org.glassfish.concurrent.runtime.ContextSetupProviderImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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// Portions Copyright [2016-2022] [Payara Foundation and/or its affiliates]
package org.glassfish.concurrent.runtime;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.glassfish.api.invocation.ComponentInvocation;
import org.glassfish.api.invocation.InvocationManager;
import org.glassfish.concurrent.LogFacade;
import org.glassfish.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ContextHandle;
import org.glassfish.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ContextSetupProvider;
import org.glassfish.internal.data.ApplicationRegistry;
import org.glassfish.internal.deployment.Deployment;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Application;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Applications;
import com.sun.enterprise.container.common.spi.util.ComponentEnvManager;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.JndiNameEnvironment;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.DOLUtils;
import com.sun.enterprise.security.SecurityContext;
import com.sun.enterprise.transaction.api.JavaEETransactionManager;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.Utility;
import jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService;
import jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextServiceDefinition;
import jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTask;
import jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextProvider;
import jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextRestorer;
import jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextSnapshot;
import jakarta.transaction.Status;
import jakarta.transaction.Transaction;
public class ContextSetupProviderImpl implements ContextSetupProvider {
private transient InvocationManager invocationManager;
private transient Deployment deployment;
private transient ComponentEnvManager compEnvMgr;
private transient ApplicationRegistry applicationRegistry;
private transient Applications applications;
// transactionManager should be null for ContextService since it uses TransactionSetupProviderImpl
private transient JavaEETransactionManager transactionManager;
private static final Logger logger = LogFacade.getLogger();
static final long serialVersionUID = -1095988075917755802L;
// Predefined handlers for context propagation
// TODO: replace with ConcurrentRuntime.CONTEXT_INFO_* ?
public static final String CONTEXT_TYPE_CLASSLOADING = "CLASSLOADING"; // Concurrency 3.0: N/A
public static final String CONTEXT_TYPE_SECURITY = "SECURITY"; // Concurrency 3.0: SECURITY
public static final String CONTEXT_TYPE_NAMING = "NAMING"; // Concurrency 3.0: APPLICATION
public static final String CONTEXT_TYPE_WORKAREA = "WORKAREA"; // Concurrency 3.0: TRANSACTION
// TODO: do we need these booleans if we have sets?
private boolean classloading, security, naming, workArea;
private final Set contextPropagate;
private final Set contextClear;
private final Set contextUnchanged;
private Map allThreadContextProviders = null;
* Points to the context, which contains ALL_REMAINING.
private final Set allRemaining;
// private transient RequestTracingService requestTracing;
// private transient OpenTracingService openTracing;
// private transient StuckThreadsStore stuckThreads;
public ContextSetupProviderImpl(InvocationManager invocationManager,
Deployment deployment,
ComponentEnvManager compEnvMgr,
ApplicationRegistry applicationRegistry,
Applications applications,
JavaEETransactionManager transactionManager,
Set propagated,
Set cleared,
Set unchanged) {
this.invocationManager = invocationManager;
this.deployment = deployment;
this.compEnvMgr = compEnvMgr;
this.applicationRegistry = applicationRegistry;
this.applications = applications;
this.transactionManager = transactionManager;
contextPropagate = new HashSet<>(propagated);
contextClear = new HashSet<>(cleared);
contextUnchanged = new HashSet<>(unchanged);
// process ALL_REMAINING
if (contextPropagate.contains(ContextServiceDefinition.ALL_REMAINING)) {
allRemaining = contextPropagate;
} else if (contextClear.contains(ContextServiceDefinition.ALL_REMAINING)) {
allRemaining = contextClear;
} else if (contextUnchanged.contains(ContextServiceDefinition.ALL_REMAINING)) {
allRemaining = contextUnchanged;
} else {
allRemaining = contextPropagate; // By default, propagate contexts
// put standard "providers" to Remaining if not specified
for (String contextType : propagated) {
switch (contextType) {
classloading = true;
security = true;
naming = true;
workArea = true;
public ContextHandle saveContext(ContextService contextService) {
return saveContext(contextService, null);
public ContextHandle saveContext(ContextService contextService, Map contextObjectProperties) {
// Capture the current thread context
ClassLoader contextClassloader = null;
SecurityContext currentSecurityContext = null;
ComponentInvocation savedInvocation = null;
if (classloading) {
contextClassloader = Utility.getClassLoader();
if (security) {
currentSecurityContext = SecurityContext.getCurrent();
// TODO: put initialization of providers to better place; caching is a problem due to different classloaders
allThreadContextProviders = new HashMap<>();
for (ThreadContextProvider service : ServiceLoader.load(jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextProvider.class, Utility.getClassLoader())) {
String serviceName = service.getThreadContextType();
if (contextPropagate.contains(serviceName) || contextClear.contains(serviceName) || contextUnchanged.contains(serviceName)) {
allThreadContextProviders.put(serviceName, service);
} else {
if (allRemaining != null) {
allThreadContextProviders.put(serviceName, service);
// check, if there is no unexpected provider name
ComponentInvocation currentInvocation = invocationManager.getCurrentInvocation();
if (currentInvocation != null) {
if (contextPropagate.contains(CONTEXT_TYPE_NAMING)) {
savedInvocation = createComponentInvocation(currentInvocation);
if (contextClear.contains(CONTEXT_TYPE_NAMING)) {
savedInvocation = new ComponentInvocation();
boolean useTransactionOfExecutionThread = (transactionManager == null && useTransactionOfExecutionThread(contextObjectProperties))
|| contextUnchanged.contains(CONTEXT_TYPE_WORKAREA);
// store the snapshots of the current state
List threadContextSnapshots = new ArrayList<>();
// remember values from propagate and clear lists
.map((provider) -> allThreadContextProviders.get(provider))
.filter(snapshot -> snapshot != null) // ignore standard providers like CONTEXT_TYPE_CLASSLOADING
.map(snapshot -> snapshot.currentContext(contextObjectProperties))
.forEach(snapshot -> threadContextSnapshots.add(snapshot));
.map((provider) -> allThreadContextProviders.get(provider))
.filter(snapshot -> snapshot != null)
.map(snapshot -> snapshot.clearedContext(contextObjectProperties))
.forEach(snapshot -> threadContextSnapshots.add(snapshot));
return new InvocationContext(savedInvocation, contextClassloader, currentSecurityContext, useTransactionOfExecutionThread,
threadContextSnapshots, Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
public ContextHandle setup(ContextHandle contextHandle) throws IllegalStateException {
if (! (contextHandle instanceof InvocationContext)) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, LogFacade.UNKNOWN_CONTEXT_HANDLE);
return null;
InvocationContext handle = (InvocationContext) contextHandle;
String appName = null;
ComponentInvocation invocation = handle.getInvocation();
ClassLoader backupClassLoader = null;
if (invocation != null) {
// appName = invocation.getRegistrationName();
appName = invocation.getAppName();
if (appName == null && invocation.getJNDIEnvironment() != null) {
appName = DOLUtils.getApplicationFromEnv((JndiNameEnvironment) invocation.getJNDIEnvironment()).getRegistrationName();
if (appName == null) {
// try to get environment from component ID
if (invocation.getComponentId() != null && compEnvMgr != null) {
JndiNameEnvironment currJndiEnv = compEnvMgr.getJndiNameEnvironment(invocation.getComponentId());
if (currJndiEnv != null) {
com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Application appInfo = DOLUtils.getApplicationFromEnv(currJndiEnv);
if (appInfo != null) {
appName = appInfo.getRegistrationName();
// cache JNDI environment
backupClassLoader = appInfo.getClassLoader();
// Check whether the application component submitting the task is still running. Throw IllegalStateException if not.
if (appName != null && !isApplicationEnabled(appName)) { // appName == null in case of the server context
throw new IllegalStateException("Module " + appName + " is disabled");
ClassLoader resetClassLoader = null;
if (handle.getContextClassLoader() != null) {
resetClassLoader = Utility.setContextClassLoader(handle.getContextClassLoader());
} else if (backupClassLoader != null) {
resetClassLoader = Utility.setContextClassLoader(backupClassLoader);
SecurityContext resetSecurityContext = null;
if (handle.getSecurityContext() != null && !contextUnchanged.contains(CONTEXT_TYPE_SECURITY)) {
resetSecurityContext = SecurityContext.getCurrent();
if (invocation != null) {
// Each invocation needs a ResourceTableKey that returns a unique hashCode for TransactionManager
invocation.setResourceTableKey(new PairKey(invocation.getInstance(), Thread.currentThread()));
// Ensure that there is no existing transaction in the current thread
if (transactionManager != null && contextClear.contains(CONTEXT_TYPE_WORKAREA)) {
// if (requestTracing != null && requestTracing.isRequestTracingEnabled()) {
// startConcurrentContextSpan(invocation, handle);
// }
// if (stuckThreads != null){
// stuckThreads.registerThread(Thread.currentThread().getId());
// }
// execute thread contexts snapshots to begin
List restorers = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
if (handle.getThreadContextSnapshots() != null) {
restorers = handle.getThreadContextSnapshots().stream()
.map((ThreadContextSnapshot snapshot) -> snapshot.begin())
return new InvocationContext(invocation, resetClassLoader, resetSecurityContext, handle.isUseTransactionOfExecutionThread(),
Collections.EMPTY_LIST, restorers);
// private void startConcurrentContextSpan(ComponentInvocation invocation, InvocationContext handle) {
// Tracer tracer = openTracing.getTracer(openTracing.getApplicationName(
// Globals.getDefaultBaseServiceLocator().getService(InvocationManager.class)));
// // Start a trace in the request tracing system
// SpanBuilder builder = tracer.buildSpan("executeConcurrentContext");
// // Check for propagated span
// if (handle.getSpanContextMap() != null) {
// SpanContext spanContext = tracer.extract(Format.Builtin.TEXT_MAP, new MapToTextMap(handle.getSpanContextMap()));
// builder.asChildOf(spanContext);
// // Check for the presence of a propagated parent operation name
// try {
// String operationName = ((RequestTraceSpanContext) spanContext).getBaggageItems().get("operation.name");
// if (operationName != null) {
// builder.withTag("Parent Operation Name", operationName);
// }
// } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
// logger.log(Level.FINE, "ClassCastException caught converting Span Context", cce);
// }
// }
// if (invocation != null) {
// builder = builder.withTag("App Name", invocation.getAppName())
// .withTag("Component ID", invocation.getComponentId())
// .withTag("Module Name", invocation.getModuleName());
// Object instance = invocation.getInstance();
// if (instance != null) {
// builder.withTag("Class Name", instance.getClass().getName());
// }
// }
// builder.withTag("Thread Name", Thread.currentThread().getName());
// tracer.activateSpan(builder.start());
// }
public void reset(ContextHandle contextHandle) {
if (! (contextHandle instanceof InvocationContext)) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, LogFacade.UNKNOWN_CONTEXT_HANDLE);
InvocationContext handle = (InvocationContext) contextHandle;
// execute thread contexts restorers to end
for (ThreadContextRestorer restorer : handle.getThreadContextRestorers()) {
if (handle.getContextClassLoader() != null) {
if (handle.getSecurityContext() != null) {
if (handle.getInvocation() != null && !handle.isUseTransactionOfExecutionThread()) {
invocationManager.postInvoke(((InvocationContext) contextHandle).getInvocation());
if (contextClear.contains(CONTEXT_TYPE_WORKAREA) && transactionManager != null) {
// clean up after user if a transaction is still active
// This is not required by the Concurrency spec
Transaction transaction = transactionManager.getCurrentTransaction();
if (transaction != null) {
try {
int status = transaction.getStatus();
if (status == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE) {
} else if (status == Status.STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, ex.toString());
// if (requestTracing != null && requestTracing.isRequestTracingEnabled()) {
// requestTracing.endTrace();
// }
// if (stuckThreads != null){
// stuckThreads.deregisterThread(Thread.currentThread().getId());
// }
private boolean isApplicationEnabled(String appId) {
boolean result = false;
if (appId != null) {
Application app = applications.getApplication(appId);
if (app != null) {
result = deployment.isAppEnabled(app);
} else {
// if app is null then it is likely that appId is still deploying
// and its enabled status has not been written to the domain.xml yet
// this can happen for example with a Startup EJB submitting something
// it its startup method, and since Aug 2021 CDI deployment in general. Reference Payara GitHub issue 204
if(applicationRegistry.get(appId) != null){
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Job submitted for {0} likely during deployment. Continuing...", appId);
result = true;
return result;
private ComponentInvocation createComponentInvocation(ComponentInvocation currInv) {
ComponentInvocation newInv = currInv.clone();
newInv.instance = currInv.getInstance();
if (!naming) {
return newInv;
private boolean useTransactionOfExecutionThread(Map executionProperties) {
return (ManagedTask.USE_TRANSACTION_OF_EXECUTION_THREAD.equals(getTransactionExecutionProperty(executionProperties)));
private String getTransactionExecutionProperty(Map executionProperties) {
if (executionProperties != null && executionProperties.get(ManagedTask.TRANSACTION) != null) {
return executionProperties.get(ManagedTask.TRANSACTION);
return ManagedTask.SUSPEND;
private void verifyProviders(Set providers) {
Iterator providerIter = providers.iterator();
while (providerIter.hasNext()) {
String provider = providerIter.next();
switch (provider) {
case ContextServiceDefinition.ALL_REMAINING:
// OK, they are known
if (!allThreadContextProviders.containsKey(provider)) {
logger.severe("Thread context provider '" + provider + "' is not registered in WEB-APP/services/jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextProvider and will be ignored!");
private void addToRemainingIfNotPresent(String contextType) {
if (!(contextPropagate.contains(contextType) || contextClear.contains(contextType) || contextUnchanged.contains(contextType))) {
// such context type is not present in any context
private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
out.writeBoolean(transactionManager == null);
private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
boolean nullTransactionManager = in.readBoolean();
ConcurrentRuntime concurrentRuntime = ConcurrentRuntime.getRuntime();
// re-initialize these fields
invocationManager = concurrentRuntime.getInvocationManager();
deployment = concurrentRuntime.getDeployment();
applications = concurrentRuntime.getApplications();
compEnvMgr = concurrentRuntime.getCompEnvMgr();
if (!nullTransactionManager) {
transactionManager = concurrentRuntime.getTransactionManager();
private static class PairKey {
private Object instance = null;
private Thread thread = null;
int hCode = 0;
private PairKey(Object inst, Thread thr) {
instance = inst;
thread = thr;
if (inst != null) {
hCode = 7 * inst.hashCode();
if (thr != null) {
hCode += thr.hashCode();
public int hashCode() {
return hCode;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
boolean eq = false;
if (obj != null && obj instanceof PairKey) {
PairKey p = (PairKey)obj;
if (instance != null) {
eq = (instance.equals(p.instance));
} else {
eq = (p.instance == null);
if (eq) {
if (thread != null) {
eq = (thread.equals(p.thread));
} else {
eq = (p.thread == null);
return eq;
private void initialiseServices() {
// try {
// this.requestTracing = Globals.getDefaultHabitat().getService(RequestTracingService.class);
// } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
// logger.log(Level.INFO, "Error retrieving Request Tracing service "
// + "during initialisation of Concurrent Context - NullPointerException", ex);
// }
// try {
// this.stuckThreads = Globals.getDefaultHabitat().getService(StuckThreadsStore.class);
// } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
// logger.log(Level.INFO, "Error retrieving Stuck Threads Store Healthcheck service "
// + "during initialisation of Concurrent Context - NullPointerException", ex);
// }
// try {
// this.openTracing = Globals.getDefaultHabitat().getService(OpenTracingService.class);
// } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
// logger.log(Level.INFO, "Error retrieving OpenTracing service "
// + "during initialisation of Concurrent Context - NullPointerException", ex);
// }
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