org.nlpcraft.server.sql.NCSql.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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An API to convert natural language into actions.
* “Commons Clause” License,
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* Software: NLPCraft
* License: Apache 2.0,
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package org.nlpcraft.server.sql
import java.sql.Types._
import java.sql.{Connection, PreparedStatement, ResultSet, SQLException, Timestamp}
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import org.apache.ignite.{Ignite, IgniteAtomicSequence, IgniteJdbcThinDriver}
import org.apache.ignite.transactions.Transaction
import org.nlpcraft.common._
import org.nlpcraft.server.NCConfigurable
import org.nlpcraft.server.tx.NCTxManager
import resource._
import scala.collection._
import scala.util.control.Exception._
* Direct support for database.
object NCSql extends LazyLogging {
// Internal log switch.
private final val LOG_SQL_STATEMENTS = false
// Some built-in implicit parsers for simple values.
object Implicits {
/** A function that takes active result set and produces an object by parsing one or multiple rows. */
type RsParser[T] = ResultSet ⇒ T
implicit val IntRsParser: RsParser[Int] = _.getInt(1)
implicit val LongRsParser: RsParser[Long] = _.getLong(1)
implicit val BooleanRsParser: RsParser[Boolean] = _.getBoolean(1)
implicit val StringRsParser: RsParser[String] = _.getString(1)
implicit val TimestampRsParser: RsParser[Timestamp] = _.getTimestamp(1)
import Implicits._
private val threadLocal = new ThreadLocal[Connection]()
// Type safe and eager settings container.
private object Config extends NCConfigurable {
final val prefix = "server.database"
val url: String = getString(s"$prefix.jdbc.url")
val driver: String = getString(s"$prefix.jdbc.driver")
val username: Option[String] = getStringOpt(s"$prefix.jdbc.username")
val passwd: Option[String] = getStringOpt(s"$prefix.jdbc.password")
val maxStmt: Int = getInt(s"$prefix.c3p0.maxStatements")
val initPoolSize: Int = getInt(s"$prefix.c3p0.pool.initSize")
val minPoolSize: Int = getInt(s"$prefix.c3p0.pool.minSize")
val maxPoolSize: Int = getInt(s"$prefix.c3p0.pool.maxSize")
val acqInc: Int = getInt(s"$prefix.c3p0.pool.acquireIncrement")
override def check(): Unit = {
if (minPoolSize > maxPoolSize)
abortError(s"Configuration property '$prefix.c3p0.pool.minSize' ($minPoolSize) must be <= '$prefix.c3p0.pool.maxSize' ($maxPoolSize).")
if (minPoolSize > initPoolSize)
abortError(s"Configuration property '$prefix.c3p0.pool.minSize' ($minPoolSize) must be <= '$prefix.c3p0.pool.initSize' ($initPoolSize).")
if (initPoolSize > maxPoolSize)
abortError(s"Configuration property '$prefix.c3p0.pool.initSize' ($initPoolSize) must be <= '$prefix.c3p0.pool.maxSize' ($maxPoolSize).")
if (acqInc <= 0)
abortError(s"Configuration property '$prefix.c3p0.pool.acquireIncrement' must be > 0: $acqInc")
// Pooled JDBC data source.
private val c3p0 = {
val ds = new ComboPooledDataSource
// JDBC settings.
Config.username match {
case Some(username) ⇒ ds.setUser(username)
case None ⇒ // No-op.
Config.passwd match {
case Some(passwd) ⇒ ds.setPassword(passwd)
case None ⇒ // No-op.
// c3p0 settings.
}"DB driver initialized: ${Config.driver}")
* Wraps database error.
* @tparam R Type of the return value for the body.
* @return Catcher.
private def psqlErrorCodes[R]: Catcher[R] = {
case e: SQLException ⇒ throw new NCE(s"Database error: ${e.getLocalizedMessage}", e)
// Strips extra new lines, tabs a white spaces.
private def strip(sql: String): String =
sql.replace("\n", " ").
replace("\t", " ").
split(" ").
mkString(" ").
* Gets connection from thread local or throws exception if one doesn't exist for this thread.
* @return JDBC connection for this thread.
def connection(): Connection =
threadLocal.get() match {
case c: Connection ⇒ c
case null ⇒ throw new NCE("JDBC connection is not available (ensure to call 'Psql.sql').")
* Sets parameters for given prepared statement.
* @param ps Prepared statement to set parameter to.
* @param params Set of tuples with JDBC types (legacy only) or individual values for the parameters to set.
private def prepareParams(ps: PreparedStatement, params: Any*): Unit = {
params.zipWithIndex.foreach(z ⇒ {
val p = z._1
val idx = z._2 + 1
p match {
case x: (_, _) ⇒
val obj: Any = x._1
val typ: Int = x._2.asInstanceOf[Int]
obj match {
case None | null ⇒ ps.setNull(idx, typ)
case some: Some[_] ⇒ ps.setObject(idx, some.get, typ)
case _ ⇒ ps.setObject(idx, obj, typ)
case _ ⇒
def setObject(obj: Any): Unit = {
obj match {
// Special handling for java.util.Date.
case d: java.util.Date ⇒ ps.setObject(idx, d, TIMESTAMP)
case a: Array[_] ⇒ ps.setObject(idx, a, BINARY)
case x: Any ⇒ ps.setObject(idx, x)
p match {
case None | null ⇒ ps.setNull(idx, NULL)
case Some(x) ⇒ setObject(x)
case _ ⇒ setObject(p)
* Creates new batch with given SQL statement and batch size.
* @param sql SQL statement for the batch.
* @param size Size of the batch.
* @return Batch instance.
def batch(sql: String, size: Int = 1000): NCSqlBatch = {
new NCSqlBatch {
private var ps: PreparedStatement = _
private var cnt = 0
private var sum = 0
private var closed = false
* Adds batch.
* @param params Set of tuples with JDBC types (legacy only) or individual values for the parameters to set.
override def add(params: Any*): Unit = {
if (closed)
throw new NCE("Batch is already closed.")
catching(psqlErrorCodes) {
if (ps == null) {
val s = sql.trim
ps = prepare(s, Seq.empty)
logger.trace(s"Batch prepared, sql: $s, size: $size")
prepareParams(ps, params: _*)
cnt += 1
sum += 1
if (cnt >= size) {
cnt = 0
* Finishes batch.
override def close(): Unit = {
catching(psqlErrorCodes) {
if (cnt != 0) {
require(ps != null)
if (ps != null) {
ps = null
closed = true
logger.trace(s"Batch finished, total executed: $sum")
* Prepares SQL statement with given parameters.
* @param sql SQL statement to prepare.
* @param params Set of tuples with JDBC types (legacy only) or individual values for the parameters to set.
* @return JDBC prepared statement.
private def prepare(sql: String, params: Seq[Any]): PreparedStatement = {
val c = connection()
val ps = c.prepareStatement(sql)
prepareParams(ps, params: _*)
logger.trace(s"SQL ${strip(ps.toString)}")
* Executes given function within a new transaction passing it properly initialized and managed JDBC connection.
* Execution will be done isolation level 'TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED'. Note that either current
* transaction will be used (i.e. for current thread) or a new one will be started.
* Notes:
* - nesting of 'sql' blocks is supported only within the same thread.
* - for multi-threaded operations (e.g. using Ignite cache stores) enable auto-commit.
* @param f Code to execute with open and configuration JDBC connection.
* @tparam R Type of the execution result.
* @return Result of SQL execution.
def sql[R](f: ⇒ R): R = {
if (NCTxManager.inTx())
NCTxManager.startTx {
* Executes given function in the context of the passed in transaction and passing it properly initialized
* and managed JDBC connection.
* Notes:
* - nesting of 'sql' blocks is supported only within the same thread.
* @param tx Optional ongoing transaction or `null`.
* @param f Code to execute with open and configuration JDBC connection.
* @tparam R Type of the execution result.
* @return Result of SQL execution.
def sqlTx[R](tx: Transaction = null)(f: ⇒ R): R =
* Executes given function explicitly without transaction.
* Notes:
* - nesting of 'sql' blocks is supported only within the same thread.
* @param f Code to execute with open and configuration JDBC connection.
* @tparam R Type of the execution result.
* @return Result of SQL execution.
def sqlNoTx[R](f: ⇒ R): R =
sqlEx(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, null)(f)
* Executes given function passing it properly initialized and managed JDBC connection in the context
* of given transaction.
* Notes:
* - nesting of `sql` blocks is supported only within the same thread.
* @param isoLvl Isolation level. 'TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED' by default.
* @param tx Optional ongoing transaction or `null`.
* @param f Code to execute with open and configuration JDBC connection.
* @tparam R Type of the execution result.
* @return Result of SQL execution.
def sqlEx[R](
tx: Transaction = null)(f: ⇒ R): R = {
catching[R](psqlErrorCodes) {
val inTx = tx != null
// Attempt to get connection (a) from tx, and (b) from local thread.
var c =
if (inTx)
else {
val x = threadLocal.get()
if (x == null || x.isClosed) {
if (x != null)
val isNew = c == null
try {
if (isNew) {
c = c3p0.getConnection
// Configure the connection.
// Store connection in the local thread unless we are in tx.
// Reuse existing connection and ensure that isolation level is
// the same between this call and existing connection for this thread.
else {
if (c.getTransactionIsolation != isoLvl)
throw new NCE("Isolation level conflicts with existing JDBC connection.")
// If we are in tx - attach connection to the current tx (it's a no-op if it's already attached).
if (inTx)
NCTxManager.attach(tx, c)
try {
val res = f
catch {
// Strange that Scala-ARM doesn't support it automatically.
case e: Throwable ⇒
throw e
finally {
// Only close and reset connection if we were the ones creating it.
// Close it only if we are NOT in tx.
// If we are in tx - tx manager will close it when tx is closed.
if (isNew && !inTx) {
* Tests if this SQL wrapper has any valid JDBC connections.
def isValid: Boolean = {
* Commits the current thread's JDBC connection.
def commit(): Unit =
* Rolls back the current thread's JDBC connection.
def rollback(): Unit =
* Executes given SQL query and returns list of the rows from result set parsed to objects.
* @param sql SQL query statement to execute.
* @param params Set of tuples with JDBC types (legacy only) or individual values for the parameters to set.
* @param p Implicit result set parser.
* @tparam R Type of result objects.
* @return List of result objects (possibly empty).
def select[R](sql: String, params: Any*)(implicit p: RsParser[R]): List[R] = {
var r = List.empty[R]
catching(psqlErrorCodes) {
for (ps ← managed { prepare(sql, params) } ; rs ← managed { ps.executeQuery() } )
while (
r :+= p(rs)
* Tests whether given SQL query produces any results at all. If so - 'true' is return, 'false' otherwise.
* Do not ask query with huge result here.
* @param sql SQL query statement to execute.
* @param params Set of tuples with JDBC types (legacy only) or individual values for the parameters to set.
def exists(sql: String, params: Any*): Boolean =
selectSingle[Long](s"SELECT count(*) FROM $sql", params: _*) match {
case Some(cnt) ⇒ cnt > 0
case None ⇒ throw new AssertionError("Unexpected empty result")
* Executes given SQL query and returns a single row from result set parsed to an object. If
* there are more than one object a 'SQLException' will be thrown.
* @param sql SQL query statement to execute.
* @param params Set of tuples with JDBC types (legacy only) or individual values for the parameters to set.
* @param p Implicit result set parser.
* @tparam R Type of result object.
* @return 'Some' of single object result or 'None'.
def selectSingle[R](sql: String, params: Any*)(implicit p: RsParser[R]): Option[R] = {
catching(psqlErrorCodes) {
select(sql, params: _*)(p) match {
case Nil ⇒ None
case List(r) ⇒ Some(r)
case _ ⇒ throw new SQLException("Single value expected.")
* Executes SQL insert statement and returns update count.
* @param sql SQL insert statement to execute.
* @param params Set of tuples with JDBC types (legacy only) or individual values for the parameters to set.
* @return Update count.
def insert(sql: String, params: Any*): Int =
catching(psqlErrorCodes) {
managed { prepare(sql, params) } acquireAndGet { _.executeUpdate }
* Executes SQL insert statement and ensures there's single update count.
* Throws exception in any other cases (zero or more than one update count).
* @param sql SQL insert statement to execute.
* @param params Set of tuples with JDBC types (legacy only) or individual values for the parameters to set.
def insertSingle(sql: String, params: Any*): Unit =
insert(sql, params: _*) match {
case 1 ⇒ ()
case c: Int ⇒ throw new NCE(s"Expected single insert count, but received $c inserts.")
* Executes update statement.
* @param sql SQL statement.
* @param params Set of tuples with JDBC types (legacy only) or individual values for the parameters to set.
private def exec(sql: String, params: Any*): Int =
catching[Int](psqlErrorCodes) {
managed { prepare(sql, params) } acquireAndGet { _.executeUpdate }
* Executes SQL update statement and returns update count.
* @param sql SQL update statement to execute.
* @param params Set of tuples with JDBC types (legacy only) or individual values for the parameters to set.
* @return Update count.
def update(sql: String, params: Any*): Int = exec(sql, params: _*)
* Executes DDL statement and returns update count.
* @param sql DDL statement to execute.
* @param params Set of tuples with JDBC types (legacy only) or individual values for the parameters to set.
* @return Update count.
def ddl(sql: String, params: Any*): Int = exec(sql, params: _*)
* Executes SQL delete statement and returns update count.
* @param sql SQL delete statement to execute.
* @param params Set of tuples with JDBC types (legacy only) or individual values for the parameters to set.
* @return Update count.
def delete(sql: String, params: Any*): Int = {
// We have 'delete' method for aesthetics only.
exec(sql, params: _*)
* Executes given SQL query and execute callback for each selected row.
* @param sql SQL query statement to execute.
* @param callback On record callback.
* @param params Set of tuples with JDBC types (legacy only) or individual values for the parameters to set.
* @param p Implicit result set parser.
* @tparam R Type of result objects.
def select[R](sql: String, callback: R ⇒ Unit, params: Any*) (implicit p: RsParser[R]): Unit =
catching(psqlErrorCodes) {
for (ps ← managed { prepare(sql, params) } ; rs ← managed { ps.executeQuery() } )
while (
* Makes sequence.
* @param ignite Ignite instance.
* @param name Sequence name.
* @param tblName Table name.
* @param colName Column name.
def mkSeq(ignite: Ignite, name:String, tblName: String, colName: String): IgniteAtomicSequence =
NCSql.sqlNoTx {
NCSqlManager.getMaxColumnValue(tblName, colName).getOrElse(0),
* Gets Ignite database usage flag.
def isIgniteDb: Boolean = c3p0.getDriverClass == classOf[IgniteJdbcThinDriver].getName
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