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de.iwes.widgets.pattern.widget.patternedit.PatternCreator Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2014-2018 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Wissenschaften e.V.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package de.iwes.widgets.pattern.widget.patternedit;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.ogema.core.application.ApplicationManager;
import org.ogema.core.model.Resource;
import org.ogema.core.model.schedule.Schedule;
import org.ogema.core.model.simple.FloatResource;
import org.ogema.core.resourcemanager.pattern.ContextSensitivePattern;
import org.ogema.core.resourcemanager.pattern.ResourcePattern;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import de.iwes.widgets.api.extended.OgemaWidgetBase;
import de.iwes.widgets.api.extended.html.bricks.PageSnippet;
import de.iwes.widgets.api.widgets.OgemaWidget;
import de.iwes.widgets.api.widgets.WidgetGroup;
import de.iwes.widgets.api.widgets.WidgetPage;
import de.iwes.widgets.api.widgets.dynamics.TriggeredAction;
import de.iwes.widgets.api.widgets.dynamics.TriggeringAction;
import de.iwes.widgets.api.widgets.html.StaticTable;
import de.iwes.widgets.api.widgets.localisation.LocaleDictionary;
import de.iwes.widgets.api.widgets.localisation.OgemaLocale;
import de.iwes.widgets.api.widgets.sessionmanagement.OgemaHttpRequest;
import de.iwes.widgets.html.alert.Alert;
import de.iwes.widgets.html.alert.AlertData;
import de.iwes.widgets.html.form.button.Button;
import de.iwes.widgets.html.form.dropdown.DropdownOption;
import de.iwes.widgets.html.form.label.Label;
import de.iwes.widgets.html.form.textfield.TextField;
import de.iwes.widgets.pattern.widget.patternedit.PatternPageAnnotations.DisplayValue;
import de.iwes.widgets.pattern.widget.patternedit.PatternPageAnnotations.Entry;
import de.iwes.widgets.pattern.widget.patternedit.PatternPageAnnotations.SetValue;
import de.iwes.widgets.resource.widget.autocomplete.ResourcePathAutocomplete;

 * A widget that allows the user to create resource pattern instances (see {@link ResourcePattern}). 
 * This only exists as a global widget, in particular the pattern type cannot be changed for individual 
 * users. Configuration for the individual pattern fields is possible via special annotations defined in
 * {@link PatternPageAnnotations}. 
 * @param 

* @param * @param */ public class PatternCreator

,R extends Resource, D extends LocaleDictionary> extends PageSnippet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final Resource baseResource; /** * either a Class<? extends Resource>, or a Class<? extends ResourcePattern<?>> */ private final Class

pattern; private final Class contextType; private final ApplicationManager am; private final Field[] fields; private final Method[] staticMethods; private final Field[] contextFields; private final Collection> allowedTypes; private final Label parentSelectorLabel; private final ResourcePathAutocomplete parentSelector; private final boolean addTypeSelector; private final Label typeSelectorLabel; private final TypeSelectorDropdown typeSelector; private final Map> labelWidgets = new LinkedHashMap>(); private final Map> valueWidgets = new LinkedHashMap>(); private final Map references = new LinkedHashMap(); // values are String, Integer, Boolean, Long, for StringResource, IntegerResource, etc. private final Map> fieldTypes = new LinkedHashMap>(); private final Map externalFilters = new LinkedHashMap(); private final Map externalRangeFilters = new LinkedHashMap(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final WidgetGroup labelGroup; private final WidgetGroup valueGroup; private final Alert alert; private final Button createButton; private final Label nameLabel; // this is either a TextField (if name is editable), or a Label (it it is non-editable) private final OgemaWidget name; public static

,R extends Resource, D extends LocaleDictionary, C> PatternCreator getInstance(final WidgetPage page, final String id, final Class

pattern, final ApplicationManager am, final PatternCreatorConfiguration config, final Class dictionary, final Class contextType) { return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction>() { @Override public PatternCreator run() { return new PatternCreator(page, id, pattern, am, config, dictionary, contextType); } }); } // this construction is required for permission reasons public static

,R extends Resource, D extends LocaleDictionary> PatternCreator getInstance(final WidgetPage page, final String id, final Class

pattern, final ApplicationManager am, final PatternCreatorConfiguration config, final Class dictionary) { return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction>() { @Override public PatternCreator run() { return new PatternCreator(page, id, pattern, am, config, dictionary, null); } }); } private PatternCreator(WidgetPage page, String id, Class

pattern, ApplicationManager am, PatternCreatorConfiguration config, Class dictionary, Class contextType) { this(page, id, pattern, am, config.getBaseResource(), config.getAdmissibleParentType(), config.isAllowNonToplevelParent(), config.getAllowedTypes(), dictionary, config.getDefaultResourceName(), config.isAllowNonDefaultName(), contextType); } /** * * @param snippet * @param pattern * @param am * @param baseResource * @param allowedTypes may be null or empty, in which case only the base type R is allowed * new patterns will be created below this node; may be null, in which case top-level resources are created */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private PatternCreator(WidgetPage page, String id, Class

pattern, ApplicationManager am, Resource baseResource, Class admissibleParentType, boolean allowNonToplevelParent, Collection> allowedTypes, Class dictionaryClass, String defaultName, boolean allowNonDefault, Class contextType) { super(page, id, true); this.baseResource = baseResource; this.pattern = pattern; this.contextType = contextType; if (contextType == null) this.contextFields = null; else { final List fields = new ArrayList<>(); Entry e; for (Field f : contextType.getDeclaredFields()) { e = f.getAnnotation(Entry.class); if (e == null) continue; fields.add(f); } this.contextFields = new Field[fields.size()]; fields.toArray(this.contextFields); } this.allowedTypes = allowedTypes; if (allowedTypes != null && !allowedTypes.isEmpty()) addTypeSelector = true; else addTypeSelector = false; = am; if (dictionaryClass == null) dictionaryClass = (Class) LocaleDictionary.class; this.alert = new Alert(page, id + "_alert", ""); alert.setDefaultVisibility(false); this.nameLabel = new Label(page, id + "_nameSelectionLabel") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void onGET(OgemaHttpRequest req) { setText(LocalisationUtil.topResource(req.getLocale()), req); } }; nameLabel.setDefaultText("Top-level resource"); if (defaultName == null || allowNonDefault) { // this.nameEditable = true; = new TextField(page, id + "_nameSelection"); if (defaultName != null) ((TextField) name).setDefaultValue(defaultName); else ((TextField) name).setDefaultPlaceholder("Enter name"); } else { // this.nameEditable = false; = new Label(page, id + "_nameSelection", defaultName); } this.createButton = new SubmitButton(page, id + "_createButton","Create"); createButton.triggerAction(alert, TriggeringAction.POST_REQUEST, TriggeredAction.GET_REQUEST); // add parent selector if (baseResource == null && admissibleParentType != null) { parentSelector = new ResourcePathAutocomplete(page, id + "_parentSelector", am.getResourceAccess()); parentSelector.setDefaultResourceType((Class) admissibleParentType); // TODO deal with pattern class parentSelectorLabel = new Label(page, id + "_parentSelectorLabel", "Select parent resource") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void onGET(OgemaHttpRequest req) { OgemaLocale locale = req.getLocale(); String resType = parentSelector.getResourceType(req).getSimpleName(); setText(LocalisationUtil.parentSelectorLabel(resType,locale), req); } }; } else { parentSelector = null; parentSelectorLabel = null; } if (addTypeSelector) { typeSelectorLabel = new Label(page, id + "_typeSelectorLabel","Select type") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void onGET(OgemaHttpRequest req) { OgemaLocale locale = req.getLocale(); setText(LocalisationUtil.typeSelectorLabel(locale), req); } }; typeSelector = new TypeSelectorDropdown(page, id + "_typeSelectorDropdown", allowedTypes); } else { typeSelectorLabel = null; typeSelector = null; } // fields = pattern.getDeclaredFields(); fields = PatternPageUtilImpl.getResourceInfoRecursively(pattern); staticMethods = getAnnotatedStaticMethods(pattern); PatternPageUtilInternal.createWidgets(page, /*pattern.getSimpleName()*/ id, fields, staticMethods, contextFields, labelWidgets, valueWidgets, references, fieldTypes, externalFilters, externalRangeFilters, null, true, am, dictionaryClass, true, false); buildPage(); if (labelWidgets.isEmpty()) { labelGroup = null; valueGroup = null; } else { labelGroup = page.registerWidgetGroup("labelWidgets", (Collection) labelWidgets.values()); valueGroup = page.registerWidgetGroup("valueWidgets", (Collection) valueWidgets.values()); this.triggerAction(valueGroup, TriggeringAction.PRE_POST_REQUEST, TriggeredAction.POST_REQUEST); } } private class SubmitButton extends Button { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public SubmitButton(WidgetPage page, String id, String defaultText) { super(page, id, defaultText); } @Override public void onPOSTComplete(String data, OgemaHttpRequest req) { OgemaLocale locale = req.getLocale(); final P newPattern; try { String newResName; if (name instanceof TextField) newResName = ((TextField) name).getValue(req); else newResName = ((Label) name).getText(req); if (!isValidJavaIdentifier(newResName)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(LocalisationUtil.invalidResourceName(newResName,locale)); PatternPageUtilInternal.applyInternalAndExternalFilters(fieldTypes, valueWidgets, externalFilters, externalRangeFilters, req); // throws exceptions that will be displayed on UI final Object context = (contextType == null ? null : ContextUtil.createContext(contextType, contextFields, valueWidgets, am, req)); newPattern = createPattern(newResName, context, req); if (newPattern == null) { NullPointerException e = new NullPointerException("Pattern could not be created; create returned null"); am.getLogger().error("",e); throw e; } // FIXME where was this used? To be removed... if (contextType == null && newPattern instanceof ContextSensitivePattern) { try { ((ContextSensitivePattern) newPattern).init(); } catch (Throwable e) { LoggerFactory.getLogger(PatternPageAnnotations.class).error("Exception thrown in pattern init() method; type " + pattern.getSimpleName() + ": " + e); } } Map exceptions = PatternPageUtilInternal.setValues(newPattern, fields, references, valueWidgets, req, am); // TODO same for editor am.getResourcePatternAccess().activatePattern(newPattern); newPattern.model.activate(true); if (exceptions != null) { StringBuilder sb =new StringBuilder(); if (exceptions.size() == 1) { Map.Entry entry = exceptions.entrySet().iterator().next(); sb.append(entry.getValue()); } else { sb.append("There were multiple problems with the pattern values: "); // TODO localize for (Map.Entry entry:exceptions.entrySet()) { sb.append(entry.getKey() + ", "); } sb.append("failed"); } alert.setText(sb.toString(), req); alert.setStyle(AlertData.BOOTSTRAP_WARNING, req); } else { alert.setText(LocalisationUtil.patternCreated(newResName, locale), req); alert.setStyle(AlertData.BOOTSTRAP_SUCCESS, req); } } catch (Exception e) { alert.setText(LocalisationUtil.patternNotCreated(locale) +": " + e, req); alert.setStyle(AlertData.BOOTSTRAP_DANGER, req); } alert.setWidgetVisibility(true, req); alert.autoDismiss(6000, req); } @Override public void onGET(OgemaHttpRequest req) { setText(LocalisationUtil.create(req.getLocale()), req); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private P createPattern(final String newResName, final Object context, final OgemaHttpRequest req) throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { final Resource parent; if (parentSelector != null) { parent = parentSelector.getSelectedResource(req); if (parent == null) throw new IllegalStateException(LocalisationUtil.selectParentMessage(req.getLocale())); } else parent = baseResource; // FIXME required? final Resource res = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { @Override public Resource run() { if (parent == null) return am.getResourceAccess().getResource(newResName); else return parent.getSubResource(newResName); } }); if (res != null && res.exists()) // FIXME what if the type of the non-existent but virtual resource is not compatible? throw new IllegalArgumentException(LocalisationUtil.resourceExistsMessage(newResName, req.getLocale())); Class selectedResType = null; if (addTypeSelector) { DropdownOption selected = typeSelector.getSelected(req); if (selected != null) { String type =; try { selectedResType = getTypeClass(type); if (selectedResType == null) throw new RuntimeException("Class not among the allowed types"); } catch (Exception e) { am.getLogger().error("Selected type "+ type + " could not be found.", e); } } } if (parent == null) { // pattern management always tries to create pattern generic type resource, // so we need to create the subtype resource before appliyng the pattern management method if (selectedResType != null && Schedule.class.isAssignableFrom(selectedResType)) { FloatResource fl = am.getResourceManagement().createResource(newResName, FloatResource.class); fl.addDecorator("schedule", selectedResType); if (context == null) return am.getResourcePatternAccess().addDecorator(fl,"schedule", pattern); else return (P) am.getResourcePatternAccess().addDecorator(fl,"schedule", (Class) pattern, context); } else if (selectedResType != null) am.getResourceManagement().createResource(newResName, selectedResType); if (context == null) return am.getResourcePatternAccess().createResource(newResName, pattern); else return (P) am.getResourcePatternAccess().createResource(newResName, (Class) pattern, context); } else { if (selectedResType != null && Schedule.class.isAssignableFrom(selectedResType)) { FloatResource fl = parent.addDecorator(newResName, FloatResource.class); // TODO allow other types than Float? fl.addDecorator("schedule", selectedResType); if (context == null) return am.getResourcePatternAccess().addDecorator(fl,"schedule", pattern); else return (P) am.getResourcePatternAccess().addDecorator(fl,"schedule", (Class) pattern, context); } else if (selectedResType != null) parent.addDecorator(newResName, selectedResType); if (context == null) return am.getResourcePatternAccess().addDecorator(parent, newResName, pattern); else return (P) am.getResourcePatternAccess().addDecorator(parent, newResName, (Class) pattern, context); } } private Class getTypeClass(String className) { for (Class type : allowedTypes) { if (type.getName().equals(className)) return type; } return null; } private final void buildPage() { append(alert, null); int[] sizes = new int[] { 2, 4 }; int nrRows = labelWidgets.size()+1; if (addTypeSelector) nrRows++; if (parentSelector != null) nrRows++; StaticTable table = new StaticTable(nrRows, 2, sizes); if (parentSelector != null) addLine(table, parentSelectorLabel, parentSelector); addLine(table, nameLabel, (OgemaWidgetBase) name); if (addTypeSelector) addLine(table, typeSelectorLabel, typeSelector); for (Map.Entry> entry : labelWidgets.entrySet()) { String id = entry.getKey(); OgemaWidgetBase label = entry.getValue(); OgemaWidgetBase value = valueWidgets.get(id); addLine(table, label, value); } append(table, null); append(createButton, null); } private int lineCounter = 0; private void addLine(StaticTable table, OgemaWidgetBase labelWidget, OgemaWidgetBase valueWidget) { table.setContent(lineCounter, 0, labelWidget).setContent(lineCounter++, 1, valueWidget); } private static Method[] getAnnotatedStaticMethods(Class> pattern) { Method[] methods = pattern.getDeclaredMethods(); List methodList = new ArrayList(); for (Method method:methods) { if (!Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) continue; DisplayValue dv = method.getAnnotation(DisplayValue.class); SetValue sv = method.getAnnotation(SetValue.class); if (dv != null || sv != null) methodList.add(method); } Method[] result = new Method[methodList.size()]; int counter = 0; for (Method method: methodList) { result[counter++] = method; } return result; } private static boolean isValidJavaIdentifier(String s) { if (s == null || s.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(s.charAt(0))) { return false; } for (int i = 1; i < s.length(); i++) { if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @return * the submit button, by means of which changes in the selected pattern are saved. */ public Button getSubmitButton() { return createButton; } }

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