org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.api.DeploymentDesc Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* JOnAS: Java(TM) Open Application Server
* Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Bull S.A.
* Contact: [email protected]
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 021ejbJarDD11-1307
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* $Id: DeploymentDesc.java 10290 2007-04-25 16:11:47Z durieuxp $
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
package org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.api;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.xml.AssemblyDescriptor;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.xml.EjbJar;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.xml.Entity;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.xml.JonasEjbJar;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.xml.JonasEntity;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.xml.JonasRunAsMapping;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.xml.JonasSession;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.xml.MethodPermission;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.xml.Session;
import org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.api.DeploymentDescException;
import org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.api.DescriptionGroupDesc;
import org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.xml.JLinkedList;
import org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.xml.JonasMessageDestination;
import org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.xml.MessageDestination;
import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Logger;
* Class to hold meta-information related to the deployment of an ejb-jar
* @author Christophe Ney [[email protected]] : Initial developer
* @author Helene Joanin
* @author Philippe Durieux
* @author Markus Karg (Novell port)
* @author Philippe Coq
public abstract class DeploymentDesc extends DescriptionGroupDesc {
* Logger
protected Logger logger;
* Ejb spec version
protected String specVersion = null;
* Set of enterprise beans deployment descriptors
protected HashMap beanDesc = new HashMap();
* Assembly descriptor
protected AssemblyDescriptor asd = null;
* Deployment desc's file name (jar or directory)
protected String fileName = null;
* Deployment desc's file name (jar or directory)
protected String ejbClientJar = null;
* List of MethodPermissions
private List methodPermissionsDescList = null;
* ExcludeList in Assembly descriptor
private ExcludeListDesc excludeListDesc = null;
* List of JonasMessageDestinations
protected JLinkedList jonasMDList = null;
* Xml content of the standard deployement descriptor file
private String xmlContent = "";
* Xml content of the JOnAS deployement descriptor file
private String jonasXmlContent = "";
* Mapping for runAs principals
* Principal name --> list of roles (array)
private Map runAsMapping = null;
* Build the Meta-Information from the XML data binding trees
* containing the EJB and JOnAS deployment descriptors.
* @param classLoader The Class Loader to be used
* @param ejbJar The EjbJar information, from standard deployment descriptor.
* @param jonasEjbJar The JonasEjbJar information, from JOnAS specific deployment descriptor.
* @param l The logger to be used for tracing
* @param fileName deployment desc's jar or directory name
* @throws DeploymentDescException Cannot deploy bean
public DeploymentDesc(ClassLoader classLoader,
EjbJar ejbJar,
JonasEjbJar jonasEjbJar,
Logger l,
String fileName)
throws DeploymentDescException {
logger = l;
// set jarFileName
this.fileName = fileName;
// test classloader
if (classLoader == null) {
throw new DeploymentDescException("DeploymentDesc: Classloader is null");
// test the validity of the ejbJar (EnterpriseBeans must be present)
if (ejbJar.getEnterpriseBeans() == null) {
throw new DeploymentDescException("invalid standard deployment descriptor ( element missing)");
// spec-version
specVersion = ejbJar.getVersion();
// ejb-client-jar
ejbClientJar = ejbJar.getEjbClientJar();
// assembly descriptor
asd = ejbJar.getAssemblyDescriptor();
// Run-as mapping
runAsMapping = new HashMap();
for (Iterator i = jonasEjbJar.getJonasRunAsMappingList().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
// Get Mapping
JonasRunAsMapping jonasRunAsMapping = (JonasRunAsMapping) i.next();
String principalName = jonasRunAsMapping.getPrincipalName();
// Get existing roles if any
String[] existingRunAsRoleMapping = (String[]) runAsMapping.get(principalName);
String[] newMappingRoles = null;
int r = 0;
if (existingRunAsRoleMapping == null) {
newMappingRoles = new String[jonasRunAsMapping.getRoleNamesList().size()];
} else {
newMappingRoles = new String[jonasRunAsMapping.getRoleNamesList().size() + existingRunAsRoleMapping.length];
// Now add existing roles
System.arraycopy(existingRunAsRoleMapping, 0, newMappingRoles, 0, existingRunAsRoleMapping.length);
r = existingRunAsRoleMapping.length;
Iterator itR = jonasRunAsMapping.getRoleNamesList().iterator();
while (itR.hasNext()) {
newMappingRoles[r] = (String) itR.next();
runAsMapping.put(principalName, newMappingRoles);
// Use by PermissionManager for translating xml into EJBMethodPermission
methodPermissionsDescList = new LinkedList();
// Create EJBMEthodPermissions for each method-permission
if (asd != null) {
for (Iterator i = asd.getMethodPermissionList().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
MethodPermission methodPermission = (MethodPermission) i.next();
methodPermissionsDescList.add(new MethodPermissionDesc(methodPermission));
// Use by PermissionManager for translating xml into EJBMethodPermission
if (asd != null && asd.getExcludeList() != null) {
excludeListDesc = new ExcludeListDesc(asd.getExcludeList());
// jonas-message-destination
jonasMDList = jonasEjbJar.getJonasMessageDestinationList();
// HashMap of jonas-session
HashMap jonasSession = new HashMap();
for (Iterator i = jonasEjbJar.getJonasSessionList().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
JonasSession jSes = (JonasSession) i.next();
jonasSession.put(jSes.getEjbName(), jSes);
// session beans
for (Iterator i = ejbJar.getEnterpriseBeans().getSessionList().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
BeanDesc bd = null;
Session ses = (Session) i.next();
// find corresponding jonas session
JonasSession jSes = (JonasSession) jonasSession.get(ses.getEjbName());
if (jSes == null) {
// Build a default jonas-session if not exist
jSes = new JonasSession();
if (ses.getSessionType().equals("Stateful")) {
// stateful
bd = new SessionStatefulDesc(classLoader, ses, asd, jSes, jonasMDList, fileName);
} else if (ses.getSessionType().equals("Stateless")) {
// stateless
bd = new SessionStatelessDesc(classLoader, ses, asd, jSes, jonasMDList, fileName);
} else {
throw new DeploymentDescException("invalid session-type content for bean " + ses.getEjbName());
beanDesc.put(bd.getEjbName(), bd);
// HashMap of jonas-entity
HashMap jonasEntity = new HashMap();
for (Iterator i = jonasEjbJar.getJonasEntityList().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
JonasEntity jEnt = (JonasEntity) i.next();
jonasEntity.put(jEnt.getEjbName(), jEnt);
// entity beans
for (Iterator i = ejbJar.getEnterpriseBeans().getEntityList().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
BeanDesc bd = null;
Entity ent = (Entity) i.next();
// find corresponding jonas entity
JonasEntity jEnt = (JonasEntity) jonasEntity.get(ent.getEjbName());
if (jEnt == null) {
throw new DeploymentDescException("jonas-entity missing for bean " + ent.getEjbName());
if (ent.getPersistenceType().equals("Bean")) {
// bean managed
bd = new EntityBmpDesc(classLoader, ent, asd, jEnt, jonasMDList, fileName);
} else if (ent.getPersistenceType().equals("Container")) {
// container managed (always jdbc)
bd = newEntityBeanDesc(classLoader, ent, asd, jEnt, jonasMDList);
} else {
throw new DeploymentDescException("Invalid persistence-type content for bean " + ent.getEjbName());
beanDesc.put(bd.getEjbName(), bd);
* Get an Iterator on the Bean Desc list
* @return Iterator on BeanDesc
public Iterator getBeanDescIterator() {
return beanDesc.values().iterator();
* Get descriptors for all beans contained in jar file
* @return Array of bean's descriptors
public BeanDesc[] getBeanDesc() {
BeanDesc[] ret = new BeanDesc[beanDesc.size()];
int j = 0;
for (Iterator i = beanDesc.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); j++) {
ret[j] = (BeanDesc) i.next();
return ret;
* Gets the Mapping for run-as principal
* @param principalName name of the run-as principal
* @return array of roles
public String[] getRolesForRunAsPrincipal(String principalName) {
return (String[]) runAsMapping.get(principalName);
* Get bean descriptor given its name
* @param ejbName the name of the bean in the Deployment Descriptor
* @return bean descriptor given its name
public BeanDesc getBeanDesc(String ejbName) {
return (BeanDesc) beanDesc.get(ejbName);
* Get bean descriptor given its abstract schema name
* @param asn Abstract Schema Name
* @return null if it doesn't exist.
public EntityCmp2Desc asn2BeanDesc(String asn) {
for (Iterator i = beanDesc.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
BeanDesc bd = (BeanDesc) i.next();
if (bd instanceof EntityCmp2Desc) {
if (asn.equals(((EntityCmp2Desc) bd).getAbstractSchemaName())) {
return ((EntityCmp2Desc) bd);
return null;
* Get the list of the methodPermissionDesc objects which represent
* method-permission elements in assembly-descriptor
* @return the list of methodPermissionDesc objects
public List getMethodPermissionsDescList() {
return methodPermissionsDescList;
* Get the exclude list of the assembly descriptor
* @return the exclude list of the assembly descriptor
public ExcludeListDesc getExcludeListDesc() {
return excludeListDesc;
* Get bean descriptor given its interface local name
* @param itfLocalName local interface name
* @return null if it doesn't exist.
public BeanDesc getBeanDescWithLocalInterface(String itfLocalName) {
for (Iterator i = beanDesc.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
BeanDesc bd = (BeanDesc) i.next();
if (bd.getLocalClass() != null) {
if (itfLocalName.equals(bd.getLocalClass().getName())) {
return bd;
return null;
* Find the JOnAS message destination for the given name
* @param mdLink the name of the message destination link in the Deployment Descriptor
* @return boolean if link was found
public boolean getMessageDestination(String mdLink) {
MessageDestination md = null;
if (asd != null && asd.getMessageDestinationList() != null) {
for (Iterator i = asd.getMessageDestinationList().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
md = (MessageDestination) i.next();
if (md.getMessageDestinationName().equals(mdLink)) {
return true;
return false;
* Get the JOnAS message destination for the given name
* @param mdLink the name of the message destination link in the Deployment Descriptor
* @return the jonas message destination given the name
public JonasMessageDestination getJonasMessageDestination(String mdLink) {
JonasMessageDestination jmd = null;
if (jonasMDList != null) {
for (Iterator i = jonasMDList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
jmd = (JonasMessageDestination) i.next();
if (jmd.getMessageDestinationName().equals(mdLink)) {
return jmd;
return null;
* In case of beans with old CMP1 persistance, we need to instanciate the old class,
* as if we were in an old Deployment Descriptor.
* Default is CMP2.x for entity beans with a EJB2.0 DD.
* @param cl The ClassLoader to be used
* @param ent Entity MetaInformation from XML files
* @param asd AssemblyDescriptor MetaInformation from XML files
* @param j JonasEntity MetaInformation from XML files
* @param jMDRList MessageDrivenRef list
* @return The Entity Bean Descriptor, for the good CMP version.
* @throws DeploymentDescException Cannot build Entity Descriptor
protected abstract BeanDesc newEntityBeanDesc(ClassLoader cl, Entity ent,
AssemblyDescriptor asd, JonasEntity j, JLinkedList jMDRList)
throws DeploymentDescException;
* Get the display name
* @return the Display name string, from the deployment descriptor.
public String getDisplayName() {
return displayName;
* Get the ejb-client-jar name
* @return the ejb-client-jar string, from the deployment descriptor (may be null).
public String getEjbClientJar() {
return ejbClientJar;
* get the current logger
* @return the Logger
public Logger getLogger() {
return logger;
* set the current logger
* @param logger the Logger
public void setLogger(Logger logger) {
this.logger = logger;
* Return the content of the web.xml file
* @return the content of the web.xml file
public String getXmlContent() {
return xmlContent;
* Return the content of the jonas-web.xml file
* @return the content of the jonas-web.xml file
public String getJOnASXmlContent() {
return jonasXmlContent;
* String representation of the object for test purpose
* @return String representation of this object
public String toString() {
StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
ret.append("\ngetDisplayName()=" + getDisplayName());
ret.append("\ngetEjbClientJar()=" + getEjbClientJar());
BeanDesc[] b = getBeanDesc();
for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
ret.append("\ngetBeanDesc(" + i + ")=" + b[i].getClass().getName());
return ret.toString();
* @param xmlContent XML Content
public void setXmlContent(String xmlContent) {
this.xmlContent = xmlContent;
* @param jonasXmlContent XML Content
public void setJOnASXmlContent(String jonasXmlContent) {
this.jonasXmlContent = jonasXmlContent;
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