org.obolibrary.robot.ReasonOperation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.obolibrary.robot;
import static org.obolibrary.robot.reason.EquivalentClassReasoningMode.ALL;
import java.util.*;
import org.geneontology.reasoner.ExpressionMaterializingReasoner;
import org.obolibrary.robot.checks.InvalidReferenceChecker;
import org.obolibrary.robot.checks.InvalidReferenceViolation;
import org.obolibrary.robot.exceptions.*;
import org.obolibrary.robot.reason.EquivalentClassReasoning;
import org.obolibrary.robot.reason.EquivalentClassReasoningMode;
import org.obolibrary.robot.reason.InferredSubClassAxiomGeneratorIncludingIndirect;
import org.semanticweb.HermiT.ReasonerFactory;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.apibinding.OWLManager;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.parameters.Imports;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.InferenceType;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.Node;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.OWLReasoner;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.OWLReasonerFactory;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Reason over an ontology and add axioms.
* @author James A. Overton
public class ReasonOperation {
/** Logger. */
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReasonOperation.class);
private static final String NS = "reason#";
private static final String equivalentClassAxiomError =
NS + "EQUIVALENT CLASS AXIOM ERROR one or more equivalent named classes were found.";
* Return a map from option name to default option value, for all the available reasoner options.
* @return a map with default values for all available options
public static Map getDefaultOptions() {
Map options = new HashMap<>();
options.put("remove-redundant-subclass-axioms", "true");
options.put("create-new-ontology", "false");
options.put("create-new-ontology-with-annotations", "false");
options.put("annotate-inferred-axioms", "false");
options.put("exclude-duplicate-axioms", "false");
options.put("exclude-external-entities", "false");
options.put("exclude-owl-thing", "false");
options.put("equivalent-classes-allowed", ALL.written());
options.put("prevent-invalid-references", "false");
options.put("preserve-annotated-axioms", "false");
options.put("dump-unsatisfiable", null);
options.put("axiom-generators", "subclass");
options.put("include-indirect", "false");
options.put("exclude-tautologies", "false");
return options;
* Given an ontology and a reasoner factory, return the ontology with inferred axioms added after
* reasoning. Use default options.
* @param ontology the ontology to reason over
* @param reasonerFactory the factory to create a reasoner instance from
* @throws OntologyLogicException if the ontology contains unsatisfiable classes, properties or
* inconsistencies
* @throws OWLOntologyCreationException if ontology cannot be created
* @throws InvalidReferenceException if the reference checker fails
public static void reason(OWLOntology ontology, OWLReasonerFactory reasonerFactory)
throws OntologyLogicException, OWLOntologyCreationException, InvalidReferenceException {
reason(ontology, reasonerFactory, getDefaultOptions());
* Given an ontology, a reasoner factory, and a map of options, return the ontology with inferred
* axioms added after reasoning.
* @param ontology the ontology to reason over
* @param reasonerFactory the factory to create a reasoner instance from
* @param options a map of option strings, or null
* @throws OntologyLogicException if the ontology contains unsatisfiable classes, properties or
* inconsistencies
* @throws OWLOntologyCreationException if ontology cannot be created
* @throws InvalidReferenceException if the reference checker fails
public static void reason(
OWLOntology ontology, OWLReasonerFactory reasonerFactory, Map options)
throws OntologyLogicException, OWLOntologyCreationException, InvalidReferenceException {"Ontology has {} axioms.", ontology.getAxioms().size());
// Check the ontology for reference violations
// Maybe fail if prevent-invalid-references
checkReferenceViolations(ontology, options);
// Get the reasoner and run initial reasoning
// No axioms are asserted in this step
OWLReasoner reasoner = reasonerFactory.createReasoner(ontology);
reason(ontology, reasoner, options);
// Get the axiom generators
// If none are provided, just default to subclass=
List> gens = getInferredAxiomGenerators(options);
// Assert inferred axioms in the ontology
assertInferred(ontology, reasoner, gens, options);
* Create a tautology checker.
* @param structural if true, return null - we do not need a checker for the structural patterns
* @return new OWLReasoner for empty ontology or null
* @throws OWLOntologyCreationException on issue creating empty ontology
public static OWLReasoner getTautologyChecker(boolean structural)
throws OWLOntologyCreationException {
if (!structural) {
OWLOntology empty = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager().createOntology();
return new ReasonerFactory().createReasoner(empty);
} else {
return null;
* Given an OWLAxiom, a tautology checker reasoner, and a boolean, determine if the axiom is a
* tautology.
* @param axiom OWLAxiom to check
* @param tautologyChecker OWLReasoner for empty ontology
* @param structural if true, only check for hard-coded structural patterns (checker can be null)
* @return true if axiom is tautological
public static boolean isTautological(
OWLAxiom axiom, OWLReasoner tautologyChecker, boolean structural) {
if (structural) {
if (axiom instanceof OWLSubClassOfAxiom) {
OWLSubClassOfAxiom subClassOfAxiom = (OWLSubClassOfAxiom) axiom;
if (subClassOfAxiom.getSuperClass().isOWLThing()) {
// X subClassOf owl:Thing
return true;
} else if (subClassOfAxiom.getSubClass().isOWLNothing()) {
// owl:Nothing subClassOf X
return true;
} else {
// X subClassOf X
return subClassOfAxiom.getSubClass().equals(subClassOfAxiom.getSuperClass());
} else if (axiom instanceof OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom) {
// X equivalentTo X
OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom equivAxiom = (OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom) axiom;
return equivAxiom.getClassExpressions().size() < 2;
} else if (axiom instanceof OWLClassAssertionAxiom) {
// X a owl:Thing
OWLClassAssertionAxiom classAssertion = (OWLClassAssertionAxiom) axiom;
return classAssertion.getClassExpression().isOWLThing();
} else if (axiom instanceof OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom) {
// X owl:topDataProperty ...
OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom assertion = (OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom) axiom;
return assertion.getProperty().isOWLTopObjectProperty();
} else if (axiom instanceof OWLDataPropertyAssertionAxiom) {
// X owl:topObjectProperty ...
OWLDataPropertyAssertionAxiom assertion = (OWLDataPropertyAssertionAxiom) axiom;
return assertion.getProperty().isOWLTopDataProperty();
} else if (axiom instanceof OWLDeclarationAxiom) {
// owl:Thing a owl:Class, owl:Nothing a owl:Class, etc.
OWLDeclarationAxiom declaration = (OWLDeclarationAxiom) axiom;
return declaration.getEntity().isBuiltIn();
} else if (tautologyChecker != null) {
if (axiom instanceof OWLDeclarationAxiom) {
// ignore declaration UNLESS it is built in
OWLDeclarationAxiom declaration = (OWLDeclarationAxiom) axiom;
return declaration.getEntity().isBuiltIn();
} else if (axiom instanceof OWLLogicalAxiom) {
// otherwise check if axiom is entailed by empty ontology
return tautologyChecker.isEntailed(axiom);
return false;
* Remove subClassAxioms where there is a more direct axiom, and the subClassAxiom does not have
* any annotations.
* Example: genotyping assay - asserted in dev: assay - inferred by reasoner: analyte assay -
* asserted after fill: assay, analyte assay - asserted after removeRedundantSubClassAxioms:
* analyte assay
* @param reasoner an OWL reasoner, initialized with a root ontology; the ontology will be
* modified
public static void removeRedundantSubClassAxioms(OWLReasoner reasoner) {
removeRedundantSubClassAxioms(reasoner, null);
* Remove subClassAxioms where there is a more direct axiom, and the subClassAxiom does not have
* any annotations.
Example: genotyping assay - asserted in dev: assay - inferred by reasoner: analyte assay -
* asserted after fill: assay, analyte assay - asserted after removeRedundantSubClassAxioms:
* analyte assay
* @param reasoner an OWL reasoner, initialized with a root ontology; the ontology will be
* modified
* @param options map of options for reasoning
public static void removeRedundantSubClassAxioms(
OWLReasoner reasoner, Map options) {"Removing redundant subclass axioms...");
OWLOntology ontology = reasoner.getRootOntology();
OWLOntologyManager manager = ontology.getOWLOntologyManager();
OWLDataFactory dataFactory = manager.getOWLDataFactory();
for (OWLClass thisClass : ontology.getClassesInSignature()) {
if (thisClass.isOWLNothing() || thisClass.isOWLThing()) {
// Use the reasoner to get all
// the direct superclasses of this class.
Set inferredSuperClasses = new HashSet<>();
for (Node node : reasoner.getSuperClasses(thisClass, true)) {
for (OWLClass inferredSuperClass : node) {
// For each subClassAxiom,
// if the subclass axiom does not have any annotations,
// and the superclass is named (not anonymous),
// and the superclass is not in the set of inferred super classes,
// then remove that axiom.
for (OWLSubClassOfAxiom subClassAxiom : ontology.getSubClassAxiomsForSubClass(thisClass)) {
if (OptionsHelper.optionIsTrue(options, "preserve-annotated-axioms")) {
if (subClassAxiom.getAnnotations().size() > 0) {
// TODO make this configurable
if (subClassAxiom.getSuperClass().isAnonymous()) {
OWLClass assertedSuperClass = subClassAxiom.getSuperClass().asOWLClass();
if (inferredSuperClasses.contains(assertedSuperClass)) {
ontology, dataFactory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(thisClass, assertedSuperClass));
}"Ontology now has {} axioms.", ontology.getAxioms().size());
* Given an ontology, a reasoner, a list of axiom generators, and a map of options, assert the
* inferred axioms in the ontology.
* @param ontology OWLOntology to assert new axioms in
* @param reasoner OWLReasoner to use to assert axioms
* @param gens InferredAxiomGenerators to use
* @param options map of reason options
* @throws OWLOntologyCreationException on problem creating a new axiom ontology
private static void assertInferred(
OWLOntology ontology,
OWLReasoner reasoner,
List> gens,
Map options)
throws OWLOntologyCreationException {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Create an ontology with ONLY the newly inferred axioms
// Use this to check against the updated ontology with both inferred and asserted axioms
OWLOntology newAxiomOntology = getNewAxiomOntology(ontology, reasoner, gens, options);
// If create-new-ontology or create-new-ontology-with-annotations
// remove the axioms from the input ontology (maybe keeping annotations)
maybeCreateNewOntology(ontology, options);
// Add the inferred axioms to input ontology from the new axiom ontology
addInferredAxioms(ontology, newAxiomOntology, options);
// Maybe use the reasoner to remove redundant subclass axioms (reduce)
if (OptionsHelper.optionIsTrue(options, "remove-redundant-subclass-axioms")) {
removeRedundantSubClassAxioms(reasoner, options);
}"Ontology has {} axioms after all reasoning steps.", ontology.getAxioms().size());
float elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
long seconds = (long) Math.ceil(elapsedTime / 1000);"Filling took {} seconds.", seconds);
* Given a map of reasoner options, return a list of inferred axiom generators.
* @param options Map of reasoner options
* @return list of InferredAxiomGenerators
private static List> getInferredAxiomGenerators(
Map options) {
String axGeneratorString = OptionsHelper.getOption(options, "axiom-generators", "subclass");
List axGenerators = Arrays.asList(axGeneratorString.split(" "));
boolean direct = !OptionsHelper.optionIsTrue(options, "include-indirect");
List> gens =
ReasonerHelper.getInferredAxiomGenerators(axGenerators, direct);"Using these axiom generators:");
for (InferredAxiomGenerator> inf : gens) {" " + inf);
return gens;
* Given an ontology, a reasoner, a list of axiom generators, and map of reasoner options, create
* a new ontology containing only the newly generated axioms. If direct (in options) is false,
* include indirect axioms.
* @param ontology OWLOntology to reason over
* @param reasoner OWLReasoner to use
* @param gens list of InferredAxiomGenerators to generate axioms
* @param options reasoner options
* @return ontology containing newly generated axioms
* @throws OWLOntologyCreationException on problem creating new ontology
private static OWLOntology getNewAxiomOntology(
OWLOntology ontology,
OWLReasoner reasoner,
List> gens,
Map options)
throws OWLOntologyCreationException {
OWLOntologyManager manager = ontology.getOWLOntologyManager();
OWLDataFactory dataFactory = manager.getOWLDataFactory();
boolean direct = !OptionsHelper.optionIsTrue(options, "include-indirect");
boolean subClass =
g ->
(g instanceof InferredSubClassAxiomGenerator)
|| (g instanceof InferredSubClassAxiomGeneratorIncludingIndirect));
// we first place all inferred axioms into a new ontology;
// these will be later transferred into the main ontology,
// unless the create new ontology option is passed
OWLOntology newAxiomOntology = manager.createOntology();
InferredOntologyGenerator generator = new InferredOntologyGenerator(reasoner, gens);
generator.fillOntology(dataFactory, newAxiomOntology);
// If EMR, add expressions instead of just classes, etc...
if (reasoner instanceof ExpressionMaterializingReasoner) {"Creating expression materializing reasoner...");
ExpressionMaterializingReasoner emr = (ExpressionMaterializingReasoner) reasoner;
// Maybe add direct/indirect class expressions
if (subClass) {
for (OWLClass c : ontology.getClassesInSignature(Imports.INCLUDED)) {
// Look at the superclasses because otherwise we would lose the anonymous exprs
Set sces = emr.getSuperClassExpressions(c, direct);
for (OWLClassExpression sce : sces) {
if (!sce.getSignature().contains(dataFactory.getOWLThing())) {
OWLAxiom ax = dataFactory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(c, sce);
logger.debug("NEW:" + ax);
manager.addAxiom(newAxiomOntology, ax);
return newAxiomOntology;
* Given an input ontology, a new axiom ontology (created from reasoning), and a map of options,
* maybe remove asserted axioms from the input ontology if create-new-ontology or
* create-new-ontology-with-annotations. The input ontology is updated in place.
* @param ontology OWLOntology to maybe update
* @param options Map of reason options
private static void maybeCreateNewOntology(OWLOntology ontology, Map options) {
OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
// If we need to "create" a new ontology,
// we actually just remove any asserted axioms from the input ontology
if (OptionsHelper.optionIsTrue(options, "create-new-ontology")
|| OptionsHelper.optionIsTrue(options, "create-new-ontology-with-annotations")) {
if (OptionsHelper.optionIsTrue(options, "create-new-ontology-with-annotations")) {"Placing inferred axioms with annotations into a new ontology");
.filter(nonap -> !(nonap instanceof OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom))
} else {"Placing inferred axioms into a new ontology");
manager.removeAxioms(ontology, ontology.getAxioms());
Set oids = ontology.getImportsDeclarations();
for (OWLImportsDeclaration oid : oids) {
RemoveImport ri = new RemoveImport(ontology, oid);
* Given an ontology, an ontology containing only inferred axioms, and a map of options, add the
* inferred axioms to the input ontology. Updates the input ontology in place.
* @param ontology OWLOntology to add inferred axioms to
* @param newAxiomOntology OWLOntology containing inferred axioms
* @param options Map of reason options
private static void addInferredAxioms(
OWLOntology ontology, OWLOntology newAxiomOntology, Map options)
throws OWLOntologyCreationException {
OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
OWLDataFactory dataFactory = manager.getOWLDataFactory();
// cache the complete set of asserted axioms at the initial state.
// we will later use this if the -x option is passed, to avoid
// asserting inferred axioms that are duplicates of existing axioms
Set existingAxioms = ontology.getAxioms(Imports.INCLUDED);
// get all entities that 'belong' to the main ontology
// see:
Set ontologyEntities =
// Get a property and value to annotate inferred axioms
IRI propertyIRI = null;
OWLAnnotationValue value = null;
if (OptionsHelper.optionIsTrue(options, "annotate-inferred-axioms")) {
// the default is the convention used by OWLTools and GO, which is
// the property is_inferred with a literal (note: not xsd) "true"
propertyIRI = IRI.create("");
value = dataFactory.getOWLLiteral("true");
// If we will need a tautology checker, create it only once
String tautologiesOption = OptionsHelper.getOption(options, "exclude-tautologies", "false");
boolean excludeTautologies = !tautologiesOption.equalsIgnoreCase("false");
boolean structural = tautologiesOption.equalsIgnoreCase("structural");
OWLReasoner tautologyChecker = getTautologyChecker(structural);
// Look at each inferred axiom
// Check the options, and maybe add the inferred axiom to the ontology
for (OWLAxiom a : newAxiomOntology.getAxioms()) {
if (OptionsHelper.optionIsTrue(options, "exclude-external-entities")) {
if (a instanceof OWLClassAxiom) {
boolean overlapsSignature = false;
// Check that each class in the axiom is DECLARED in the input ontology
for (OWLClass c : a.getClassesInSignature()) {
if (ontologyEntities.contains(c)) {
overlapsSignature = true;
// If one or more class(es) is not in the input ontology, skip this axiom
if (!overlapsSignature) {
logger.debug("Excluding axiom as class signatures do not overlap: " + a);
if (OptionsHelper.optionIsTrue(options, "exclude-duplicate-axioms")) {
// if this option is passed, do not add any axioms that are
// duplicates of existing axioms present at initial state.
// It may seem this is redundant with the
// remove-redundant-axioms step, but this is not always the
// case, particularly when the -n option is used.
// See:
// TODO to a check that ignores annotations
if (existingAxioms.contains(a)) {
logger.debug("Already have: " + a);
if (OptionsHelper.optionIsTrue(options, "exclude-duplicate-axioms")
|| OptionsHelper.optionIsTrue(options, "exclude-owl-thing")) {
if (a.containsEntityInSignature(dataFactory.getOWLThing())) {
// If axiom contains owl:Thing, skip it
logger.debug("Ignoring trivial axioms with " + "OWLThing in signature: " + a);
// Maybe exclude tautologies
if (excludeTautologies && isTautological(a, tautologyChecker, structural)) {
// If the axiom has not been skipped, add it to the ontology
manager.addAxiom(ontology, a);
// If propertyIRI isn't null, we are annotating the inferred axioms
// Add that annotation here
if (propertyIRI != null) {
OntologyHelper.addAxiomAnnotation(ontology, a, propertyIRI, value);
* Given an ontology and a map of options, find any reference violations in the ontology. If
* prevent-invalid-references, fail on any invalid reference violations.
* @param ontology OWLOntology to check
* @param options map of reason options
* @throws InvalidReferenceException on invalid reference, if prevent-invalid-references
private static void checkReferenceViolations(OWLOntology ontology, Map options)
throws InvalidReferenceException {
Set referenceViolations =
InvalidReferenceChecker.getInvalidReferenceViolations(ontology, false);
Set filteredViolations = new HashSet<>();
if (referenceViolations.size() > 0) {
for (InvalidReferenceViolation v : referenceViolations) {
// Don't log errors for:
// - annotations
// - subclass of ObsoleteClass
// - subproperty of ObsoleteProperty
// - rdf:type owl:Thing
if (v.getAxiom() instanceof OWLAnnotationAxiom) {
if (v.getAxiom() instanceof OWLSubClassOfAxiom) {
OWLSubClassOfAxiom sub = (OWLSubClassOfAxiom) v.getAxiom();
OWLClassExpression sup = sub.getSuperClass();
if (!sup.isAnonymous()
&& sup.asOWLClass()
.equals("")) {
if (v.getAxiom() instanceof OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxiom) {
OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxiom sub = (OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxiom) v.getAxiom();
OWLObjectPropertyExpression sup = sub.getSuperProperty();
if (!sup.isAnonymous()
&& sup.asOWLObjectProperty()
.equals("")) {
if (v.getAxiom() instanceof OWLClassAssertionAxiom) {
OWLClassAssertionAxiom sub = (OWLClassAssertionAxiom) v.getAxiom();
if (sub.getClassExpression().isOWLThing()) {
if (filteredViolations.size() > 0) {
"Reference violations found: "
+ filteredViolations.size()
+ " - reasoning may be incomplete");
int maxDanglings = 10;
int danglings = 0;
for (InvalidReferenceViolation v : filteredViolations) {
if (v.getCategory().equals(InvalidReferenceViolation.Category.DANGLING)
&& danglings < maxDanglings) {
logger.warn("Reference violation: " + v);
} else if (!v.getCategory().equals(InvalidReferenceViolation.Category.DANGLING)) {
logger.warn("Reference violation: " + v);
if (OptionsHelper.optionIsTrue(options, "prevent-invalid-references")) {
throw new InvalidReferenceException(referenceViolations);
* Given an ontology, a reasoner, and a map of options, use the reasoner to validate the ontology,
* compute class hierarchy, and find equivalencies.
* @param ontology OWLOntology to reason over
* @param reasoner OWLReasoner to use
* @param options Map of reason options
* @throws OntologyLogicException on invalid ontology
private static void reason(
OWLOntology ontology, OWLReasoner reasoner, Map options)
throws OntologyLogicException {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"Starting reasoning...");
// Validate and maybe dump the unsat classes into a file
String dumpFilePath = OptionsHelper.getOption(options, "dump-unsatisfiable", null);
ReasonerHelper.validate(reasoner, dumpFilePath);"Precomputing class hierarchy...");
EquivalentClassReasoningMode mode =
EquivalentClassReasoningMode.from(options.getOrDefault("equivalent-classes-allowed", ""));"Finding equivalencies...");
EquivalentClassReasoning equivalentReasoning =
new EquivalentClassReasoning(ontology, reasoner, mode);
boolean passesEquivalenceTests = equivalentReasoning.reason();
if (!passesEquivalenceTests) {
throw new OntologyLogicException(equivalentClassAxiomError);
float elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
long seconds = (int) Math.ceil(elapsedTime / 1000);"Reasoning took {} seconds.", seconds);