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* JOnAS: Java(TM) Open Application Server
* Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Bull S.A.
* Contact:
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* Initial developer(s): Ludovic BERT & Florent BENOIT
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* $Id: 10513 2007-06-04 13:38:32Z sauthieg $
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
*/package org.objectweb.jonas_web.deployment.lib;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.lib.EjbDeploymentDescManager;
import org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.api.DeploymentDescException;
import org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.api.EjbLocalRefDesc;
import org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.api.EjbRefDesc;
import org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.api.MessageDestinationRefDesc;
import org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.digester.JDigester;
import org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.lib.AbsDeploymentDescManager;
import org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.xml.JonasMessageDestination;
import org.objectweb.jonas_web.deployment.api.JonasWebAppDTDs;
import org.objectweb.jonas_web.deployment.api.JonasWebAppSchemas;
import org.objectweb.jonas_web.deployment.api.WebAppDTDs;
import org.objectweb.jonas_web.deployment.api.WebAppSchemas;
import org.objectweb.jonas_web.deployment.api.WebContainerDeploymentDesc;
import org.objectweb.jonas_web.deployment.api.WebContainerDeploymentDescException;
import org.objectweb.jonas_web.deployment.rules.JonasWebAppRuleSet;
import org.objectweb.jonas_web.deployment.rules.WebAppRuleSet;
import org.objectweb.jonas_web.deployment.xml.JonasWebApp;
import org.objectweb.jonas_web.deployment.xml.WebApp;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ws.deployment.api.PortComponentDesc;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ws.deployment.api.PortComponentRefDesc;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ws.deployment.api.WSDeploymentDescException;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ws.deployment.api.IServiceRefDesc;
import org.objectweb.jonas_ws.deployment.lib.WSDeploymentDescManager;
import org.objectweb.jonas.common.Log;
import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.BasicLevel;
import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Logger;
* This class provide a way for managing the WebContainerDeploymentDesc. Note
* that there is an intance of the WebDeploymentDescManager on each JOnAS
* server.
* @author Ludovic Bert
* @author Florent Benoit
* The path to the web.xml file.
*/publicstaticfinal String WEB_FILE_NAME = "WEB-INF/web.xml";
* The path to the jonas-web.xml file.
*/publicstaticfinal String JONAS_WEB_FILE_NAME = "WEB-INF/jonas-web.xml";
* Flag for parser validation
*/privatestaticboolean parsingWithValidation = true;
* Digester use to parse web.xml
*/privatestatic JDigester webAppDigester = null;
* Digester use to parse jonas-web.xml
*/privatestatic JDigester jonasWebAppDigester = null;
* Rules to parse the web.xml
*/privatestatic WebAppRuleSet webAppRuleSet = new WebAppRuleSet();
* Rules to parse the jonas-web.xml
*/privatestatic JonasWebAppRuleSet jonasWebAppRuleSet = new JonasWebAppRuleSet();
* The unique instance of the WebDeploymentDescManager.
*/privatestatic WebDeploymentDescManager unique;
* Reference on the EjbDeploymentDescManager.
*/private EjbDeploymentDescManager ejbDDManager = null;
* Reference on the WSDeploymentDescManager.
*/private WSDeploymentDescManager wsDDManager = null;
* logger
*/privatestatic Logger logger = Log.getLogger(Log.JONAS_WEB_PREFIX);
/** The cache used when static getDeploymentDesc are called (WsGen case) */privatestatic Hashtable staticCache = new Hashtable();
* Contructs a unique new WebDeploymentDescManager.
ejbDDManager = EjbDeploymentDescManager.getInstance();
earCLAltDDBindings = new Hashtable();
* Associate a ear classLoader to an hashtable which contains Association
* between Urls of wars and their optional alt-dd
*/private Hashtable earCLAltDDBindings = null;
* Get an instance of the WebDeploymentDescManager.
* @return the instance of the WebDeploymentDescManager.
*/publicstatic WebDeploymentDescManager getInstance(){
if (unique == null) {
unique = new WebDeploymentDescManager();
return unique;
* Get the specified web deployment descriptor.
* @param url the url where to load xml deployment descriptors.
* @param loaderForCls classloader used to load web classes.
* @param earLoader the ear classloader.
* @return WebContainerDeploymentDesc the web deployment descriptor.
* @throws DeploymentDescException when WebContainerDeploymentDesc cannot be
* created with the given files.
*/public WebContainerDeploymentDesc getDeploymentDesc(URL url, ClassLoader loaderForCls, ClassLoader earLoader)throws DeploymentDescException {
// load an instance of the WebService Managerif (wsDDManager == null) {
wsDDManager = WSDeploymentDescManager.getInstance();
// Check if the war exists ...if (!new File(url.getFile()).exists()) {
String err = "Cannot get the deployment descriptor for ";
err = err + "'" + url.getFile() + "'. The file doesn't exist.";
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(err);
//url used to load an alternate DDesc in the EAR case
URL altDDUrl = null;
//check if it's an Ear case or not
Hashtable urlAltddBindings = null;
if (earLoader != null) {
//Mapping ?
urlAltddBindings = (Hashtable) earCLAltDDBindings.get(earLoader);
if (urlAltddBindings == null) {
//If there is no mapping, the setAltDD function was badly// called
String err = "Cannot find if there is alt-dd for '" + url.getFile()
+ "', the setAltDD function was badly called";
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(err);
//Now we can get the optional alt-dd url file
altDDUrl = (URL) urlAltddBindings.get(url);
// ... and get the instance of the WebContainerDeploymentDesc.//If there is an alternate url for the web.xml, call the method with// this param.
WebContainerDeploymentDesc webDD = null;
try {
if (altDDUrl != null) {
webDD = getInstance(url.getFile(), loaderForCls, altDDUrl.getFile());
} else {
webDD = getInstance(url.getFile(), loaderForCls);
} catch (DeploymentDescException dde) {
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(dde);
// Resolve the ejb-link for ejb-ref
EjbRefDesc[] ejbRef = webDD.getEjbRefDesc();
for (int i = 0; i < ejbRef.length; i++) {
if (ejbRef[i].getJndiName() == null) {
String ejbLink = ejbRef[i].getEjbLink();
String ejbRefType = ejbRef[i].getEjbRefType();
if (ejbLink != null) {
if (earLoader == null) {
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(
"Ejb-link is not authorized from a single war. The war must be in an ear.");
} else {
String jndiName = getJndiName(url, ejbLink, earLoader, ejbRefType, true);
// Resolve the ejb-link for ejb-local-ref
EjbLocalRefDesc[] ejbLocalRef = webDD.getEjbLocalRefDesc();
for (int i = 0; i < ejbLocalRef.length; i++) {
String ejblink = ejbLocalRef[i].getEjbLink();
if (earLoader == null) {
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(
"Ejb-link is not authorized from a single war. The war must be in an ear.");
String ejbRefType = ejbLocalRef[i].getEjbRefType();
String ejbName = getJndiName(url, ejblink, earLoader, ejbRefType, false);
// Resolve the port-component-link for service-ref
IServiceRefDesc[] serviceRef = webDD.getServiceRefDesc();
for (int i = 0; i < serviceRef.length; i++) {
List pcRefs = serviceRef[i].getPortComponentRefs();
for (int j = 0; j < pcRefs.size(); j++) {
// for each service portComponents : resolve links
PortComponentRefDesc pcr = (PortComponentRefDesc) pcRefs.get(j);
String pclink = pcr.getPortComponentLink();
if (pclink != null) {
// a pc link is defined, we resolve it
PortComponentDesc pcDesc = getPCDesc(url, pclink, loaderForCls, earLoader);
// Resolve the message-destination-link for message-destination-ref
MessageDestinationRefDesc[] mdRef = webDD.getMessageDestinationRefDesc();
for (int i = 0; i < mdRef.length; i++) {
if (mdRef[i].getJndiName() == null) {
String jndiName = mdRef[i].getJndiName();
String mdLink = mdRef[i].getMessageDestinationLink();
String mdType = mdRef[i].getMessageDestinationType();
String mdUsage = mdRef[i].getMessageDestinationUsage();
if (mdLink != null) {
if (earLoader == null) {
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(
"Message-destination-link is not authorized from a single client jar. The client jar must be in an ear.");
} else {
String mdName = getMDJndiName(url, mdLink, mdType, mdUsage, earLoader);
return webDD;
* Return the port component desc from the pcLink string. pcLink format :
* filename.[jar or war]#portComponentName in the same Ear File
* @param warURL the url of the war being parsed. This is needed because
* pcLink is relative. With the url and the pcLink, we can know where
* the file is locate.
* @param pcLink the pcLink tag of an port-component-ref.
* @param earLoader the classloader of the ear.
* @param moduleLoader classlaoder of the current module
* @return the pcLink portComponent.
* @throws WSDeploymentDescException when it failed
*/private PortComponentDesc getPCDesc(URL warURL, String pcLink, ClassLoader moduleLoader, ClassLoader earLoader)throws WSDeploymentDescException {
// now ask WS Manager for port-component-descreturn wsDDManager.getPortComponentDesc(warURL, pcLink, moduleLoader, earLoader);
* Return the JNDI name from the ejbLink string. ejbLink format :
* filename.jar#beanName in the same Ear File beanName in the same ejb-jar
* file.
* @param warURL the url of the war being parsed. This is needed because
* ejbLink is relative. With the url and the ejbLink, we can know
* where the file is locate.
* @param ejbLink the ejbLink tag of an ejb-ref.
* @param earLoader the classloader of the ear.
* @param ejbType the type of the referenced ejb in the ejb-ref tag.
* @param isEjbRef true if the jndi name to resolve is an ejb-ref
* @return the JNDI name if found, null otherwise
* @throws DeploymentDescException when it failed
*/private String getJndiName(URL warURL, String ejbLink, ClassLoader earLoader, String ejbType, boolean isEjbRef)throws DeploymentDescException {
// Now ask EJB deployment Desc manager :return ejbDDManager.getJndiName(warURL, ejbLink, earLoader, ejbType, null, isEjbRef);
* Return the JNDI name from the mdLink string. mdLink format :
* filename.jar#mdName in the same Ear File
* @param warURL the url of the jar being parsed. This is needed because
* mdLink is relative. With the url and the mdLink, we can know where
* the file is locate.
* @param mdLink the mdLink tag of a message-destination-ref
* @param mdType the type of the referenced mdb in the
* message-destination-ref tag.
* @param mdUsage the usage of the referenced mdb in the
* message-destination-ref tag.
* @param earLoader the classloader of the ear.
* @return the JNDI name if found, null otherwise
* @throws WebContainerDeploymentDescException when it failed
*/private String getMDJndiName(URL warURL, String mdLink, String mdType, String mdUsage, ClassLoader earLoader)throws WebContainerDeploymentDescException {
// Extract from the mdb link// - the name of the file// - the name of the destination
String ejbJarLink = null;
String destNameLink = null;
org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.api.DeploymentDesc dd = null;
// Check the format of the ejb-link. It must contains .jar#if (mdLink.toLowerCase().indexOf(".jar#") == -1) {
String err = "Message-destination-link " + mdLink
+ " has a bad format. Correct format : filename.jar#messageDestinationName";
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(err);
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(mdLink, LINK_SEPARATOR);
// We must have only two elements after this step, one for the fileName// before the # and the name of the message-destination after the # charif (st.countTokens() != 2 || mdLink.startsWith(LINK_SEPARATOR) || mdLink.endsWith(LINK_SEPARATOR)) {
String err = "Message-destination-link " + mdLink
+ " has a bad format. Correct format : filename.jar#messageDestinationName.";
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(err);
//Get the token
ejbJarLink = st.nextToken();
destNameLink = st.nextToken();
//Check if ejbJarLink is a jar or notif (!ejbJarLink.endsWith(".jar")) {
String err = "Ejbjar filename " + ejbJarLink + " from the message-destination-link " + mdLink
+ " has a bad format. Correct format : filename.jar";
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(err);
// Now construct the URL from the absolute path from the url warURL and// the relative path from ejbJarLink
URL ejbJarLinkUrl = null;
try {
ejbJarLinkUrl = new File(new File(warURL.getFile()).getParent() + File.separator + ejbJarLink)
} catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
String err = "Error when creating an url for the ejb jar filename. Error :" + mue.getMessage();
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(err);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
String err = "Error when creating/accessing a file. Error :" + ioe.getMessage();
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(err);
// Check if the jar exist.if (!new File(ejbJarLinkUrl.getFile()).exists()) {
String err = "Cannot get the deployment descriptor for '" + ejbJarLinkUrl.getFile()
+ "'. The file doesn't exist.";
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(err);
// We've got the url// Now, We can ask the Deployment Descriptor of this url
URL[] ddURL = new URL[1];
ddURL[0] = ejbJarLinkUrl;
URLClassLoader loaderForClsEjb = new URLClassLoader(ddURL, earLoader);
try {
dd = ejbDDManager.getDeploymentDesc(ejbJarLinkUrl, loaderForClsEjb, earLoader);
} catch (DeploymentDescException e) {
String err = "Cannot get the deployment descriptor for '" + ejbJarLinkUrl.getFile() + "'.";
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(err, e);
JonasMessageDestination md = dd.getJonasMessageDestination(mdLink);
if (md == null) {
String err = "No message-destination-link was found for '" + mdLink + "' in the file " + warURL.getFile()
+ " specified.";
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(err);
//Check if the type & usage of the message-destination-ref is correct.//For now checkTypeUsage(warURL, mdType, mdUsage, dd);return md.getJndiName();
* Make a cleanup of the cache of deployment descriptor. This method must be
* invoked after the ear deployment by the EAR service.
* @param earClassLoader the ClassLoader of the ear application to remove
* from the cache.
*/publicvoidremoveCache(ClassLoader earClassLoader){
//Remove the altdd mapping
//Then remove the cache of the ejb dd manager
* Set the alt deployment desc which are used instead of the web.xml file
* which is in the war file. The alt-dd tag is in the application.xml file
* of the ear files and is used ony in the EAR case. ie : deployment of wars
* packaged into EAR applications. alt-dd tag is optionnal
* @param earClassLoader the ear classloader which is used for mapped the
* URLs of the wars to the Alt dd.
* @param urls the urls of the wars
* @param altDDs the alt-dd name for the specified war URLs
*/publicvoidsetAltDD(ClassLoader earClassLoader, URL[] urls, URL[] altDDs){
//Associate an url to a altDD url
Hashtable urlAltddBindings = new Hashtable();
//Fill the hashtable for each urlfor (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
if (altDDs[i] != null) {
urlAltddBindings.put(urls[i], altDDs[i]);
//Bind the hashtable
earCLAltDDBindings.put(earClassLoader, urlAltddBindings);
* Get the size of the cache (number of entries in the cache). This method
* is used only for the tests.
* @return the size of the cache (number of entries in the cache).
int bufferSize = 0;
Enumeration classLoaders = earCLAltDDBindings.keys();
while (classLoaders.hasMoreElements()) {
ClassLoader loader = (ClassLoader) classLoaders.nextElement();
Hashtable hashtab = (Hashtable) earCLAltDDBindings.get(loader);
bufferSize = bufferSize + hashtab.size();
return bufferSize;
* Get the specified web deployment descriptor.
* @param filename the filename where to load xml deployment descriptors.
* @param loader classloader used to load web classes.
* @return WebContainerDeploymentDesc the web deployment descriptor.
* @throws WebContainerDeploymentDescException when
* WebContainerDeploymentDesc cannot be created with the given
* files.
*/publicstatic WebContainerDeploymentDesc getDeploymentDesc(String filename, ClassLoader loader)throws WebContainerDeploymentDescException {
WebContainerDeploymentDesc wcdd = null;
// if Desc already parsedif (staticCache.containsKey(filename)) {
wcdd = (WebContainerDeploymentDesc) staticCache.get(filename);
} else {
// Check if the war exists ...if (!new File(filename).exists()) {
String err = "Cannot get the deployment descriptor for ";
err += "'" + filename + "'. The file doesn't exist.";
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(err);
// get the DeploymentDesctry {
wcdd = getInstance(filename, loader);
} catch (DeploymentDescException dde) {
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(dde);
// put in cache
staticCache.put(filename, wcdd);
return wcdd;
* Get an instance of a WEB deployment descriptor by parsing the web.xml and
* jonas-web.xml deployment descriptors.
* @param warFileName the fileName of the war file for the deployment
* descriptors.
* @param classLoaderForCls the classloader for the classes.
* @param altWebXmlFilename the fileName to the web.xml for the alt-dd tag
* in the Ear Case. This is used for specify an alternate DDesc file.
* @return a WEB deployment descriptor by parsing the web.xml and
* jonas-web.xml deployment descriptors.
* @throws DeploymentDescException if the deployment descriptors are
* corrupted.
*/publicstatic WebContainerDeploymentDesc getInstance(String warFileName, ClassLoader classLoaderForCls,
String altWebXmlFilename)throws DeploymentDescException {
// init xml contents values;
String xmlContent = "";
String jonasXmlContent = "";
//war file
JarFile warFile = null;
//Input streams
InputStream webInputStream = null;
InputStream jonasWebInputStream = null;
ZipEntry webZipEntry = null;
ZipEntry jonasWebZipEntry = null;
WebApp webApp;
JonasWebApp jonasWebApp;
//Build the file
File fWar = new File(warFileName);
//Check if the file exists.if (!(fWar.exists())) {
String err = "' " + warFileName + "' was not found.";
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(err);
//Check if the Alt deploymentDesc file exists.//But only if it's a non null value because it's optionnal.if ((altWebXmlFilename != null) && (!new File(altWebXmlFilename).exists())) {
String err = "The file for the altdd tag for the EAR case '" + altWebXmlFilename + "' was not found.";
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(err);
// load the web-app deployment descriptor data (WEB-INF/web.xml// and WEB-INF/jonas-web.xml)try {
//No alt-dd caseif (altWebXmlFilename == null) {
//If warFile is a directory, there is no jar. Check file in the// directoryif (fWar.isDirectory()) {
//lookup a WEB-INF/web.xml file
File webXmlF = new File(warFileName, WEB_FILE_NAME);
if (!webXmlF.exists()) {
String err = "You have choose to deploy a war directory but there is no " + WEB_FILE_NAME
+ " file in the directory " + warFileName;
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(err);
webInputStream = new FileInputStream(webXmlF);
xmlContent = xmlContent(webInputStream);
webInputStream = new FileInputStream(webXmlF);
} else {
warFile = new JarFile(warFileName);
//Lookup in the JAR//Check the web entry
webZipEntry = warFile.getEntry(WEB_FILE_NAME);
if (webZipEntry == null) {
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException("The entry '" + WEB_FILE_NAME
+ "' was not found in the file '" + warFileName + "'.");
//Get the stream
webInputStream = warFile.getInputStream(webZipEntry);
xmlContent = xmlContent(webInputStream);
webInputStream = warFile.getInputStream(webZipEntry);
} else {
webInputStream = new FileInputStream(altWebXmlFilename);
xmlContent = xmlContent(webInputStream);
webInputStream = new FileInputStream(altWebXmlFilename);
//This is a directoryif (fWar.isDirectory()) {
//lookup a WEB-INF/jonas-web.xml file
File webJXmlF = new File(warFileName, JONAS_WEB_FILE_NAME);
if (webJXmlF.exists()) {
jonasWebInputStream = new FileInputStream(webJXmlF);
jonasXmlContent = xmlContent(jonasWebInputStream);
jonasWebInputStream = new FileInputStream(webJXmlF);
} else {
if (warFile == null) {
warFile = new JarFile(warFileName);
//Check the jonas web entry
jonasWebZipEntry = warFile.getEntry(JONAS_WEB_FILE_NAME);
//Get the streamif (jonasWebZipEntry != null) {
jonasWebInputStream = warFile.getInputStream(jonasWebZipEntry);
jonasXmlContent = xmlContent(jonasWebInputStream);
jonasWebInputStream = warFile.getInputStream(jonasWebZipEntry);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (warFile != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// We can't close the file
logger.log(BasicLevel.WARN, "Can't close file '" + warFileName + "'");
thrownew WebContainerDeploymentDescException(
"Cannot read the XML deployment descriptors of the war file '" + warFileName + "'.", e);
webApp = loadWebApp(new InputStreamReader(webInputStream), WEB_FILE_NAME);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// Nothing to do
logger.log(BasicLevel.WARN, "Can't close InputStream of web.xml from '" + warFileName + "'");
// load jonas-web-app deployment descriptor data// (WEB-INF/jonas-web.xml)if (jonasWebInputStream != null) {
jonasWebApp = loadJonasWebApp(new InputStreamReader(jonasWebInputStream), JONAS_WEB_FILE_NAME);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// Nothing to do
logger.log(BasicLevel.WARN, "Can't close InputStream of jonas-web.xml from '" + warFileName + "'");
} else {
jonasWebApp = new JonasWebApp();
// close the zipif (warFile != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// We can't close the file
logger.log(BasicLevel.WARN, "Can't close file '" + warFileName + "'");
// instantiate web deployment descriptor
WebContainerDeploymentDesc webDD = new WebContainerDeploymentDesc(warFileName, classLoaderForCls, webApp,
return webDD;
* Get an instance of a WEB deployment descriptor by parsing the web.xml and
* jonas-web.xml deployment descriptors.
* @param warFileName the fileName of the war file for the deployment
* descriptors.
* @param classLoaderForCls the classloader for the classes.
* @return a WEB deployment descriptor by parsing the web.xml and
* jonas-web.xml deployment descriptors.
* @throws DeploymentDescException if the deployment descriptors are
* corrupted.
*/publicstatic WebContainerDeploymentDesc getInstance(String warFileName, ClassLoader classLoaderForCls)throws DeploymentDescException {
return getInstance(warFileName, classLoaderForCls, null);
* Load the web.xml file.
* @param reader the reader of the XML file.
* @param fileName the name of the file (web.xml).
* @return a structure containing the result of the web.xml parsing.
* @throws DeploymentDescException if the deployment descriptor is
* corrupted.
*/publicstatic WebApp loadWebApp(Reader reader, String fileName)throws DeploymentDescException {
WebApp webApp = new WebApp();
// Create if nullif (webAppDigester == null) {
webAppDigester = new JDigester(webAppRuleSet, getParsingWithValidation(), true, new WebAppDTDs(),
new WebAppSchemas());
try {
webAppDigester.parse(reader, fileName, webApp);
} catch (DeploymentDescException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
return webApp;
* Load the jonas-web.xml file.
* @param reader the Reader of the XML file.
* @param fileName the name of the file (jonas-web.xml).
* @return a structure containing the result of the jonas-web.xml parsing.
* @throws DeploymentDescException if the deployment descriptor is
* corrupted.
*/publicstatic JonasWebApp loadJonasWebApp(Reader reader, String fileName)throws DeploymentDescException {
JonasWebApp jonasWebApp = new JonasWebApp();
// Create if nullif (jonasWebAppDigester == null) {
jonasWebAppDigester = new JDigester(jonasWebAppRuleSet, getParsingWithValidation(), true,
new JonasWebAppDTDs(), new JonasWebAppSchemas());
try {
jonasWebAppDigester.parse(reader, fileName, jonasWebApp);
} catch (DeploymentDescException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
return jonasWebApp;
* Controls whether the parser is reporting all validity errors.
* @return if true, all external entities will be read.
return parsingWithValidation;
* Controls whether the parser is reporting all validity errors.
* @param validation if true, all external entities will be read.
*/publicstaticvoidsetParsingWithValidation(boolean validation){
WebDeploymentDescManager.parsingWithValidation = validation;