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org.nlpcraft.server.json.NCJson.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * “Commons Clause” License,
 * The Software is provided to you by the Licensor under the License,
 * as defined below, subject to the following condition.
 * Without limiting other conditions in the License, the grant of rights
 * under the License will not include, and the License does not grant to
 * you, the right to Sell the Software.
 * For purposes of the foregoing, “Sell” means practicing any or all of
 * the rights granted to you under the License to provide to third parties,
 * for a fee or other consideration (including without limitation fees for
 * hosting or consulting/support services related to the Software), a
 * product or service whose value derives, entirely or substantially, from
 * the functionality of the Software. Any license notice or attribution
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 * Condition notice.
 * Software:    NLPCraft
 * License:     Apache 2.0,
 * Licensor:    Copyright (C) 2018 DataLingvo, Inc.
 *     _   ____      ______           ______
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 * /_/ |_/_/ .___/\____/_/   \__,_/_/  \__/
 *        /_/

package org.nlpcraft.server.json

import{IOException, _}

import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import net.liftweb.json.{compact ⇒ liftCompact, pretty ⇒ liftPretty, render ⇒ liftRender, _}
import org.nlpcraft.common._

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.util.matching.Regex

 * Project-wide, Lift-based general JSON wrapper.
class NCJson(val json: JValue) {
    import NCJson._

    require(json != null)

    // Delegate to underlying JValue.
    override def hashCode(): Int = json.hashCode()
    override def equals(obj: scala.Any): Boolean = json.equals(obj)

     * Convenient method to get JSON unboxed value with given type and name.
     * @param fn Field name.
     * @tparam T Type of the value.
    def field[T](fn: String): T =
            json \ fn match {
                case JNothing | null ⇒ throw MissingJsonField(fn)
                case v: JValue ⇒ v.values.asInstanceOf[T]
        catch {
            case e: MissingJsonField ⇒ throw e // Rethrow.
            case e: Throwable ⇒ throw InvalidJsonField(fn, e)

      * Tests whether given JSON field present or not.
      * @param fn JSON field name.
    def hasField(fn: String): Boolean =
        json \ fn match {
            case JNothing | null ⇒ false
            case _: JValue ⇒ true

     * Convenient method to get JSON unboxed value with given type and name.
     * @param fn Field name.
     * @tparam T Type of the value.
    def fieldOpt[T](fn: String): Option[T] =
            json \ fn match {
                case JNothing ⇒ None
                case v: JValue ⇒ Some(v.values.asInstanceOf[T])
        catch {
            case _: Throwable ⇒ None

     * Renders this JSON with proper new-lines and indentation (suitable for human readability).
     * @return String presentation of this JSON object.
    def pretty: String = liftPretty(liftRender(json))

     * Renders this JSON in a compact form (suitable for exchange).
     * @return String presentation of this JSON object.
    def compact: String = liftCompact(liftRender(json))

     * Zips this JSON object into array of bytes using GZIP.
    def gzip(): Array[Byte] = {
        val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024)

        try {
            val gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(out)



        // Let IOException to propagate unchecked (since it shouldn't appear here by the spec).
        finally {

    override def toString: String = compact

 * Static scope for JSON wrapper.
object NCJson {
    private type NCJ = NCJsonException

    // Specific control flow exceptions.
    case class InvalidJson(js: String) extends NCJ(s"Malformed JSON syntax in: $js") with LazyLogging {
        // Log right away.
        logger.error(s"Malformed JSON syntax in: $js")

    case class InvalidJsonField(fn: String, cause: Throwable) extends NCJ(s"Invalid '$fn' JSON field <" +
        cause.getMessage + ">", cause) with LazyLogging {
        require(cause != null)

        // Log right away.
        logger.error(s"Invalid '$fn' JSON field <${cause.getMessage}>")

    case class MissingJsonField(fn: String) extends NCJ(s"Missing mandatory '$fn' JSON field.") with LazyLogging {
        // Log right away.
        logger.error(s"Missing mandatory '$fn' JSON field.")

    implicit val formats: DefaultFormats.type = net.liftweb.json.DefaultFormats

    // Regex for numbers with positive exponent part with explicit + in notation. Example 2E+5.
    // Also, these numbers should be pre-fixed and post-fixed by restricted JSON symbols set.
    private val EXP_REGEX = {
        val mask = "[-+]?([0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*|\\.[0-9]+)([eE]\\+[0-9]+)"
        val pre = Seq(' ', '"', '[', ',', ':')
        val post = Seq(' ', '"', ']', ',', '}')

        def makeMask(chars: Seq[Char]): String = s"[${ ⇒ s"\\$ch").mkString}]"

        new Regex(s"${makeMask(pre)}$mask${makeMask(post)}")

     * Creates JSON wrapper from given string.
     * @param js JSON string presentation.
     * @return JSON wrapper.
    def apply(js: String): NCJson = {
        require(js != null)

        JsonParser.parseOpt(processExpNumbers(js)) match {
            case Some(a) ⇒ new NCJson(a)
            case _ ⇒ throw InvalidJson(js)

     * Creates JSON wrapper from given Lift `JValue` object.
     * @param json Lift `JValue` AST object.
     * @return JSON wrapper.
    def apply(json: JValue): NCJson = {
        require(json != null)

        new NCJson(json)

     * Unzips array of bytes into string.
     * @param arr Array of bytes produced by 'gzip' method.
    def unzip2String(arr: Array[Byte]): String = {
        val in = new ByteArrayInputStream(arr)
        val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024)

        val tmpArr = new Array[Byte](512)

        try {
            val gzip = new GZIPInputStream(in)

            var n =, 0, tmpArr.length)

            while (n > 0) {
                out.write(tmpArr, 0, n)

                n =, 0, tmpArr.length)


            // Trim method added to delete last symbol of ZLIB compression
            // protocol (NULL - 'no error' flag)
        // Let IOException to propagate unchecked (since it shouldn't appear here by the spec).
        finally {

     * Unzips array of bytes into JSON object.
     * @param arr Array of bytes produced by 'gzip' method.
    def unzip2Json(arr: Array[Byte]): NCJson = NCJson(unzip2String(arr))

     * Reads file.
     * @param f File to extract from.
    private def readFile(f: File): String = removeComments(U.readFile(f, "UTF8").mkString)

      * Reads stream.
      * @param in Stream to extract from.
    private def readStream(in: InputStream): String = removeComments(U.readStream(in, "UTF8").mkString)

     * Extracts type `T` from given JSON `file`.
     * @param f File to extract from.
     * @param ignoreCase Whether or not to ignore case.
     * @tparam T Type of the object to extract.
    def extractFile[T: Manifest](f:, ignoreCase: Boolean): T =
            if (ignoreCase) NCJson(readFile(f).toLowerCase).json.extract[T] else NCJson(readFile(f)).json.extract[T]
        catch {
            case e: IOException ⇒ throw new NCE(s"Failed to read: ${f.getAbsolutePath}", e)
            case e: Throwable ⇒ throw new NCE(s"Failed to parse: ${f.getAbsolutePath}", e)

     * Removes C-style /* */ multi-line comments from JSON.
     * @param json JSON text.
    private def removeComments(json: String): String = json.replaceAll("""\/\*(\*(?!\/)|[^*])*\*\/""", "")

     * Extracts type `T` from given JSON `file`.
     * @param path File path to extract from.
     * @param ignoreCase Whether or not to ignore case.
     * @tparam T Type of the object to extract.
    def extractPath[T: Manifest](path: String, ignoreCase: Boolean): T = extractFile(new, ignoreCase)

      * Extracts type `T` from given JSON `file`.
      * @param res Resource to extract from.
      * @param ignoreCase Whether or not to ignore case.
      * @tparam T Type of the object to extract.
    def extractResource[T: Manifest](res: String, ignoreCase: Boolean): T =
        try {
            val in = U.getStream(res)

            if (ignoreCase) NCJson(readStream(in).toLowerCase).json.extract[T] else NCJson(readStream(in)).json.extract[T]
        catch {
            case e: IOException ⇒ throw new NCE(s"Failed to read: $res", e)
            case e: Throwable ⇒ throw new NCE(s"Failed to parse: $res", e)

    // Gets string with removed symbol + from exponent part of numbers.
    // It is developed to avoid Lift parsing errors during processing numbers like '2E+2'.
    def processExpNumbers(s: String): String =
        EXP_REGEX.findFirstMatchIn(s) match {
            case Some(m) ⇒ processExpNumbers(m.before +"\\+", "") + m.after)
            case None ⇒ s

    // Implicit conversions.
    implicit def x(jv: JValue): NCJson = new NCJson(jv)
    implicit def x1(js: NCJson): JValue = js.json
    implicit def x2(likeJs: NCJsonLike): JValue = likeJs.toJson.json
    implicit def x3(likeJs: NCJsonLike): NCJson = likeJs.toJson
    implicit def x4(js: NCJson): String = js.compact
    implicit def x4(js: NCJsonLike): String = js.toJson.compact

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