org.ojalgo.data.transform.DiscreteFourierTransform Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 1997-2025 Optimatika
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package org.ojalgo.data.transform;
import java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator;
import org.ojalgo.array.ArrayR064;
import org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction;
import org.ojalgo.function.constant.ComplexMath;
import org.ojalgo.function.constant.PrimitiveMath;
import org.ojalgo.function.series.PeriodicFunction;
import org.ojalgo.function.special.PowerOf2;
import org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixC128;
import org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixC128.DenseReceiver;
import org.ojalgo.matrix.store.GenericStore;
import org.ojalgo.matrix.store.MatrixStore;
import org.ojalgo.matrix.store.PhysicalStore;
import org.ojalgo.matrix.store.TransformableRegion;
import org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber;
import org.ojalgo.structure.Access1D;
import org.ojalgo.structure.Access2D.ColumnView;
import org.ojalgo.structure.Access2D.RowView;
import org.ojalgo.structure.Factory2D;
import org.ojalgo.structure.Mutate2D;
import org.ojalgo.structure.Structure1D;
* The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) converts a finite sequence of equally-spaced samples of a function
* into a same-length sequence of equally-spaced samples of the discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT), which
* is a complex-valued function of frequency. The interval at which the DTFT is sampled is the reciprocal of
* the duration of the input sequence. An inverse DFT is a Fourier series, using the DTFT samples as
* coefficients of complex sinusoids at the corresponding DTFT frequencies. The DFT is therefore said to be a
* frequency domain representation of the original input sequence.
* The fast Fourier transform (FFT) is an algorithm for computing the DFT; it achieves its high speed by
* storing and reusing results of computations as it progresses.
* Calling the factory method {@linkplain #newInstance(int)} will return an FFT implementation if the size is
* a power of 2, and a full matrix implementation otherwise.
public abstract class DiscreteFourierTransform implements DataTransform, MatrixStore> {
public static final class Directive {
* Assume input complex (if false, will assume NOT complex and run simpler code).
public final boolean complex;
* Conjugate input before transforming and the output after (before returning). This is how the
* inverse transform is performed.
public final boolean conjugate;
* Scale the output by the number of elements. Either the transform or the inverse transform needs to
* be scaled. Usually it's done on the inverse.
public final boolean scale;
public Directive(final boolean complex, final boolean conjugate, final boolean scale) {
this.complex = complex;
this.conjugate = conjugate;
this.scale = scale;
Directive withComplex(final boolean complex) {
return new Directive(complex, conjugate, scale);
static final class FFT extends DiscreteFourierTransform {
* Perform the remaining stage calculations (stage>=1). This is essentially "the algorithm".
private static void doStages(final int nbStages, final ComplexNumber[] roots, final double[] workRe, final double[] workIm) {
int size = roots.length;
int nbHalf = 2; // Half the number of lanes per set
int nbLanesPerSet = 4;
int nbSets = size / 4;
int index1, index2;
for (int stage = 2; stage < nbStages; stage++) {
nbHalf = nbLanesPerSet;
nbLanesPerSet *= 2;
nbSets /= 2;
for (int set = 0; set < nbSets; set++) {
index1 = set * nbLanesPerSet;
index2 = index1 + nbHalf;
FFT.update(workRe, workIm, index1, index2);
for (int lane = 1; lane < nbHalf; lane++) {
FFT.update(workRe, workIm, index1, index2, roots[lane * nbSets]);
private static void setup0(final Access1D> input, final boolean complex, final boolean conjugate, final double[] workRe, final double[] workIm) {
if (complex) {
ComplexNumber value = ComplexNumber.valueOf(input.get(0));
if (conjugate) {
workRe[0] = value.doubleValue();
workIm[0] = -value.i;
} else {
workRe[0] = value.doubleValue();
workIm[0] = value.i;
} else {
workRe[0] = input.doubleValue(0);
workIm[0] = PrimitiveMath.ZERO;
private static void setup0(final double[] input, final double[] workRe, final double[] workIm) {
workRe[0] = input[0];
workIm[0] = PrimitiveMath.ZERO;
private static void setup1(final Access1D> input, final boolean complex, final boolean conjugate, final double[] workRe, final double[] workIm) {
if (complex) {
ComplexNumber value1 = ComplexNumber.valueOf(input.get(0));
ComplexNumber value2 = ComplexNumber.valueOf(input.get(1));
FFT.toWork(0, 1, value1.doubleValue(), conjugate ? -value1.i : value1.i, value2.doubleValue(), conjugate ? -value2.i : value2.i, workRe,
} else {
double re1 = input.doubleValue(0);
double re2 = input.doubleValue(1);
workRe[0] = re1 + re2;
workRe[1] = re1 - re2;
workIm[0] = PrimitiveMath.ZERO;
workIm[1] = PrimitiveMath.ZERO;
private static void setup1(final double[] input, final double[] workRe, final double[] workIm) {
double re1 = input[0];
double re2 = input[1];
workRe[0] = re1 + re2;
workRe[1] = re1 - re2;
workIm[0] = PrimitiveMath.ZERO;
workIm[1] = PrimitiveMath.ZERO;
private static void setup2(final Access1D> input, final boolean complex, final boolean conjugate, final int[] reversed, final double[] workRe,
final double[] workIm) {
double re1, re2, re3, re4;
double re01, re02, re03, re04;
if (complex) {
double im1, im2, im3, im4;
double im01, im02, im03, im04;
for (int index1 = 0, index2, index3, index4, size = reversed.length; index1 < size; index1 += 4) {
index2 = index1 + 1;
index3 = index1 + 2;
index4 = index1 + 3;
ComplexNumber value1 = ComplexNumber.valueOf(input.get(reversed[index1]));
ComplexNumber value2 = ComplexNumber.valueOf(input.get(reversed[index2]));
ComplexNumber value3 = ComplexNumber.valueOf(input.get(reversed[index3]));
ComplexNumber value4 = ComplexNumber.valueOf(input.get(reversed[index4]));
if (conjugate) {
re1 = value1.doubleValue();
im1 = -value1.i;
re2 = value2.doubleValue();
im2 = -value2.i;
re3 = value3.doubleValue();
im3 = -value3.i;
re4 = value4.doubleValue();
im4 = -value4.i;
} else {
re1 = value1.doubleValue();
im1 = value1.i;
re2 = value2.doubleValue();
im2 = value2.i;
re3 = value3.doubleValue();
im3 = value3.i;
re4 = value4.doubleValue();
im4 = value4.i;
re01 = re1 + re2;
im01 = im1 + im2;
re02 = re1 - re2;
im02 = im1 - im2;
re03 = re3 + re4;
im03 = im3 + im4;
re04 = re3 - re4;
im04 = im3 - im4;
workRe[index1] = re01 + re03;
workRe[index2] = re02 + im04;
workRe[index3] = re01 - re03;
workRe[index4] = re02 - im04;
workIm[index1] = im01 + im03;
workIm[index2] = im02 - re04;
workIm[index3] = im01 - im03;
workIm[index4] = im02 + re04;
} else {
for (int index1 = 0, index2, index3, index4, size = reversed.length; index1 < size; index1 += 4) {
index2 = index1 + 1;
index3 = index1 + 2;
index4 = index1 + 3;
re1 = input.doubleValue(reversed[index1]);
re2 = input.doubleValue(reversed[index2]);
re3 = input.doubleValue(reversed[index3]);
re4 = input.doubleValue(reversed[index4]);
re01 = re1 + re2;
re02 = re1 - re2;
re03 = re3 + re4;
re04 = re3 - re4;
workRe[index1] = re01 + re03;
workRe[index2] = re02;
workRe[index3] = re01 - re03;
workRe[index4] = re02;
workIm[index1] = PrimitiveMath.ZERO;
workIm[index2] = -re04;
workIm[index3] = PrimitiveMath.ZERO;
workIm[index4] = re04;
private static void setup2(final double[] input, final int[] reversed, final double[] workRe, final double[] workIm) {
for (int index1 = 0, index2, index3, index4, size = reversed.length; index1 < size; index1 += 4) {
index2 = index1 + 1;
index3 = index1 + 2;
index4 = index1 + 3;
double re1 = input[reversed[index1]];
double re2 = input[reversed[index2]];
double re3 = input[reversed[index3]];
double re4 = input[reversed[index4]];
double re01 = re1 + re2;
double re02 = re1 - re2;
double re03 = re3 + re4;
double re04 = re3 - re4;
workRe[index1] = re01 + re03;
workRe[index2] = re02;
workRe[index3] = re01 - re03;
workRe[index4] = re02;
workIm[index1] = PrimitiveMath.ZERO;
workIm[index2] = -re04;
workIm[index3] = PrimitiveMath.ZERO;
workIm[index4] = re04;
* Copy the results to the output data structure. In the copy-process transformations are performed.
private static void toOutput(final double[] workRe, final double[] workIm, final boolean conjugate, final boolean scale,
final Mutate2D.ModifiableReceiver output) {
int size = workRe.length;
if (conjugate) {
if (scale) {
double divisor = size;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
output.set(i, ComplexNumber.of(workRe[i] / divisor, -workIm[i] / divisor));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
output.set(i, ComplexNumber.of(workRe[i], -workIm[i]));
} else {
if (scale) {
double divisor = size;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
output.set(i, ComplexNumber.of(workRe[i] / divisor, workIm[i] / divisor));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
output.set(i, ComplexNumber.of(workRe[i], workIm[i]));
private static void toWork(final int index1, final int index2, final double re1, final double im1, final double re2, final double im2,
final double[] workRe, final double[] workIm) {
workRe[index1] = re1 + re2;
workRe[index2] = re1 - re2;
workIm[index1] = im1 + im2;
workIm[index2] = im1 - im2;
private static void update(final double[] workRe, final double[] workIm, final int index1, final int index2) {
FFT.toWork(index1, index2, workRe[index1], workIm[index1], workRe[index2], workIm[index2], workRe, workIm);
private static void update(final double[] workRe, final double[] workIm, final int index1, final int index2, final ComplexNumber scalar) {
double re2 = workRe[index2];
double im2 = workIm[index2];
FFT.toWork(index1, index2, workRe[index1], workIm[index1], scalar.multiplyRe(re2, im2), scalar.multiplyIm(re2, im2), workRe, workIm);
private final int[] myBitReversedIndices;
private final int myStages;
private final ComplexNumber[] myUnitRoots;
private final double[] myWorkIm;
private final double[] myWorkRe;
FFT(final int size) {
myStages = DiscreteFourierTransform.toPowerOf2Exponent(size);
if (myStages < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
myBitReversedIndices = DiscreteFourierTransform.lookupIndices(size);
myUnitRoots = DiscreteFourierTransform.lookupRoots(size);
myWorkRe = new double[size];
myWorkIm = new double[size];
public void transform(final Access1D> input, final Directive directive, final Mutate2D.ModifiableReceiver output) {
if (myStages == 0) {
FFT.setup0(input, directive.complex, directive.conjugate, myWorkRe, myWorkIm);
} else if (myStages == 1) {
FFT.setup1(input, directive.complex, directive.conjugate, myWorkRe, myWorkIm);
} else if (myStages == 2) {
FFT.setup2(input, directive.complex, directive.conjugate, myBitReversedIndices, myWorkRe, myWorkIm);
} else {
FFT.setup2(input, directive.complex, directive.conjugate, myBitReversedIndices, myWorkRe, myWorkIm);
FFT.doStages(myStages, myUnitRoots, myWorkRe, myWorkIm);
FFT.toOutput(myWorkRe, myWorkIm, directive.conjugate, directive.scale, output);
public MatrixStore transform(final double... input) {
if (myStages == 0) {
FFT.setup0(input, myWorkRe, myWorkIm);
} else if (myStages == 1) {
FFT.setup1(input, myWorkRe, myWorkIm);
} else if (myStages == 2) {
FFT.setup2(input, myBitReversedIndices, myWorkRe, myWorkIm);
} else {
FFT.setup2(input, myBitReversedIndices, myWorkRe, myWorkIm);
FFT.doStages(myStages, myUnitRoots, myWorkRe, myWorkIm);
PhysicalStore output = GenericStore.C128.make(input.length, 1);
FFT.toOutput(myWorkRe, myWorkIm, DEFAULT.conjugate, DEFAULT.scale, output);
return output;
static final class FullMatrix extends DiscreteFourierTransform {
private final ComplexNumber myDivisor;
private final PhysicalStore myVandermondeMatrix;
FullMatrix(final int size) {
myVandermondeMatrix = GenericStore.C128.make(size, size);
myDivisor = ComplexNumber.valueOf(size);
public void transform(final Access1D> input, final Directive directive, final Mutate2D.ModifiableReceiver output) {
MatrixStore column = GenericStore.C128.makeWrapperColumn(input);
if (directive.conjugate) {
column = column.onAll(ComplexMath.CONJUGATE);
myVandermondeMatrix.multiply(column, TransformableRegion.cast(output));
if (directive.conjugate) {
if (directive.scale) {
static final class Single extends DiscreteFourierTransform {
Single() {
public void transform(final Access1D> input, final Directive directive, final Mutate2D.ModifiableReceiver output) {
private static final int[][] BIT_REVERSED_INDICES = new int[31][];
private static final ComplexNumber[][] UNIT_ROOTS = new ComplexNumber[31][];
static final Directive DEFAULT = new Directive(false, false, false);
static final Directive INVERSE = new Directive(true, true, true);
public static int[] getBitReversedIndices(final int size) {
return DiscreteFourierTransform.lookupIndices(size).clone();
public static Access1D getUnitRoots(final int size) {
return Access1D.wrap(DiscreteFourierTransform.lookupRoots(size));
public static MatrixStore inverse2D(final MatrixStore> input) {
PhysicalStore retVal = GenericStore.C128.make(input.getRowDim(), input.getColDim());
DiscreteFourierTransform.transform2D(input, INVERSE, retVal);
return retVal;
* Will return a functioning instance for any size, but if you want fast transformation (FFT) it needs to
* be a power of 2.
public static DiscreteFourierTransform newInstance(final int size) {
if (size < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
} else if (size == 1) {
return new Single();
} else if (PowerOf2.isPowerOf2(size)) {
return new FFT(size);
} else {
return new FullMatrix(size);
public static M newVandermonde(final Factory2D factory, final int size) {
M matrix = factory.make(size, size);
return matrix;
public static MatrixC128 newVandermondeMatrix(final int size) {
DenseReceiver receiver = MatrixC128.FACTORY.newDenseBuilder(size, size);
return receiver.get();
* Sample, and transform, a function using the Discrete Fourier Transform.
public static MatrixStore sample(final DoubleUnaryOperator function, final PrimitiveFunction.SampleDomain sampleDomain) {
double[] input = sampleDomain.arguments();
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
input[i] = function.applyAsDouble(input[i]);
return DiscreteFourierTransform.newInstance(input.length).transform(input);
* @see #sample(DoubleUnaryOperator, PrimitiveFunction.SampleDomain)
public static MatrixStore sample(final PeriodicFunction function, final int nbSamples) {
return DiscreteFourierTransform.sample(function, function.getSampleDomain(nbSamples));
* There is a symmetry in the DFT matrix. The first half of the rows (and columns) are the complex
* conjugates of the second half. Furthermore, the first half correspond to positive frequencies, and the
* second half to negative frequencies.
* Re-arranging the elements of a matrix, shifting the first and second halves of the rows (and columns),
* puts the zero-frequency term in the middle, and the conjugate pairs at equal distances from the centre.
* This is useful when displaying the 2D DFT matrix as an image.
* To revert the shift, simply call {@linkplain #shift(MatrixStore)} again. However, this will not work
* correctly if there's an odd number of rows or columns. In that case the second call will not correctly
* revert the position of the zero-frequency term – it will end up in the last row/column instead of in
* the first.
public static > MatrixStore shift(final MatrixStore matrix) {
MatrixStore retVal = matrix;
int nbRows = matrix.getRowDim();
int nbCols = matrix.getColDim();
if (nbRows > 1) {
int half = (nbRows + 1) / 2;
MatrixStore first = retVal.limits(half, -1);
MatrixStore second = retVal.offsets(half, 0);
retVal = second.below(first);
if (nbCols > 1) {
int half = (nbCols + 1) / 2;
MatrixStore first = retVal.limits(-1, half);
MatrixStore second = retVal.offsets(0, half);
retVal = second.right(first);
return retVal;
* Perform a 2D Discrete Fourier Transform on the input matrix. The output will be a complex matrix of the
* same size.
public static MatrixStore transform2D(final MatrixStore> input) {
PhysicalStore retVal = GenericStore.C128.make(input.getRowDim(), input.getColDim());
DiscreteFourierTransform.transform2D(input, DEFAULT, retVal);
return retVal;
public static void transform2D(final MatrixStore> input, final Directive directive, final TransformableRegion output) {
int nbRows = input.getRowDim();
int nbCols = input.getColDim();
DiscreteFourierTransform transformer = DiscreteFourierTransform.newInstance(nbRows);
PhysicalStore workOutput = GenericStore.C128.make(nbRows, 1);
Directive directive1 = directive;
for (ColumnView> view : input.columns()) {
transformer.transform(view, directive1, workOutput);
output.fillColumn(view.column(), workOutput);
if (nbRows != nbCols) {
transformer = DiscreteFourierTransform.newInstance(nbCols);
workOutput = GenericStore.C128.make(nbCols, 1);
Directive directive2 = directive.withComplex(true);
for (RowView view : output.rows()) {
transformer.transform(view, directive2, workOutput);
output.fillRow(view.row(), workOutput);
private static ComplexNumber[] lookupRootsExponent(final int exponent) {
if (exponent >= UNIT_ROOTS.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
} else if (UNIT_ROOTS[exponent] != null) {
return UNIT_ROOTS[exponent];
} else {
if (exponent == 0) {
return UNIT_ROOTS[0] = new ComplexNumber[] { ComplexNumber.ONE };
} else if (exponent == 1) {
return UNIT_ROOTS[1] = new ComplexNumber[] { ComplexNumber.ONE, ComplexNumber.NEG };
} else if (exponent == 2) {
return UNIT_ROOTS[2] = new ComplexNumber[] { ComplexNumber.ONE, ComplexNumber.N, ComplexNumber.NEG, ComplexNumber.I };
} else {
ComplexNumber[] half = DiscreteFourierTransform.lookupRootsExponent(exponent - 1);
ComplexNumber[] full = UNIT_ROOTS[exponent] = new ComplexNumber[half.length + half.length];
ComplexNumber[] unitRoots = ComplexNumber.newUnitRoots(full.length);
for (int i = 0; i < half.length; i++) {
int ii = 2 * i;
int ii1 = ii + 1;
full[ii] = half[i];
full[ii1] = unitRoots[ii1];
return full;
* Function to perform bit-reversal on indices
private static void reverseBits(final int[] indices) {
int n = indices.length;
int bits = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int reversedIndex = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < bits; j++) {
reversedIndex |= (i >> j & 1) << bits - 1 - j;
// Swap indices[i] with indices[reversedIndex]
if (reversedIndex > i) {
int temp = indices[i];
indices[i] = indices[reversedIndex];
indices[reversedIndex] = temp;
static void generate(final Mutate2D matrix) {
int size = matrix.getMinDim();
double unitRootPhase = ComplexNumber.newUnitRoot(size).phase();
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
matrix.set(i, j, ComplexNumber.makePolar(PrimitiveMath.ONE, i * j * unitRootPhase));
static int[] lookupIndices(final int size) {
int exponent = DiscreteFourierTransform.toPowerOf2Exponent(size);
int[] retVal = BIT_REVERSED_INDICES[exponent];
if (retVal == null) {
BIT_REVERSED_INDICES[exponent] = retVal = Structure1D.newIncreasingRange(0, size);
return retVal;
static ComplexNumber[] lookupRoots(final int size) {
int exponent = DiscreteFourierTransform.toPowerOf2Exponent(size);
return DiscreteFourierTransform.lookupRootsExponent(exponent);
static int toPowerOf2Exponent(final int size) {
int exponent = PowerOf2.find(size);
if (exponent < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Needs to be power of 2!");
return exponent;
private final int mySize;
DiscreteFourierTransform(final int size) {
mySize = size;
public final void inverse(final Access1D> input, final Mutate2D.ModifiableReceiver output) {
this.transform(input, INVERSE, output);
public final MatrixStore inverse(final Access1D input) {
PhysicalStore output = GenericStore.C128.make(input.size(), 1);
this.transform(input, INVERSE, output);
return output;
public final MatrixStore transform(final Access1D> input) {
PhysicalStore output = GenericStore.C128.make(input.size(), 1);
this.transform(input, DEFAULT, output);
return output;
public abstract void transform(Access1D> input, Directive directive, Mutate2D.ModifiableReceiver output);
public final void transform(final Access1D> input, final Mutate2D.ModifiableReceiver output) {
this.transform(input, DEFAULT, output);
public MatrixStore transform(final double... input) {
PhysicalStore output = GenericStore.C128.make(input.length, 1);
this.transform(ArrayR064.wrap(input), DEFAULT, output);
return output;
int size() {
return mySize;