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* “Commons Clause” License,
* The Software is provided to you by the Licensor under the License,
* as defined below, subject to the following condition.
* Without limiting other conditions in the License, the grant of rights
* under the License will not include, and the License does not grant to
* you, the right to Sell the Software.
* For purposes of the foregoing, “Sell” means practicing any or all of
* the rights granted to you under the License to provide to third parties,
* for a fee or other consideration (including without limitation fees for
* hosting or consulting/support services related to the Software), a
* product or service whose value derives, entirely or substantially, from
* the functionality of the Software. Any license notice or attribution
* required by the License must also include this Commons Clause License
* Condition notice.
* Software: NLPCraft
* License: Apache 2.0,
* Licensor: Copyright (C) 2018 DataLingvo, Inc.
* _ ____ ______ ______
* / | / / /___ / ____/________ _/ __/ /_
* / |/ / / __ \/ / / ___/ __ `/ /_/ __/
* / /| / / /_/ / /___/ / / /_/ / __/ /_
* /_/ |_/_/ .___/\____/_/ \__,_/_/ \__/
* /_/
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.*;
import org.nlpcraft.examples.misc.apixu.*;
import org.nlpcraft.examples.misc.apixu.beans.*;
import org.nlpcraft.examples.misc.geo.keycdn.*;
import org.nlpcraft.examples.misc.geo.keycdn.beans.*;
import org.nlpcraft.model.*;
import org.nlpcraft.model.builder.*;
import org.nlpcraft.model.intent.*;
import org.nlpcraft.model.intent.NCIntentSolver.*;
import org.nlpcraft.model.utils.*;
import java.time.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.*;
import static org.nlpcraft.model.utils.NCTokenUtils.*;
* Weather example model provider.
* This is relatively complete weather service with JSON output and a non-trivial
* intent matching logic. It uses REST service for the actual
* weather information.
* Note that this class is mostly identical to {@link WeatherModel}
* except for the output formatting. This implementation uses JSON. Note also that it also returns intent ID
* together with execution result which can be used in testing.
public class WeatherModel extends NCModelProviderAdapter {
// It is demo token and its usage has some restrictions (history data contains one day only, etc).
// Please register your own account at and
// replace this demo token with your own.
private final ApixuWeatherService srv = new ApixuWeatherService("3f9b7de2d3894eb6b27150825171909");
// Geo manager.
private final GeoManager geoMrg = new GeoManager();
private static final Gson gson = new Gson();
// Maximum free words left before rejection.
private static final int MAX_FREE_WORDS = 4;
// Keywords for 'local' weather.
private static final Set LOCAL_WORDS = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("my", "local", "hometown"));
* A shortcut to convert millis to the local date object.
* @param ms Millis to convert.
* @return Local date object.
private LocalDate toLocalDate(long ms) {
return Instant.ofEpochMilli(ms).atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDate();
* Makes JSON result for the given date range weather.
* @param res Weather holder for the range of dates.
* @param intentId Intent ID.
* @return Query result.
private NCQueryResult makeRangeResult(RangeResponse res, String intentId) {
Location loc = res.getLocation();
if (loc == null)
throw new NCRejection("Weather service doesn't recognize this location.");
return NCQueryResult.json(gson.toJson(new WeatherResultWrapper<>(intentId, res)));
* Makes JSON result for a single date.
* @param res Weather holder for a single date.
* @param intentId Intent ID.
* @return Query result.
private NCQueryResult makeCurrentResult(CurrentResponse res, String intentId) {
Location loc = res.getLocation();
Current cur = res.getCurrent();
if (loc == null)
throw new NCRejection("Weather service doesn't recognize this location.");
if (cur == null)
throw new NCRejection("Weather service doesn't support this location.");
return NCQueryResult.json(gson.toJson(new WeatherResultWrapper<>(intentId, res)));
* Extracts date range from given solver context.
* @param ctx Solver context.
* @return Pair of dates or {@code null} if not found.
private Pair prepDate(NCIntentSolverContext ctx) {
List toks = ctx.getIntentTokens().get(1);
if (toks.size() > 1)
throw new NCRejection("Only one date is supported.");
if (toks.size() == 1) {
NCToken tok = toks.get(0);
return Pair.of(toLocalDate(getDateFrom(tok)), toLocalDate(getDateTo(tok)));
// No date found - return 'null'.
return null;
* Extracts geo location (city) from given solver context that is suitable for APIXU service.
* @param ctx Solver context.
* @return Geo location.
private String prepGeo(NCIntentSolverContext ctx) throws NCRejection {
List geoToks = ctx.getIntentTokens().get(2); // Can be empty...
List allToks = ctx.getVariant().getTokens();
Optional geoOpt = geoMrg.get(ctx.getQueryContext().getSentence());
if (!geoOpt.isPresent())
throw new NCRejection("City cannot be determined.");
GeoDataBean geo = geoOpt.get();
// Common lambda for getting current user city.
Supplier curCityFn = () -> {
// Try current user location.
// APIXU weather service understands this format too.
return geo.getLatitude() + "," + geo.getLongitude();
// Manually process request for local weather. We need to separate between 'local Moscow weather'
// and 'local weather' which are different. Basically, if there is word 'local/my/hometown' in the user
// input and there is no city in the current sentence - this is a request for the weather at user's
// current location, i.e. we should implicitly assume user's location and clear conversion context.
// In all other cases - we take location from either current sentence or conversation STM.
// NOTE: we don't do this separation on intent level as it is easier to do it here instead of
// creating more intents with almost identical callbacks.
boolean hasLocalWord = -> LOCAL_WORDS.contains(getNormalizedText(t)));
if (hasLocalWord && geoToks.isEmpty()) {
// Because we implicitly assume user's current city at this point we need to clear
// 'nlp:geo' tokens from conversation context since they would no longer be valid.
// Return user current city.
return curCityFn.get();
return geoToks.size() == 1 ? getGeoCity(geoToks.get(0)) : curCityFn.get();
* Makes query result for given date range.
* @param ctx Token solver context.
* @param from Default from date.
* @param to Default to date.
* @return Query result.
private NCQueryResult onRangeMatch(NCIntentSolverContext ctx, LocalDate from, LocalDate to) {
Pair date = prepDate(ctx);
if (date == null)
// If we don't have the date in the sentence or conversation STM - use default range.
date = Pair.of(from, to);
String geo = prepGeo(ctx);
try {
return makeRangeResult(srv.getWeather(geo, date), ctx.getIntentId());
catch (ApixuPeriodException e) {
throw new NCRejection(e.getLocalizedMessage());
* Strict check for an exact match (i.e. no dangling unused system or user defined tokens) and
* maximum number of free words left unmatched. In both cases user input will be rejected.
* @param ctx Solver context.
private void checkMatch(NCIntentSolverContext ctx) {
// Reject if intent match is not exact ("dangling" tokens remain) or too many free words left unmatched.
if (!ctx.isExactMatch() || ctx.getVariant().getTokens().stream().filter(NCTokenUtils::isFreeWord).count() > MAX_FREE_WORDS)
throw new NCRejection("Please simplify your request.");
* Callback on forecast intent match.
* @param ctx Token solver context.
* @return Query result.
private NCQueryResult onForecastMatch(NCIntentSolverContext ctx) {
try {
// Look 5 days ahead by default.
return onRangeMatch(ctx,,;
catch (NCRejection e) {
throw e;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new NCRejection("Weather provider error.", e);
* Callback on history intent match.
* @param ctx Token solver context.
* @return Query result.
private NCQueryResult onHistoryMatch(NCIntentSolverContext ctx) {
try {
// Look 5 days back by default.
return onRangeMatch(ctx,,;
catch (NCRejection e) {
throw e;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new NCRejection("Weather provider error.", e);
* Callback on current date intent match.
* @param ctx Token solver context.
* @return Query result.
private NCQueryResult onCurrentMatch(NCIntentSolverContext ctx) {
try {
Pair date = prepDate(ctx);
String geo = prepGeo(ctx);
return date != null ?
makeRangeResult(srv.getWeather(geo, date), ctx.getIntentId()) :
makeCurrentResult(srv.getCurrentWeather(geo), ctx.getIntentId());
catch (ApixuPeriodException e) {
throw new NCRejection(e.getLocalizedMessage());
catch (NCRejection e) {
throw e;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new NCRejection("Weather provider error.", e);
* Shortcut for creating a conversational intent with given weather token.
* @param weatherTokId Specific weather token ID.
* @return Newly created intent.
private INTENT mkIntent(String id, String weatherTokId) {
return new CONV_INTENT(
new TERM("id == " + weatherTokId, 1, 1), // Index 0: mandatory 'weather' token.
new TERM("id == nlp:date", 0, 1), // Index 1: optional date.
new TERM( // Index 2: optional city.
new AND("id == nlp:geo", "~GEO_KIND == CITY"),
0, 1
* Initializes model provider.
public WeatherModel() {
// If no intent is matched respond with some helpful message...
NCIntentSolver solver = new NCIntentSolver("solver", () -> {
throw new NCRejection("Weather request is ambiguous.");
// Match exactly one of weather tokens and optional 'nlp:geo' and 'nlp:date' tokens.
solver.addIntent(mkIntent("hist|date?|city?", "wt:hist"), this::onHistoryMatch);
solver.addIntent(mkIntent("fcast|date?|city?", "wt:fcast"), this::onForecastMatch);
solver.addIntent(mkIntent("curr|date?|city?", "wt:curr"), this::onCurrentMatch);