org.nuiton.jrst.legacy.AdvancedReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* #%L
* JRst :: Api
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2004 - 2010 CodeLutin
* %%
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
* License along with this program. If not, see
* .
* #L%
package org.nuiton.jrst.legacy;
import org.apache.commons.collections.primitives.ArrayCharList;
import org.apache.commons.collections.primitives.CharList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Le principe est d'avoir dans cette classe le moyen de lire, et de retourner
* la ou on etait avant la lecture (mark et reset de {@link BufferedReader}).
* Mais il faut aussi pouvoir dire qu'en fin de compte on ne souhaite pas lire
* les caracteres que l'on vient de lire ({@link #unread(int)} a peu pres egal a
* {@link PushbackReader})
* Le pointer nextChar pointe toujours sur le prochain caractere qui sera lu
* Lorsque l'on appelle la method {@link #mark()} on vide aussi le buffer pour
* liberer de la place, car on a plus le moyen de retourner avant le mark que
* l'on vient de positionner.
* On contraire du mark de {@link BufferedReader} ou {@link LineNumberReader} il
* n'y a pas a specifier le nombre de caractere a garder au maximum, seul la
* memoire nous limite. Du coup si l'on utilise cette classe sans mark, au final
* on aura dans le buffer tout le contenu du reader, il faut donc utiliser mark
* avec cette classe
* buffer
* #########################
* 0 ˆ ˆ
* | |
* | + nextChar
* + markChar
* Created: 27 oct. 06 00:24:57
* @author poussin
* @version $Revision$
* Last update: $Date$
* by : $Author$
public class AdvancedReader {
/** le nombre d'espace pour remplacer les tabulations */
protected static final String TAB = " ";
/** nombre de caractere lu au minimum sur le vrai reader */
protected static final int READ_AHEAD = 80;
protected Reader in;
protected CharList buffer;
protected int charNumber;
protected int charNumberMark;
protected int lineNumber;
protected int lineNumberMark;
protected int nextChar;
protected int markChar;
protected int readInMark;
protected boolean nlTwoCtrlChars = false;
protected boolean noNlAtEOF = false;
* @param in the io reader
public AdvancedReader(Reader in) { = new LineNumberReader(in);
buffer = new ArrayCharList();
public void mark() throws IOException {
markChar = nextChar;
charNumberMark = charNumber;
lineNumberMark = lineNumber;
public void reset() throws IOException {
nextChar = markChar;
charNumber = charNumberMark;
lineNumber = lineNumberMark;
public int readSinceMark() {
return nextChar - markChar;
* @return the charNumber
public int getCharNumber() {
return charNumber;
* @return the lineNumber
public int getLineNumber() {
return lineNumber;
* remove number of char in buffer
* @param number
* @return the real number of char removed from the head of buffer
* @throws IOException
private int free(int number) throws IOException {
// fill(number);
int result = Math.min(buffer.size(), number);
buffer.subList(0, result).clear();
nextChar -= result;
markChar -= result;
return result;
* ensure that have number char available and not already read
* @param number ?
* @throws IOException
private void fill(int number) throws IOException {
int needed = nextChar + number - buffer.size();
if (needed > 0) {
char[] cbuf = new char[needed + READ_AHEAD];
int read =;
if (read != -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < read; i++) {
public boolean eof() throws IOException {
boolean result = -1 == read();
if (!result) {
return result;
public int skip(int number) throws IOException {
int result = 0;
while (result < number && read() != -1) {
return result;
* Add a character at the current position
* @param character that you want to add
public void add(char character) {
* go left in reading char buffer
* @param number
* @return realy unread char number
public int unread(int number) {
int result = Math.min(number, nextChar);
nextChar -= result;
charNumber -= result;
for (int i = nextChar; i < nextChar + result; i++) {
if (buffer.get(i) == '\n' || (buffer.get(i) == '\r' && i + 1 < nextChar + result && buffer.get(i + 1) != '\n')) {
return result;
* Unread the line length
* @param line
* line used to know the length to unread
* @param addNewLine
* if true then add +1 to unread lenght for not present '\n'
* @return number of unread char
public int unread(String line, boolean addNewLine) {
int result = unread(line.length() + (addNewLine ? (nlTwoCtrlChars ? 2 : 1) : 0));
return result;
* Unread the line length
* @param lines
* lines used to know the length to unread
* @param addNewLine
* if true then add +1 for each line to unread lenght for not
* present '\n'
* @return number of unread char
public int unread(String[] lines, boolean addNewLine) {
int result = 0;
for (String line : lines) {
result += unread(line, addNewLine);
return result;
* read one char in buffer
* @return the next char
* @throws IOException pour tout pb de lecture
public int read() throws IOException {
int result = -1;
if (nextChar < buffer.size()) {
result = buffer.get(nextChar++);
if ((char)result == '\n' || ((char)result == '\r' && nextChar < buffer.size() && buffer.get(nextChar) != '\n')) {
return result;
* read one line
* @return one line without '\n' or null if end of file
* @throws IOException pour tout pb de lecture
public String readLine() throws IOException {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(READ_AHEAD);
int c = read();
while (c != -1 && c != '\n' && c != '\r') {
result.append((char) c);
c = read();
nlTwoCtrlChars = false;
if (c == '\r') {
c = read();
if (c != '\n' && c != -1) {
} else {
nlTwoCtrlChars = true;
noNlAtEOF = false;
if (c == -1 && result.length() >= 0) {
if (c == -1 && result.length() == 0) {
return null;
} else {
noNlAtEOF = true;
return result.toString();
} else {
return result.toString();
* passe les lignes blanches
* @throws IOException
public void skipBlankLines() throws IOException {
* lit toutes les lignes du fichier
* @return toutes les lignes du fichier
* @throws IOException pour tout pb de lecture
String[] readAll() throws IOException {
String[] result = readLines(-1);
return result;
* lit un certain nombre de lignes
* @param count
* si negatif lit toutes les lignes
* @return un certain nombre de lignes
* @throws IOException pour tout pb de lecture
public String[] readLines(int count) throws IOException {
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
String tmp = "";
for (int i = count; tmp != null && i != 0; i--) {
tmp = readLine();
if (tmp != null) {
return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]);
* lit les lignes jusqu'a la premiere ligne blanche (non retournée)
* @return toutes les ligne jusqu'à la première ligne blanche (non incluse)
* @throws IOException pour tout pb de lecture
public String[] readUntilBlank() throws IOException {
String[] result = readUntil("\\s*");
return result;
* lit les lignes jusqu'a la ligne qui correspond pas au pattern, cette
* ligne n'est pas mise dans le resultat retourne
* @param pattern ?
* @return les lignes jusqu'a la ligne qui correspond pas au pattern, cette
* ligne n'est pas mise dans le resultat retourne
* @throws IOException pour tout pb de lecture
public String[] readUntil(String pattern) throws IOException {
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
String tmp = readLine();
while (tmp != null && !tmp.matches(pattern)) {
tmp = readLine();
if (tmp != null) {
unread(tmp.length() + (!noNlAtEOF ? (nlTwoCtrlChars ? 2 : 1) : 0)); // +1 for '\n' not in line
return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]);
* lit les lignes tant que les lignes correspondent au pattern
* @param pattern ?
* @return les lignes tant que les lignes correspondent au pattern
* @throws IOException pour tout pb de lecture
public String[] readWhile(String pattern) throws IOException {
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
String tmp = readLine();
while (tmp != null && tmp.matches(pattern)) {
tmp = readLine();
if (tmp != null) {
unread(tmp.length() + (!noNlAtEOF ? (nlTwoCtrlChars ? 2 : 1) : 0)); // +1 for '\n' not in line
return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]);