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rust-server.server-mod.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
extern crate serde_ignored;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate native_tls;
extern crate hyper_tls;
extern crate openssl;
extern crate mime;
{{^apiUsesUuid}}extern crate uuid;{{/apiUsesUuid}}
extern crate chrono;
extern crate percent_encoding;
extern crate url;
{{#apiUsesUuid}}use uuid;{{/apiUsesUuid}}
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use futures::{Future, future, Stream, stream};
use hyper;
use hyper::{Request, Response, Error, StatusCode};
use hyper::header::{Headers, ContentType};
use self::url::form_urlencoded;
use mimetypes;
use serde_json;
{{#usesXml}}use serde_xml_rs;{{/usesXml}}
use std::collections::{HashMap, BTreeMap};
use swagger;
use std::io;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
pub use swagger::auth::Authorization;
use swagger::{ApiError, XSpanId, XSpanIdString, Has, RequestParser};
use swagger::auth::Scopes;
use {Api{{#apiInfo}}{{#apis}}{{#operations}}{{#operation}},
use models;
pub mod context;
header! { (Warning, "Warning") => [String] }
mod paths {
extern crate regex;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref GLOBAL_REGEX_SET: regex::RegexSet = regex::RegexSet::new(&[
pub static ID_{{{PATH_ID}}}: usize = {{{index}}};
lazy_static! {
pub static ref REGEX_{{{PATH_ID}}}: regex::Regex = regex::Regex::new(r"^{{{basePathWithoutHost}}}{{{pathRegEx}}}").unwrap();
pub struct NewService {
api_impl: Arc,
marker: PhantomData,
impl NewService
T: Api + Clone + 'static,
C: Has {{#hasAuthMethods}}+ Has>{{/hasAuthMethods}} + 'static
pub fn new>>(api_impl: U) -> NewService {
NewService{api_impl: api_impl.into(), marker: PhantomData}
impl hyper::server::NewService for NewService
T: Api + Clone + 'static,
C: Has {{#hasAuthMethods}}+ Has>{{/hasAuthMethods}} + 'static
type Request = (Request, C);
type Response = Response;
type Error = Error;
type Instance = Service;
fn new_service(&self) -> Result {
pub struct Service {
api_impl: Arc,
marker: PhantomData,
impl Service
T: Api + Clone + 'static,
C: Has {{#hasAuthMethods}}+ Has>{{/hasAuthMethods}} + 'static {
pub fn new>>(api_impl: U) -> Service {
Service{api_impl: api_impl.into(), marker: PhantomData}
impl hyper::server::Service for Service
T: Api + Clone + 'static,
C: Has {{#hasAuthMethods}}+ Has>{{/hasAuthMethods}} + 'static
type Request = (Request, C);
type Response = Response;
type Error = Error;
type Future = Box>;
fn call(&self, (req, mut context): Self::Request) -> Self::Future {
let api_impl = self.api_impl.clone();
let (method, uri, _, headers, body) = req.deconstruct();
let path = paths::GLOBAL_REGEX_SET.matches(uri.path());
// This match statement is duplicated below in `parse_operation_id()`.
// Please update both places if changing how this code is autogenerated.
match &method {
// {{{operationId}}} - {{{httpMethod}}} {{{path}}}
&hyper::Method::{{vendorExtensions.HttpMethod}} if path.matched(paths::ID_{{vendorExtensions.PATH_ID}}) => {
let authorization = match (&context as &Has>).get() {
&Some(ref authorization) => authorization,
&None => return Box::new(future::ok(Response::new()
// Authorization
if let Scopes::Some(ref scopes) = authorization.scopes {
let required_scopes: BTreeSet = vec![
"{{{scope}}}".to_string(), // {{{description}}}
if !required_scopes.is_subset(scopes) {
let missing_scopes = required_scopes.difference(scopes);
return Box::new(future::ok(Response::new()
"Insufficient authorization, missing scopes".to_string(),
|s, scope| format!("{} {}", s, scope)
// Path parameters
let path = uri.path().to_string();
let path_params =
panic!("Path {} matched RE {{{PATH_ID}}} in set but failed match against \"{}\"", path, paths::REGEX_{{{PATH_ID}}}.as_str())
let param_{{{paramName}}} = match percent_encoding::percent_decode(path_params["{{{baseName}}}"].as_bytes()).decode_utf8() {
Ok(param_{{{paramName}}}) => match param_{{{paramName}}}.parse::<{{{dataType}}}>() {
Ok(param_{{{paramName}}}) => param_{{{paramName}}},
Err(e) => return Box::new(future::ok(Response::new().with_status(StatusCode::BadRequest).with_body(format!("Couldn't parse path parameter {{{baseName}}}: {}", e)))),
Err(_) => return Box::new(future::ok(Response::new().with_status(StatusCode::BadRequest).with_body(format!("Couldn't percent-decode path parameter as UTF-8: {}", &path_params["{{{baseName}}}"]))))
// Header parameters
header! { (Request{{vendorExtensions.typeName}}, "{{{baseName}}}") => {{#isListContainer}}({{{baseType}}})*{{/isListContainer}}{{^isListContainer}}[{{{dataType}}}]{{/isListContainer}} }
let param_{{{paramName}}} = match headers.get::() {
Some(param_{{{paramName}}}) => param_{{{paramName}}}.0.clone(),
None => return Box::new(future::ok(Response::new().with_status(StatusCode::BadRequest).with_body("Missing or invalid required header {{{baseName}}}"))),
let param_{{{paramName}}} = headers.get::().map(|header| header.0.clone());
// Query parameters (note that non-required or collection query parameters will ignore garbage values, rather than causing a 400 response)
let query_params = form_urlencoded::parse(uri.query().unwrap_or_default().as_bytes()).collect::>();
let param_{{{paramName}}} = query_params.iter().filter(|e| e.0 == "{{{baseName}}}").map(|e| e.1.to_owned())
.filter_map(|param_{{{paramName}}}| param_{{{paramName}}}.parse::<{{{baseType}}}>().ok())
let param_{{{paramName}}} = if !param_{{{paramName}}}.is_empty() {
} else {
let param_{{{paramName}}} = match param_{{{paramName}}} {
Some(param_{{{paramName}}}) => match param_{{{paramName}}}.parse::<{{{dataType}}}>() {
Ok(param_{{{paramName}}}) => param_{{{paramName}}},
Err(e) => return Box::new(future::ok(Response::new().with_status(StatusCode::BadRequest).with_body(format!("Couldn't parse query parameter {{{baseName}}} - doesn't match schema: {}", e)))),
None => return Box::new(future::ok(Response::new().with_status(StatusCode::BadRequest).with_body("Missing required query parameter {{{baseName}}}"))),
let param_{{{paramName}}} = param_{{{paramName}}}.and_then(|param_{{{paramName}}}| param_{{{paramName}}}.parse::<{{{baseType}}}>().ok());
// Body parameters (note that non-required body parameters will ignore garbage
// values, rather than causing a 400 response). Produce warning header and logs for
// any unused fields.
.then(move |result| -> Box> {
match result {
Ok(body) => {
let mut unused_elements = Vec::new();
let param_{{{paramName}}}: Option<{{{dataType}}}> = if !body.is_empty() {
let deserializer = &mut serde_xml_rs::de::Deserializer::new_from_reader(&*body);
let deserializer = &mut serde_json::Deserializer::from_slice(&*body);
match serde_ignored::deserialize(deserializer, |path| {
warn!("Ignoring unknown field in body: {}", path);
}) {
Ok(param_{{{paramName}}}) => param_{{{paramName}}},
Err(e) => return Box::new(future::ok(Response::new().with_status(StatusCode::BadRequest).with_body(format!("Couldn't parse body parameter {{{baseName}}} - doesn't match schema: {}", e)))),
Err(_) => None,
match String::from_utf8(body.to_vec()) {
Ok(param_{{{paramName}}}) => Some(param_{{{paramName}}}),
Err(e) => return Box::new(future::ok(Response::new().with_status(StatusCode::BadRequest).with_body(format!("Couldn't parse body parameter {{{baseName}}} - not valid UTF-8: {}", e)))),
} else {
let param_{{{paramName}}} = match param_{{{paramName}}} {
Some(param_{{{paramName}}}) => param_{{{paramName}}},
None => return Box::new(future::ok(Response::new().with_status(StatusCode::BadRequest).with_body("Missing required body parameter {{{baseName}}}"))),
// Form parameters
let param_{{{paramName}}} = {{^isContainer}}{{#vendorExtensions}}{{{example}}};{{/vendorExtensions}}{{/isContainer}}{{#isListContainer}}{{#required}}Vec::new();{{/required}}{{^required}}None;{{/required}}{{/isListContainer}}{{#isMapContainer}}None;{{/isMapContainer}}
Box::new(api_impl.{{#vendorExtensions}}{{{operation_id}}}{{/vendorExtensions}}({{#allParams}}param_{{{paramName}}}{{#isListContainer}}.as_ref(){{/isListContainer}}, {{/allParams}}&context)
.then(move |result| {
let mut response = Response::new();
response.headers_mut().set(XSpanId((&context as &Has).get().0.to_string()));
if !unused_elements.is_empty() {
response.headers_mut().set(Warning(format!("Ignoring unknown fields in body: {:?}", unused_elements)));
match result {
Ok(rsp) => match rsp {
{{{name}}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}
{{{name}}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}
=> {
header! { (Response{{{nameInCamelCase}}}, "{{{baseName}}}") => [{{{dataType}}}] }
let body = serde_xml_rs::to_string(&body).expect("impossible to fail to serialize");
let mut namespaces = BTreeMap::new();
// An empty string is used to indicate a global namespace in xmltree.
namespaces.insert("".to_string(), models::namespaces::{{{uppercase_data_type}}}.clone());
let body = serde_xml_rs::to_string_with_namespaces(&body, namespaces).expect("impossible to fail to serialize");
let body = serde_json::to_string(&body).expect("impossible to fail to serialize");
Err(_) => {
// Application code returned an error. This should not happen, as the implementation should
// return a valid response.
response.set_body("An internal error occurred");
}) as Box>
Err(e) => Box::new(future::ok(Response::new().with_status(StatusCode::BadRequest).with_body(format!("Couldn't read body parameter {{{baseName}}}: {}", e)))),
) as Box>
_ => Box::new(future::ok(Response::new().with_status(StatusCode::NotFound))) as Box>,
impl Clone for Service
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Service {
api_impl: self.api_impl.clone(),
marker: self.marker.clone(),