Javascript.index.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
(function(factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['{{#invokerPackage}}{{invokerPackage}}/{{/invokerPackage}}ApiClient'{{#models}}, '{{#invokerPackage}}{{invokerPackage}}/{{/invokerPackage}}{{#modelPackage}}{{modelPackage}}/{{/modelPackage}}{{importPath}}'{{/models}}{{#apiInfo}}{{#apis}}, '{{#invokerPackage}}{{invokerPackage}}/{{/invokerPackage}}{{#apiPackage}}{{apiPackage}}/{{/apiPackage}}{{importPath}}'{{/apis}}{{/apiInfo}}], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
module.exports = factory(require('./ApiClient'){{#models}}, require('./{{#modelPackage}}{{modelPackage}}/{{/modelPackage}}{{importPath}}'){{/models}}{{#apiInfo}}{{#apis}}, require('./{{#apiPackage}}{{apiPackage}}/{{/apiPackage}}{{importPath}}'){{/apis}}{{/apiInfo}});
}(function(ApiClient{{#models}}{{#model}}, {{classFilename}}{{/model}}{{/models}}{{#apiInfo}}{{#apis}}, {{importPath}}{{/apis}}{{/apiInfo}}) {
'use strict';
{{#emitJSDoc}} /**{{#projectDescription}}
* {{projectDescription}}.
* The index
module provides access to constructors for all the classes which comprise the public API.
* An AMD (recommended!) or CommonJS application will generally do something equivalent to the following:
* var {{moduleName}} = require('{{#invokerPackage}}{{invokerPackage}}/{{/invokerPackage}}index'); // See note below*.
* var xxxSvc = new {{moduleName}}.XxxApi(); // Allocate the API class we're going to use.
* var yyyModel = new {{moduleName}}.Yyy(); // Construct a model instance.
* yyyModel.someProperty = 'someValue';
* ...
* var zzz = xxxSvc.doSomething(yyyModel); // Invoke the service.
* ...
* *NOTE: For a top-level AMD script, use require(['{{#invokerPackage}}{{invokerPackage}}/{{/invokerPackage}}index'], function(){...})
* and put the application logic within the callback function.
* A non-AMD browser application (discouraged) might do something like this:
* var xxxSvc = new {{moduleName}}.XxxApi(); // Allocate the API class we're going to use.
* var yyy = new {{moduleName}}.Yyy(); // Construct a model instance.
* yyyModel.someProperty = 'someValue';
* ...
* var zzz = xxxSvc.doSomething(yyyModel); // Invoke the service.
* ...
* @module {{#invokerPackage}}{{invokerPackage}}/{{/invokerPackage}}index
* @version {{projectVersion}}
{{=< >=}} var exports = {<#emitJSDoc>
* The ApiClient constructor.
* @property {module:<#invokerPackage>/ ApiClient}
ApiClient: ApiClient<#models>,<#emitJSDoc>
* The model constructor.
* @property {module:<#invokerPackage>/ <#modelPackage>/ }
: <#apiInfo><#apis>,<#emitJSDoc>
* The service constructor.
* @property {module:<#invokerPackage>/ <#apiPackage>/ }
return exports;<={{ }}=>