org.nlpcraft.model.utils.NCTokenUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* "Commons Clause" License,
* The Software is provided to you by the Licensor under the License,
* as defined below, subject to the following condition.
* Without limiting other conditions in the License, the grant of rights
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* For purposes of the foregoing, "Sell" means practicing any or all of
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* Condition notice.
* Software: NLPCraft
* License: Apache 2.0,
* Licensor: Copyright (C) 2018 DataLingvo, Inc.
* _ ____ ______ ______
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* / |/ / / __ \/ / / ___/ __ `/ /_/ __/
* / /| / / /_/ / /___/ / / /_/ / __/ /_
* /_/ |_/_/ .___/\____/_/ \__,_/_/ \__/
* /_/
package org.nlpcraft.model.utils;
import org.nlpcraft.model.*;
import org.nlpcraft.model.impl.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.*;
* Convenient API for {@link NCToken} {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata}. Most of the methods in
* this class provide static, conveniently named and typed accessors to token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata}
* properties. Note that some methods are valid only for specific IDs of {@link NCToken} - consult
* each method's documentation for details. Note also that the methods from this class can be statically
* imported into the scope for easier usage.
* Note that all tokens (from all providers) have a common set of metadata properties.
* By default NLPCraft provides built-in tokens whose IDs start with {@code nlp:}. Additionally the following 3rd
* party token providers from OpenNLP,
* Stanford CoreNLP and
* Google Natural Language APIs are supported:
* NLPCraft
* OpenNLP
* Stanford CoreNLP
* Google Natural Language
* nlpcraft:geo
* nlpcraft:date
* nlpcraft:num
* nlpcraft:function
* nlpcraft:coordinate
* opennlp:location
* opennlp:money
* opennlp:person
* opennlp:organization
* opennlp:date
* opennlp:time
* opennlp:percentage
* stanford:person
* stanford:location
* stanford:organization
* stanford:misc
* stanford:money
* stanford:number
* stanford:ordinal
* stanford:percent
* stanford:date
* stanford:time
* stanford:duration
* stanford:set
* stanford:url
* stanford:city
* stanford:state_or_province
* stanford:nationality
* stanford:religion
* stanford:title
* stanford:ideology
* stanford:criminal_charge
* stanford:cause_of_death
* google:unknown
* google:person
* google:location
* google:organization
* google:event
* google:work_of_art
* google:consumer_good
* google:other
* google:phone_number
* google:address
* google:date
* google:number
* google:price
* The following table lists properties that are common across all tokens, from any token
* provider:
* Common Properties
* {@link #isGeo(NCToken)}
* {@link #isDate(NCToken)}
* {@link #isNumeric(NCToken)}
* {@link #isFunction(NCToken)}
* {@link #isNlp(NCToken)}
* {@link #isContiguous(NCToken)}
* {@link #isAdjective(NCToken)}
* {@link #isAdverb(NCToken)}
* {@link #isBracketed(NCToken)}
* {@link #isEnglish(NCToken)}
* {@link #isFreeWord(NCToken)}
* {@link #isSwearWord(NCToken)}
* {@link #isSynthetic(NCToken)}
* {@link #isKnownWord(NCToken)}
* {@link #isStopWord(NCToken)}
* {@link #isQuoted(NCToken)}
* {@link #isPreposition(NCToken)}
* {@link #isNoun(NCToken)}
* {@link #isPronoun(NCToken)}
* {@link #getPosTag(NCToken)}
* {@link #getNormalizedText(NCToken)}
* {@link #getOriginalText(NCToken)}
* {@link #getTokenIndex(NCToken)}
* {@link #getCharLength(NCToken)}
* {@link #getLemma(NCToken)}
* {@link #getStem(NCToken)}
* {@link #getSparsity(NCToken)}
* {@link #getPosDescription(NCToken)}
* {@link #getUnid(NCToken)}
* {@link #getWordIndexes(NCToken)}
* {@link #getWordLength(NCToken)}
* {@link #isDirectSynonym(NCToken)}
* {@link #getMinIndex(NCToken)}
* {@link #getMaxIndex(NCToken)}
* The following table lists properties for {@code nlpcraft:date} tokens:
* Properties for nlpcraft:date
* {@link #isDateAfter(NCToken, long)}
* {@link #isDateBefore(NCToken, long)}
* {@link #isDateIntersect(NCToken, long, long)}
* {@link #isDateWithin(NCToken, long)}
* {@link #getDateFrom(NCToken)}
* {@link #getDateTo(NCToken)}
* {@link #prepareDateSql(NCToken, String)}
* The following table lists properties for {@code nlpcraft:geo} tokens:
* Properties for nlpcraft:geo
* {@link #isGeoCity(NCToken)}
* {@link #isGeoCountry(NCToken)}
* {@link #isGeoContinent(NCToken)}
* {@link #isGeoMetro(NCToken)}
* {@link #isGeoRegion(NCToken)}
* {@link #isGeoSubcontinent(NCToken)}
* {@link #getGeoCity(NCToken)}
* {@link #getGeoCountry(NCToken)}
* {@link #getGeoContinent(NCToken)}
* {@link #getGeoMetro(NCToken)}
* {@link #getGeoRegion(NCToken)}
* {@link #getGeoLatitude(NCToken)}
* {@link #getGeoLongitude(NCToken)}
* {@link #getGeoSubcontinent(NCToken)}
* The following table lists properties for {@code nlpcraft:num} tokens:
* Properties for nlpcraft:num
* {@link #isNumEqualCondition(NCToken)}
* {@link #isNumFractional(NCToken)}
* {@link #isNumFromInclusive(NCToken)}
* {@link #isNumFromNegativeInfCondition(NCToken)}
* {@link #isNumNotEqualCondition(NCToken)}
* {@link #isNumRangeCondition(NCToken)}
* {@link #isNumToPositiveInfCondition(NCToken)}
* {@link #isNumToInclusive(NCToken)}
* {@link #testNum(NCToken, int)}
* {@link #testNum(NCToken, byte)}
* {@link #testNum(NCToken, short)}
* {@link #testNum(NCToken, long)}
* {@link #testNum(NCToken, short)}
* {@link #testNum(NCToken, float, float)}
* {@link #testNum(NCToken, double, double)}
* {@link #getNumFrom(NCToken)}
* {@link #getNumTo(NCToken)}
* {@link #getNumIndex(NCToken)}
* {@link #getNumUnit(NCToken)}
* {@link #getNumUnitType(NCToken)}
* {@link #prepareNumSql(NCToken, String)}
* The following table lists properties for {@code nlpcraft:function} tokens:
* Properties for nlpcraft:function
* {@link #isLimitFun(NCToken)}
* {@link #isSortFun(NCToken)}
* {@link #isMaxFun(NCToken)}
* {@link #isMinFun(NCToken)}
* {@link #isAvgFun(NCToken)}
* {@link #isGroupFun(NCToken)}
* {@link #isCompareFun(NCToken)}
* {@link #isCorrelationFun(NCToken)}
* {@link #isAscendingFun(NCToken)}
* {@link #getFunIndexes(NCToken)}
* {@link #getFunLimit(NCToken)}
* The following table lists properties for {@code nlpcraft:coordinate} tokens:
* Properties for nlpcraft:coordinate
* {@link #getCoordinateLatitude(NCToken)}
* {@link #getCoordinateLongitude(NCToken)}
* The following table lists properties for any {@code stanford:} tokens:
* Properties for stanford:
* {@link #getStanfordConfidence(NCToken)}
* {@link #getStanfordNne(NCToken)}
* The following table lists properties for any {@code opennlp:} tokens:
* Properties for opennlp:
* {@link #getOpenNlpProbability(NCToken)}
* The following table lists properties for any {@code google:} tokens:
* Properties for google:
* {@link #getGoogleSalience(NCToken)}
* {@link #getGoogleMentionsBeginOffsets(NCToken)}
* {@link #getGoogleMentionsContents(NCToken)}
* {@link #getGoogleMentionsTypes(NCToken)}
* {@link #getGoogleMeta(NCToken)}
* There are also methods you can use to check token's provider origin:
* - {@link #fromGoogle(NCToken)}
* - {@link #fromStanfordCoreNlp(NCToken)}
* - {@link #fromOpenNlp(NCToken)}
* - {@link #fromNlpCraft(NCToken)}
public class NCTokenUtils {
* @param tok
* @param id
static private void checkId(NCToken tok, String id) {
if (!tok.getId().equals(id))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Token is of the wrong type [expected=%s, actual=%s]", id, tok.getId()));
* @param tok
* @param provider
static private void checkProvider(NCToken tok, String provider) {
if (!tok.getId().startsWith(provider))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Token is of the wrong origin [expected=%s, actual=%s]", provider, tok.getId()));
* Whether or not this token is from Google Natural Language provider.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Whether or not this token is from Google Natural Language provider.
static public boolean fromGoogle(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getId().startsWith("google:");
* Whether or not this token is from Stanford CoreNLP provider.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Whether or not this token is from Stanford CoreNLP provider.
static public boolean fromStanfordCoreNlp(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getId().startsWith("stanford:");
* Whether or not this token is from OpenNLP provider.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Whether or not this token is from OpenNLP provider.
static public boolean fromOpenNlp(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getId().startsWith("opennlp:");
* Whether or not this token is from built-in NLPCraft provider.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Whether or not this token is from built-in NLPCraft provider.
static public boolean fromNlpCraft(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getId().startsWith("nlpcraft:");
* Whether or not this token has {@code nlpcraft:geo} {@link NCToken#getId() ID}.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Whether or not this token has {@code nlpcraft:geo} {@link NCToken#getId() ID}.
static public boolean isGeo(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getId().equals("nlpcraft:geo");
* Whether or not this token has {@code nlpcraft:coordinate} {@link NCToken#getId() ID}.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Whether or not this token has {@code nlpcraft:coordinate} {@link NCToken#getId() ID}.
static public boolean isCoordinate(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getId().equals("nlpcraft:coordinate");
* Whether or not this token has {@code nlpcraft:nlp} {@link NCToken#getId() ID}.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Whether or not this token has {@code nlpcraft:nlp} {@link NCToken#getId() ID}.
static public boolean isNlp(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getId().equals("nlpcraft:nlp");
* Whether or not this token has {@code nlpcraft:date} {@link NCToken#getId() ID}.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Whether or not this token has {@code nlpcraft:date} {@link NCToken#getId() ID}.
static public boolean isDate(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getId().equals("nlpcraft:date");
* Whether or not this token has {@code nlpcraft:num} {@link NCToken#getId() ID}.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Whether or not this token has {@code nlpcraft:num} {@link NCToken#getId() ID}.
static public boolean isNumeric(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getId().equals("nlpcraft:num");
* Whether or not this token has {@code nlpcraft:function} {@link NCToken#getId() ID}.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Whether or not this token has {@code nlpcraft:function} {@link NCToken#getId() ID}.
static public boolean isFunction(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getId().equals("nlpcraft:function");
* Prepares SQL WHERE clause adapter for JDBC prepared statement based on condition in given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
* @param tok A token.
* @param col SQL column name.
* @param Type of parameters.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return SQL adapter for JDBC prepared statement.
static public NCTokenSqlAdapter prepareNumSql(NCToken tok, String col) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
boolean isFractional = isNumFractional(tok);
Function get = (d) -> {
Number n;
if (isFractional)
n = d;
else {
Long l = d.longValue();
if (Byte.MAX_VALUE >= l && Byte.MIN_VALUE <= l)
n = l.byteValue();
else if (Short.MAX_VALUE >= l && Short.MIN_VALUE <= l)
n = l.shortValue();
else if (Integer.MAX_VALUE >= l && Integer.MIN_VALUE <= l)
n = l.intValue();
n = l;
return (T)n;
Supplier moreThanFrom = () -> isNumFromInclusive(tok) ? col + " >= ?" : col + " > ?";
Supplier lessThanTo = () -> isNumToInclusive(tok) ? col + " <= ?" : col + " < ?";
if (isNumEqualCondition(tok))
return new NCSqlAdapterImpl<>(col + " = ?", get.apply(getNumFrom(tok)));
else if (isNumNotEqualCondition(tok))
return new NCSqlAdapterImpl<>(col + " <> ?", get.apply(getNumFrom(tok)));
else if (isNumFromNegativeInfCondition(tok))
return new NCSqlAdapterImpl<>(lessThanTo.get(), get.apply(getNumFrom(tok)));
else if (isNumToPositiveInfCondition(tok))
return new NCSqlAdapterImpl<>(moreThanFrom.get(), get.apply(getNumFrom(tok)));
return new NCSqlAdapterImpl<>(
moreThanFrom.get() + " AND " + lessThanTo.get(),
* Compares given value against the numeric condition in given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
* @param tok A token.
* @param delta Precision delta for comparison.
* @param v Value to compare with.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return {@code True} if the value satisfies condition in given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
static public boolean testNum(NCToken tok, double v, double delta) {
return testCondition(tok, v, delta);
* Compares given value against the numeric condition in given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
* @param tok A token.
* @param delta Precision delta for comparison.
* @param v Value to compare with.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return {@code True} if the value satisfies condition in given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
static public boolean testNum(NCToken tok, float v, float delta) {
return testCondition(tok, v, delta);
* Compares given value against the numeric condition in given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
* @param tok A token.
* @param v Value to compare with.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return {@code True} if the value satisfies condition in given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
static public boolean testNum(NCToken tok, long v) {
return testCondition(tok, v);
* Compares given value against the numeric condition in given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
* @param tok A token.
* @param v Value to compare with.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return {@code True} if the value satisfies condition in given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
static public boolean testNum(NCToken tok, int v) {
return testCondition(tok, v);
* Compares given value against the numeric condition in given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
* @param tok A token.
* @param v Value to compare with.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return {@code True} if the value satisfies condition in given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
static public boolean testNum(NCToken tok, byte v) {
return testCondition(tok, v);
* Compares given value against the numeric condition in given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
* @param tok A token.
* @param v Value to compare with.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return {@code True} if the value satisfies condition in given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
static public boolean testNum(NCToken tok, short v) {
return testCondition(tok, v);
* @param tok
* @param v
* @return
static private boolean testCondition(NCToken tok, long v) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
if (isNumEqualCondition(tok))
return (long)getNumFrom(tok) == v;
else if (isNumNotEqualCondition(tok))
return (long)getNumFrom(tok) != v;
return handleRange(tok,
() -> isNumFromInclusive(tok) ? v >= getNumFrom(tok) : v > getNumFrom(tok),
() -> isNumToInclusive(tok) ? v <= getNumTo(tok) : v < getNumTo(tok)
* @param tok
* @param v
* @param delta
* @return
private static boolean testCondition(NCToken tok, double v, double delta) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
if (isNumEqualCondition(tok))
return Math.abs(getNumFrom(tok) - v) <= delta;
else if (isNumNotEqualCondition(tok))
return Math.abs(getNumFrom(tok) - v) > delta;
return handleRange(tok,
() -> isNumFromInclusive(tok) ? v > getNumFrom(tok) || Math.abs(getNumFrom(tok) - v) <= delta : v > getNumFrom(tok),
() -> isNumToInclusive(tok) ? v < getNumTo(tok) || Math.abs(getNumTo(tok) - v) <= delta : v < getNumTo(tok)
static private boolean handleRange(NCToken tok, Supplier moreThanFrom, Supplier lessThanTo) {
if (isNumFromNegativeInfCondition(tok))
return lessThanTo.get();
else if (isNumToPositiveInfCondition(tok))
return moreThanFrom.get();
return moreThanFrom.get() && lessThanTo.get();
* Gets Google Natural Language salience for given {@code google:} token.
* Corresponds to {@code SALIENCE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token is not from Google Natural Language provider.
* @return Google Natural Language salience value for given token.
static public double getGoogleSalience(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkProvider(tok, "google:");
return tok.getMetadata().getDouble("SALIENCE");
* Gets Google Natural Language meta data for given {@code google:} token.
* Corresponds to {@code META} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token is not from Google Natural Language provider.
* @return Google Natural Language meta data value for given token.
static public Map getGoogleMeta(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkProvider(tok, "google:");
return (Map)tok.getMetadata().get("META");
* Gets Google Natural Language mentions contents for given {@code google:} token.
* Corresponds to {@code MENTIONSCONTENTS} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token is not from Google Natural Language provider.
* @return Google Natural Language mentions contents for given token.
static public List getGoogleMentionsContents(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkProvider(tok, "google:");
return (List)tok.getMetadata().get("MENTIONSCONTENTS");
* Gets Google Natural Language mentions types for given {@code google:} token.
* Corresponds to {@code MENTIONSTYPES} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token is not from Google Natural Language provider.
* @return Google Natural Language mentions types for given token.
static public List getGoogleMentionsTypes(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkProvider(tok, "google:");
return (List)tok.getMetadata().get("MENTIONSTYPES");
* Gets Google Natural Language mentions begin offsets for given {@code google:} token.
* Corresponds to {@code MENTIONSBEGINOFFSETS} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token is not from Google Natural Language provider.
* @return Google Natural Language mentions begin offsets for given token.
static public List getGoogleMentionsBeginOffsets(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkProvider(tok, "google:");
return (List)tok.getMetadata().get("MENTIONSBEGINOFFSETS");
* Gets OpenNLP probability value for given {@code opennlp:} token.
* Corresponds to {@code PROBABILITY} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token is not from OpenNLP provider.
* @return OpenNLP probability value for given token.
static public double getOpenNlpProbability(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkProvider(tok, "opennlp:");
return tok.getMetadata().getDouble("PROBABILITY");
* Gets Stanford CoreNLP confidence value for given {@code stanford:} token.
* Corresponds to {@code CONFIDENCE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token is not from Stanford CoreNLP provider.
* @return Stanford CoreNLP confidence value for given token.
static public double getStanfordConfidence(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkProvider(tok, "stanford:");
return tok.getMetadata().getDouble("CONFIDENCE");
* Gets optional Stanford CoreNLP Normalized Named Entity (NNE) value for given {@code stanford:} token.
* Corresponds to {@code NNE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token is not from Stanford CoreNLP provider.
* @return Optional NNE value or {@code null}.
static public String getStanfordNne(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkProvider(tok, "stanford:");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("NNE");
* Whether given {@code nlpcraft:num} token represents a equality condition or single numeric value.
* Corresponds to {@code NUM_ISEQUALCONDITION} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return Whether given {@code nlpcraft:num} token represents a equality condition.
static public boolean isNumEqualCondition(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NUM_ISEQUALCONDITION");
* Whether given {@code nlpcraft:num} token represents a not-equality condition.
* Corresponds to {@code NUM_ISNOTEQUALCONDITION} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return Whether given {@code nlpcraft:num} token represents a not-equality condition.
static public boolean isNumNotEqualCondition(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NUM_ISNOTEQUALCONDITION");
* Whether given {@code nlpcraft:num} token represents a range to negative infinity.
* Corresponds to {@code NUM_ISFROMNEGATIVEINFINITY} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return Whether given {@code nlpcraft:num} token represents a range to negative infinity.
static public boolean isNumFromNegativeInfCondition(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NUM_ISFROMNEGATIVEINFINITY");
* Whether given {@code nlpcraft:num} token represents a range to positive infinity.
* Corresponds to {@code NUM_ISTOPOSITIVEINFINITY} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return Whether given {@code nlpcraft:num} token represents a range to positive infinity.
static public boolean isNumToPositiveInfCondition(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NUM_ISTOPOSITIVEINFINITY");
* Whether given {@code nlpcraft:num} token represents a range condition.
* Corresponds to {@code NUM_ISRANGECONDITION} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return Whether or not end of the numeric range is inclusive for given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
static public boolean isNumRangeCondition(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NUM_ISRANGECONDITION");
* Whether or not end of the numeric range is inclusive for given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
* Corresponds to {@code NUM_TOINCL} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return Whether or not end of the numeric range is inclusive for given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
static public boolean isNumToInclusive(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NUM_TOINCL");
* Whether or not start of the numeric range is inclusive for given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
* Corresponds to {@code NUM_FROMINCL} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return Whether or not start of the numeric range is inclusive for given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
static public boolean isNumFromInclusive(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NUM_FROMINCL");
* Gets the start of the numeric range that satisfies the condition of given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
* Note that this method and {@link #getNumTo(NCToken)} can return the same value in
* which case given {@code nlpcraft:num} token represents a single value and {@link #isNumEqualCondition(NCToken)}
* will return {@code true}.
* Corresponds to {@code NUM_FROM} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return Start of the numeric range that satisfies the condition of given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
static public double getNumFrom(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
return tok.getMetadata().getDouble("NUM_FROM");
* Gets the end of numeric range that satisfies the condition of given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
* Note that {@link #getNumFrom(NCToken)} and this method can return the same value in
* which case given {@code nlpcraft:num} token represents a single value and {@link #isNumEqualCondition(NCToken)}
* will return {@code true}.
* Corresponds to {@code NUM_TO} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return End of numeric range that satisfies the condition of given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
static public double getNumTo(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
return tok.getMetadata().getDouble("NUM_TO");
* Whether this token's value (single numeric value of a range) is a whole or a fractional number
* for given {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
* Corresponds to {@code NUM_ISFRACTIONAL} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return Whether this {@code nlpcraft:num} token's value is a whole or a fractional number.
static public boolean isNumFractional(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NUM_ISFRACTIONAL");
* Gets optional unit for this {@code nlpcraft:num} token, e.g. "mm", "cm", "ft".
* Corresponds to {@code NUM_UNIT} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return Optional unit for this {@code nlpcraft:num} token or {@code null}.
static public String getNumUnit(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("NUM_UNIT");
* Gets optional unit type for this {@code nlpcraft:num} token, e.g. "length", "force", "mass".
* Corresponds to {@code NUM_UNITTYPE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return Optional unit type for this {@code nlpcraft:num} token or {@code null}.
static public String getNumUnitType(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("NUM_UNITTYPE");
* Gets optional index of another token in the sentence that this {@code nlpcraft:num} token is referring to.
* If index could not be determined this token refers to a free word or a stopword.
* Corresponds to {@code NUM_INDEX} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:num} ID.
* @return Index of reference token for this {@code nlpcraft:num} token.
static public Optional getNumIndex(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:num");
return Optional.ofNullable((Integer)tok.getMetadata().get("NUM_INDEX"));
* Gets start timestamp of the date range {@code nlpcraft:date} token.
* Corresponds to {@code DATE_FROM} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:date} ID.
* @return Start timestamp of the date range {@code nlpcraft:date} token.
static public long getDateFrom(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:date");
return tok.getMetadata().getLong("DATE_FROM");
* Gets end timestamp of the date range {@code nlpcraft:date} token.
* Corresponds to {@code DATE_TO} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:date} ID.
* @return End timestamp of the date range {@code nlpcraft:date} token.
static public long getDateTo(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:date");
return tok.getMetadata().getLong("DATE_TO");
* Tests if given timestamp is before the date range for given {@code nlpcraft:date} token.
* @param tok A token.
* @param tstamp Timestamp to test.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:date} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given timestamp is before the date range for given token, {@code false} otherwise.
static public boolean isDateBefore(NCToken tok, long tstamp) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:date");
return tstamp < getDateFrom(tok);
* Tests if given timestamp is after the date range for given {@code nlpcraft:date} token.
* @param tok A token.
* @param tstamp Timestamp to test.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:date} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given timestamp is after the date range for given token, {@code false} otherwise.
static public boolean isDateAfter(NCToken tok, long tstamp) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:date");
return tstamp > getDateTo(tok);
* Tests if given timestamp is within (inclusively) the date range for given {@code nlpcraft:date} token.
* @param tok A token.
* @param tstamp Timestamp to test.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:date} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given timestamp is within the date range for given token, {@code false} otherwise.
static public boolean isDateWithin(NCToken tok, long tstamp) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:date");
return tstamp >= getDateFrom(tok) && tstamp < getDateTo(tok);
* Tests if given from and to timestamps intersect (inclusively) with the date range for
* given {@code nlpcraft:date} token.
* @param tok A token.
* @param from From timestamp to check.
* @param to To timestamp to check.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:date} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given timestamp intersects the date range for given token, {@code false} otherwise.
static public boolean isDateIntersect(NCToken tok, long from, long to) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:date");
return from < getDateTo(tok) && to >= getDateFrom(tok);
* Creates SQL WHERE clause adapter for given token and SQL column name that can be conveniently
* used in JDBC prepared statements.
* @param tok A token.
* @param col Column name.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:date} ID.
* @return SQL adapter.
static public NCTokenSqlAdapter prepareDateSql(NCToken tok, String col) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:date");
String clause = String.format("%s BETWEEN ? AND ?", col);
List params = Arrays.asList(new Timestamp(getDateFrom(tok)), new Timestamp(getDateTo(tok)));
return new NCTokenSqlAdapter() {
@Override public String getClause() { return clause; }
@Override public List getClauseParameters() { return params; }
* Gets subcontinent for given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token.
* Corresponds to {@code GEO_SUBCONTINENT} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:geo} ID.
* @return Subcontinent.
static public String getGeoSubcontinent(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:geo");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("GEO_SUBCONTINENT");
* Gets continent for given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token.
* Corresponds to {@code GEO_CONTINENT} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:geo} ID.
* @return Continent.
static public String getGeoContinent(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:geo");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("GEO_CONTINENT");
* Gets country for given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token.
* Corresponds to {@code GEO_COUNTRY} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:geo} ID.
* @return Country.
static public String getGeoCountry(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:geo");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("GEO_COUNTRY");
* Gets metro area code for given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token.
* Corresponds to {@code GEO_METRO} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:geo} ID.
* @return Metro area code.
static public String getGeoMetro(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:geo");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("GEO_METRO");
* Gets optional latitude of the given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token.
* Corresponds to {@code GEO_LATITUDE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:geo} ID.
* @return Optional latitude of the given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token.
static public Optional getGeoLatitude(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:geo");
return Optional.ofNullable((Double)tok.getMetadata().get("GEO_LATITUDE"));
* Gets optional longitude of the given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token.
* Corresponds to {@code GEO_LONGITUDE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:geo} ID.
* @return Optional longitude of the given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token.
static public Optional getGeoLongitude(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:geo");
return Optional.ofNullable((Double)tok.getMetadata().get("GEO_LONGITUDE"));
* Gets region for given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token.
* Corresponds to {@code GEO_REGION} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:geo} ID.
* @return Region.
static public String getGeoRegion(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:geo");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("GEO_REGION");
* Gets city for given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token.
* Corresponds to {@code GEO_CITY} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:geo} ID.
* @return City name.
static public String getGeoCity(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:geo");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("GEO_CITY");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token represents a {@code subcontinent}.
* Corresponds to {@code GEO_KIND} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:geo} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents a {@code subcontinent}.
static public boolean isGeoSubcontinent(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:geo");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("GEO_KIND").equals("SUBCONTINENT");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token represents a {@code continent}.
* Corresponds to {@code GEO_KIND} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:geo} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents a {@code continent}.
static public boolean isGeoContinent(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:geo");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("GEO_KIND").equals("CONTINENT");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token represents a {@code country}.
* Corresponds to {@code GEO_KIND} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:geo} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents a {@code country}.
static public boolean isGeoCountry(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:geo");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("GEO_KIND").equals("COUNTRY");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token represents a {@code city}.
* Corresponds to {@code GEO_KIND} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:geo} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents a {@code city}.
static public boolean isGeoCity(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:geo");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("GEO_KIND").equals("CITY");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token represents a {@code metro}.
* Corresponds to {@code GEO_KIND} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:geo} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents a {@code metro}.
static public boolean isGeoMetro(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:geo");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("GEO_KIND").equals("METRO");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:geo} token represents a {@code region}.
* Corresponds to {@code GEO_KIND} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:geo} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents a {@code region}.
static public boolean isGeoRegion(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:geo");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("GEO_KIND").equals("REGION");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:function} token represents {@code SUM} function of some elements.
* Corresponds to {@code FUNCTION_TYPE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:function} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents {@code SUM} function of some elements.
static public boolean isSumFun(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:function");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("FUNCTION_TYPE").equals("SUM");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:function} token represents {@code MAX} function of some elements.
* Corresponds to {@code FUNCTION_TYPE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:function} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents {@code MAX} function of some elements.
static public boolean isMaxFun(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:function");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("FUNCTION_TYPE").equals("MAX");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:function} token represents {@code MIN} function of some elements.
* Corresponds to {@code FUNCTION_TYPE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:function} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents {@code MIN} function of some elements.
static public boolean isMinFun(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:function");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("FUNCTION_TYPE").equals("MIN");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:function} token represents {@code AVG} function of some elements.
* Corresponds to {@code FUNCTION_TYPE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:function} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents {@code AVG} function of some elements.
static public boolean isAvgFun(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:function");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("FUNCTION_TYPE").equals("AVG");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:function} token represents {@code SORT} function of some elements.
* Corresponds to {@code FUNCTION_TYPE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:function} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents {@code SORT} function of some elements.
static public boolean isSortFun(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:function");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("FUNCTION_TYPE").equals("SORT");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:function} token represents {@code LIMIT} function of some elements.
* Corresponds to {@code FUNCTION_TYPE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:function} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents {@code LIMIT} function of some elements.
static public boolean isLimitFun(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:function");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("FUNCTION_TYPE").equals("LIMIT");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:function} token represents {@code GROUP} function of some elements.
* Corresponds to {@code FUNCTION_TYPE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:function} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents {@code GROUP} function of some elements.
static public boolean isGroupFun(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:function");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("FUNCTION_TYPE").equals("GROUP");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:function} token represents {@code CORRELATION} function of some elements.
* Corresponds to {@code FUNCTION_TYPE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:function} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents {@code CORRELATION} function of some elements.
static public boolean isCorrelationFun(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:function");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("FUNCTION_TYPE").equals("CORRELATION");
* Tests if given {@code nlpcraft:function} token represents {@code COMPARE} function of some elements.
* Corresponds to {@code FUNCTION_TYPE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:function} ID.
* @return {@code True} if given token represents {@code COMPARE} function of some elements.
static public boolean isCompareFun(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:function");
return tok.getMetadata().getString("FUNCTION_TYPE").equals("COMPARE");
* Gets limit value if given {@code nlpcraft:function} token represents {@code LIMIT} function.
* Corresponds to {@code FUNCTION_LIMIT} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:function} ID or
* it isn't of {@code LIMIT} type.
* @return limit value if given {@code nlpcraft:function} token represents {@code LIMIT} function.
* @see #isLimitFun(NCToken)
static public double getFunLimit(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:function");
if (!isLimitFun(tok))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'nlpcraft:function' token is not of 'LIMIT' type: " + tok);
return tok.getMetadata().getDouble("FUNCTION_LIMIT");
* Optional value of whether this limit or sort {@code nlpcraft:function} token is ascending or descending.
* Corresponds to {@code FUNCTION_ASC} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:function} ID or
* it isn't of {@code LIMIT} or {@code SORT} type.
* @return Limit or sort function direction flag.
static public Optional isAscendingFun(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:function");
if (!isLimitFun(tok) && !isSortFun(tok))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'nlpcraft:function' token is not of 'LIMIT' or 'SORT' type: " + tok);
return Optional.ofNullable((Boolean)tok.getMetadata().get("FUNCTION_ASC"));
* Gets indexes of the element(s) given @code nlpcraft:function} token is referencing. Returns potentially empty list.
* Corresponds to {@code FUNCTION_INDEXES} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:function} ID.
* @return Indexes of the element(s) given token is referencing.
static public List getFunIndexes(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:function");
return (List)tok.getMetadata().get("FUNCTION_INDEXES");
* Tests whether or not given token represents a free word. A free word is a token that was detected
* neither as a user defined token nor as one of the semantic system tokens, i.e. it has
* token ID {@code nlpcraft:nlp}.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_FREEWORD} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Free word flag.
static public boolean isFreeWord(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NLP_FREEWORD");
* Gets internal globally unique system ID of the given token.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_UNID} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Globally unique system ID of the token.
static public String getUnid(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getString("NLP_UNID");
* Tests whether or not the given token is a stopword. Stopwords are some extremely common words which
* add little value in helping understanding user input and are excluded from the processing
* entirely. For example, words like {@code a, the, can, of, about, over}, etc. are typical
* stopwords in English. NLPCraft has built-in set of stopwords while user models can
* specify additional stopwords.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_STOPWORD} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Stopword flag.
static public boolean isStopWord(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NLP_STOPWORD");
* Tests whether or not the given token is a swear word. NLPCraft has built-in list of common English swear words.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_SWEAR} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Swear word flag.
static public boolean isSwearWord(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NLP_SWEAR");
* Gets numeric value of how sparse the given token is. Sparsity zero means that all individual words in the token
* follow each other.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_SPARSITY} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Sparsity value of this token.
static public int getSparsity(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getInteger("NLP_SPARSITY");
* Gets index of the first word in the given token. Note that token may not be contiguous.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_MININDEX} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Index of the first word in this token.
static public int getMinIndex(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getInteger("NLP_MININDEX");
* Whether or not this token was matched on direct (nor permutated) synonym.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_DIRECT} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Whether or not this token was matched on direct (nor permutated) synonym.
static public boolean isDirectSynonym(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NLP_DIRECT");
* Gets index of the last word in the given token. Note that token may not be contiguous.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_MAXINDEX} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Index of the last word in this token.
static public int getMaxIndex(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getInteger("NLP_MAXINDEX");
* Gets number of individual words in the given token.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_WORDLENGTH} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Number of individual words in this token.
static public int getWordLength(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getInteger("NLP_WORDLENGTH");
* Tests whether or not the given token has zero sparsity.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_CONTIGUOUS} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Contiguous flag.
static public boolean isContiguous(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NLP_CONTIGUOUS");
* Tests whether the given token represents an English word. Note that this only checks that token's text
* consists of characters of English alphabet, i.e. the text doesn't have to be necessary
* a known valid English word.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_ENGLISH} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Whether this token represents an English word.
static public boolean isEnglish(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NLP_ENGLISH");
* Gets list of word indexes in the given token. Always has at least one element in it.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_WORDINDEXES} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return List of word indexes in this token.
static public List getWordIndexes(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return (List)tok.getMetadata().get("NLP_WORDINDEXES");
* Tests whether given token's POS tag is a synthetic one (for multiword token).
* @param tok A token.
* @return {@code True} if POS tag is a synthetic one.
static public boolean isSynthetic(NCToken tok) {
return getPosTag(tok).equals("---");
* Tests whether POS tag for given token is one of {@code NN}, {@code NNS}, {@code NNP}, or {@code NNPS}.
* @param tok A token.
* @return {@code True} if POS tag is one of {@code NN}, {@code NNS}, {@code NNP}, or {@code NNPS}.
static public boolean isNoun(NCToken tok) {
String pos = getPosTag(tok);
pos.equals("NN") ||
pos.equals("NNS") ||
pos.equals("NNP") ||
* Tests whether POS tag for given token is one of {@code PRP} or {@code PRP$}.
* @param tok A token.
* @return {@code True} if POS tag is one of {@code PRP} or {@code PRP$}.
static public boolean isPronoun(NCToken tok) {
String pos = getPosTag(tok);
pos.equals("PRP") ||
* Tests whether POS tag for given token is one of {@code JJ}, {@code JJR}, or {@code JJS}.
* @param tok A token.
* @return {@code True} if POS tag is one of {@code JJ}, {@code JJR}, or {@code JJS}.
static public boolean isAdjective(NCToken tok) {
String pos = getPosTag(tok);
pos.equals("JJ") ||
pos.equals("JJR") ||
* Tests whether POS tag for given token is one of {@code VB}, {@code VBD}, {@code VBG},
* {@code VBN}, {@code VBP}, or {@code VBZ}.
* @param tok A token.
* @return {@code True} if POS tag is one of {@code VB}, {@code VBD}, {@code VBG},
* {@code VBN}, {@code VBP}, or {@code VBZ}.
static public boolean isVerb(NCToken tok) {
String pos = getPosTag(tok);
pos.equals("VB") ||
pos.equals("VBD") ||
pos.equals("VBG") ||
pos.equals("VBN") ||
pos.equals("VBP") ||
* Tests whether POS tag for given token is one of {@code RB}, {@code RBR}, {@code RBS} or {@code WRB}.
* @param tok A token.
* @return {@code True} if POS tag is one of {@code RB}, {@code RBR}, {@code RBS} or {@code WRB}.
static public boolean isAdverb(NCToken tok) {
String pos = getPosTag(tok);
pos.equals("RB") ||
pos.equals("RBR") ||
pos.equals("RBS") ||
* Tests whether POS tag for given token is {@code IN}.
* @param tok A token.
* @return {@code True} if POS tag is {@code IN}.
static public boolean isPreposition(NCToken tok) {
String pos = getPosTag(tok);
* Tests whether POS tag for given token is one of {@code DT}, {@code PDT}, or {@code WDT}.
* @param tok A token.
* @return {@code True} if POS tag is one of {@code DT}, {@code PDT}, or {@code WDT}.
static public boolean isDeterminer(NCToken tok) {
String pos = getPosTag(tok);
pos.equals("DT") ||
pos.equals("PDT") ||
* Tests whether or not this token is surrounded by any of {@code '[', ']', '{', '}', '(', ')'} brackets.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_BRACKETED} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Bracketing flag.
static public boolean isBracketed(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NLP_BRACKETED");
* Gets description of Penn Treebank POS tag.
* Learn more at
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_POSDESC} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Description of Penn Treebank POS tag.
static public String getPosDescription(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getString("NLP_POSDESC");
* Tests whether or not this token is found in Princeton WordNet database.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_DICT} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Princeton WordNet database inclusion flag.
static public boolean isKnownWord(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NLP_DICT");
* Gets index of the given token in the sentence.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_INDEX} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Index of the given token in the sentence.
static public int getTokenIndex(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getInteger("NLP_INDEX");
* Gets lemma of the given token. Lemma is a canonical form of this token. Note that stemming and lemmatization
* allow to reduce inflectional forms and sometimes derivationally related forms of a word to a
* common base form. Lemmatization refers to the use of a vocabulary and morphological analysis
* of words, normally aiming to remove inflectional endings only and to return the base or dictionary
* form of a word, which is known as the lemma. Learn
* more at
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_LEMMA} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Given token lemma.
static public String getLemma(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getString("NLP_LEMMA");
* Gets stem of the given token. Note that stemming and lemmatization allow to reduce inflectional forms
* and sometimes derivationally related forms of a word to a common base form. Unlike lemma,
* stemming is a basic heuristic process that chops off the ends of words in the hope of achieving
* this goal correctly most of the time, and often includes the removal of derivational affixes.
* Learn more at
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_STEM} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Given token stem.
static public String getStem(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getString("NLP_STEM");
* Gets character length of the given token.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_CHARLENGTH} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Character length of the given token.
static int getCharLength(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getInteger("NLP_CHARLENGTH");
* Gets original user input text for given token.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_ORIGTEXT} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Original token text.
static public String getOriginalText(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getString("NLP_ORIGTEXT");
* Gets normalized user input text for given token.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_NORMTEXT} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Normalized token text.
static public String getNormalizedText(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getString("NLP_NORMTEXT");
* Gets Penn Treebank POS tag for given token. Note that additionally to standard Penn Treebank POS
* tags NLPCraft introduced {@code '---'} synthetic tag to indicate a POS tag for multiword tokens.
* Learn more at
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_POS} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Penn Treebank POS tag for given token.
static public String getPosTag(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getString("NLP_POS");
* Tests whether or not given token is surrounded by single or double quotes.
* Corresponds to {@code NLP_QUOTED} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @return Quoted flag.
static public boolean isQuoted(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
return tok.getMetadata().getBoolean("NLP_QUOTED");
* Gets coordinate latitude for this {@code nlpcraft:coordinate} token.
* Corresponds to {@code COORDINATE_LATITUDE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:coordinate} ID.
* @return Coordinate latitude for this {@code nlpcraft:coordinate} token.
static public Double getCoordinateLatitude(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:coordinate");
return tok.getMetadata().getDouble("COORDINATE_LATITUDE");
* Gets coordinate longitude for this {@code nlpcraft:coordinate} token.
* Corresponds to {@code COORDINATE_LONGITUDE} token {@link NCToken#getMetadata() metadata} property.
* @param tok A token.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if given token doesn't have {@code nlpcraft:coordinate} ID.
* @return Coordinate longitude for this {@code nlpcraft:coordinate} token.
static public Double getCoordinateLongitude(NCToken tok) {
assert tok != null;
checkId(tok, "nlpcraft:coordinate");
return tok.getMetadata().getDouble("COORDINATE_LONGITUDE");