org.obolibrary.robot.QueryOperation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.obolibrary.robot;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper;
import org.apache.jena.query.*;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.*;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.impl.ResourceImpl;
import org.apache.jena.riot.Lang;
import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr;
import org.apache.jena.riot.ResultSetMgr;
import org.apache.jena.riot.resultset.ResultSetLang;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraph;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraphFactory;
import org.apache.jena.update.UpdateAction;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.BNode;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Literal;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Statement;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.apibinding.OWLManager;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.formats.TurtleDocumentFormat;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Query an ontology using SPARQL.
* @author James A. Overton
public class QueryOperation {
/** Logger. */
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueryOperation.class);
/** Namespace for error messages. */
private static final String NS = "query#";
/** Error message when query parsing fails. Expects: error message from parse. */
private static final String queryParseError =
NS + "QUERY PARSE ERROR query cannot be parsed:\n%s";
/** Error message when query type is illegal. Expects: query type. */
private static final String queryTypeError = NS + "QUERY TYPE ERROR unknown query type: %s";
* Load an ontology into a DatasetGraph. The ontology is not changed.
* @deprecated use {@link #loadOntologyAsDataset(OWLOntology)} instead.
* @param ontology The ontology to load into the graph
* @return A new DatasetGraph with the ontology loaded into the default graph
* @throws OWLOntologyStorageException rarely
public static DatasetGraph loadOntology(OWLOntology ontology) throws OWLOntologyStorageException {
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ontology.getOWLOntologyManager().saveOntology(ontology, new TurtleDocumentFormat(), os);
DatasetGraph dsg = DatasetGraphFactory.create();, new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray()), Lang.TURTLE);
return dsg;
* Given an ontology, return a dataset containing that ontology as the only graph.
* @param ontology ontology to query
* @return dataset to query
* @throws OWLOntologyStorageException on issue converting ontology Jena model
public static Dataset loadOntologyAsDataset(OWLOntology ontology)
throws OWLOntologyStorageException {
return loadOntologyAsDataset(ontology, false);
* Given an ontology and a boolean indicating if imports should be included as graphs, return a
* dataset either with just the ontology, or the ontology and its imports as separate graphs.
* @param ontology ontology to query
* @param useGraphs if true, load imports as separate graphs
* @return dataset to query
* @throws OWLOntologyStorageException on issue converting ontology Jena model
public static Dataset loadOntologyAsDataset(OWLOntology ontology, boolean useGraphs)
throws OWLOntologyStorageException {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Set ontologies = new HashSet<>();
if (useGraphs) {
// Instantiate an empty dataset
Dataset dataset = DatasetFactory.createGeneral();
// Load each ontology in the set as a named model
for (OWLOntology ont : ontologies) {
Model m = loadOntologyAsModel(ont);
// Get the name of the graph as the ontology IRI
IRI iri = ont.getOntologyID().getOntologyIRI().orNull();
String name;
if (iri != null) {
name = iri.toString();
} else {
// If there is no IRI, generate a random ID
name = "urn:uuid:" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
}"Named graph added: " + name);
dataset.addNamedModel(name, m);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
"Loaded ontology into Jena dataset - took %s seconds",
String.valueOf((end - start) / 1000.0)));
return dataset;
* Given an OWLOntology, return the Model representation of the axioms.
* @param ontology OWLOntology to convert to Model
* @return Model of axioms (imports ignored)
* @throws OWLOntologyStorageException on issue rendering ontology to triples
public static Model loadOntologyAsModel(OWLOntology ontology) throws OWLOntologyStorageException {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
JenaTriplesHandler handler = new JenaTriplesHandler();
RioRenderer renderer = new RioRenderer(ontology, handler, null);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new OWLOntologyStorageException(e);
Model model = handler.getModel();
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
"Converted ontology to model - took %s seconds",
String.valueOf((end - start) / 1000.0)));
return model;
/** Sesame RDFHandler which converts triples to Jena objects */
private static class JenaTriplesHandler implements RDFHandler {
private final Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
// We need to use the blank node IDs from Sesame when creating matching Jena blank nodes.
// However we must ensure that these do not happen to be the same for another ontology
// rendered into triples.
private final String modelUniqueBlankNodePrefix = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
public void handleStatement(Statement triple) {
Resource subject;
if (triple.getSubject() instanceof BNode) {
subject =
new ResourceImpl(
new AnonId(modelUniqueBlankNodePrefix + ((BNode) triple.getSubject()).getID()));
} else {
subject = ResourceFactory.createResource(triple.getSubject().stringValue());
Property predicate = ResourceFactory.createProperty(triple.getPredicate().stringValue());
RDFNode object;
if (triple.getObject() instanceof BNode) {
object =
new ResourceImpl(
new AnonId(modelUniqueBlankNodePrefix + ((BNode) triple.getObject()).getID()));
} else if (triple.getObject() instanceof org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI) {
object = ResourceFactory.createResource(triple.getObject().stringValue());
} else {
Literal literal = (Literal) (triple.getObject());
if (literal.getLanguage().isPresent()) {
object =
ResourceFactory.createLangLiteral(literal.getLabel(), literal.getLanguage().get());
} else if (literal.getDatatype() != null) {
object =
} else {
object = ResourceFactory.createStringLiteral(literal.getLabel());
model.add(subject, predicate, object);
public Model getModel() {
return model;
public void startRDF() {}
public void endRDF() {}
public void handleNamespace(String prefix, String uri) {}
public void handleComment(String comment) {}
* Given a path to an RDF/XML or TTL file and a RDF language, load the file as the default model
* of a TDB dataset backed by a directory to improve processing time. Return the new dataset.
* WARNING - this creates a directory at given tdbDir location!
* @deprecated moved to {@link org.obolibrary.robot.IOHelper#loadToTDBDataset(String, String)}
* @param inputPath input path of RDF/XML or TTL file
* @param tdbDir location to put TDB mappings
* @return Dataset instantiated with triples
public static Dataset loadTriplesAsDataset(String inputPath, String tdbDir) {
return IOHelper.loadToTDBDataset(inputPath, tdbDir);
* Given a Model, return the OWLOntology representation of the axioms.
* @deprecated Use {@link #convertModel(Model, IOHelper, String)}
* @param model Model to convert to OWLOntology
* @return OWLOntology of axioms
* @throws OWLOntologyCreationException on issue loading ontology from byte array
public static OWLOntology convertModel(Model model) throws OWLOntologyCreationException {
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
RDFDataMgr.write(os, model, Lang.TTL);
OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
return manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray()));
* Given a Model, an IOHelper, and a path to an XML catalog, convert the model to an OWLOntology
* object.
* @param model Model to convert to OWLOntology
* @param ioHelper IOHelper to load ontology
* @param catalogPath String path to XML catalog
* @return OWLOntology object version of model
* @throws IOException on issue loading ontology
public static OWLOntology convertModel(Model model, IOHelper ioHelper, String catalogPath)
throws IOException {
return convertModel(model, ioHelper, catalogPath, false);
* Given a Model, an IOHelper, and a path to an XML catalog, convert the model to an OWLOntology
* object.
* @param model Model to convert to OWLOntology
* @param ioHelper IOHelper to load ontology
* @param catalogPath String path to XML catalog
* @param useTemporaryFile whether to use a temporary file to store intermediate results or to
* keep them in memory.
* @return OWLOntology object version of model
* @throws IOException on issue loading ontology
public static OWLOntology convertModel(
Model model, IOHelper ioHelper, String catalogPath, boolean useTemporaryFile)
throws IOException {
if (useTemporaryFile) {
final File tempFile = File.createTempFile("robot", ".owl");
try (final BufferedOutputStream os =
new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempFile))) {
RDFDataMgr.write(os, model, Lang.TTL);
return ioHelper.loadOntology(
new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(tempFile)), catalogPath);
} else {
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
RDFDataMgr.write(os, model, Lang.TTL);
return ioHelper.loadOntology(new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray()), catalogPath);
* Count results.
* @param results The result set to count.
* @return the size of the result set
public static int countResults(ResultSet results) {
int i = 0;
while (results.hasNext()) {;
return i;
public static Dataset createEmptyDataset() {
return DatasetFactory.create();
* Execute a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query on a graph and return the model.
* @deprecated use {@link #execConstruct(Dataset, String)} instead.
* @param dsg the graph to construct in
* @param query the SPARQL construct query string
* @return the result Model
public static Model execConstruct(DatasetGraph dsg, String query) {
return execConstruct(DatasetFactory.wrap(dsg), query);
* Execute a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query on a dataset and return a model.
* @param dataset the Dataset to construct in
* @param query the SPARQL construct query string
* @return the result Model
public static Model execConstruct(Dataset dataset, String query) {
QueryExecution qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, dataset);
return qExec.execConstruct();
* Execute a SPARQL SELECT query on a graph and return a result set.
* @deprecated use {@link #execQuery(Dataset, String)} instead.
* @param dsg the graph to query
* @param query the SPARQL query string
* @return the result set
* @throws IOException on query parse error
public static ResultSet execQuery(DatasetGraph dsg, String query) throws IOException {
return execQuery(DatasetFactory.wrap(dsg), query);
* Execute a SPARQL SELECT query on a dataset and return a result set.
* @param dataset the Dataset to query over
* @param query the SPARQL query string
* @return the result set
* @throws IOException on query parse error
public static ResultSet execQuery(Dataset dataset, String query) throws IOException {
QueryExecution qExec;
try {
qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, dataset);
} catch (QueryParseException e) {
throw new IOException(String.format(queryParseError, e.getMessage()));
return qExec.execSelect();
* Given a Model and a SPARQL update (as string), update the model.
* @param model Model to update
* @param updateString SPARQL update
public static void execUpdate(Model model, String updateString) {
UpdateAction.parseExecute(updateString, model);
* Execute a verification. Writes to STDERR.
* @deprecated previously used as test method.
* @param queriesResults a map from files to query results and output streams
* @return true if there are any violations
* @throws IOException on file issues
public static boolean execVerify(
Map> queriesResults) throws IOException {
boolean isViolation = false;
for (File outFile : queriesResults.keySet()) {
Tuple resultAndStream = queriesResults.get(outFile);
ResultSetRewindable results = resultAndStream.left();
OutputStream outStream = resultAndStream.right();
"Rule " + outFile.getCanonicalPath() + ": " + results.size() + " violation(s)");
if (results.size() > 0) {
isViolation = true;
ResultSetMgr.write(System.err, results, Lang.CSV);
ResultSetMgr.write(outStream, results, Lang.CSV);
return isViolation;
* Execute a SPARQL query and return true if there are any results, false otherwise.
* @deprecated use {@link #execVerify(Dataset, String, String)} instead
* @param dsg the graph to query over
* @param ruleName name of rule to verify
* @param query the SPARQL query string
* @return true if the are results, false otherwise
* @throws IOException on query parse error
public static boolean execVerify(DatasetGraph dsg, String ruleName, String query)
throws IOException {
return execVerify(DatasetFactory.wrap(dsg), ruleName, query);
* Given a dataset to query, a rule name, and the query string, execute the query over the
* dataset.
* @param dataset Dataset to query
* @param ruleName name of rule to verify
* @param query the SPARQL query string
* @return true if there are results, false otherwise
* @throws IOException on query parse error
public static boolean execVerify(Dataset dataset, String ruleName, String query)
throws IOException {
ResultSetRewindable results = ResultSetFactory.copyResults(execQuery(dataset, query));
System.out.println("Rule " + ruleName + ": " + results.size() + " violation(s)");
if (results.size() == 0) {
System.out.println("PASS Rule " + ruleName + ": 0 violation(s)");
return false;
} else {
ResultSetMgr.write(System.err, results, Lang.CSV);
System.out.println("FAIL Rule " + ruleName + ": " + results.size() + " violation(s)");
return true;
* Given a SPARQL query, return its default file format as a string.
* @param query the SPARQL query string
* @return the format name
public static String getDefaultFormatName(String query) {
QueryExecution qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, createEmptyDataset());
return getDefaultFormatName(qExec.getQuery());
* Given a SPARQL query, return its default file format as a string.
* @param query the SPARQL query
* @return the format name
* @throws IllegalArgumentException on bad query
public static String getDefaultFormatName(Query query) throws IllegalArgumentException {
String formatName;
switch (query.queryType()) {
case ASK:
formatName = "txt";
formatName = "ttl";
case SELECT:
formatName = "csv";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(queryTypeError, query.queryType()));
return formatName;
* Convert a format name string to a language code.
* @param formatName the format name as a string
* @return the format language code or null
public static Lang getFormatLang(String formatName) {
Lang format;
formatName = formatName.toLowerCase();
switch (formatName) {
case "tsv":
format = ResultSetLang.SPARQLResultSetTSV;
case "ttl":
format = Lang.TTL;
case "jsonld":
format = Lang.JSONLD;
case "nt":
format = Lang.NT;
case "nq":
format = Lang.NQ;
case "csv":
format = Lang.CSV;
case "xml":
format = Lang.RDFXML;
case "sxml":
format = ResultSetLang.SPARQLResultSetXML;
format = null;
return format;
* Given a SPARQL query, return its type as a string: ASK, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE, or SELECT.
* @param queryString the SPARQL query string
* @return the query type string
* @throws IllegalArgumentException on bad query
public static String getQueryTypeName(String queryString) {
QueryExecution qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(queryString, createEmptyDataset());
Query query = qExec.getQuery();
String queryType;
switch (query.queryType()) {
case ASK:
queryType = "ASK";
queryType = "CONSTRUCT";
queryType = "DESCRIBE";
case SELECT:
queryType = "SELECT";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(queryTypeError, query.queryType()));
return queryType;
* If a result set has results, return true, otherwise false.
* @param result the results to write
* @return true if there are results, false otherwise
public static boolean hasResult(ResultSet result) {
return result.hasNext();
* If a model has statements, return true, otherwise false.
* @param result the results to write
* @return true if there are statements, false otherwise
public static boolean hasResult(Model result) {
return !result.isEmpty();
* If a result set has results, write to the output stream and return true. Otherwise return
* false.
* @param result the results to write
* @param formatName the name of the language to write in
* @param output the output stream to write to
* @return true if there were results, false otherwise
public static boolean maybeWriteResult(ResultSet result, String formatName, OutputStream output) {
if (hasResult(result)) {
writeResult(result, formatName, output);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* If a model has statements, write to the output stream and return true. Otherwise return false.
* @param result the Model to write
* @param formatName the name of the language to write in
* @param output the output stream to write to
* @return true if there were statements, false otherwise
public static boolean maybeWriteResult(Model result, String formatName, OutputStream output) {
if (hasResult(result)) {
writeResult(result, formatName, output);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Run a CONSTRUCT query and write the result to a file.
* @param dataset the Dataset to construct in.
* @param query The SPARQL construct query string.
* @param output The file to write to.
* @param outputFormat The file format.
* @throws FileNotFoundException if output file is not found
public static void runConstruct(Dataset dataset, String query, File output, Lang outputFormat)
throws FileNotFoundException {
writeResult(execConstruct(dataset, query), outputFormat, new FileOutputStream(output));
* Run a SELECT query on a graph and write the results to a file.
* @deprecated use {@link #runQuery(Dataset, String, File, Lang)} instead.
* @param dsg the graph to query
* @param query The SPARQL query string.
* @param output The file to write to.
* @param outputFormat The file format.
* @throws IOException if output file is not found or query cannot be parsed
public static void runQuery(DatasetGraph dsg, String query, File output, Lang outputFormat)
throws IOException {
runQuery(DatasetFactory.wrap(dsg), query, output, outputFormat);
* Run a SELECT query on a dataset and write the result to a file.
* @param dataset The dataset to query over.
* @param query The SPARQL query string.
* @param output The file to write to.
* @param outputFormat The file format.
* @throws IOException if output file is not found or query cannot be parsed
public static void runQuery(Dataset dataset, String query, File output, Lang outputFormat)
throws IOException {
if (outputFormat == null) {
outputFormat = Lang.CSV;
writeResult(execQuery(dataset, query), outputFormat, new FileOutputStream(output));
* Run a SPARQL query and return true if there were results, false otherwise.
* @deprecated use {@link #runSparqlQuery(Dataset, String, String, OutputStream)} instead.
* @param dsg the graph to query over
* @param query the SPARQL query string
* @param formatName the name of the output format
* @param output the OutputStream to write to
* @return true if results, false if otherwise
* @throws IOException on issue parsing query
public static boolean runSparqlQuery(
DatasetGraph dsg, String query, String formatName, OutputStream output) throws IOException {
return runSparqlQuery(DatasetFactory.wrap(dsg), query, formatName, output);
* Given a dataset, a query string, a format name, and an output stream, run the SPARQL query over
* the named graphs and write the output to the stream.
* @param dataset Dataset to query over
* @param queryString query to run
* @param formatName format of output
* @param output output stream to write to
* @return true if successful
* @throws IOException on issue parsing query
public static boolean runSparqlQuery(
Dataset dataset, String queryString, String formatName, OutputStream output)
throws IOException {
boolean result;
try (QueryExecution qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(queryString, dataset)) {
result = runSparqlQuery(qExec, formatName, output);
} catch (QueryParseException e) {
throw new IOException(String.format(queryParseError, e.getMessage()));
} finally {
return result;
* Given a query execution, a format name, and an output stream, run the query and write to
* output.
* @param qExec QueryExecution to run
* @param formatName format of output
* @param output output stream to write to
* @return true if there are results
public static boolean runSparqlQuery(
QueryExecution qExec, String formatName, OutputStream output) {
Query query = qExec.getQuery();
if (formatName == null) {
formatName = getDefaultFormatName(query);
switch (query.queryType()) {
case ASK:
writeResult(qExec.execAsk(), output);
return true;
return maybeWriteResult(qExec.execConstruct(), formatName, output);
return maybeWriteResult(qExec.execDescribe(), formatName, output);
case SELECT:
return maybeWriteResult(qExec.execSelect(), formatName, output);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(queryTypeError, query.queryType()));
* Given a Model, a SPARQL update string, an output stream, and the output format, update the
* model and write it to the output.
* @param model Model to update
* @param updateString SPARQL update
* @param output output stream to write to
* @param outputFormat the file format
* @throws FileNotFoundException if output file cannot be found
public static void runUpdate(Model model, String updateString, File output, Lang outputFormat)
throws FileNotFoundException {
if (outputFormat == null) {
outputFormat = Lang.TTL;
execUpdate(model, updateString);
writeResult(model, outputFormat, new FileOutputStream(output));
* Run a SELECT query over the graph and write the result to a file. Prints violations to STDERR.
* @deprecated use {@link #runVerify(Dataset, String, String, Path, Lang)} instead.
* @param dsg The graph to query over.
* @param ruleName name of the rule
* @param query The SPARQL query string.
* @param outputPath The file path to write to, if there are results
* @param outputFormat The file format.
* @throws IOException if output file is not found or query cannot be parsed
* @return true if the are results (so file is written), false otherwise
public static boolean runVerify(
DatasetGraph dsg, String ruleName, String query, Path outputPath, Lang outputFormat)
throws IOException {
return runVerify(DatasetFactory.wrap(dsg), ruleName, query, outputPath, outputFormat);
* Run a SELECT query over the union of named graphs in a dataset and write the result to a file.
* Prints violations to STDERR.
* @param dataset The dataset to query over.
* @param ruleName The name of the rule to verify.
* @param query The SPARQL query string.
* @param outputPath The file path to write to, if there are results
* @param outputFormat The file format.
* @throws IOException if output file is not found or query cannot be parsed
* @return true if the are results (so file is written), false otherwise
public static boolean runVerify(
Dataset dataset, String ruleName, String query, Path outputPath, Lang outputFormat)
throws IOException {
if (outputFormat == null) {
outputFormat = Lang.CSV;
ResultSetRewindable results = ResultSetFactory.copyResults(execQuery(dataset, query));
if (results.size() == 0) {
System.out.println("PASS Rule " + ruleName + ": 0 violation(s)");
return false;
} else {
System.out.println("FAIL Rule " + ruleName + ": " + results.size() + " violation(s)");
ResultSetMgr.write(System.err, results, Lang.CSV);
FileOutputStream csvFile = new FileOutputStream(outputPath.toFile());
writeResult(results, outputFormat, csvFile);
return true;
* Write a boolean result to an output stream.
* @param result the boolean to write
* @param output the output stream to write to
public static void writeResult(boolean result, OutputStream output) {
PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(output);
* Write a result set to an output stream.
* @param resultSet the results to write
* @param formatName the name of the language to write in
* @param output the output stream to write to
public static void writeResult(ResultSet resultSet, String formatName, OutputStream output) {
writeResult(resultSet, getFormatLang(formatName), output);
* Write a result set to an output stream.
* @param resultSet the results to write
* @param format the language to write in (if null, CSV)
* @param output the output stream to write to
public static void writeResult(ResultSet resultSet, Lang format, OutputStream output) {
if (format == null) {
format = Lang.CSV;
ResultSetMgr.write(output, resultSet, format);
* Write a model to an output stream.
* @param model the Model to write
* @param formatName the name of the language to write in
* @param output the output stream to write to
public static void writeResult(Model model, String formatName, OutputStream output) {
writeResult(model, getFormatLang(formatName), output);
* Write a model to an output stream.
* @param model the Model to write
* @param format the language to write in (if null, TTL)
* @param output the output stream to write to
public static void writeResult(Model model, Lang format, OutputStream output) {
if (format == null) {
format = Lang.TTL;
RDFDataMgr.write(output, model, format);