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org.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.impl.NCSentenceImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * "Commons Clause" License,
 * The Software is provided to you by the Licensor under the License,
 * as defined below, subject to the following condition.
 * Without limiting other conditions in the License, the grant of rights
 * under the License will not include, and the License does not grant to
 * you, the right to Sell the Software.
 * For purposes of the foregoing, "Sell" means practicing any or all of
 * the rights granted to you under the License to provide to third parties,
 * for a fee or other consideration (including without limitation fees for
 * hosting or consulting/support services related to the Software), a
 * product or service whose value derives, entirely or substantially, from
 * the functionality of the Software. Any license notice or attribution
 * required by the License must also include this Commons Clause License
 * Condition notice.
 * Software:    NLPCraft
 * License:     Apache 2.0,
 * Licensor:    Copyright (C) 2018 DataLingvo, Inc.
 *     _   ____      ______           ______
 *    / | / / /___  / ____/________ _/ __/ /_
 *   /  |/ / / __ \/ /   / ___/ __ `/ /_/ __/
 *  / /|  / / /_/ / /___/ /  / /_/ / __/ /_
 * /_/ |_/_/ .___/\____/_/   \__,_/_/  \__/
 *        /_/

package org.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.impl

import java.util
import java.util.Optional

import org.nlpcraft.common.nlp._
import org.nlpcraft.model._
import org.nlpcraft.model.impl._
import org.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.NCModelDecorator

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

  * @param mdl Model.
  * @param meta NLP server sentence metadata.
  * @param srvReqId Server request ID.
  * @param combs Variants.
class NCSentenceImpl(
    mdl: NCModelDecorator,
    meta: NCMetadata,
    srvReqId: String,
    combs: Seq[Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken]]
) extends NCSentence {
    private val combToks = ⇒ convert(toks, mdl, srvReqId))
    private val allToks = combToks.flatten.distinct

    override def isOwnerOf(tok: NCToken): Boolean = allToks.contains(tok)
    override lazy val getServerRequestId: String = srvReqId
    override lazy val getVariants: java.util.Collection[java.util.List[NCToken]] =
    override lazy val getNormalizedText: String = meta.getString("NORMTEXT").toLowerCase
    override lazy val getReceiveTimestamp: Long = meta.getLong("RECEIVE_TSTAMP") // UTC.
    override lazy val getUserFirstName: String = meta.getString("FIRST_NAME")
    override lazy val getUserLastName: String = meta.getString("LAST_NAME")
    override lazy val getUserEmail: String = meta.getString("EMAIL")
    override lazy val getUserAvatarUrl: String = meta.getString("AVATAR_URL")
    override lazy val isUserAdmin: Boolean = meta.getBoolean("IS_ADMIN")
    override lazy val getUserSignupDate: Long = meta.getLong("SIGNUP_DATE")
    override lazy val getUserClientAgent: Optional[String] = meta.getStringOpt("USER_AGENT")
    override lazy val getRemoteAddress: Optional[String] = meta.getStringOpt("REMOTE_ADDR")
    override lazy val getData: Optional[String] = meta.getStringOpt("DATA")
    override lazy val getUserProperties: Optional[util.Map[String, String]] = meta.getOptAs("USER_PROPS")

      * Converts NLP sentence into sequence of model tokens.
      * @param toks NLP sentences tokens.
      * @param mdl Model.
      * @param srvReqId Server request ID.
    private def convert(
        toks: Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken],
        mdl: NCModelDecorator,
        srvReqId: String
    ): Seq[NCToken] = ⇒ {
            // nlpcraft:nlp and some optional (after collapsing).
            require(nlpTok.size <= 2, s"Unexpected token [size=${nlpTok.size}, token=$nlpTok]")

            val nlpTokMeta =
                new NCMetadataImpl(nlpTok.flatMap(note ⇒
                    if (note.isUser)
                        note.get("meta") match {
                            case Some(m) ⇒ m.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Serializable]].map(p ⇒ p._1.toUpperCase → p._2)
                            case None ⇒ Map.empty[String, Serializable]
                    else {
                        val typ = note.noteType

                        (if (note.noteType != "nlpcraft:nlp") note.skipNlp() else note.toMap).
                            map { case (name, value) ⇒
                                s"${typ.replaceAll("nlpcraft:", "")}_$name".toUpperCase → value

            val usrNotes = nlpTok.filter(_.isUser)

            // No overlapping allowed at this point.
            require(usrNotes.size <= 1, s"Unexpected elements notes: $usrNotes")

            usrNotes.headOption match {
                case Some(usrNote) ⇒
                    require(mdl.elements.contains(usrNote.noteType), s"Element is not found: ${usrNote.noteType}")

                    val elm = mdl.elements(usrNote.noteType)

                    val tokMeta = new NCMetadataImpl


                    // Special synthetic meta data element.
                    tokMeta.put("NLP_FREEWORD", false)

                    new NCTokenImpl(
                        if (elm.getGroups != null) elm.getGroups.asScala else Seq(elm.getId),

                case None ⇒
                    require(nlpTok.size <= 2)

                    val note = nlpTok.toSeq.minBy(n ⇒ if (n.isNlp) 1 else 0)

                    // Special synthetic meta data element.
                    nlpTokMeta.put("NLP_FREEWORD", !nlpTokMeta.getBoolean("NLP_STOPWORD") && note.isNlp)

                    new NCTokenImpl(
                        note.noteType, // Use NLP note type as synthetic element ID.
                        Seq(note.noteType), // Use NLP note type as synthetic element group.
                        new NCMetadataImpl()

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