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ogc.gwml.2.2.instances.GW_Spring_FedUni_uc1_v2-2.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<gml:FeatureCollection gml:id="feduni.example.spring" 
	<!-- ######################### -->
	<!-- Mapping of Federation University (FedUni) Groundwater database tables and records to the proposed GroundWaterML2 OGC standard release candidate version 2.2 -->
	<!-- File created by Bruce Simons, CSIRO, February 2016 -->
	<!-- ######################### -->
	<!-- Although this instance is a gml:FeatureCollection with one or more gml:featureMembers, a valid alternative is as a single gwml2:GW_Spring -->
	<!-- Other related GWML2 features are referred to "byReference" using xlink:href. In most cases these could be included "inLine" (i.e. within this instance). A separate instance for each feature is provided for ease of mapping. The final aggregation of inLine vs. byReference features will be determined by the use case requirements -->
	<!-- Where features are aggregated into single feature services the xlink:href references to URIs need to be replaced with internal # references to gml:id -->
	<!-- ######################### -->
	<!-- FedUni - Mapping patterns -->
	<!-- Comments beginning 'FedUni -' are instructions for mappings between FedUni data and GWML2 -->
	<!-- ???? Comments beginning ???? require further checking -->
	<!-- FedUni table record pairs are referred to by the pattern [table.record] -->
	<!-- The mapping pattern is [schema/property] = [table.record] -->
	<!-- ######################### -->
	<!-- FedUni - Feature IDs and identifiers -->
	<!-- Feature IDs (gml:id) are document specific unique identifiers based on FedUni table keys and the feature type -->
	<!-- To create the id, replace [table.record_id] with values from the appropriate table -->
	<!-- Feature identities (gml:identifier) use the URI for the feature. This is in the format "[domain name]/[category]/[gml:id]" -->
	<!-- Domain Name - The temporary domain name "" has been used for the feature identifiers and vocabulary term references. An appropriate persistent and organisation independent domain will need to be established.
A redirect service, such as the SISS PID service, is required to resolve these URIs -->
	<!-- Category - where the object is a GML Feature use "feature". Where the object is a vocabulary concept use "def". -->
	<!-- ######################### -->
	<!-- FedUni Mapping -->
	<!-- First test is to see if the FedUni Bore is Spring -->
	<!-- If [bore.boretype] = "Spring" (SPR) then the feature is a GW_Spring -->

		<!-- FedUni - gwml2w:GW_Spring gml:id="feduni.spring.[bore.bore_id].[spring.spring_id]" -->
		<gwml2w:GW_Spring gml:id="feduni.spring.51409.1">
			<!-- FedUni - <gml:identifier codeSpace="">[bore.bore_id]"</gml:identifier> -->
			<gml:identifier codeSpace=""></gml:identifier>
			<!-- ???? FedUni - gwml2w:gwSpringName = ?? -->
			<!-- gwml2w:gwSpringLocation = [spring.amg_easting] [spring_amg_northing] (Zone =?). these need to be converted to something useful -->
			<!-- FedUni - gml:Point gml:id=="feduni.spring.[bore.bore_id].[spring.spring_id].location" -->
			<gml:Point gml:id="feduni.spring.51409.1.location" srsName="EPSG:4939">
				<gml:pos>141.8 -37.8</gml:pos>
					<!-- FedUni: gwml2w:elevation value from [bore.rlns] or [bore.digitisedelevation]  -->
					<gwml2w:elevation srsName="" uomLabels="m AHD" srsDimension="1">523.27</gwml2w:elevation>
					<gwml2w:elevationType xlink:title="Relative Level Natural Surface"/>
					<!-- FedUni - gwml2w:elevationMeasurementMethod = [bore.elevation_method] -->
					<gwml2w:elevationMeasurementMethod xlink:href="" xlink:title="unknown" nilReason="unknown"/>
			<!-- gwml2w:gwSpringType is mineral, saline etc -->
			<!-- FedUni - does not have gwml2w:gwSpringType -->
			<gwml2w:gwSpringType xsi:nil="true" nilReason="unknown"/>
			<!-- gwml2w:gwSpringCauseType e.g. artesian, geyser, perched, etc. -->
			<!-- FedUni - does not have gwml2w:gwSpringCauseType -->
			<gwml2w:gwSpringCauseType xsi:nil="true" nilReason="unknown"/>
			<!-- FedUni - gwml2w:gwSpringGeology could refer to external gu_GeologicUnit WFS identifier, but have shown -->
			<gwml2w:gwSpringGeology xlink:title="Basalt over Ordovician">
				<gsmlb:GeologicUnit gml:id="feduni.spring.51409.1.geology">
					<!-- FedUni - gml description = [spring.geology] -->
					<gml:description>Basalt over Ordovician</gml:description>
			<!-- FedUni - the gwml2w:gwSpringBody:GW_FluidBody is unknown - leave out -->
			<!-- <gwml2w:gwSpringBody></gwml2w:gwSpringBody> -->
			<!-- gwml2w:gwSpringUnit specifies the GW_HydrogeoUnit associated with the GW_Spring -->
			<!-- FedUni - dowes not have an associated unit -->
			<gwml2w:gwSpringUnit xsi:nil="true" nilReason="unknown"/>
			<gwml2w:gwSpringPersistence xsi:nil="true" nilReason="unknown"/>
			<!-- <gwml2w:gwSpringLicence ></gwml2w:gwSpringLicence> -->

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