableOnJoinSelect select, From from, Where where, List orderBys, MySqlSelectQueryBlock query) throws SqlParseException {
findSelect(query, select, from.getAlias());
addOrderByToSelect(select, orderBys, from.getAlias());
private List getJoinConditionsFlatten(SQLJoinTableSource from) throws SqlParseException {
List conditions = new ArrayList<>();
if (from.getCondition() == null) return conditions;
Where where = Where.newInstance();
WhereParser whereParser = new WhereParser(this, from.getCondition());
whereParser.parseWhere(from.getCondition(), where);
addIfConditionRecursive(where, conditions);
return conditions;
private List getConditionsFlatten(Where where) throws SqlParseException {
List conditions = new ArrayList<>();
if (where == null) return conditions;
addIfConditionRecursive(where, conditions);
return conditions;
private Map splitWheres(Where where, String... aliases) throws SqlParseException {
Map aliasToWhere = new HashMap<>();
for (String alias : aliases) {
aliasToWhere.put(alias, null);
if (where == null) return aliasToWhere;
String allWhereFromSameAlias = sameAliasWhere(where, aliases);
if (allWhereFromSameAlias != null) {
removeAliasPrefix(where, allWhereFromSameAlias);
aliasToWhere.put(allWhereFromSameAlias, where);
return aliasToWhere;
for (Where innerWhere : where.getWheres()) {
String sameAlias = sameAliasWhere(innerWhere, aliases);
if (sameAlias == null)
throw new SqlParseException("Currently support only one hierarchy on different tables where");
removeAliasPrefix(innerWhere, sameAlias);
Where aliasCurrentWhere = aliasToWhere.get(sameAlias);
if (aliasCurrentWhere == null) {
aliasToWhere.put(sameAlias, innerWhere);
} else {
Where andWhereContainer = Where.newInstance();
aliasToWhere.put(sameAlias, andWhereContainer);
return aliasToWhere;
private void removeAliasPrefix(Where where, String alias) {
if (where instanceof Condition) {
Condition cond = (Condition) where;
String fieldName = cond.getName();
String aliasPrefix = alias + ".";
cond.setName(cond.getName().replaceFirst(aliasPrefix, ""));
for (Where innerWhere : where.getWheres()) {
removeAliasPrefix(innerWhere, alias);
private void addIfConditionRecursive(Where where, List conditions) throws SqlParseException {
if (where instanceof Condition) {
Condition cond = (Condition) where;
if (!((cond.getValue() instanceof SQLIdentifierExpr) || (cond.getValue() instanceof SQLPropertyExpr) || (cond.getValue() instanceof String))) {
throw new SqlParseException("conditions on join should be one side is secondTable OPEAR firstTable, condition was:" + cond.toString());
for (Where innerWhere : where.getWheres()) {
addIfConditionRecursive(innerWhere, conditions);
private List findJoinedFrom(SQLTableSource from) {
SQLJoinTableSource joinTableSource = ((SQLJoinTableSource) from);
List fromList = new ArrayList<>();
return fromList;
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