Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Docutils_ Release Procedure
:Authors: David Goodger; Lea Wiemann; open to all Docutils developers
:Contact: [email protected]
:Date: $Date: 2012-05-02 09:22:20 +0200 (Mit, 02 Mai 2012) $
:Revision: $Revision: 7406 $
:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
.. _Docutils:
Steps in boldface text are *not* covered by the release script at
sandbox/infrastructure/ "Not covered" means that you aren't even
reminded of them.
.. Note:: This document does not cover branching and tagging, but the
release script does.
.. Note:: You may want to use ReleaseForge_ instead of using
SourceForge's file release system.
.. _ReleaseForge:
* **On the Docutils-develop mailing list, announce that the release is
going to be made, update the release notes and ask for additions.**
Consult HISTORY.TXT for changes.
* **Announce a check-in freeze on Docutils-develop.**
Call ``sandbox/infrastructure/ new_version svn_version``.
For details see the script.
``new_version`` is the current version, status will change from ``repository`` to
``release``. ``svn_version`` is the version after release.
.. Note:: *BUG* The script requires that all supported python2-versions are installed.
.. Note:: *BUG* test tarball requires root password, but it is possible to skip
this stage interactively, and testing should be done before release.
* Change ``__version_details__`` in docutils/docutils/ to
"release" (from "repository").
* Check the _`version number` in the following files, should be already
+ docutils/
+ docutils/docutils/
+ docutils/test/functional/expected/* ("Generator: Docutils X.Y.Z")
+ docutils/README.txt
+ web/index.txt
* Close the "Changes Since ..." section in docutils/HISTORY.txt.
* Clear/unset the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
* Create the release tarball:
(a) Create a new empty directory and ``cd`` into it.
(b) Get a clean snapshot of the main tree::
svn export svn://
(c) Use Distutils to create the release tarball::
cd docutils
python sdist
* Expand and _`install` the release tarball in isolation:
(a) Expand the tarball in a new location, not over any existing
(b) Remove the old installation from site-packages (including, and,
Install from expanded directory::
cd docutils-X.Y.Z
python install
The "install" command may require root permissions.
(c) Repeat step b) for all supported Python versions.
* Run the _`test suite` from the expanded archive directory with all
supported Python versions on all available platforms (GNU/Linux, Mac
OS X, Windows)::
cd test ; python -u
* Add a directory X.Y.Z (where X.Y.Z is the current version number
of Docutils) in the webroot (i.e. the ``htdocs/`` directory).
Put all documentation files into it::
cd docutils-X.Y.Z
rm -rf build
cd tools/
./ ..
cd ..
find -name test -type d -prune -o -name \*.css -print0 \
-o -name \*.html -print0 -o -name \*.txt -print0 \
| tar -cjvf docutils-docs.tar.bz2 -T - --null
scp docutils-docs.tar.bz2
Now log in to and::
cd /home/groups/d/do/docutils/htdocs/
mkdir -m g+rwxs X.Y.Z
cd X.Y.Z
tar -xjvf ~/docutils-docs.tar.bz2
rm ~/docutils-docs.tar.bz2
* Upload the release tarball, tries with scp.
* Access the _`file release system` on SourceForge (Admin
* change into the released version's directory
* click ``(i)`` button of the tar.gz-file
* select as default download for all operating systems.
* Submit a notification on project news.
* For verifying the integrity of the release, download the release
tarball (you may need to wait up to 30 minutes), install_ it, and
re-run the `test suite`_.
* Register with PyPI (``python register``).
* Restore ``__version_details__`` in docutils/docutils/ to
"repository" (from "release").
* Bump the `version number`_ again.
* Add a new empty section "Changes Since ..." in HISTORY.txt.
* Update the web page (web/index.txt).
* Run docutils-update on the server.
* **Run with svn version**
* **Send announcement email to:**
* [email protected] (also announcing the end of
the check-in freeze)
* [email protected]
* [email protected]
* [email protected]
* **Add a SourceForge News item, with title "Docutils X.Y.Z released"
and containing the release tarball's download URL.**
BUG: not found 2009-10-12.
* **Register with freecode.** Add a new release for the
`Docutils project`__. (freecode is's new name)
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