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org.openmetadata.service.resources.datainsight.DataInsightChartResource Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.openmetadata.service.resources.datainsight;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.ExternalDocumentation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Hidden;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponse;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.tags.Tag;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.json.JsonPatch;
import javax.validation.Valid;
import javax.validation.constraints.Max;
import javax.validation.constraints.Min;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.openmetadata.schema.api.dataInsight.CreateDataInsightChart;
import org.openmetadata.schema.dataInsight.DataInsightChart;
import org.openmetadata.schema.dataInsight.DataInsightChartResult;
import org.openmetadata.schema.type.DataReportIndex;
import org.openmetadata.schema.type.EntityHistory;
import org.openmetadata.schema.type.Include;
import org.openmetadata.schema.type.MetadataOperation;
import org.openmetadata.service.Entity;
import org.openmetadata.service.OpenMetadataApplicationConfig;
import org.openmetadata.service.jdbi3.DataInsightChartRepository;
import org.openmetadata.service.jdbi3.ListFilter;
import org.openmetadata.service.limits.Limits;
import org.openmetadata.service.resources.Collection;
import org.openmetadata.service.resources.EntityResource;
import org.openmetadata.service.util.ResultList;
@Tag(name = "Data Insights", description = "APIs related to Data Insights data and charts.")
@Collection(name = "analytics")
public class DataInsightChartResource
extends EntityResource {
public static final String COLLECTION_PATH = DataInsightChartRepository.COLLECTION_PATH;
public static final String FIELDS = "owners";
private final SearchRepository searchRepository;
public DataInsightChartResource(Authorizer authorizer, Limits limits) {
super(Entity.DATA_INSIGHT_CHART, authorizer, limits);
searchRepository = Entity.getSearchRepository();
public static class DataInsightChartList extends ResultList {
/* Required for serde */
public static class DataInsightChartResultList extends ResultList {
/* Required for serde */
public void initialize(OpenMetadataApplicationConfig config) throws IOException {
// Find the existing webAnalyticEventTypes and add them from json files
List dataInsightCharts =
for (DataInsightChart dataInsightChart : dataInsightCharts) {
operationId = "listDataInsightChart",
summary = "List data insight charts",
description = "Get a list of data insight charts",
responses = {
responseCode = "200",
description = "List of data insight charts",
content =
mediaType = "application/json",
schema =
implementation = DataInsightChartResource.DataInsightChartList.class)))
public ResultList list(
@Context UriInfo uriInfo,
@Context SecurityContext securityContext,
description = "Fields requested in the returned resource",
schema = @Schema(type = "string", example = FIELDS))
String fieldsParam,
description =
"Limit the number data insight chart returned. (1 to 1000000, default = 10)")
int limitParam,
description = "Returns list of data insight chart before this cursor",
schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
String before,
description = "Returns list of data insight chart after this cursor",
schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
String after,
description = "Include all, deleted, or non-deleted entities.",
schema = @Schema(implementation = Include.class))
Include include) {
ListFilter filter = new ListFilter(include);
return super.listInternal(
uriInfo, securityContext, fieldsParam, filter, limitParam, before, after);
operationId = "listDataInsightChartVersion",
summary = "List data insight chart versions",
description = "Get a list of all the versions of a data insight chart identified by `id`",
responses = {
responseCode = "200",
description = "List of data insight chart versions",
content =
mediaType = "application/json",
schema = @Schema(implementation = EntityHistory.class)))
public EntityHistory listVersions(
@Context UriInfo uriInfo,
@Context SecurityContext securityContext,
@Parameter(description = "Id of the data insight chart", schema = @Schema(type = "UUID"))
UUID id) {
return super.listVersionsInternal(securityContext, id);
operationId = "listDataInsightChartId",
summary = "Get a data insight chart by Id",
description = "Get a Data Insight Chart by `Id`.",
responses = {
responseCode = "200",
description = "The Data Insight Chart",
content =
mediaType = "application/json",
schema = @Schema(implementation = DataInsightChart.class))),
responseCode = "404",
description = "Data Insight Chart for instance {id} is not found")
public DataInsightChart get(
@Context UriInfo uriInfo,
@Parameter(description = "Id of the data insight chart", schema = @Schema(type = "UUID"))
UUID id,
@Context SecurityContext securityContext,
description = "Fields requested in the returned resource",
schema = @Schema(type = "string", example = FIELDS))
String fieldsParam,
description = "Include all, deleted, or non-deleted entities.",
schema = @Schema(implementation = Include.class))
Include include) {
return getInternal(uriInfo, securityContext, id, fieldsParam, include);
operationId = "getDataInsightChartByName",
summary = "Get a data insight chart by fully qualified name",
description = "Get a data insight chart by `fullyQualifiedName`.",
responses = {
responseCode = "200",
description = "The data insight chart",
content =
mediaType = "application/json",
schema = @Schema(implementation = DataInsightChart.class))),
responseCode = "404",
description = "Data Insight Chart for instance {fqn} is not found")
public DataInsightChart getByName(
@Context UriInfo uriInfo,
description = "Fully qualified name of the data insight chart",
schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
String fqn,
@Context SecurityContext securityContext,
description = "Fields requested in the returned resource",
schema = @Schema(type = "string", example = FIELDS))
String fieldsParam,
description = "Include all, deleted, or non-deleted entities.",
schema = @Schema(implementation = Include.class))
Include include) {
return getByNameInternal(uriInfo, securityContext, fqn, fieldsParam, include);
operationId = "getSpecificDataInsightChartVersion",
summary = "Get a version of the data insight chart",
description = "Get a version of the data insight by given `Id`",
responses = {
responseCode = "200",
description = "DataInsight",
content =
mediaType = "application/json",
schema = @Schema(implementation = DataInsightChart.class))),
responseCode = "404",
description = "Data Insight Chart for instance {id} and version {version} is not found")
public DataInsightChart getVersion(
@Context UriInfo uriInfo,
@Context SecurityContext securityContext,
@Parameter(description = "Id of the data insight chart", schema = @Schema(type = "UUID"))
UUID id,
description = "Data Insight Chart version number in the form `major`.`minor`",
schema = @Schema(type = "string", example = "0.1 or 1.1"))
String version) {
return super.getVersionInternal(securityContext, id, version);
operationId = "createDataInsightChart",
summary = "Create a data insight chart",
description = "Create a data insight chart.",
responses = {
responseCode = "200",
description = "The data insight chart",
content =
mediaType = "application/json",
schema = @Schema(implementation = DataInsightChart.class))),
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Bad request")
public Response create(
@Context UriInfo uriInfo,
@Context SecurityContext securityContext,
@Valid CreateDataInsightChart create) {
DataInsightChart dataInsightChart =
getDataInsightChart(create, securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName());
return create(uriInfo, securityContext, dataInsightChart);
operationId = "patchDataInsightChart",
summary = "Update a data insight chart",
description = "Update an existing data insight chart using JsonPatch.",
externalDocs =
description = "JsonPatch RFC",
url = ""))
public Response updateDescription(
@Context UriInfo uriInfo,
@Context SecurityContext securityContext,
@Parameter(description = "Id of the data insight chart", schema = @Schema(type = "UUID"))
UUID id,
description = "JsonPatch with array of operations",
content =
examples = {
@ExampleObject("[{op:remove, path:/a},{op:add, path: /b, value: val}]")
JsonPatch patch) {
return patchInternal(uriInfo, securityContext, id, patch);
operationId = "patchDataInsightChart",
summary = "Update a data insight chart by name.",
description = "Update an existing data insight chart using JsonPatch.",
externalDocs =
description = "JsonPatch RFC",
url = ""))
public Response updateDescription(
@Context UriInfo uriInfo,
@Context SecurityContext securityContext,
@Parameter(description = "Name of the data insight chart", schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
String fqn,
description = "JsonPatch with array of operations",
content =
examples = {
@ExampleObject("[{op:remove, path:/a},{op:add, path: /b, value: val}]")
JsonPatch patch) {
return patchInternal(uriInfo, securityContext, fqn, patch);
operationId = "createOrUpdateDataInsightChart",
summary = "Update data insight chart",
description =
"Create a data insight chart, if it does not exist or update an existing data insight chart.",
responses = {
responseCode = "200",
description = "The updated data insight chart ",
content =
mediaType = "application/json",
schema = @Schema(implementation = DataInsightChart.class)))
public Response createOrUpdate(
@Context UriInfo uriInfo,
@Context SecurityContext securityContext,
@Valid CreateDataInsightChart create) {
DataInsightChart dataInsightChart =
getDataInsightChart(create, securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName());
return createOrUpdate(uriInfo, securityContext, dataInsightChart);
operationId = "deleteDataInsightChart",
summary = "Delete a data insight chart by Id",
description = "Delete a data insight chart by `Id`.",
responses = {
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "OK"),
responseCode = "404",
description = "Data insight chart for instance {id} is not found")
public Response delete(
@Context UriInfo uriInfo,
@Context SecurityContext securityContext,
@Parameter(description = "Hard delete the entity. (Default = `false`)")
boolean hardDelete,
@Parameter(description = "Id of the data insight chart", schema = @Schema(type = "UUID"))
UUID id) {
return delete(uriInfo, securityContext, id, false, hardDelete);
operationId = "deleteDataInsightChartByName",
summary = "Delete a data insight chart by fully qualified name",
description = "Delete a data insight chart by `fullyQualifiedName`.",
responses = {
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "OK"),
responseCode = "404",
description = "Data insight chart for instance {fqn} is not found")
public Response delete(
@Context UriInfo uriInfo,
@Context SecurityContext securityContext,
@Parameter(description = "Hard delete the entity. (Default = `false`)")
boolean hardDelete,
description = "Fully qualified name of the data insight chart",
schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
String fqn) {
return deleteByName(uriInfo, securityContext, fqn, false, hardDelete);
operationId = "restore",
summary = "Restore a soft deleted data insight chart",
description = "Restore a soft deleted data insight chart.",
responses = {
responseCode = "200",
description = "Successfully restored the DataInsightChart. ",
content =
mediaType = "application/json",
schema = @Schema(implementation = DataInsightChart.class)))
public Response restoreDataInsightChart(
@Context UriInfo uriInfo,
@Context SecurityContext securityContext,
@Valid RestoreEntity restore) {
return restoreEntity(uriInfo, securityContext, restore.getId());
operationId = "getDataInsightChartResults",
summary = "Get aggregated data for a data insight chart",
description = "Get aggregated data for a data insight chart.",
responses = {
responseCode = "200",
description = "Data Insight Chart Results",
content =
mediaType = "application/json",
schema =
implementation =
public Response listDataInsightChartResult(
@Context SecurityContext securityContext,
description = "Get aggregated data for a specific chart name",
schema = @Schema(implementation = DataInsightChartResult.DataInsightChartType.class))
DataInsightChartResult.DataInsightChartType dataInsightChartName,
@Parameter(description = "Query filter for the aggregation") @QueryParam("queryFilter")
String queryFilter,
@Parameter(description = "Limit the number of results returned.")
Integer size,
@Parameter(description = "Offset the results returned. (default = 0)")
Integer from,
description = "Specify the elasticsearch index to fetch data from",
schema = @Schema(implementation = DataReportIndex.class))
String dataReportIndex,
description = "Tier filter. The value will be used to filter results",
schema =
type = "string",
example = "Tier.Tier1,Tier.Tier2,Tier.Tier3,Tier.Tier4,Tier.Tier5"))
String tier,
description = "Team filter. The value will be used to filter results",
schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
String team,
description = "Organization filter. The value will be used to filter results",
schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
String organization,
description = "Filter after the given start timestamp",
schema = @Schema(type = "number"))
Long startTs,
description = "Filter before the given end timestamp",
schema = @Schema(type = "number"))
Long endTs)
throws IOException, ParseException {
OperationContext operationContext =
new OperationContext(Entity.DATA_INSIGHT_CHART, MetadataOperation.VIEW_ALL);
authorizer.authorize(securityContext, operationContext, getResourceContext());
return searchRepository.listDataInsightChartResult(
startTs, endTs, tier, team, dataInsightChartName, size, from, queryFilter, dataReportIndex);
private DataInsightChart getDataInsightChart(CreateDataInsightChart create, String user) {
return repository
.copy(new DataInsightChart(), create, user)