Javascript.es6.api.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
{{=< >=}}
import ApiClient from "../ApiClient";
<#imports>import from '../<#modelPackage><&modelPackage>/';
* service.
* @module <#invokerPackage><&invokerPackage>/<#apiPackage><&apiPackage>/
* @version
export default class {
* Constructs a new <&classname>. <#description>
* @alias module:<#invokerPackage><&invokerPackage>/<#apiPackage>/
* @class
* @param {module:<#invokerPackage><&invokerPackage>/ApiClient} [apiClient] Optional API client implementation to use,
* default to {@link module:<#invokerPackage><&invokerPackage>/ApiClient#instance} if unspecified.
constructor(apiClient) {
this.apiClient = apiClient || ApiClient.instance;
* Callback function to receive the result of the operation.
* @callback module:<#invokerPackage>/ <#apiPackage>/ ~Callback
* @param {String} error Error message, if any.
* @param <#vendorExtensions.x-jsdoc-type>{<&vendorExtensions.x-jsdoc-type>} data The data returned by the service call.<^vendorExtensions.x-jsdoc-type>data This operation does not return a value.
* @param {String} response The complete HTTP response.
* <#notes>
* <#allParams><#required>
* @param {<&vendorExtensions.x-jsdoc-type>} <#hasOptionalParams>
* @param {Object} opts Optional parameters<#allParams><^required>
* @param {<&vendorExtensions.x-jsdoc-type>} opts. <#defaultValue> (default to <.>)<^usePromises>
* @param {module:<#invokerPackage><&invokerPackage>/<#apiPackage><&apiPackage>/<&classname>~Callback} callback The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response<#returnType>
* data is of type: {@link <&vendorExtensions.x-jsdoc-type>}<#usePromises>
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}<#returnType>, with an object containing data of type {@link <&vendorExtensions.x-jsdoc-type>} and HTTP response<^returnType>, with an object containing HTTP response
<#usePromises>WithHttpInfo() {
opts = opts || {};
let postBody = <#bodyParam><#required><^required>opts['']<^bodyParam>null;
// verify the required parameter '' is set
if ( === undefined || === null) {
throw new Error("Missing the required parameter '' when calling ");
let pathParams = {<#pathParams>
'': <#required><^required>opts['']<#hasMore>,
let queryParams = {<#queryParams>
'': <#collectionFormat>this.apiClient.buildCollectionParam(<#required><^required>opts[''], '') <^collectionFormat><#required><^required>opts['']<#hasMore>,
let headerParams = {<#headerParams>
'': <#required><^required>opts['']<#hasMore>,
let formParams = {<#formParams>
'': <#collectionFormat>this.apiClient.buildCollectionParam(<#required><^required>opts[''], '') <^collectionFormat><#required><^required>opts['']<#hasMore>,
let authNames = [<#authMethods>''<#hasMore>, ];
let contentTypes = [<#consumes>'<& mediaType>'<#hasMore>, ];
let accepts = [<#produces>'<& mediaType>'<#hasMore>, ];
let returnType = <#vendorExtensions.x-return-type><&vendorExtensions.x-return-type><^vendorExtensions.x-return-type>null;
let basePaths = [<#servers>''<^-last>, -last>];
let basePath = basePaths[0]; // by default use the first one in "servers" defined in OpenAPI
if (typeof opts['_base_path_index'] !== 'undefined') {
if (opts['_base_path_index'] >= basePaths.length || opts['_base_path_index'] < 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid index " + opts['_base_path_index'] + " when selecting the host settings. Must be less than " + basePaths.length);
basePath = basePaths[opts['_base_path_index']];
return this.apiClient.callApi(
'<&path>', '',
pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType, <#servers.0>basePath<^servers.0>null<^usePromises>, callback
* <#notes>
* <#allParams><#required>
* @param {<&vendorExtensions.x-jsdoc-type>} <#hasOptionalParams>
* @param {Object} opts Optional parameters<#allParams><^required>
* @param {<&vendorExtensions.x-jsdoc-type>} opts. <#defaultValue> (default to <.>)<^usePromises>
* @param {module:<#invokerPackage><&invokerPackage>/<#apiPackage><&apiPackage>/<&classname>~Callback} callback The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response<#returnType>
* data is of type: {@link <&vendorExtensions.x-jsdoc-type>}<#usePromises>
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}<#returnType>, with data of type {@link <&vendorExtensions.x-jsdoc-type>}
() {
return this.WithHttpInfo()
.then(function(response_and_data) {
return response_and_data.data;
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