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org.nmdp.ngs.gtr.jaxb.ObjectFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v2.2.10-b140310.1920
// See http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb
// Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema.
// Generated on: 2015.06.09 at 10:08:22 AM CDT
package org.nmdp.ngs.gtr.jaxb;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRegistry;
* This object contains factory methods for each
* Java content interface and Java element interface
* generated in the org.nmdp.ngs.gtr.jaxb package.
* An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically
* construct new instances of the Java representation
* for XML content. The Java representation of XML
* content can consist of schema derived interfaces
* and classes representing the binding of schema
* type definitions, element declarations and model
* groups. Factory methods for each of these are
* provided in this class.
public class ObjectFactory {
* Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: org.nmdp.ngs.gtr.jaxb
public ObjectFactory() {
* Create an instance of {@link GTRPublicData }
public GTRPublicData createGTRPublicData() {
return new GTRPublicData();
* Create an instance of {@link AddressType }
public AddressType createAddressType() {
return new AddressType();
* Create an instance of {@link GTROrgType }
public GTROrgType createGTROrgType() {
return new GTROrgType();
* Create an instance of {@link GTROrgType.DiseaseTesting }
public GTROrgType.DiseaseTesting createGTROrgTypeDiseaseTesting() {
return new GTROrgType.DiseaseTesting();
* Create an instance of {@link GTROrgType.DiseaseTesting.Method }
public GTROrgType.DiseaseTesting.Method createGTROrgTypeDiseaseTestingMethod() {
return new GTROrgType.DiseaseTesting.Method();
* Create an instance of {@link GTROrgType.DiseaseTesting.Method.TopCategory }
public GTROrgType.DiseaseTesting.Method.TopCategory createGTROrgTypeDiseaseTestingMethodTopCategory() {
return new GTROrgType.DiseaseTesting.Method.TopCategory();
* Create an instance of {@link TraitSetType }
public TraitSetType createTraitSetType() {
return new TraitSetType();
* Create an instance of {@link OrganizationType }
public OrganizationType createOrganizationType() {
return new OrganizationType();
* Create an instance of {@link PersonnelType }
public PersonnelType createPersonnelType() {
return new PersonnelType();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureTraitType }
public MeasureTraitType createMeasureTraitType() {
return new MeasureTraitType();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureSetType }
public MeasureSetType createMeasureSetType() {
return new MeasureSetType();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureSetType.Measure }
public MeasureSetType.Measure createMeasureSetTypeMeasure() {
return new MeasureSetType.Measure();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureSetType.Measure.FoundIn }
public MeasureSetType.Measure.FoundIn createMeasureSetTypeMeasureFoundIn() {
return new MeasureSetType.Measure.FoundIn();
* Create an instance of {@link ClinvarPublicSetType }
public ClinvarPublicSetType createClinvarPublicSetType() {
return new ClinvarPublicSetType();
* Create an instance of {@link PersonType }
public PersonType createPersonType() {
return new PersonType();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType }
public GTRLabTestType createGTRLabTestType() {
return new GTRLabTestType();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.Regulations }
public GTRLabTestType.Regulations createGTRLabTestTypeRegulations() {
return new GTRLabTestType.Regulations();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.ClinicalUtility }
public GTRLabTestType.ClinicalUtility createGTRLabTestTypeClinicalUtility() {
return new GTRLabTestType.ClinicalUtility();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.MethodAdd }
public GTRLabTestType.MethodAdd createGTRLabTestTypeMethodAdd() {
return new GTRLabTestType.MethodAdd();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.Method }
public GTRLabTestType.Method createGTRLabTestTypeMethod() {
return new GTRLabTestType.Method();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.Method.TopCategory }
public GTRLabTestType.Method.TopCategory createGTRLabTestTypeMethodTopCategory() {
return new GTRLabTestType.Method.TopCategory();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.Method.TopCategory.Category }
public GTRLabTestType.Method.TopCategory.Category createGTRLabTestTypeMethodTopCategoryCategory() {
return new GTRLabTestType.Method.TopCategory.Category();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.Indications }
public GTRLabTestType.Indications createGTRLabTestTypeIndications() {
return new GTRLabTestType.Indications();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.TestResults }
public GTRLabTestType.TestResults createGTRLabTestTypeTestResults() {
return new GTRLabTestType.TestResults();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.TestResults.VUS }
public GTRLabTestType.TestResults.VUS createGTRLabTestTypeTestResultsVUS() {
return new GTRLabTestType.TestResults.VUS();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.Availability }
public GTRLabTestType.Availability createGTRLabTestTypeAvailability() {
return new GTRLabTestType.Availability();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabResearchTestType }
public GTRLabResearchTestType createGTRLabResearchTestType() {
return new GTRLabResearchTestType();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabResearchTestType.MethodAdd }
public GTRLabResearchTestType.MethodAdd createGTRLabResearchTestTypeMethodAdd() {
return new GTRLabResearchTestType.MethodAdd();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabResearchTestType.Method }
public GTRLabResearchTestType.Method createGTRLabResearchTestTypeMethod() {
return new GTRLabResearchTestType.Method();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabResearchTestType.Method.TopCategory }
public GTRLabResearchTestType.Method.TopCategory createGTRLabResearchTestTypeMethodTopCategory() {
return new GTRLabResearchTestType.Method.TopCategory();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabResearchTestType.Method.TopCategory.Category }
public GTRLabResearchTestType.Method.TopCategory.Category createGTRLabResearchTestTypeMethodTopCategoryCategory() {
return new GTRLabResearchTestType.Method.TopCategory.Category();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRPublicData.GTRLabData }
public GTRPublicData.GTRLabData createGTRPublicDataGTRLabData() {
return new GTRPublicData.GTRLabData();
* Create an instance of {@link PhenotypeSetType }
public PhenotypeSetType createPhenotypeSetType() {
return new PhenotypeSetType();
* Create an instance of {@link SubmissionSummaryType }
public SubmissionSummaryType createSubmissionSummaryType() {
return new SubmissionSummaryType();
* Create an instance of {@link TextURL }
public TextURL createTextURL() {
return new TextURL();
* Create an instance of {@link FileType }
public FileType createFileType() {
return new FileType();
* Create an instance of {@link LabCertificationType }
public LabCertificationType createLabCertificationType() {
return new LabCertificationType();
* Create an instance of {@link URL }
public URL createURL() {
return new URL();
* Create an instance of {@link ContactType }
public ContactType createContactType() {
return new ContactType();
* Create an instance of {@link DegreeType }
public DegreeType createDegreeType() {
return new DegreeType();
* Create an instance of {@link GeneSetType }
public GeneSetType createGeneSetType() {
return new GeneSetType();
* Create an instance of {@link XrefType }
public XrefType createXrefType() {
return new XrefType();
* Create an instance of {@link TextCitationsURL }
public TextCitationsURL createTextCitationsURL() {
return new TextCitationsURL();
* Create an instance of {@link SetElementType }
public SetElementType createSetElementType() {
return new SetElementType();
* Create an instance of {@link TextCitations }
public TextCitations createTextCitations() {
return new TextCitations();
* Create an instance of {@link TextCitationsList }
public TextCitationsList createTextCitationsList() {
return new TextCitationsList();
* Create an instance of {@link CertificationType }
public CertificationType createCertificationType() {
return new CertificationType();
* Create an instance of {@link SetElementComplexType }
public SetElementComplexType createSetElementComplexType() {
return new SetElementComplexType();
* Create an instance of {@link DataSourceType }
public DataSourceType createDataSourceType() {
return new DataSourceType();
* Create an instance of {@link CredentialType }
public CredentialType createCredentialType() {
return new CredentialType();
* Create an instance of {@link AddressType.State }
public AddressType.State createAddressTypeState() {
return new AddressType.State();
* Create an instance of {@link AddressType.Country }
public AddressType.Country createAddressTypeCountry() {
return new AddressType.Country();
* Create an instance of {@link GTROrgType.GeneTesting }
public GTROrgType.GeneTesting createGTROrgTypeGeneTesting() {
return new GTROrgType.GeneTesting();
* Create an instance of {@link GTROrgType.DiseaseTesting.Method.TopCategory.Category }
public GTROrgType.DiseaseTesting.Method.TopCategory.Category createGTROrgTypeDiseaseTestingMethodTopCategoryCategory() {
return new GTROrgType.DiseaseTesting.Method.TopCategory.Category();
* Create an instance of {@link TraitSetType.Trait }
public TraitSetType.Trait createTraitSetTypeTrait() {
return new TraitSetType.Trait();
* Create an instance of {@link OrganizationType.LabContact }
public OrganizationType.LabContact createOrganizationTypeLabContact() {
return new OrganizationType.LabContact();
* Create an instance of {@link OrganizationType.LabServices }
public OrganizationType.LabServices createOrganizationTypeLabServices() {
return new OrganizationType.LabServices();
* Create an instance of {@link OrganizationType.LabAffiliations }
public OrganizationType.LabAffiliations createOrganizationTypeLabAffiliations() {
return new OrganizationType.LabAffiliations();
* Create an instance of {@link PersonnelType.PublicContact }
public PersonnelType.PublicContact createPersonnelTypePublicContact() {
return new PersonnelType.PublicContact();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureTraitType.Title }
public MeasureTraitType.Title createMeasureTraitTypeTitle() {
return new MeasureTraitType.Title();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureTraitType.ClinVarAcc }
public MeasureTraitType.ClinVarAcc createMeasureTraitTypeClinVarAcc() {
return new MeasureTraitType.ClinVarAcc();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureTraitType.Assertion }
public MeasureTraitType.Assertion createMeasureTraitTypeAssertion() {
return new MeasureTraitType.Assertion();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureTraitType.ClinicalSignificance }
public MeasureTraitType.ClinicalSignificance createMeasureTraitTypeClinicalSignificance() {
return new MeasureTraitType.ClinicalSignificance();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureTraitType.DescrSet }
public MeasureTraitType.DescrSet createMeasureTraitTypeDescrSet() {
return new MeasureTraitType.DescrSet();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureTraitType.ObservedIn }
public MeasureTraitType.ObservedIn createMeasureTraitTypeObservedIn() {
return new MeasureTraitType.ObservedIn();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureSetType.Measure.Location }
public MeasureSetType.Measure.Location createMeasureSetTypeMeasureLocation() {
return new MeasureSetType.Measure.Location();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureSetType.Measure.Affects }
public MeasureSetType.Measure.Affects createMeasureSetTypeMeasureAffects() {
return new MeasureSetType.Measure.Affects();
* Create an instance of {@link MeasureSetType.Measure.FoundIn.Location }
public MeasureSetType.Measure.FoundIn.Location createMeasureSetTypeMeasureFoundInLocation() {
return new MeasureSetType.Measure.FoundIn.Location();
* Create an instance of {@link ClinvarPublicSetType.DescrSet }
public ClinvarPublicSetType.DescrSet createClinvarPublicSetTypeDescrSet() {
return new ClinvarPublicSetType.DescrSet();
* Create an instance of {@link ClinvarPublicSetType.SynonymSet }
public ClinvarPublicSetType.SynonymSet createClinvarPublicSetTypeSynonymSet() {
return new ClinvarPublicSetType.SynonymSet();
* Create an instance of {@link ClinvarPublicSetType.AcronymSet }
public ClinvarPublicSetType.AcronymSet createClinvarPublicSetTypeAcronymSet() {
return new ClinvarPublicSetType.AcronymSet();
* Create an instance of {@link PersonType.Name }
public PersonType.Name createPersonTypeName() {
return new PersonType.Name();
* Create an instance of {@link PersonType.Degree }
public PersonType.Degree createPersonTypeDegree() {
return new PersonType.Degree();
* Create an instance of {@link PersonType.Certification }
public PersonType.Certification createPersonTypeCertification() {
return new PersonType.Certification();
* Create an instance of {@link PersonType.Credential }
public PersonType.Credential createPersonTypeCredential() {
return new PersonType.Credential();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.ManufacturerTestName }
public GTRLabTestType.ManufacturerTestName createGTRLabTestTypeManufacturerTestName() {
return new GTRLabTestType.ManufacturerTestName();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.OtherName }
public GTRLabTestType.OtherName createGTRLabTestTypeOtherName() {
return new GTRLabTestType.OtherName();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.TestService }
public GTRLabTestType.TestService createGTRLabTestTypeTestService() {
return new GTRLabTestType.TestService();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.TestAddService }
public GTRLabTestType.TestAddService createGTRLabTestTypeTestAddService() {
return new GTRLabTestType.TestAddService();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.Specimen }
public GTRLabTestType.Specimen createGTRLabTestTypeSpecimen() {
return new GTRLabTestType.Specimen();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.QualityControl }
public GTRLabTestType.QualityControl createGTRLabTestTypeQualityControl() {
return new GTRLabTestType.QualityControl();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.Regulations.FDARegulatoryClearance }
public GTRLabTestType.Regulations.FDARegulatoryClearance createGTRLabTestTypeRegulationsFDARegulatoryClearance() {
return new GTRLabTestType.Regulations.FDARegulatoryClearance();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.Regulations.TestCertification }
public GTRLabTestType.Regulations.TestCertification createGTRLabTestTypeRegulationsTestCertification() {
return new GTRLabTestType.Regulations.TestCertification();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.ClinicalUtility.Type }
public GTRLabTestType.ClinicalUtility.Type createGTRLabTestTypeClinicalUtilityType() {
return new GTRLabTestType.ClinicalUtility.Type();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.MethodAdd.Exons }
public GTRLabTestType.MethodAdd.Exons createGTRLabTestTypeMethodAddExons() {
return new GTRLabTestType.MethodAdd.Exons();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.Method.TopCategory.Category.Methodology }
public GTRLabTestType.Method.TopCategory.Category.Methodology createGTRLabTestTypeMethodTopCategoryCategoryMethodology() {
return new GTRLabTestType.Method.TopCategory.Category.Methodology();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.Indications.Inheritance }
public GTRLabTestType.Indications.Inheritance createGTRLabTestTypeIndicationsInheritance() {
return new GTRLabTestType.Indications.Inheritance();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.Indications.Mechanism }
public GTRLabTestType.Indications.Mechanism createGTRLabTestTypeIndicationsMechanism() {
return new GTRLabTestType.Indications.Mechanism();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.TestResults.ReContact }
public GTRLabTestType.TestResults.ReContact createGTRLabTestTypeTestResultsReContact() {
return new GTRLabTestType.TestResults.ReContact();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.TestResults.Research }
public GTRLabTestType.TestResults.Research createGTRLabTestTypeTestResultsResearch() {
return new GTRLabTestType.TestResults.Research();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.TestResults.VUS.RecruitFamily }
public GTRLabTestType.TestResults.VUS.RecruitFamily createGTRLabTestTypeTestResultsVUSRecruitFamily() {
return new GTRLabTestType.TestResults.VUS.RecruitFamily();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabTestType.Availability.TestExternal }
public GTRLabTestType.Availability.TestExternal createGTRLabTestTypeAvailabilityTestExternal() {
return new GTRLabTestType.Availability.TestExternal();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabResearchTestType.Study }
public GTRLabResearchTestType.Study createGTRLabResearchTestTypeStudy() {
return new GTRLabResearchTestType.Study();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabResearchTestType.StudyPerson }
public GTRLabResearchTestType.StudyPerson createGTRLabResearchTestTypeStudyPerson() {
return new GTRLabResearchTestType.StudyPerson();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabResearchTestType.Participation }
public GTRLabResearchTestType.Participation createGTRLabResearchTestTypeParticipation() {
return new GTRLabResearchTestType.Participation();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabResearchTestType.MethodAdd.Exons }
public GTRLabResearchTestType.MethodAdd.Exons createGTRLabResearchTestTypeMethodAddExons() {
return new GTRLabResearchTestType.MethodAdd.Exons();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRLabResearchTestType.Method.TopCategory.Category.Methodology }
public GTRLabResearchTestType.Method.TopCategory.Category.Methodology createGTRLabResearchTestTypeMethodTopCategoryCategoryMethodology() {
return new GTRLabResearchTestType.Method.TopCategory.Category.Methodology();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRPublicData.GTRLabData.GTRLabTest }
public GTRPublicData.GTRLabData.GTRLabTest createGTRPublicDataGTRLabDataGTRLabTest() {
return new GTRPublicData.GTRLabData.GTRLabTest();
* Create an instance of {@link GTRPublicData.GTRLabData.GTRLabResearchTest }
public GTRPublicData.GTRLabData.GTRLabResearchTest createGTRPublicDataGTRLabDataGTRLabResearchTest() {
return new GTRPublicData.GTRLabData.GTRLabResearchTest();