org.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.model.NCModelManager.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* “Commons Clause” License,
* The Software is provided to you by the Licensor under the License,
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* Software: NLPCraft
* License: Apache 2.0,
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package org.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.model
import java.util.regex.{Pattern, PatternSyntaxException}
import java.util.{List ⇒ JList, Set ⇒ JSet}
import org.nlpcraft.common._
import org.nlpcraft.common.ascii.NCAsciiTable
import org.nlpcraft.common.makro.{NCMacroParser ⇒ MacroParser}
import org.nlpcraft.model._
import org.nlpcraft.common.nlp.opennlp.NCNlpManager
import org.nlpcraft.common.nlp.pos._
import org.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.NCSynonymChunkKind._
import org.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.deploy._
import org.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.{NCModelDecorator, NCProbeLifecycle, NCSynonym, NCSynonymChunk}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.convert.DecorateAsScala
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.control.Exception._
* Model manager.
object NCModelManager extends NCProbeLifecycle("Model manager") with DecorateAsScala {
// Deployed models keyed by their IDs.
private val models = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, NCModelDecorator]
// Access mutex.
private final val mux = new Object()
* @param elementId Element ID.
* @param synonym Element synonym.
case class SynonymHolder(
elementId: String,
synonym: NCSynonym
* @param provider Model provider.
* @param id Model ID.
private def addNewModel(provider: NCModelProvider, id: String): Boolean = {
if (id == null)
else {
val mdl = provider.makeModel(id)
if (mdl != null) {
try {
val parser = new MacroParser
val macros = mdl.getMacros
// Initialize macro parser.
if (macros != null)
macros.asScala.foreach(t ⇒ parser.addMacro(t._1, t._2))
val dec = verifyAndDecorate(mdl, parser)
mdl.initialize(new NCProbeContext {
override def reloadModel(modelId: String): Unit = new Thread() {
override def run(): Unit =reload(modelId)
override lazy val getId: String =
override lazy val getToken: String = config.token
override lazy val getUpLink: String = config.upLink
override lazy val getDownLink: String = config.downLink
override lazy val getJarsFolder: String = config.jarsFolder
override lazy val getModelProviders: JList[String] = config.modelProviders.toSeq
models += id → dec
catch {
case e: NCE ⇒
logger.error(s"Model '${if (id == null) "null" else id}' validation error: ${e.getMessage}")
* Starts this component.
override def start(): NCLifecycle = {
mux.synchronized {
for (provider ← NCDeployManager.getProviders)
for (ds ← NCDeployManager.getDescriptors)
addNewModel(provider, ds.getId)
val tbl = NCAsciiTable("Model ID", "Name", "Ver.", "Elements", "Synonyms")
models.values.foreach(m ⇒ {
val ds = m.model.getDescriptor
val synCnt = m.synonyms.values.flatMap(_.values).flatten.size
tbl += (ds.getId, ds.getName, ds.getVersion, m.elements.keySet.size, synCnt)
}), Some(s"Models deployed: ${models.size}\n"))
if (models.isEmpty)
throw new NCException("No models deployed.")
* @param mdl
private def discardModel(mdl: NCModel): Unit = {
ignoring(classOf[Throwable]) {
// Ack."Model discarded: ${mdl.getDescriptor.getId}")
* Stops this component.
override def stop(): Unit = {
mux.synchronized {
models.values.foreach(m ⇒ discardModel(m.model))
* @param fix Prefix and suffix.
* @param s String to search prefix and suffix in.
* @return
private def startsAndEnds(fix: String, s: String): Boolean = s.startsWith(fix) && s.endsWith(fix)
* @param s
* @return
private def chunkSplit(s: String): Seq[NCSynonymChunk] = {
val x = s.trim()
if (startsAndEnds("///", x))
Seq(mkChunk(x)) // Defensively grab entire string in case of regex.
x.split(" ").map(_.trim).filter(_.nonEmpty).map(mkChunk)
* @param chunk Synonym chunk.
* @return
private def mkChunk(chunk: String): NCSynonymChunk = {
def stripBody(s: String): String = s.slice(3, s.length - 3)
// Regex synonym.
if (startsAndEnds("///", chunk)) {
val ptrn = stripBody(chunk)
if (ptrn.length > 0)
NCSynonymChunk(kind = REGEX, origText = chunk, regex = Pattern.compile(ptrn))
catch {
case e: PatternSyntaxException ⇒ throw new NCE(s"Invalid regex syntax in: $chunk", e)
throw new NCE(s"Empty regex synonym detected: $chunk")
// POS tag synonym.
else if (startsAndEnds("```", chunk)) {
val tag = stripBody(chunk).toUpperCase
if (NCPennTreebank.contains(tag))
NCSynonymChunk(kind = POS, origText = chunk, posTag = tag)
throw new NCE(s"Invalid PoS synonym: $chunk")
// Regular word.
NCSynonymChunk(kind = TEXT, origText = chunk, wordStem = NCNlpManager.stem(chunk))
* @param ds
private def checkModelDescriptor(ds: NCModelDescriptor): Unit = {
if (ds == null)
throw new NCE(s"Model descriptor is not provided.")
val id = ds.getId
val name = ds.getName
val ver = ds.getVersion
if (id == null)
throw new NCE(s"Model descriptor ID is not provided.")
if (name == null)
throw new NCE(s"Model descriptor name is not provided.")
if (ver == null)
throw new NCE(s"Model descriptor version is not provided.")
if (name.length > 64)
throw new NCE(s"Model descriptor name is too long (64 chars max): $name")
if (ver.length > 16)
throw new NCE(s"Model descriptor version is too long (16 chars max): $name")
* @param adds Additional stopword stems.
* @param excls Excluded stopword stems.
private def checkStopwordsDups(adds: Set[String], excls: Set[String]): Unit = {
val cross = adds.intersect(excls)
if (cross.nonEmpty)
throw new NCE(s"Duplicate stems in additional and excluded stopwords: '${cross.mkString(",")}'")
* Verifies given model and makes a decorator optimized for model enricher.
* @param mdl Model to verify and decorate.
* @param parser Initialized macro parser.
* @return Model decorator.
private def verifyAndDecorate(mdl: NCModel, parser: MacroParser): NCModelDecorator = {
for (elm ← mdl.getElements)
checkElement(mdl, elm)
val addStopWords = checkAndStemmatize(mdl.getAdditionalStopWords, "Additional stopword")
val exclStopWords = checkAndStemmatize(mdl.getExcludedStopWords, "Excluded stopword")
val suspWords = checkAndStemmatize(mdl.getSuspiciousWords, "Suspicious word")
checkStopwordsDups(addStopWords, exclStopWords)
val syns = mutable.HashSet.empty[SynonymHolder]
val exclSyns = mutable.HashSet.empty[SynonymHolder]
var cnt = 0
val maxCnt = mdl.getMaxTotalSynonyms
// Process and check elements.
for (elm ← mdl.getElements) {
val elmId = elm.getId
def addSynonym(
col: mutable.HashSet[SynonymHolder],
isElementId: Boolean,
isValueName: Boolean,
value: String,
chunks: Seq[NCSynonymChunk]): Unit = {
require(col == syns || col == exclSyns) // This is internal closure.
val kind = if (col == syns) "Synonym" else "Excluded synonym"
def add(chunks: Seq[NCSynonymChunk], isDirect: Boolean): Unit = {
val holder = SynonymHolder(
elementId = elmId,
synonym = NCSynonym(isElementId, isValueName, isDirect, value, chunks)
if (col.add(holder)) {
cnt += 1
if (cnt > maxCnt)
throw new NCE(s"Too many synonyms detected [" +
s"model=${mdl.getDescriptor.getId}, " +
s"max=$maxCnt" +
if (value == null)
logger.trace(s"$kind #${col.size} added [" +
s"model=${mdl.getDescriptor.getId}, " +
s"elementId=$elmId, " +
s"synonym=${chunks.mkString(" ")}" +
logger.trace(s"$kind #${col.size} added [" +
s"model=${mdl.getDescriptor.getId}, " +
s"elementId=$elmId, " +
s"synonym=${chunks.mkString(" ")}, " +
s"value=$value" +
s"$kind already added (ignoring) [" +
s"model=${mdl.getDescriptor.getId}, " +
s"elementId=$elmId, " +
s"synonym=${chunks.mkString(" ")}, " +
s"value=$value" +
if (mdl.isPermutateSynonyms && !isElementId && chunks.forall(_.wordStem != null))
simplePermute(chunks).map(p ⇒ → p).toMap.unzip._2.foreach(p ⇒ add(p, p == chunks))
add(chunks, true)
def chunk0(s: String): Seq[NCSynonymChunk] = chunkSplit(NCNlpManager.tokenize(s).mkString(" "))
// Add element ID as a synonyms (Duplications ignored)
val idChunks = Seq(chunk0(elmId), chunkSplit(elmId))
idChunks.distinct.foreach(ch ⇒ addSynonym(syns, true, false, null, ch))
// Add straight element synonyms (Duplications printed as warnings)
val synsChunks = for (syn ← elm.getSynonyms.flatMap(parser.expand)) yield chunkSplit(syn)
if (U.containsDups(synsChunks.toList))
logger.trace(s"Element synonyms duplicate (ignoring) [" +
s"model=${mdl.getDescriptor.getId}, " +
s"elementId=$elmId, " +
s"synonym=${synsChunks.diff(synsChunks.distinct)",")).mkString(";")}" +
synsChunks.distinct.foreach(ch ⇒ addSynonym(syns, false, false, null, ch))
// Add value synonyms.
val valNames =
if (U.containsDups(valNames.toList))
logger.trace(s"Element values names duplicate (ignoring) [" +
s"model=${mdl.getDescriptor.getId}, " +
s"elementId=$elmId, " +
s"names=${valNames.diff(valNames.distinct).distinct.mkString(",")}" +
for (v ← ⇒ p.getName → p).toMap.unzip._2) {
val valName = v.getName
val valSyns = v.getSynonyms.asScala
val vNamesChunks = Seq(chunk0(valName), chunkSplit(valName))
// Add value name as a synonyms (duplications ignored)
vNamesChunks.distinct.foreach(ch ⇒ addSynonym(syns, false, true, valName, ch))
// Add straight value synonyms (duplications printed as warnings)
var skippedOneLikeName = false
val vChunks =
valSyns.flatMap(parser.expand).flatMap(valSyn ⇒ {
val valSyns = chunkSplit(valSyn)
if (vNamesChunks.contains(valSyns) && !skippedOneLikeName) {
skippedOneLikeName = true
if (U.containsDups(vChunks.toList))
logger.trace(s"Element synonyms duplicate (ignoring) [" +
s"model=${mdl.getDescriptor.getId}, " +
s"elementId=$elmId, " +
s"value=$valName, " +
s"synonym=${vChunks.diff(vChunks.distinct)",")).mkString(";")}" +
vChunks.distinct.foreach(ch ⇒ addSynonym(syns, false, false, valName, ch))
// Add excluded synonyms (Duplications printed as warnings)
val exclChunks = for (syn ← elm.getExcludedSynonyms.flatMap(parser.expand)) yield chunkSplit(syn)
if (U.containsDups(exclChunks.toList))
logger.trace(s"Element exclude synonyms duplicate (ignoring) [" +
s"model=${mdl.getDescriptor.getId}, " +
s"elementId=$elmId, " +
s"exclude=${exclChunks.diff(exclChunks.distinct)",")).mkString(";")}" +
exclChunks.distinct.foreach(ch ⇒ addSynonym(exclSyns, false, false, null, ch))
var foundDups = false
// Check for synonym dups across all elements.
for (
((syn, isDirect), holders) ←
syns.groupBy(p ⇒ (p.synonym.mkString(" "), p.synonym.isDirect)) if holders.size > 1 && isDirect
) {
logger.warn(s"Duplicate synonym stem detected [" +
s"model=${mdl.getDescriptor.getId}, " +
p ⇒ s"id=${p.elementId}${if (p.synonym.value == null) "" else s", value=${p.synonym.value}"}"
).mkString("(", ",", ")")}, " +
s"synonym=$syn" +
foundDups = true
if (foundDups) {
if (!mdl.isDupSynonymsAllowed)
throw new NCException("Duplicated synonyms detected. Check warnings messages.")
logger.warn(s"|- Duplicate synonyms can be resolved via element excluded synonyms.")
logger.warn(s"|- Unresolved duplicate synonyms will result in unspecified element selection.")
* @param set
* @return
def mkFastAccessMap(set: Set[SynonymHolder]): Map[String/*Element ID*/, Map[Int/*Synonym length*/, Seq[NCSynonym]]] =
.map {
case (elmId, holders) ⇒ (
.map {
// Sort synonyms from most important to least important.
case (k, v) ⇒ (k, v.toSeq.sorted.reverse)
model = mdl,
synonyms = mkFastAccessMap(syns.toSet),
excludedSynonyms = mkFastAccessMap(exclSyns.toSet),
additionalStopWordsStems = addStopWords,
excludedStopWordsStems = exclStopWords,
suspiciousWordsStems = suspWords,
elements = ⇒ (elm.getId, elm)).toMap
* Permutes and drops duplicated.
* For a given multi-word synonym we allow a single word move left or right only one position per permutation
* (i.e. only one word jiggles per permutation).
* E.g. for "A B C D" synonym we'll have only the following permutations:
* "A, B, C, D"
* "A, B, D, C"
* "A, C, B, D"
* "B, A, C, D"
* @param seq Initial sequence.
* @return Permutations.
private def simplePermute[T](seq: Seq[T]): Seq[Seq[T]] =
seq.length match {
case 0 ⇒ Seq.empty
case 1 ⇒ Seq(seq)
case n ⇒
def permute(idx1: Int, idx2: Int): Seq[T] = { case (t, idx) ⇒
if (idx == idx1)
else if (idx == idx2)
seq.zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (_, idx) ⇒
if (idx == 0)
Seq(permute(0, 1))
else if (idx == n - 1)
Seq(permute(n - 2, n - 1))
Seq(permute(idx - 1, idx), permute(idx, idx + 1))
* @param jc
* @param name
* @return
private def checkAndStemmatize(jc: JSet[String], name: String): Set[String] =
for (word: String ← jc.asScala.toSet) yield
if (hasWhitespace(word))
throw new NCE(s"$name cannot have whitespace: '$word'")
* Checks cyclic child-parent dependencies.
* @param mdl Model.
private def checkCyclicDependencies(mdl: NCModel): Unit =
for (elm ← mdl.getElements) {
if (elm.getParentId != null) {
val seen = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
var parentId: String = null
var x = elm
do {
parentId = x.getParentId
if (parentId != null) {
if (seen.contains(parentId))
throw new NCE(s"Cycling parent dependency starting at model element '${x.getId}'.")
else {
seen += parentId
x = mdl.getElements.find(_.getId == parentId) getOrElse {
throw new NCE(s"Unknown parent ID '$parentId' for model element '${x.getId}'.")
while (parentId != null)
* @param mdl Model.
private def checkElementIdsDups(mdl: NCModel): Unit = {
val ids = mutable.HashSet.empty[String]
for (id ←
if (ids.contains(id))
throw new NCE(s"Duplicate model element ID '$id'.")
ids += id
* Verifies model element in isolation.
* @param mdl Model.
* @param elm Element to verify.
private def checkElement(mdl: NCModel, elm: NCElement): Unit = {
if (elm.getId == null)
throw new NCE(s"Model element ID is not provided.'")
else if (elm.getId.length == 0)
throw new NCE(s"Model element ID cannot be empty.'")
else {
val elmId = elm.getId
if (elmId.toLowerCase.startsWith("nlp:"))
throw new NCE(s"Model element '$elmId' type cannot start with 'nlp:'.")
if (hasWhitespace(elmId))
throw new NCE(s"Model element ID '$elmId' cannot have whitespaces.")
* Checks whether or not given string has any whitespaces.
* @param s String to check.
* @return
private def hasWhitespace(s: String): Boolean =
* @param mdl Model.
private def checkModelConfig(mdl: NCModel): Unit = {
def checkInt(v: Int, name: String, min: Int = 0, max: Int = Integer.MAX_VALUE): Unit =
if (v < min)
throw new NCE(s"Invalid model configuration value '$name' [value=$v, min=$min]")
else if (v > max)
throw new NCE(s"Invalid model configuration value '$name' [value=$v, max=$min]")
checkInt(mdl.getMaxUnknownWords, "maxUnknownWords")
checkInt(mdl.getMaxFreeWords, "maxFreeWords")
checkInt(mdl.getMaxSuspiciousWords, "maxSuspiciousWords")
checkInt(mdl.getMinWords, "minWords", min = 1)
checkInt(mdl.getMinNonStopwords, "minNonStopwords")
checkInt(mdl.getMinTokens, "minTokens")
checkInt(mdl.getMaxTokens, "maxTokens", max = 100)
checkInt(mdl.getMaxWords, "maxWords", min = 1, max = 100)
checkInt(mdl.getMaxGeoTokens, "maxGeoTokens")
checkInt(mdl.getMinGeoTokens, "minGeoTokens")
checkInt(mdl.getMaxDateTokens, "maxDateTokens")
checkInt(mdl.getMinDateTokens, "minDateTokens")
checkInt(mdl.getMaxNumTokens, "maxNumTokens")
checkInt(mdl.getMinNumTokens, "minNumTokens")
checkInt(mdl.getMaxFunctionTokens, "maxFunctionTokens")
checkInt(mdl.getMinFunctionTokens, "minFunctionTokens")
checkInt(mdl.getJiggleFactor, "jiggleFactor", max = 4)
* @return
def getAllModels: List[NCModelDecorator] = {
mux.synchronized {
* @param id Model ID.
* @return
def getModel(id: String): Option[NCModelDecorator] = {
mux.synchronized {
* @param modelId Model ID.
def reload(modelId: String): Unit = {
mux.synchronized {"Started reloading model: $modelId")
models.remove(modelId) match {
case Some(m) ⇒
// Discard current model instance.
// Scan providers to reload the same model.
for (provider ← NCDeployManager.getProviders)
addNewModel(provider, modelId)
models.get(modelId) match {
case Some(mdl) ⇒
// Invariant.
require(mdl.model.getDescriptor.getId == modelId)
// Ack.
val tbl = NCAsciiTable("Model ID", "Name", "Ver.", "Elements", "Synonyms")
val synCnt = mdl.synonyms.values.flatMap(_.values).flatten.size
val newDs = mdl.model.getDescriptor
tbl += (
), Some(s"Model reloaded: $modelId\n"))
case None ⇒
logger.error(s"Failed to reload model: $modelId")
case None ⇒
logger.error(s"Failed to reload unknown model: $modelId")
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