erlang-proper.utils.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
-export([ request/2
, request/4
-type response() :: #{ status := integer()
, headers := map()
, body := iolist()
-spec request(atom(), string()) -> response().
request(Method, Url) ->
request(Method, Url, undefined, undefined).
-spec request(atom(), iolist(), iolist(), string()) -> response().
request(Method, Url0, Body, ContentType) ->
Url = binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary(Url0)),
Headers = headers(),
Request = case Body of
undefined -> {Url, Headers};
_ -> {Url, Headers, ContentType, Body}
HTTPOptions = [{autoredirect, true}],
Options = [],
%% Disable pipelining to avoid the socket getting closed during long runs
ok = httpc:set_options([ {max_keep_alive_length, 0}
, {max_pipeline_length, 0}
, {max_sessions, 0}
Result = httpc:request(Method, Request, HTTPOptions, Options),
{ok, {{=<% %>=}}{{_Ver, Status, _Phrase}, RespHeaders, RespBody}}<%={{ }}=%> = Result,
Response = #{ status => Status
, headers => maps:from_list(RespHeaders)
, body => RespBody
-spec headers() -> [{string(), string()}].
headers() ->
[ {"Accept", "application/json"}
| basic_auth()
-spec basic_auth() -> [{string(), string()}].
basic_auth() ->
case application:get_env({{packageName}}, basic_auth, undefined) of
undefined -> [];
{Username, Password} ->
Credentials = base64:encode_to_string(Username ++ ":" ++ Password),
[{"Authorization", "Basic " ++ Credentials}]
-spec decode_body(response()) -> response().
decode_body(#{ headers := #{"content-type" := "application/json"}
, body := Body
} = Response) ->
Json = jsx:decode( unicode:characters_to_binary(Body)
, [return_maps, {labels, atom}]
Response#{body_json => Json};
decode_body(Response) ->
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