>[] entries) {
this.entries = entries;
* Returns a {@code GroupBy2} instance which is used to group lists of objects
* in ascending order using keys supplied by their associated {@link Function}s.
* Here is an example of the usage and output of this object: (Taken from {@link GroupBy2Test})
* List sequence0 = Arrays.asList(new Integer[] { 7, 12, 16 });
* List sequence1 = Arrays.asList(new Integer[] { 3, 4, 5 });
* Function identity = Function.identity();
* Function times3 = x -> x * 3;
* @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
* GroupBy2 groupby2 = GroupBy2.of(
* new Pair(sequence0, identity),
* new Pair(sequence1, times3));
* for(Tuple tuple : groupby2) {
* System.out.println(tuple);
* }
* Will output the following {@link Tuple}s:
* '7':'[7]':'[NONE]'
* '9':'[NONE]':'[3]'
* '12':'[12]':'[4]'
* '15':'[NONE]':'[5]'
* '16':'[16]':'[NONE]'
* From row 1 of the output:
* Where '7' == Tuple.get(0), 'List[7]' == Tuple.get(1), 'List[NONE]' == Tuple.get(2) == empty list with no members
* Note: Read up on groupby here:
* https://docs.python.org/dev/library/itertools.html#itertools.groupby
* @param entries
* @return a n + 1 dimensional tuple, where the first element is the
* key of the group and the other n entries are lists of
* objects that are a member of the current group that is being
* iterated over in the nth list passed in. Note that this
* is a generator and a n+1 dimensional tuple is yielded for
* every group. If a list has no members in the current
* group, {@link Slot#NONE} is returned in place of a generator.
public static > GroupBy2 of(Pair, Function>... entries) {
return new GroupBy2<>(entries);
* (Re)initializes the internal {@link Generator}(s). This method
* may be used to "restart" the internal {@link Iterator}s and
* reuse this object.
public void reset() {
generatorList = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i = 0;i < entries.length;i++) {
generatorList.add(GroupBy.of(entries[i].getFirst(), entries[i].getSecond()));
numEntries = generatorList.size();
// for(int i = 0;i < numEntries;i++) {
// for(Pair p : generatorList.get(i)) {
// System.out.println("generator " + i + ": " + p.getKey() + ", " + p.getValue());
// }
// System.out.println("");
// }
// generatorList = new ArrayList<>();
// for(int i = 0;i < entries.length;i++) {
// generatorList.add(GroupBy.of(entries[i].getKey(), entries[i].getValue()));
// }
advanceList = new boolean[numEntries];
Arrays.fill(advanceList, true);
nextList = new Slot[numEntries];
Arrays.fill(nextList, Slot.NONE);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterator iterator() { return this; }
* Returns a flag indicating that at least one {@link Generator} has
* a matching key for the current "smallest" key generated.
* @return a flag indicating that at least one {@link Generator} has
* a matching key for the current "smallest" key generated.
public boolean hasNext() {
if(generatorList == null) {
return nextMinKey();
* Returns a {@link Tuple} containing the current key in the
* zero'th slot, and a list objects which are members of the
* group specified by that key.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Tuple next() {
Object[] objs = IntStream
.range(0, numEntries + 1)
.mapToObj(i -> i==0 ? minKeyVal : new ArrayList())
Tuple retVal = new Tuple((Object[])objs);
for(int i = 0;i < numEntries;i++) {
if(isEligibleList(i, minKeyVal)) {
((List)retVal.get(i + 1)).add(nextList[i].get().getFirst());
drainKey(retVal, i, minKeyVal);
advanceList[i] = true;
advanceList[i] = false;
((List)retVal.get(i + 1)).add(Slot.empty());
return retVal;
* Internal method which advances index of the current
* {@link GroupBy}s for each group present.
private void advanceSequences() {
for(int i = 0;i < numEntries;i++) {
if(advanceList[i]) {
nextList[i] = generatorList.get(i).hasNext() ?
Slot.of(generatorList.get(i).next()) : Slot.empty();
* Returns the next smallest generated key.
* @return the next smallest generated key.
private boolean nextMinKey() {
return Arrays.stream(nextList)
.filter(opt -> opt.isPresent())
.map(opt -> opt.get().getSecond())
.min((k, k2) -> k.compareTo(k2))
.map(k -> { minKeyVal = k; return k; } )
* Returns a flag indicating whether the list currently pointed
* to by the specified index contains a key which matches the
* specified "targetKey".
* @param listIdx the index pointing to the {@link GroupBy} being
* processed.
* @param targetKey the specified key to match.
* @return true if so, false if not
private boolean isEligibleList(int listIdx, Object targetKey) {
return nextList[listIdx].isPresent() && nextList[listIdx].get().getSecond().equals(targetKey);
* Each input grouper may generate multiple members which match the
* specified "targetVal". This method guarantees that all members
* are added to the list residing at the specified Tuple index.
* @param retVal the Tuple being added to
* @param listIdx the index specifying the list within the
* tuple which will have members added to it
* @param targetVal the value to match in order to be an added member
private void drainKey(Tuple retVal, int listIdx, R targetVal) {
while(generatorList.get(listIdx).hasNext()) {
if(generatorList.get(listIdx).peek().getSecond().equals(targetVal)) {
nextList[listIdx] = Slot.of(generatorList.get(listIdx).next());
((List)retVal.get(listIdx + 1)).add(nextList[listIdx].get().getFirst());
nextList[listIdx] = Slot.empty();
* A minimal {@link Serializable} version of an {@link Slot}
* @param the value held within this {@code Slot}
public static final class Slot implements Serializable {
/** Default Serial */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Common instance for {@code empty()}.
public static final Slot> NONE = new Slot<>();
* If non-null, the value; if null, indicates no value is present
private final T value;
private Slot() { this.value = null; }
* Constructs an instance with the value present.
* @param value the non-null value to be present
* @throws NullPointerException if value is null
private Slot(T value) {
this.value = Objects.requireNonNull(value);
* Returns an {@code Slot} with the specified present non-null value.
* @param the class of the value
* @param value the value to be present, which must be non-null
* @return an {@code Slot} with the value present
* @throws NullPointerException if value is null
public static Slot of(T value) {
return new Slot<>(value);
* Returns an {@code Slot} describing the specified value, if non-null,
* otherwise returns an empty {@code Slot}.
* @param the class of the value
* @param value the possibly-null value to describe
* @return an {@code Slot} with a present value if the specified value
* is non-null, otherwise an empty {@code Slot}
public static Slot ofNullable(T value) {
return value == null ? (Slot)NONE : of(value);
* If a value is present in this {@code Slot}, returns the value,
* otherwise throws {@code NoSuchElementException}.
* @return the non-null value held by this {@code Slot}
* @throws NoSuchElementException if there is no value present
* @see Slot#isPresent()
public T get() {
if (value == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No value present");
return value;
* Returns an empty {@code Slot} instance. No value is present for this
* Slot.
* @param Type of the non-existent value
* @return an empty {@code Slot}
public static Slot empty() {
Slot t = (Slot) NONE;
return t;
* Return {@code true} if there is a value present, otherwise {@code false}.
* @return {@code true} if there is a value present, otherwise {@code false}
public boolean isPresent() {
return value != null;
* Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this Slot. The
* other object is considered equal if:
* it is also an {@code Slot} and;
* both instances have no value present or;
* the present values are "equal to" each other via {@code equals()}.
* @param obj an object to be tested for equality
* @return {code true} if the other object is "equal to" this object
* otherwise {@code false}
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof Slot)) {
return false;
Slot> other = (Slot>) obj;
return Objects.equals(value, other.value);
* Returns the hash code value of the present value, if any, or 0 (zero) if
* no value is present.
* @return hash code value of the present value or 0 if no value is present
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(value);
* Returns a non-empty string representation of this Slot suitable for
* debugging. The exact presentation format is unspecified and may vary
* between implementations and versions.
* @implSpec If a value is present the result must include its string
* representation in the result. Empty and present Slots must be
* unambiguously differentiable.
* @return the string representation of this instance
public String toString() {
return value != null ? String.format("Slot[%s]", value) : "NONE";