cern.colt.map.QuickOpenIntIntHashMap Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package cern.colt.map;
* Status: Experimental; Do not use for production yet. Hash map holding
* (key,value) associations of type (int-->int)
; Automatically grows
* and shrinks as needed; Implemented using open addressing with double hashing.
* First see the package summary and javadoc
* tree view to get the broad picture.
* Implements open addressing with double hashing, using "Brent's variation".
* Brent's variation slows insertions a bit down (not much) but reduces probes
* (collisions) for successful searches, in particular for large load factors.
* (It does not improve unsuccessful searches.) See D. Knuth, Searching and
* Sorting, 3rd ed., p.533-545
* @author [email protected]
* @version 1.0, 09/24/99
* @see java.util.HashMap
public class QuickOpenIntIntHashMap extends OpenIntIntHashMap {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6620938260464452515L;
public int totalProbesSaved = 0; // benchmark only
* Constructs an empty map with default capacity and default load factors.
public QuickOpenIntIntHashMap() {
* Constructs an empty map with the specified initial capacity and default
* load factors.
* @param initialCapacity
* the initial capacity of the map.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the initial capacity is less than zero.
public QuickOpenIntIntHashMap(int initialCapacity) {
this(initialCapacity, defaultMinLoadFactor, defaultMaxLoadFactor);
* Constructs an empty map with the specified initial capacity and the
* specified minimum and maximum load factor.
* @param initialCapacity
* the initial capacity.
* @param minLoadFactor
* the minimum load factor.
* @param maxLoadFactor
* the maximum load factor.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if
* initialCapacity < 0 || (minLoadFactor < 0.0 || minLoadFactor >= 1.0) || (maxLoadFactor <= 0.0 || maxLoadFactor >= 1.0) || (minLoadFactor >= maxLoadFactor)
* .
public QuickOpenIntIntHashMap(int initialCapacity, double minLoadFactor,
double maxLoadFactor) {
setUp(initialCapacity, minLoadFactor, maxLoadFactor);
* Associates the given key with the given value. Replaces any old
* (key,someOtherValue)
association, if existing.
* @param key
* the key the value shall be associated with.
* @param value
* the value to be associated.
* @return true
if the receiver did not already contain such a key;
* false
if the receiver did already contain such a key -
* the new value has now replaced the formerly associated value.
public boolean put(int key, int value) {
* This is open addressing with double hashing, using
* "Brent's variation". Brent's variation slows insertions a bit down
* (not much) but reduces probes (collisions) for successful searches,
* in particular for large load factors. (It does not improve
* unsuccessful searches.) See D. Knuth, Searching and Sorting, 3rd ed.,
* p.533-545
* h1(key) = hash % M h2(key) = decrement = Max(1, hash/M % M) M is
* prime = capacity = table.length probing positions are table[(h1-j*h2)
* % M] for j=0,1,... (M and h2 could also be chosen differently, but h2
* is required to be relative prime to M.)
int key0;
final int tab[] = table;
final byte stat[] = state;
final int length = tab.length;
int hash = HashFunctions.hash(key) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
int i = hash % length;
int decrement = (hash / length) % length;
if (decrement == 0)
decrement = 1;
// System.out.println("insert search for (key,value)=("+key+","+value+") at i="+i+", dec="+decrement);
// stop if we find a removed or free slot, or if we find the key itself
// do NOT skip over removed slots (yes, open addressing is like that...)
// int comp = comparisons;
int t = 0; // the number of probes
int p0 = i; // the first position to probe
while (stat[i] == FULL && tab[i] != key) {
i -= decrement;
// hashCollisions++;
if (i < 0)
i += length;
// if (comparisons-comp>0)
// System.out.println("probed "+(comparisons-comp)+" slots.");
if (stat[i] == FULL) {
// key already contained at slot i.
this.values[i] = value;
return false;
// not already contained, should be inserted at slot i.
if (this.distinct > this.highWaterMark) {
int newCapacity = chooseGrowCapacity(this.distinct + 1,
this.minLoadFactor, this.maxLoadFactor);
// System.out.print("grow rehashing ");
// System.out.println("at distinct="+distinct+", capacity="+table.length+" to newCapacity="+newCapacity+" ...");
return put(key, value);
* Brent's variation does a local reorganization to reduce probes. It
* essentially means: We test whether it is possible to move the
* association we probed first (table[p0]) out of the way. If this is
* possible, it will reduce probes for the key to be inserted, since it
* takes its place; it gets hit earlier. However, future probes for the
* key that we move out of the way will increase. Thus we only move it
* out of the way, if we have a net gain, that is, if we save more
* probes than we loose. For the first probe we safe more than we loose
* if the number of probes we needed was >=2 (t>=2). If the first probe
* cannot be moved out of the way, we try the next probe (p1). Now we
* safe more than we loose if t>=3. We repeat this until we find that we
* cannot gain or that we can indeed move p(x) out of the way.
* Note: Under the great majority of insertions t<=1, so the loop is
* entered very infrequently.
while (t > 1) {
// System.out.println("t="+t);
key0 = tab[p0];
hash = HashFunctions.hash(key0) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
decrement = (hash / length) % length;
if (decrement == 0)
decrement = 1;
int pc = p0 - decrement; // pc = (p0-j*decrement) % M, j=1,2,..
if (pc < 0)
pc += length;
if (stat[pc] != FREE) { // not a free slot, continue searching for
// free slot to move to, or break.
p0 = pc;
} else { // free or removed slot found, now move...
// System.out.println("copying p0="+p0+" to pc="+pc+", (key,val)=("+tab[p0]+","+values[p0]+"), saving "+(t-1)+" probes.");
this.totalProbesSaved += (t - 1);
tab[pc] = key0;
stat[pc] = FULL;
values[pc] = values[p0];
i = p0; // prepare to insert: table[p0]=key
t = 0; // break loop
// System.out.println("inserting at i="+i);
this.table[i] = key;
this.values[i] = value;
if (this.state[i] == FREE)
this.state[i] = FULL;
if (this.freeEntries < 1) { // delta
int newCapacity = chooseGrowCapacity(this.distinct + 1,
this.minLoadFactor, this.maxLoadFactor);
return true;
* Rehashes the contents of the receiver into a new table with a smaller or
* larger capacity. This method is called automatically when the number of
* keys in the receiver exceeds the high water mark or falls below the low
* water mark.
protected void rehash(int newCapacity) {
int oldCapacity = table.length;
// if (oldCapacity == newCapacity) return;
int oldTable[] = table;
int oldValues[] = values;
byte oldState[] = state;
int newTable[] = new int[newCapacity];
int newValues[] = new int[newCapacity];
byte newState[] = new byte[newCapacity];
this.lowWaterMark = chooseLowWaterMark(newCapacity, this.minLoadFactor);
this.highWaterMark = chooseHighWaterMark(newCapacity,
this.table = newTable;
this.values = newValues;
this.state = newState;
this.freeEntries = newCapacity - this.distinct; // delta
int tmp = this.distinct;
this.distinct = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // switch of watermarks
for (int i = oldCapacity; i-- > 0;) {
if (oldState[i] == FULL) {
put(oldTable[i], oldValues[i]);
* int element = oldTable[i]; int index =
* indexOfInsertion(element); newTable[index]=element;
* newValues[index]=oldValues[i]; newState[index]=FULL;
this.distinct = tmp;
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