org.onosproject.ui.UiExtension Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.ui;
import org.onosproject.ui.lion.LionBundle;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static;
import static;
* Immutable representation of a user interface extension.
* Note that the {@link Builder} class is used to create a user
* interface extension instance, and that these instances are immutable.
public final class UiExtension {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
private static final String VIEW_PREFIX = "app/view/";
private static final String EMPTY = "";
private static final String SLASH = "/";
private static final String CSS_HTML = "css.html";
private static final String JS_HTML = "js.html";
private final ClassLoader classLoader;
private final String resourcePath;
private final List viewList;
private final List lionBundles;
private final UiMessageHandlerFactory messageHandlerFactory;
private final UiTopoOverlayFactory topoOverlayFactory;
private final UiTopo2OverlayFactory topo2OverlayFactory;
private final UiTopoMapFactory topoMapFactory;
private boolean isValid = true;
private boolean ui2Valid = true;
// private constructor - only the builder calls this
private UiExtension(ClassLoader cl, String path, List views,
List bundles,
UiMessageHandlerFactory mhFactory,
UiTopoOverlayFactory toFactory,
UiTopo2OverlayFactory to2Factory,
UiTopoMapFactory tmFactory,
boolean ui2Vld) {
classLoader = cl;
resourcePath = path;
viewList = views;
lionBundles = bundles;
messageHandlerFactory = mhFactory;
topoOverlayFactory = toFactory;
topo2OverlayFactory = to2Factory;
topoMapFactory = tmFactory;
ui2Valid = ui2Vld;
* Returns input stream containing CSS inclusion statements.
* @return CSS inclusion statements
public InputStream css() {
return getStream(resourcePath + CSS_HTML);
* Returns input stream containing JavaScript inclusion statements.
* @return JavaScript inclusion statements
public InputStream js() {
return getStream(resourcePath + JS_HTML);
* Returns list of user interface views contributed by this extension.
* @return contributed view descriptors
public List views() {
return (isValid || ui2Valid) ? viewList : ImmutableList.of();
* Returns the list of localization bundles that this extension is
* contributing.
* @return contributed localization bundles
public List lionBundles() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(lionBundles);
* Returns input stream containing specified view-specific resource.
* @param viewId view identifier
* @param path resource path, relative to the view directory
* @return resource input stream
public InputStream resource(String viewId, String path) {
return getStream(VIEW_PREFIX + viewId + SLASH + path);
* Returns message handler factory, if one was defined.
* @return message handler factory
public UiMessageHandlerFactory messageHandlerFactory() {
return messageHandlerFactory;
* Returns the topology overlay factory, if one was defined.
* @return topology overlay factory
public UiTopoOverlayFactory topoOverlayFactory() {
return topoOverlayFactory;
* Returns the topology-2 overlay factory, if one was defined.
* @return topology-2 overlay factory
public UiTopo2OverlayFactory topo2OverlayFactory() {
return topo2OverlayFactory;
* Returns the topology map factory, if one was defined.
* @return topology map factory
public UiTopoMapFactory topoMapFactory() {
return topoMapFactory;
// Returns the resource input stream from the specified class-loader.
private InputStream getStream(String path) {
InputStream stream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(path);
if (stream == null) {
isValid = false;
log.warn("Unable to find resource {}", path);
return stream;
* UI Extension Builder.
public static class Builder {
private ClassLoader classLoader;
private String resourcePath = EMPTY;
private List viewList = new ArrayList<>();
private List lionBundles = new ArrayList<>();
private UiMessageHandlerFactory messageHandlerFactory = null;
private UiTopoOverlayFactory topoOverlayFactory = null;
private UiTopo2OverlayFactory topo2OverlayFactory = null;
private UiTopoMapFactory topoMapFactory = null;
private boolean ui2valid = false;
* Create a builder with the given class loader.
* Resource path defaults to "".
* Views defaults to an empty list.
* MessageHandler, TopoOverlay, and TopoMap factories default to null.
* @param cl the class loader
* @param views list of views contributed by this extension
public Builder(ClassLoader cl, List views) {
checkNotNull(cl, "Must provide a class loader");
checkArgument(!views.isEmpty(), "Must provide at least one view");
classLoader = cl;
viewList = views;
* Sets the localization bundles (aka {@code LionBundle}s) that this
* UI extension is contributing.
* @param bundles the bundles to register
* @return self, for chaining
public Builder lionBundles(List bundles) {
checkNotNull(bundles, "Must provide a list");
lionBundles = bundles;
return this;
* Set the resource path. That is, the path to where the CSS and JS
* files are located.
* @param path resource path
* @return self, for chaining
public Builder resourcePath(String path) {
resourcePath = path == null ? EMPTY : path + SLASH;
return this;
* Sets the message handler factory for this extension.
* @param mhFactory message handler factory
* @return self, for chaining
public Builder messageHandlerFactory(UiMessageHandlerFactory mhFactory) {
messageHandlerFactory = mhFactory;
return this;
* Sets the topology overlay factory for this extension.
* @param toFactory topology overlay factory
* @return self, for chaining
public Builder topoOverlayFactory(UiTopoOverlayFactory toFactory) {
topoOverlayFactory = toFactory;
return this;
* Sets the topology-2 overlay factory for this extension.
* @param to2Factory topology-2 overlay factory
* @return self, for chaining
public Builder topo2OverlayFactory(UiTopo2OverlayFactory to2Factory) {
topo2OverlayFactory = to2Factory;
return this;
* Sets the topology map factory for this extension.
* @param tmFactory topology map factory
* @return self, for chaining
public Builder topoMapFactory(UiTopoMapFactory tmFactory) {
topoMapFactory = tmFactory;
return this;
* Marks this as ui2valid for Ui2.
* This is because Ui2 does not include the same layout of embedded html, js and css
* @return self, for chaining
public Builder ui2() {
ui2valid = true;
return this;
* Builds the user interface extension.
* @return UI extension instance
public UiExtension build() {
return new UiExtension(classLoader, resourcePath, viewList,
messageHandlerFactory, topoOverlayFactory,
topo2OverlayFactory, topoMapFactory, ui2valid);