cpp-rest-sdk-client.modelbase-source.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
#include "ModelBase.h"
namespace {{this}} {
web::json::value ModelBase::toJson( const utility::string_t& value )
return web::json::value::string(value);
web::json::value ModelBase::toJson( const utility::datetime& value )
return web::json::value::string(value.to_string(utility::datetime::ISO_8601));
web::json::value ModelBase::toJson( int32_t value )
return web::json::value::number(value);
web::json::value ModelBase::toJson( int64_t value )
return web::json::value::number(value);
web::json::value ModelBase::toJson( double value )
return web::json::value::number(value);
web::json::value ModelBase::toJson(bool value) {
return web::json::value::boolean(value);
web::json::value ModelBase::toJson( std::shared_ptr content )
web::json::value value;
value[utility::conversions::to_string_t("ContentDisposition")] = ModelBase::toJson(content->getContentDisposition());
value[utility::conversions::to_string_t("ContentType")] = ModelBase::toJson(content->getContentType());
value[utility::conversions::to_string_t("FileName")] = ModelBase::toJson(content->getFileName());
value[utility::conversions::to_string_t("InputStream")] = web::json::value::string( ModelBase::toBase64(content->getData()) );
return value;
std::shared_ptr ModelBase::fileFromJson(web::json::value& val)
std::shared_ptr content(new HttpContent);
content->setContentDisposition( ModelBase::stringFromJson(val[utility::conversions::to_string_t("ContentDisposition")]) );
content->setContentType( ModelBase::stringFromJson(val[utility::conversions::to_string_t("ContentType")]) );
content->setFileName( ModelBase::stringFromJson(val[utility::conversions::to_string_t("FileName")]) );
content->setData( ModelBase::fromBase64( ModelBase::stringFromJson(val[utility::conversions::to_string_t("InputStream")]) ) );
return content;
web::json::value ModelBase::toJson( std::shared_ptr content )
return content.get() ? content->toJson() : web::json::value::null();
std::shared_ptr ModelBase::toHttpContent( const utility::string_t& name, const utility::string_t& value, const utility::string_t& contentType)
std::shared_ptr content(new HttpContent);
content->setName( name );
content->setContentDisposition( utility::conversions::to_string_t("form-data") );
content->setContentType( contentType );
content->setData( std::shared_ptr( new std::stringstream( utility::conversions::to_utf8string(value) ) ) );
return content;
std::shared_ptr ModelBase::toHttpContent( const utility::string_t& name, const utility::datetime& value, const utility::string_t& contentType )
std::shared_ptr content( new HttpContent );
content->setName( name );
content->setContentDisposition( utility::conversions::to_string_t("form-data") );
content->setContentType( contentType );
content->setData( std::shared_ptr( new std::stringstream( utility::conversions::to_utf8string(value.to_string(utility::datetime::ISO_8601) ) ) ) );
return content;
std::shared_ptr ModelBase::toHttpContent( const utility::string_t& name, std::shared_ptr value )
std::shared_ptr content( new HttpContent );
content->setName( name );
content->setContentDisposition( value->getContentDisposition() );
content->setContentType( value->getContentType() );
content->setData( value->getData() );
content->setFileName( value->getFileName() );
return content;
std::shared_ptr ModelBase::toHttpContent( const utility::string_t& name, const web::json::value& value, const utility::string_t& contentType )
std::shared_ptr content( new HttpContent );
content->setName( name );
content->setContentDisposition( utility::conversions::to_string_t("form-data") );
content->setContentType( contentType );
content->setData( std::shared_ptr( new std::stringstream( utility::conversions::to_utf8string(value.serialize()) ) ) );
return content;
std::shared_ptr ModelBase::toHttpContent( const utility::string_t& name, int32_t value, const utility::string_t& contentType )
std::shared_ptr content( new HttpContent );
content->setName( name );
content->setContentDisposition( utility::conversions::to_string_t("form-data") );
content->setContentType( contentType );
std::stringstream* valueAsStringStream = new std::stringstream();
(*valueAsStringStream) << value;
content->setData( std::shared_ptr( valueAsStringStream ) );
return content;
std::shared_ptr ModelBase::toHttpContent( const utility::string_t& name, int64_t value, const utility::string_t& contentType )
std::shared_ptr content( new HttpContent );
content->setName( name );
content->setContentDisposition( utility::conversions::to_string_t("form-data") );
content->setContentType( contentType );
std::stringstream* valueAsStringStream = new std::stringstream();
(*valueAsStringStream) << value;
content->setData( std::shared_ptr( valueAsStringStream) ) ;
return content;
std::shared_ptr ModelBase::toHttpContent( const utility::string_t& name, double value, const utility::string_t& contentType )
std::shared_ptr content( new HttpContent );
content->setName( name );
content->setContentDisposition( utility::conversions::to_string_t("form-data") );
content->setContentType( contentType );
std::stringstream* valueAsStringStream = new std::stringstream();
(*valueAsStringStream) << value;
content->setData( std::shared_ptr( valueAsStringStream ) );
return content;
// base64 encoding/decoding based on : https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation/Miscellaneous/Base64#C.2B.2B
const static char Base64Chars[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
const static char Base64PadChar = '=';
utility::string_t ModelBase::toBase64( utility::string_t value )
std::shared_ptr source( new std::stringstream( utility::conversions::to_utf8string(value) ) );
return ModelBase::toBase64(source);
utility::string_t ModelBase::toBase64( std::shared_ptr value )
value->seekg( 0, value->end );
size_t length = value->tellg();
value->seekg( 0, value->beg );
utility::string_t base64;
base64.reserve( ((length / 3) + (length % 3 > 0)) * 4 );
char read[3] = { 0 };
uint32_t temp;
for ( size_t idx = 0; idx < length / 3; idx++ )
value->read( read, 3 );
temp = (read[0]) << 16;
temp += (read[1]) << 8;
temp += (read[2]);
base64.append( 1, Base64Chars[(temp & 0x00FC0000) >> 18] );
base64.append( 1, Base64Chars[(temp & 0x0003F000) >> 12] );
base64.append( 1, Base64Chars[(temp & 0x00000FC0) >> 6] );
base64.append( 1, Base64Chars[(temp & 0x0000003F)] );
switch ( length % 3 )
case 1:
value->read( read, 1 );
temp = read[0] << 16;
base64.append( 1, Base64Chars[(temp & 0x00FC0000) >> 18] );
base64.append( 1, Base64Chars[(temp & 0x0003F000) >> 12] );
base64.append( 2, Base64PadChar );
case 2:
value->read( read, 2 );
temp = read[0] << 16;
temp += read[1] << 8;
base64.append( 1, Base64Chars[(temp & 0x00FC0000) >> 18] );
base64.append( 1, Base64Chars[(temp & 0x0003F000) >> 12] );
base64.append( 1, Base64Chars[(temp & 0x00000FC0) >> 6] );
base64.append( 1, Base64PadChar );
return base64;
std::shared_ptr ModelBase::fromBase64( const utility::string_t& encoded )
std::shared_ptr result(new std::stringstream);
char outBuf[3] = { 0 };
uint32_t temp = 0;
utility::string_t::const_iterator cursor = encoded.begin();
while ( cursor < encoded.end() )
for ( size_t quantumPosition = 0; quantumPosition < 4; quantumPosition++ )
temp <<= 6;
if ( *cursor >= 0x41 && *cursor <= 0x5A )
temp |= *cursor - 0x41;
else if ( *cursor >= 0x61 && *cursor <= 0x7A )
temp |= *cursor - 0x47;
else if ( *cursor >= 0x30 && *cursor <= 0x39 )
temp |= *cursor + 0x04;
else if ( *cursor == 0x2B )
temp |= 0x3E; //change to 0x2D for URL alphabet
else if ( *cursor == 0x2F )
temp |= 0x3F; //change to 0x5F for URL alphabet
else if ( *cursor == Base64PadChar ) //pad
switch ( encoded.end() - cursor )
case 1: //One pad character
outBuf[0] = (temp >> 16) & 0x000000FF;
outBuf[1] = (temp >> 8) & 0x000000FF;
result->write( outBuf, 2 );
return result;
case 2: //Two pad characters
outBuf[0] = (temp >> 10) & 0x000000FF;
result->write( outBuf, 1 );
return result;
throw web::json::json_exception( utility::conversions::to_string_t( "Invalid Padding in Base 64!" ).c_str() );
throw web::json::json_exception( utility::conversions::to_string_t( "Non-Valid Character in Base 64!" ).c_str() );
outBuf[0] = (temp >> 16) & 0x000000FF;
outBuf[1] = (temp >> 8) & 0x000000FF;
outBuf[2] = (temp) & 0x000000FF;
result->write( outBuf, 3 );
return result;
int64_t ModelBase::int64_tFromJson(web::json::value& val)
return val.as_number().to_int64();
int32_t ModelBase::int32_tFromJson(web::json::value& val)
return val.as_integer();
float ModelBase::floatFromJson(web::json::value& val)
return static_cast(val.as_double());
utility::string_t ModelBase::stringFromJson(web::json::value& val)
return val.is_string() ? val.as_string() : utility::conversions::to_string_t("");
utility::datetime ModelBase::dateFromJson(web::json::value& val)
return utility::datetime::from_string(val.as_string(), utility::datetime::ISO_8601);
bool ModelBase::boolFromJson(web::json::value& val)
return val.as_bool();
double ModelBase::doubleFromJson(web::json::value& val)
return val.as_double();
int64_t ModelBase::int64_tFromHttpContent(std::shared_ptr val)
utility::string_t str = ModelBase::stringFromHttpContent(val);
utility::stringstream_t ss(str);
int64_t result = 0;
ss >> result;
return result;
int32_t ModelBase::int32_tFromHttpContent(std::shared_ptr val)
utility::string_t str = ModelBase::stringFromHttpContent(val);
utility::stringstream_t ss(str);
int32_t result = 0;
ss >> result;
return result;
float ModelBase::floatFromHttpContent(std::shared_ptr val)
utility::string_t str = ModelBase::stringFromHttpContent(val);
utility::stringstream_t ss(str);
float result = 0;
ss >> result;
return result;
utility::string_t ModelBase::stringFromHttpContent(std::shared_ptr val)
std::shared_ptr data = val->getData();
data->seekg( 0, data->beg );
std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator(*data.get())),
return utility::conversions::to_string_t(str);
utility::datetime ModelBase::dateFromHttpContent(std::shared_ptr val)
utility::string_t str = ModelBase::stringFromHttpContent(val);
return utility::datetime::from_string(str, utility::datetime::ISO_8601);
bool ModelBase::boolFromHttpContent(std::shared_ptr val)
utility::string_t str = ModelBase::stringFromHttpContent(val);
utility::stringstream_t ss(str);
bool result = false;
ss >> result;
return result;
double ModelBase::doubleFromHttpContent(std::shared_ptr val)
utility::string_t str = ModelBase::stringFromHttpContent(val);
utility::stringstream_t ss(str);
double result = 0.0;
ss >> result;
return result;
web::json::value ModelBase::valueFromHttpContent(std::shared_ptr val)
utility::string_t str = ModelBase::stringFromHttpContent(val);
return web::json::value::parse(str);
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