
build.test.DocutilsTestSupport.py Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# $Id: DocutilsTestSupport.py 6380 2010-07-21 16:07:39Z goodger $
# Authors: David Goodger ;
# Garth Kidd
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
Exports the following:
- `statemachine` is 'docutils.statemachine'
- `nodes` is 'docutils.nodes'
- `urischemes` is 'docutils.urischemes'
- `utils` is 'docutils.utils'
- `transforms` is 'docutils.transforms'
- `states` is 'docutils.parsers.rst.states'
- `tableparser` is 'docutils.parsers.rst.tableparser'
- `StandardTestCase`
- `CustomTestCase`
- `CustomTestSuite`
- `TransformTestCase`
- `TransformTestSuite`
- `ParserTestCase`
- `ParserTestSuite`
- `ParserTransformTestCase`
- `PEPParserTestCase`
- `PEPParserTestSuite`
- `GridTableParserTestCase`
- `GridTableParserTestSuite`
- `SimpleTableParserTestCase`
- `SimpleTableParserTestSuite`
- `WriterPublishTestCase`
- `LatexWriterPublishTestCase`
- `PseudoXMLWriterPublishTestCase`
- `HtmlWriterPublishTestCase`
- `PublishTestSuite`
- `HtmlFragmentTestSuite`
- `DevNull` (output sink)
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
import sys
import os
import unittest
import re
import inspect
import traceback
from pprint import pformat
testroot = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) or os.curdir)
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(testroot, '..')))
sys.path.insert(0, testroot)
sys.path.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(testroot, '..', 'extras')))
import difflib
import package_unittest
import docutils
import docutils.core
from docutils import frontend, nodes, statemachine, urischemes, utils
from docutils.transforms import universal
from docutils.parsers import rst
from docutils.parsers.rst import states, tableparser, roles, languages
from docutils.readers import standalone, pep
from docutils.statemachine import StringList, string2lines
from docutils._compat import bytes
except ImportError:
# The importing module (usually __init__.py in one of the
# subdirectories) may catch ImportErrors in order to detect the
# absence of DocutilsTestSupport in sys.path. Thus, ImportErrors
# resulting from problems with importing Docutils modules must
# caught here.
import mypdb as pdb
import pdb
# Hack to make repr(StringList) look like repr(list):
StringList.__repr__ = StringList.__str__
class DevNull:
"""Output sink."""
def write(self, string):
def close(self):
class StandardTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Helper class, providing the same interface as unittest.TestCase,
but with useful setUp and comparison methods.
def setUp(self):
def failUnlessEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
"""Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by the '=='
if not first == second:
raise self.failureException, \
(msg or '%s != %s' % _format_str(first, second))
def failIfEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
"""Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by the '=='
if first == second:
raise self.failureException, \
(msg or '%s == %s' % _format_str(first, second))
# Synonyms for assertion methods
assertEqual = assertEquals = failUnlessEqual
assertNotEqual = assertNotEquals = failIfEqual
class CustomTestCase(StandardTestCase):
Helper class, providing extended functionality over unittest.TestCase.
The methods failUnlessEqual and failIfEqual have been overwritten
to provide better support for multi-line strings. Furthermore,
see the compare_output method and the parameter list of __init__.
compare = difflib.Differ().compare
"""Comparison method shared by all subclasses."""
def __init__(self, method_name, input, expected, id, run_in_debugger=0,
Initialise the CustomTestCase.
method_name -- name of test method to run.
input -- input to the parser.
expected -- expected output from the parser.
id -- unique test identifier, used by the test framework.
run_in_debugger -- if true, run this test under the pdb debugger.
suite_settings -- settings overrides for this test suite.
self.id = id
self.input = input
self.expected = expected
self.run_in_debugger = run_in_debugger
self.suite_settings = suite_settings.copy() or {}
# Ring your mother.
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, method_name)
def __str__(self):
Return string conversion. Overridden to give test id, in addition to
method name.
return '%s; %s' % (self.id, unittest.TestCase.__str__(self))
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %s>" % (self.id, unittest.TestCase.__repr__(self))
def clear_roles(self):
# Language-specific roles and roles added by the
# "default-role" and "role" directives are currently stored
# globally in the roles._roles dictionary. This workaround
# empties that dictionary.
roles._roles = {}
def setUp(self):
def compare_output(self, input, output, expected):
"""`input`, `output`, and `expected` should all be strings."""
if isinstance(input, unicode):
input = input.encode('raw_unicode_escape')
if sys.version_info > (3,):
# API difference: Python 3's node.__str__ doesn't escape
#assert expected is None or isinstance(expected, unicode)
if isinstance(expected, bytes):
expected = expected.decode('utf-8')
if isinstance(output, bytes):
output = output.decode('utf-8')
if isinstance(expected, unicode):
expected = expected.encode('raw_unicode_escape')
if isinstance(output, unicode):
output = output.encode('raw_unicode_escape')
# Normalize line endings:
if expected:
expected = '\n'.join(expected.splitlines())
if output:
output = '\n'.join(output.splitlines())
self.assertEquals(output, expected)
except AssertionError, error:
print >>sys.stderr, '\n%s\ninput:' % (self,)
print >>sys.stderr, input
comparison = ''.join(self.compare(expected.splitlines(1),
print >>sys.stderr, '-: expected\n+: output'
print >>sys.stderr, comparison
except AttributeError: # expected or output not a string
# alternative output for non-strings:
print >>sys.stderr, 'expected: %r' % expected
print >>sys.stderr, 'output: %r' % output
raise error
class CustomTestSuite(unittest.TestSuite):
A collection of CustomTestCases.
Provides test suite ID generation and a method for adding test cases.
id = ''
"""Identifier for the TestSuite. Prepended to the
TestCase identifiers to make identification easier."""
next_test_case_id = 0
"""The next identifier to use for non-identified test cases."""
def __init__(self, tests=(), id=None, suite_settings=None):
Initialize the CustomTestSuite.
id -- identifier for the suite, prepended to test cases.
suite_settings -- settings overrides for this test suite.
unittest.TestSuite.__init__(self, tests)
self.suite_settings = suite_settings or {}
if id is None:
mypath = os.path.abspath(
outerframes = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())
for outerframe in outerframes[1:]:
if outerframe[3] != '__init__':
callerpath = outerframe[1]
if callerpath is None:
# It happens sometimes. Why is a mystery.
callerpath = os.getcwd()
callerpath = os.path.abspath(callerpath)
mydir, myname = os.path.split(mypath)
if not mydir:
mydir = os.curdir
if callerpath.startswith(mydir):
self.id = callerpath[len(mydir) + 1:] # caller's module
self.id = callerpath
self.id = id
def addTestCase(self, test_case_class, method_name, input, expected,
id=None, run_in_debugger=0, **kwargs):
Create a CustomTestCase in the CustomTestSuite.
Also return it, just in case.
test_case_class -- the CustomTestCase to add
method_name -- a string; CustomTestCase.method_name is the test
input -- input to the parser.
expected -- expected output from the parser.
id -- unique test identifier, used by the test framework.
run_in_debugger -- if true, run this test under the pdb debugger.
if id is None: # generate id if required
id = self.next_test_case_id
self.next_test_case_id += 1
# test identifier will become suiteid.testid
tcid = '%s: %s' % (self.id, id)
# suite_settings may be passed as a parameter;
# if not, set from attribute:
kwargs.setdefault('suite_settings', self.suite_settings)
# generate and add test case
tc = test_case_class(method_name, input, expected, tcid,
run_in_debugger=run_in_debugger, **kwargs)
return tc
def generate_no_tests(self, *args, **kwargs):
class TransformTestCase(CustomTestCase):
Output checker for the transform.
Should probably be called TransformOutputChecker, but I can deal with
that later when/if someone comes up with a category of transform test
cases that have nothing to do with the input and output of the transform.
option_parser = frontend.OptionParser(components=(rst.Parser,))
settings = option_parser.get_default_values()
settings.report_level = 1
settings.halt_level = 5
settings.debug = package_unittest.debug
settings.warning_stream = DevNull()
unknown_reference_resolvers = ()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.transforms = kwargs['transforms']
"""List of transforms to perform for this test case."""
self.parser = kwargs['parser']
"""Input parser for this test case."""
del kwargs['transforms'], kwargs['parser'] # only wanted here
CustomTestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def supports(self, format):
return 1
def test_transforms(self):
if self.run_in_debugger:
settings = self.settings.copy()
document = utils.new_document('test data', settings)
self.parser.parse(self.input, document)
# Don't do a ``populate_from_components()`` because that would
# enable the Transformer's default transforms.
document.transformer.components['writer'] = self
output = document.pformat()
self.compare_output(self.input, output, self.expected)
def test_transforms_verbosely(self):
if self.run_in_debugger:
print '\n', self.id
print '-' * 70
print self.input
settings = self.settings.copy()
document = utils.new_document('test data', settings)
self.parser.parse(self.input, document)
print '-' * 70
print document.pformat()
for transformClass in self.transforms:
output = document.pformat()
print '-' * 70
print output
self.compare_output(self.input, output, self.expected)
class TransformTestSuite(CustomTestSuite):
A collection of TransformTestCases.
A TransformTestSuite instance manufactures TransformTestCases,
keeps track of them, and provides a shared test fixture (a-la
setUp and tearDown).
def __init__(self, parser, suite_settings=None):
self.parser = parser
"""Parser shared by all test cases."""
CustomTestSuite.__init__(self, suite_settings=suite_settings)
def generateTests(self, dict, dictname='totest',
Stock the suite with test cases generated from a test data dictionary.
Each dictionary key (test type's name) maps to a tuple, whose
first item is a list of transform classes and whose second
item is a list of tests. Each test is a list: input, expected
output, optional modifier. The optional third entry, a
behavior modifier, can be 0 (temporarily disable this test) or
1 (run this test under the pdb debugger). Tests should be
self-documenting and not require external comments.
for name, (transforms, cases) in dict.items():
for casenum in range(len(cases)):
case = cases[casenum]
run_in_debugger = 0
if len(case)==3:
# TODO: (maybe) change the 3rd argument to a dict, so it
# can handle more cases by keyword ('disable', 'debug',
# 'settings'), here and in other generateTests methods.
# But there's also the method that
# HtmlPublishPartsTestSuite uses
if case[2]:
run_in_debugger = 1
TransformTestCase, testmethod,
transforms=transforms, parser=self.parser,
input=case[0], expected=case[1],
id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
class ParserTestCase(CustomTestCase):
Output checker for the parser.
Should probably be called ParserOutputChecker, but I can deal with
that later when/if someone comes up with a category of parser test
cases that have nothing to do with the input and output of the parser.
parser = rst.Parser()
"""Parser shared by all ParserTestCases."""
option_parser = frontend.OptionParser(components=(rst.Parser,))
settings = option_parser.get_default_values()
settings.report_level = 5
settings.halt_level = 5
settings.debug = package_unittest.debug
def test_parser(self):
if self.run_in_debugger:
settings = self.settings.copy()
document = utils.new_document('test data', settings)
self.parser.parse(self.input, document)
output = document.pformat()
self.compare_output(self.input, output, self.expected)
class ParserTestSuite(CustomTestSuite):
A collection of ParserTestCases.
A ParserTestSuite instance manufactures ParserTestCases,
keeps track of them, and provides a shared test fixture (a-la
setUp and tearDown).
test_case_class = ParserTestCase
def generateTests(self, dict, dictname='totest'):
Stock the suite with test cases generated from a test data dictionary.
Each dictionary key (test type name) maps to a list of tests. Each
test is a list: input, expected output, optional modifier. The
optional third entry, a behavior modifier, can be 0 (temporarily
disable this test) or 1 (run this test under the pdb debugger). Tests
should be self-documenting and not require external comments.
for name, cases in dict.items():
for casenum in range(len(cases)):
case = cases[casenum]
run_in_debugger = 0
if len(case)==3:
if case[2]:
run_in_debugger = 1
self.test_case_class, 'test_parser',
input=case[0], expected=case[1],
id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
class PEPParserTestCase(ParserTestCase):
"""PEP-specific parser test case."""
parser = rst.Parser(rfc2822=1, inliner=rst.states.Inliner())
"""Parser shared by all PEPParserTestCases."""
option_parser = frontend.OptionParser(components=(rst.Parser, pep.Reader))
settings = option_parser.get_default_values()
settings.report_level = 5
settings.halt_level = 5
settings.debug = package_unittest.debug
class PEPParserTestSuite(ParserTestSuite):
"""A collection of PEPParserTestCases."""
test_case_class = PEPParserTestCase
class GridTableParserTestCase(CustomTestCase):
parser = tableparser.GridTableParser()
def test_parse_table(self):
self.parser.setup(StringList(string2lines(self.input), 'test data'))
output = self.parser.cells
except Exception, details:
output = '%s: %s' % (details.__class__.__name__, details)
self.compare_output(self.input, pformat(output) + '\n',
pformat(self.expected) + '\n')
def test_parse(self):
output = self.parser.parse(StringList(string2lines(self.input),
'test data'))
except Exception, details:
output = '%s: %s' % (details.__class__.__name__, details)
self.compare_output(self.input, pformat(output) + '\n',
pformat(self.expected) + '\n')
class GridTableParserTestSuite(CustomTestSuite):
A collection of GridTableParserTestCases.
A GridTableParserTestSuite instance manufactures GridTableParserTestCases,
keeps track of them, and provides a shared test fixture (a-la setUp and
test_case_class = GridTableParserTestCase
def generateTests(self, dict, dictname='totest'):
Stock the suite with test cases generated from a test data dictionary.
Each dictionary key (test type name) maps to a list of tests. Each
test is a list: an input table, expected output from parse_table(),
expected output from parse(), optional modifier. The optional fourth
entry, a behavior modifier, can be 0 (temporarily disable this test)
or 1 (run this test under the pdb debugger). Tests should be
self-documenting and not require external comments.
for name, cases in dict.items():
for casenum in range(len(cases)):
case = cases[casenum]
run_in_debugger = 0
if len(case) == 4:
if case[-1]:
run_in_debugger = 1
self.addTestCase(self.test_case_class, 'test_parse_table',
input=case[0], expected=case[1],
id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
self.addTestCase(self.test_case_class, 'test_parse',
input=case[0], expected=case[2],
id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
class SimpleTableParserTestCase(GridTableParserTestCase):
parser = tableparser.SimpleTableParser()
class SimpleTableParserTestSuite(CustomTestSuite):
A collection of SimpleTableParserTestCases.
test_case_class = SimpleTableParserTestCase
def generateTests(self, dict, dictname='totest'):
Stock the suite with test cases generated from a test data dictionary.
Each dictionary key (test type name) maps to a list of tests. Each
test is a list: an input table, expected output from parse(), optional
modifier. The optional third entry, a behavior modifier, can be 0
(temporarily disable this test) or 1 (run this test under the pdb
debugger). Tests should be self-documenting and not require external
for name, cases in dict.items():
for casenum in range(len(cases)):
case = cases[casenum]
run_in_debugger = 0
if len(case) == 3:
if case[-1]:
run_in_debugger = 1
self.addTestCase(self.test_case_class, 'test_parse',
input=case[0], expected=case[1],
id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
class PythonModuleParserTestCase(CustomTestCase):
def test_parser(self):
if self.run_in_debugger:
import compiler
except ImportError:
# skip on Python 3
from docutils.readers.python import moduleparser
module = moduleparser.parse_module(self.input, 'test data').pformat()
output = str(module)
self.compare_output(self.input, output, self.expected)
def test_token_parser_rhs(self):
if self.run_in_debugger:
import compiler
except ImportError:
# skip on Python 3
from docutils.readers.python import moduleparser
tr = moduleparser.TokenParser(self.input)
output = tr.rhs(1)
self.compare_output(self.input, output, self.expected)
class PythonModuleParserTestSuite(CustomTestSuite):
A collection of PythonModuleParserTestCase.
def generateTests(self, dict, dictname='totest',
Stock the suite with test cases generated from a test data dictionary.
Each dictionary key (test type's name) maps to a list of tests. Each
test is a list: input, expected output, optional modifier. The
optional third entry, a behavior modifier, can be 0 (temporarily
disable this test) or 1 (run this test under the pdb debugger). Tests
should be self-documenting and not require external comments.
for name, cases in dict.items():
for casenum in range(len(cases)):
case = cases[casenum]
run_in_debugger = 0
if len(case)==3:
if case[2]:
run_in_debugger = 1
PythonModuleParserTestCase, testmethod,
input=case[0], expected=case[1],
id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
class WriterPublishTestCase(CustomTestCase, docutils.SettingsSpec):
Test case for publish.
settings_default_overrides = {'_disable_config': 1,
'strict_visitor': 1}
writer_name = '' # set in subclasses or constructor
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'writer_name' in kwargs:
self.writer_name = kwargs['writer_name']
del kwargs['writer_name']
CustomTestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def test_publish(self):
if self.run_in_debugger:
output = docutils.core.publish_string(
self.compare_output(self.input, output, self.expected)
class PublishTestSuite(CustomTestSuite):
def __init__(self, writer_name, suite_settings=None):
`writer_name` is the name of the writer to use.
CustomTestSuite.__init__(self, suite_settings=suite_settings)
self.test_class = WriterPublishTestCase
self.writer_name = writer_name
def generateTests(self, dict, dictname='totest'):
for name, cases in dict.items():
for casenum in range(len(cases)):
case = cases[casenum]
run_in_debugger = 0
if len(case)==3:
if case[2]:
run_in_debugger = 1
self.test_class, 'test_publish',
input=case[0], expected=case[1],
id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
# Passed to constructor of self.test_class:
class HtmlPublishPartsTestSuite(CustomTestSuite):
def generateTests(self, dict, dictname='totest'):
for name, (settings_overrides, cases) in dict.items():
settings = self.suite_settings.copy()
for casenum in range(len(cases)):
case = cases[casenum]
run_in_debugger = 0
if len(case)==3:
if case[2]:
run_in_debugger = 1
HtmlWriterPublishPartsTestCase, 'test_publish',
input=case[0], expected=case[1],
id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
class HtmlWriterPublishPartsTestCase(WriterPublishTestCase):
Test case for HTML writer via the publish_parts interface.
writer_name = 'html'
settings_default_overrides = \
settings_default_overrides['stylesheet'] = ''
def test_publish(self):
if self.run_in_debugger:
parts = docutils.core.publish_parts(
output = self.format_output(parts)
# interpolate standard variables:
expected = self.expected % {'version': docutils.__version__}
self.compare_output(self.input, output, expected)
standard_content_type_template = ('\n')
standard_generator_template = (
standard_html_meta_value = (
+ standard_generator_template % docutils.__version__)
standard_meta_value = standard_html_meta_value % 'utf-8'
standard_html_prolog = """\
def format_output(self, parts):
"""Minimize & standardize the output."""
# remove redundant parts & uninteresting parts:
del parts['whole']
assert parts['body'] == parts['fragment']
del parts['body']
del parts['body_pre_docinfo']
del parts['body_prefix']
del parts['body_suffix']
del parts['head']
del parts['head_prefix']
del parts['encoding']
del parts['version']
# remove standard portions:
parts['meta'] = parts['meta'].replace(self.standard_meta_value, '')
parts['html_head'] = parts['html_head'].replace(
self.standard_html_meta_value, '...')
parts['html_prolog'] = parts['html_prolog'].replace(
self.standard_html_prolog, '')
# remove empty values:
for key in parts.keys():
if not parts[key]:
del parts[key]
# standard output format:
keys = parts.keys()
output = []
for key in keys:
output.append("%r: '''%s'''"
% (key, parts[key]))
if output[-1].endswith("\n'''"):
output[-1] = output[-1][:-4] + "\\n'''"
return '{' + ',\n '.join(output) + '}\n'
def exception_data(func, *args, **kwds):
Execute `func(*args, **kwds)` and return the resulting exception, the
exception arguments, and the formatted exception string.
func(*args, **kwds)
except Exception, detail:
return (detail, detail.args,
'%s: %s' % (detail.__class__.__name__, detail))
def _format_str(*args):
Return a tuple containing representations of all args.
Same as map(repr, args) except that it returns multi-line
representations for strings containing newlines, e.g.::
foo \n\
instead of::
'foo \nbar\n\nbaz'
This is a helper function for CustomTestCase.
return_tuple = []
for i in args:
r = repr(i)
if ( (isinstance(i, str) or isinstance(i, unicode))
and '\n' in i):
stripped = ''
if isinstance(i, unicode) and r.startswith('u'):
stripped = r[0]
r = r[1:]
elif isinstance(i, bytes) and r.startswith('b'):
stripped = r[0]
r = r[1:]
# quote_char = "'" or '"'
quote_char = r[0]
assert quote_char in ("'", '"'), quote_char
assert r[0] == r[-1]
r = r[1:-1]
r = (stripped + 3 * quote_char + '\\\n' +
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