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org.openapitools.codegen.languages.KtormSchemaCodegen Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2018 OpenAPI-Generator Contributors (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.openapitools.codegen.languages;

import org.openapitools.codegen.*;
import org.openapitools.codegen.meta.features.*;
import org.openapitools.codegen.meta.GeneratorMetadata;
import org.openapitools.codegen.meta.Stability;
import org.openapitools.codegen.model.ModelMap;
import org.openapitools.codegen.model.ModelsMap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import io.swagger.v3.parser.util.SchemaTypeUtil;

import static org.openapitools.codegen.utils.StringUtils.*;

// This code was almost entirely based on MySqlSchemaCodegen.

public class KtormSchemaCodegen extends AbstractKotlinCodegen {
    private final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KtormSchemaCodegen.class);

    public static final String VENDOR_EXTENSION_SCHEMA = "x-ktorm-schema";
    public static final String DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME = "defaultDatabaseName";
    public static final String IMPORT_MODEL_PACKAGE_NAME = "importModelPackageName";
    public static final String IDENTIFIER_NAMING_CONVENTION = "identifierNamingConvention";
    public static final String PRIMARY_KEY_CONVENTION = "primaryKeyConvention";
    public static final String ADD_SURROGATE_KEY = "addSurrogateKey";
    public static final Integer IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH = 255;

    protected String importModelPackageName = "";
    protected String defaultDatabaseName = "sqlite.db";
    protected String databaseNamePrefix = "_", databaseNameSuffix = "";
    protected String tableNamePrefix = "_", tableNameSuffix = "";
    protected String columnNamePrefix = "_", columnNameSuffix = "";
    protected String identifierNamingConvention = "original";
    protected String primaryKeyConvention = "id";
    protected boolean addSurrogateKey = false;

    protected Map sqlTypeMapping = new HashMap();

    protected static class SqlType {
        protected static final String Blob = "blob";
        protected static final String Boolean = "boolean";
        protected static final String Bytes = "bytes";
        protected static final String Date = "date";
        protected static final String DateTime = "datetime";
        protected static final String Decimal = "decimal";
        protected static final String Double = "double";
        protected static final String Float = "float";
        protected static final String Enum = "enum";
        protected static final String Int = "int";
        protected static final String Long = "long";
        protected static final String Text = "text";
        protected static final String Varchar = "varchar";
        protected static final String Json = "json";

    public KtormSchemaCodegen() {

        generatorMetadata = GeneratorMetadata.newBuilder(generatorMetadata)

        modifyFeatureSet(features -> features

                        // SQL reserved words
                        "ABORT", "ACTION", "ADD", "AFTER", "ALL", "ALTER", "ALWAYS",
                        "ANALYZE", "AND", "ANY", "AS", "ASC", "ATTACH", "AUTOINCR",
                        "AUTOINCREMENT", "BEFORE", "BEGIN", "BETWEEN", "BITAND", "BITNOT",
                        "BITOR", "BLOB", "BY", "CASCADE", "CASE", "CAST", "CHECK",
                        "COLLATE", "COLUMN", "COMMA", "COMMIT", "CONCAT", "CONFLICT",
                        "CONSTRAINT", "CREATE", "CROSS", "CURRENT", "CURRENT_DATE",
                        "DEFERRABLE", "DEFERRED", "DELETE", "DESC", "DETACH", "DISTINCT",
                        "DO", "DOT", "DROP", "EACH", "ELSE", "END", "EQ", "ESCAPE",
                        "EXCEPT", "EXCLUDE", "EXCLUSIVE", "EXISTS", "EXPLAIN", "FAIL",
                        "FILTER", "FIRST", "FLOAT", "FOLLOWING", "FOR", "FOREIGN", "FROM",
                        "FULL", "GE", "GENERATED", "GLOB", "GROUP", "GROUPS", "GT",
                        "HAVING", "ID", "IF", "IGNORE", "IMMEDIATE", "IN", "INDEX",
                        "INDEXED", "INITIALLY", "INNER", "INSERT", "INSTEAD", "INTEGER",
                        "INTERSECT", "INTO", "IS", "ISNULL", "JOIN", "KEY", "LAST", "LE",
                        "LEFT", "LIKE", "LIMIT", "LP", "LSHIFT", "LT", "MATCH", "MINUS",
                        "NATURAL", "NE", "NO", "NOT", "NOTHING", "NOTNULL", "NULL", "NULLS",
                        "OF", "OFFSET", "ON", "OR", "ORDER", "OTHERS", "OUTER", "OVER",
                        "PARTITION", "PLAN", "PLUS", "PRAGMA", "PRECEDING", "PRIMARY",
                        "QUERY", "RAISE", "RANGE", "RECURSIVE", "REFERENCES", "REGEXP",
                        "REINDEX", "RELEASE", "REM", "RENAME", "REPLACE", "RESTRICT",
                        "RIGHT", "ROLLBACK", "ROW", "ROWS", "RP", "RSHIFT", "SAVEPOINT",
                        "SELECT", "SET", "SLASH", "STAR", "STRING", "TABLE", "TEMP",
                        "TEMPORARY", "THEN", "TIES", "TO", "TRANSACTION", "TRIGGER",
                        "UNBOUNDED", "UNION", "UNIQUE", "UPDATE", "USING", "VACUUM",
                        "VALUES", "VARIABLE", "VIEW", "VIRTUAL", "WHEN", "WHERE",
                        "WINDOW", "WITH", "WITHOUT"

        typeMapping = new HashMap();
        typeMapping.put("string", "kotlin.String");
        typeMapping.put("boolean", "kotlin.Boolean");
        typeMapping.put("integer", "kotlin.Int");
        typeMapping.put("float", "kotlin.Float");
        typeMapping.put("long", "kotlin.Long");
        typeMapping.put("double", "kotlin.Double");
        typeMapping.put("ByteArray", "kotlin.ByteArray");
        typeMapping.put("number", "java.math.BigDecimal");
        typeMapping.put("date-time", "java.time.LocalDateTime");
        typeMapping.put("date", "java.time.LocalDate");
        typeMapping.put("file", "");
        typeMapping.put("array", "kotlin.Array");
        typeMapping.put("list", "kotlin.collections.List");
        typeMapping.put("set", "kotlin.collections.Set");
        typeMapping.put("map", "kotlin.collections.Map");
        typeMapping.put("object", "kotlin.Any");
        typeMapping.put("binary", "kotlin.ByteArray");
        typeMapping.put("Date", "java.time.LocalDate");
        typeMapping.put("DateTime", "java.time.LocalDateTime");
        //missing on baseclass
        typeMapping.put("byte", "kotlin.Byte");
        typeMapping.put("short", "kotlin.Short");
        typeMapping.put("char", "kotlin.String");
        typeMapping.put("real", "kotlin.Double");
        typeMapping.put("UUID", "java.util.UUID"); //be explicit
        typeMapping.put("URI", ""); //be explicit
        typeMapping.put("decimal", "java.math.BigDecimal");
        typeMapping.put("BigDecimal", "java.math.BigDecimal");
        typeMapping.put("AnyType", "kotlin.Any");
        typeMapping.put("password", "kotlin.String"); //nice to have

        //mappings between kotlin and ktor
        // ref:
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.String", SqlType.Text);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.Boolean", SqlType.Boolean);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.Byte", SqlType.Int);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.Short", SqlType.Int);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.Int", SqlType.Int);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.Long", SqlType.Long);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.Float", SqlType.Float);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.Double", SqlType.Double);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.ByteArray", SqlType.Blob);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.Array", SqlType.Blob);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.collections.List", SqlType.Blob);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.collections.MutableList", SqlType.Blob);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.collections.Set", SqlType.Blob);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.collections.MutableSet", SqlType.Blob);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.collections.Map", SqlType.Blob);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.collections.MutableMap", SqlType.Blob);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("kotlin.Any", SqlType.Blob);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("", SqlType.Blob);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("java.math.BigDecimal", SqlType.Decimal);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("java.time.LocalDateTime", SqlType.DateTime);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("java.time.LocalDate", SqlType.Date);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("java.util.UUID", SqlType.Text);
        sqlTypeMapping.put("", SqlType.Text);

        artifactId = "ktorm";
        artifactVersion = "1.0.0";
        packageName = "org.openapitools.database";

        outputFolder = "generated-code" + File.separator + "kotlin-client";
        embeddedTemplateDir = templateDir = "ktorm-schema";
        modelTemplateFiles.put("model.mustache", ".kt");
        modelDocTemplateFiles.put("model_doc.mustache", ".md");
        modelPackage = packageName + ".models";
        importModelPackageName = modelPackage;

        // we don't clear clioptions from Kotlin
        // cliOptions default redefinition need to be updated
        updateOption(CodegenConstants.ARTIFACT_ID, artifactId);
        updateOption(CodegenConstants.PACKAGE_NAME, packageName);
        addOption(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, "Default database name for all queries", defaultDatabaseName);
        addOption(IMPORT_MODEL_PACKAGE_NAME, "Package name of the imported models", importModelPackageName);
        addOption(PRIMARY_KEY_CONVENTION, "Primary key naming convention", primaryKeyConvention);
        addSwitch(ADD_SURROGATE_KEY, "Adds the surrogate key for all models that don't already have a primary key (named by the above convention)", addSurrogateKey);

        // we used to snake_case table/column names, let's add this option
        CliOption identifierNamingOpt = new CliOption(IDENTIFIER_NAMING_CONVENTION,
                "Naming convention of Ktorm identifiers(table names and column names). This is not related to database name which is defined by " + DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME + " option");

        identifierNamingOpt.addEnum("original", "Do not transform original names")
                .addEnum("snake_case", "Use snake_case names")



    public CodegenType getTag() {
        return CodegenType.SCHEMA;

    public String getName() {
        return "ktorm-schema";

    public String getHelp() {
        return "Generates a kotlin-ktorm schema (beta)";

    public void processOpts() {

        if (additionalProperties.containsKey(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME)) {
            if (additionalProperties.get(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME).equals("")) {
            } else {
                setDefaultDatabaseName((String) additionalProperties.get(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME));
                // default database name may be escaped, need to overwrite additional prop
                additionalProperties.put(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, getDefaultDatabaseName());

        if (additionalProperties.containsKey(IDENTIFIER_NAMING_CONVENTION)) {
            setIdentifierNamingConvention((String) additionalProperties.get(IDENTIFIER_NAMING_CONVENTION));

        if (additionalProperties.containsKey(IMPORT_MODEL_PACKAGE_NAME)) {
            setImportModelPackageName((String) additionalProperties.get(IMPORT_MODEL_PACKAGE_NAME));

        if (additionalProperties.containsKey(PRIMARY_KEY_CONVENTION)) {
            setPrimaryKeyConvention((String) additionalProperties.get(PRIMARY_KEY_CONVENTION));

        if (additionalProperties.containsKey(ADD_SURROGATE_KEY)) {

        // make model src path available in mustache template
        additionalProperties.put("modelSrcPath", "./" + toSrcPath(modelPackage));

        supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("README.mustache", "", ""));
        supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("build.gradle.mustache", "", "build.gradle"));
        supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("settings.gradle.mustache", "", "settings.gradle"));
        supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("ktorm_schema.mustache", "", "ktorm_schema.sql"));

    public ModelsMap postProcessModels(ModelsMap objs) {
        objs = super.postProcessModels(objs);

        for (ModelMap mo : objs.getModels()) {
            CodegenModel model = mo.getModel();
            String modelName = model.getName();
            String tableName = toTableName(modelName);
            String modelDescription = model.getDescription();
            Map modelVendorExtensions = model.getVendorExtensions();
            Map ktormSchema = new HashMap<>();
            Map tableDefinition = new HashMap<>();

            if (getIdentifierNamingConvention().equals("snake_case") && !modelName.equals(tableName)) {
                // add original name in table comment
                String commentExtra = "Original model name - " + modelName + ".";
                modelDescription = (modelDescription == null || modelDescription.isEmpty()) ? commentExtra : modelDescription + ". " + commentExtra;

            if (modelVendorExtensions.containsKey(VENDOR_EXTENSION_SCHEMA)) {
                // user already specified schema values
      "Found vendor extension in '{}' model, autogeneration skipped", modelName);
            } else {
                modelVendorExtensions.put(VENDOR_EXTENSION_SCHEMA, ktormSchema);
                ktormSchema.put("tableDefinition", tableDefinition);
                tableDefinition.put("tblName", tableName);
                tableDefinition.put("tblComment", modelDescription);

            // check if we need to add the surrogate key
            if (addSurrogateKey) {
                boolean hasPrimaryKey = false;
                for (CodegenProperty var : model.vars) {
                    if (var.getBaseName().equals(primaryKeyConvention)) {
                        hasPrimaryKey = true;
                if (!hasPrimaryKey) {
                    final IntegerSchema schema = new IntegerSchema().format(SchemaTypeUtil.INTEGER64_FORMAT);
                    CodegenProperty cp = super.fromProperty(primaryKeyConvention, schema, false);
                    model.vars.add(0, cp);
                    model.allVars.add(0, cp);
                    model.requiredVars.add(0, cp);
                    model.readWriteVars.add(0, cp);
                    postProcessModelProperty(model, cp);
                    objs = super.postProcessModels(objs);

        return objs;

    private static class KtormSchema extends HashMap {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -9159755928980443880L;

     * Processes each model's property mapped
     * @param model    codegen model
     * @param property model's property
    public void postProcessModelProperty(CodegenModel model, CodegenProperty property) {
        Map relationDefinition = new HashMap();
        Map vendorExtensions = property.getVendorExtensions();
        KtormSchema ktormSchema = new KtormSchema();
        String baseName = property.getBaseName();
        String colName = toColumnName(baseName);
        String description = property.getDescription();
        String dataType = property.getDataType();
        String dataFormat = property.getDataFormat();
        String actualType = toColumnType(dataType, dataFormat);

        if (vendorExtensions.containsKey(VENDOR_EXTENSION_SCHEMA)) {
            // user already specified schema values
  "Found vendor extension in '{}' property, autogeneration skipped", baseName);

        vendorExtensions.put(VENDOR_EXTENSION_SCHEMA, ktormSchema);

        if (getIdentifierNamingConvention().equals("snake_case") && !baseName.equals(colName)) {
            // add original name in column comment
            String commentExtra = "Original param name - " + baseName + ".";
            description = (description == null || description.isEmpty()) ? commentExtra : description + ". " + commentExtra;

        switch (actualType) {
            case SqlType.Boolean:
                processBooleanTypeProperty(model, property, description, ktormSchema);
            case SqlType.Int:
            case SqlType.Long:
                processIntegerTypeProperty(model, property, description, ktormSchema);
            case SqlType.Float:
            case SqlType.Double:
            case SqlType.Decimal:
                processRealTypeProperty(model, property, description, ktormSchema);
            case SqlType.Blob:
            case SqlType.Text:
            case SqlType.Varchar:
            case SqlType.Bytes:
                processStringTypeProperty(model, property, description, ktormSchema);
            case SqlType.Date:
            case SqlType.DateTime:
                processDateTypeProperty(model, property, description, ktormSchema);
            case SqlType.Json:
                processJsonTypeProperty(model, property, description, ktormSchema);
                processUnknownTypeProperty(model, property, description, ktormSchema);

        if (processForeignKey(model, property, relationDefinition)) {
            ktormSchema.put("relationDefinition", relationDefinition);
            ktormSchema.put("relation", true);

     * Processes each model's property mapped to integer type and adds related vendor extensions
     * @param model       codegen model
     * @param property    model's property
     * @param description property custom description
     * @param ktormSchema schema
    public void processIntegerTypeProperty(CodegenModel model, CodegenProperty property, String description, KtormSchema ktormSchema) {
        Map columnDefinition = new HashMap();
        String baseName = property.getBaseName();
        String colName = toColumnName(baseName);
        String dataType = property.getDataType();
        String dataFormat = property.getDataFormat();
        String actualType = toColumnType(dataType, dataFormat);

        String minimum = property.getMinimum();
        String maximum = property.getMaximum();
        boolean exclusiveMinimum = property.getExclusiveMinimum();
        boolean exclusiveMaximum = property.getIExclusiveMaximum();
        boolean unsigned = false;
        Boolean isUuid = property.isUuid;

        Long cmin = (minimum != null) ? Long.parseLong(minimum) : null;
        Long cmax = (maximum != null) ? Long.parseLong(maximum) : null;
        if (exclusiveMinimum && cmin != null) cmin += 1;
        if (exclusiveMaximum && cmax != null) cmax -= 1;
        if (cmin != null && cmin >= 0) {
            unsigned = true;
        long min = (cmin != null) ? cmin : Long.MIN_VALUE;
        long max = (cmax != null) ? cmax : Long.MAX_VALUE;
        long actualMin = Math.min(min, max); // sometimes min and max values can be mixed up
        long actualMax = Math.max(min, max); // sometimes only minimum specified and it can be pretty high

        ktormSchema.put("columnDefinition", columnDefinition);
        columnDefinition.put("colName", colName);
        columnDefinition.put("colType", actualType);
        columnDefinition.put("colKotlinType", dataType);
        columnDefinition.put("colUnsigned", unsigned);
        columnDefinition.put("colMinimum", actualMin);
        columnDefinition.put("colMaximum", actualMax);
        columnDefinition.put("colIsUuid", isUuid);

        processTypeArgs(dataType, dataFormat, actualMin, actualMax, columnDefinition);
        processNullAndDefault(model, property, description, columnDefinition);

     * Processes each model's property mapped to some real type and adds related vendor extensions
     * @param model       codegen model
     * @param property    model's property
     * @param description property custom description
     * @param ktormSchema schema
    public void processRealTypeProperty(CodegenModel model, CodegenProperty property, String description, KtormSchema ktormSchema) {
        Map columnDefinition = new HashMap();
        String baseName = property.getBaseName();
        String colName = toColumnName(baseName);
        String dataType = property.getDataType();
        String dataFormat = property.getDataFormat();
        String actualType = toColumnType(dataType, dataFormat);

        String minimum = property.getMinimum();
        String maximum = property.getMaximum();
        boolean exclusiveMinimum = property.getExclusiveMinimum();
        boolean exclusiveMaximum = property.getIExclusiveMaximum();

        Float cmin = (minimum != null) ? Float.parseFloat(minimum) : null;
        Float cmax = (maximum != null) ? Float.parseFloat(maximum) : null;
        if (exclusiveMinimum && cmin != null) cmin += 1;
        if (exclusiveMaximum && cmax != null) cmax -= 1;
        Float min = (cmin != null) ? cmin : Float.MIN_VALUE;
        Float max = (cmax != null) ? cmax : Float.MAX_VALUE;
        Float actualMin = Math.min(min, max); // sometimes min and max values can be mixed up
        Float actualMax = Math.max(min, max); // sometimes only minimum specified and it can be pretty high

        ktormSchema.put("columnDefinition", columnDefinition);
        columnDefinition.put("colName", colName);
        columnDefinition.put("colType", actualType);
        columnDefinition.put("colKotlinType", dataType);
        columnDefinition.put("colMinimum", actualMin);
        columnDefinition.put("colMaximum", actualMax);

        processTypeArgs(dataType, dataFormat, actualMin, actualMax, columnDefinition);
        processNullAndDefault(model, property, description, columnDefinition);

     * Processes each model's property mapped to boolean type and adds related vendor extensions
     * @param model       codegen model
     * @param property    model's property
     * @param description property custom description
     * @param ktormSchema schema
    public void processBooleanTypeProperty(CodegenModel model, CodegenProperty property, String description, KtormSchema ktormSchema) {
        Map columnDefinition = new HashMap();
        String baseName = property.getBaseName();
        String colName = toColumnName(baseName);
        String dataType = property.getDataType();
        String dataFormat = property.getDataFormat();
        String actualType = toColumnType(dataType, dataFormat);

        ktormSchema.put("columnDefinition", columnDefinition);
        columnDefinition.put("colName", colName);
        columnDefinition.put("colType", actualType);
        columnDefinition.put("colKotlinType", dataType);

        processTypeArgs(dataType, dataFormat, 0, 1, columnDefinition);
        processNullAndDefault(model, property, description, columnDefinition);

     * Processes each model's property mapped to string type and adds related vendor extensions
     * @param model       codegen model
     * @param property    model's property
     * @param description property custom description
     * @param ktormSchema schema
    public void processStringTypeProperty(CodegenModel model, CodegenProperty property, String description, KtormSchema ktormSchema) {
        Map columnDefinition = new HashMap();
        String baseName = property.getBaseName();
        String colName = toColumnName(baseName);
        String dataType = property.getDataType();
        String dataFormat = property.getDataFormat();
        String actualType = toColumnType(dataType, dataFormat);

        Integer minLength = property.getMinLength();
        Integer maxLength = property.getMaxLength();

        Integer min = (minLength != null) ? minLength : 0;
        Integer max = (maxLength != null) ? maxLength : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int actualMin = Math.min(min, max); // sometimes min and max values can be mixed up
        int actualMax = Math.max(min, max); // sometimes only minimum specified and it can be pretty high

        ktormSchema.put("columnDefinition", columnDefinition);
        columnDefinition.put("colName", colName);
        columnDefinition.put("colType", actualType);
        columnDefinition.put("colKotlinType", dataType);
        if (actualMin != 0) {
            columnDefinition.put("colMinimum", actualMin);
        if (actualMax != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            columnDefinition.put("colMaximum", actualMax);

        processTypeArgs(dataType, dataFormat, actualMin, actualMax, columnDefinition);
        processNullAndDefault(model, property, description, columnDefinition);

     * Processes each model's property mapped to date type and adds related vendor extensions
     * @param model       codegen model
     * @param property    model's property
     * @param description property custom description
     * @param ktormSchema schema
    public void processDateTypeProperty(CodegenModel model, CodegenProperty property, String description, KtormSchema ktormSchema) {
        Map columnDefinition = new HashMap();
        String baseName = property.getBaseName();
        String colName = toColumnName(baseName);
        String dataType = property.getDataType();
        String dataFormat = property.getDataFormat();
        String actualType = toColumnType(dataType, dataFormat);

        ktormSchema.put("columnDefinition", columnDefinition);
        columnDefinition.put("colName", colName);
        columnDefinition.put("colType", actualType);
        columnDefinition.put("colKotlinType", dataType);

        processTypeArgs(dataType, dataFormat, null, null, columnDefinition);
        processNullAndDefault(model, property, description, columnDefinition);

     * Processes each model's property mapped to JSON type and adds related vendor extensions
     * @param model       codegen model
     * @param property    model's property
     * @param description property custom description
     * @param ktormSchema schema
    public void processJsonTypeProperty(CodegenModel model, CodegenProperty property, String description, KtormSchema ktormSchema) {
        Map columnDefinition = new HashMap();
        String baseName = property.getBaseName();
        String colName = toColumnName(baseName);
        String dataType = property.getDataType();
        String dataFormat = property.getDataFormat();
        String actualType = toColumnType(dataType, dataFormat);

        ktormSchema.put("columnDefinition", columnDefinition);
        columnDefinition.put("colName", colName);
        columnDefinition.put("colType", actualType);
        columnDefinition.put("colKotlinType", dataType);

        processTypeArgs(dataType, dataFormat, null, null, columnDefinition);
        processNullAndDefault(model, property, description, columnDefinition);

     * Processes each model's property not mapped to any type and adds related
     * vendor extensions Most of time it's related to referenced properties eg.
     * \Model\User
     * @param model       codegen model
     * @param property    model's property
     * @param description property custom description
     * @param ktormSchema schema
    public void processUnknownTypeProperty(CodegenModel model, CodegenProperty property, String description, KtormSchema ktormSchema) {
        Map columnDefinition = new HashMap();
        String baseName = property.getBaseName();
        String colName = toColumnName(baseName);
        String dataType = property.getDataType();
        String dataFormat = property.getDataFormat();
        String actualType = toColumnType(dataType, dataFormat);

        ktormSchema.put("columnDefinition", columnDefinition);
        columnDefinition.put("colName", colName);
        columnDefinition.put("colType", actualType);
        columnDefinition.put("colKotlinType", dataType);

        processTypeArgs(dataType, dataFormat, null, null, columnDefinition);
        processNullAndDefault(model, property, description, columnDefinition);

     * Processes each model's property type arguments definitions
     * @param dataType         the chosen sql type
     * @param dataFormat       the chosen sql format
     * @param min              the minimum value, if specified, in the target type
     * @param max              the maximum value, if specified, in the target type
     * @param columnDefinition resulting column definition dictionary
    public void processTypeArgs(String dataType, String dataFormat, Object min, Object max, Map columnDefinition) {
        HashMap a = new HashMap();
        SqlTypeArgs args = new SqlTypeArgs();
        toColumnTypeArgs(dataType, dataFormat, min, max, args);
        a.put("isPrimitive", args.isPrimitive);
        a.put("isNumeric", args.isNumeric);
        a.put("isBoolean", args.isBoolean);
        a.put("isInteger", args.isInteger);
        a.put("isFloat", args.isFloat);
        a.put("isDecimal", args.isDecimal);
        a.put("isString", args.isString);
        a.put("isDate", args.isDate);
        a.put("isDateTime", args.isDateTime);
        a.put("isBlob", args.isBlob);
        a.put("isJson", args.isJson);
        a.put("isNull", args.isNull);
        //as we are using sqlite, it is not implemented for now
        //columnDefinition.put("colTypeArgs", a);
        columnDefinition.put("colPrimaryKey", isPrimaryKey(columnDefinition));

     * Processes each model's property null/default definitions
     * @param model            model's name
     * @param property         model's property
     * @param description      property's customized description
     * @param columnDefinition resulting column definition dictionary
    public void processNullAndDefault(CodegenModel model, CodegenProperty property, String description, Map columnDefinition) {
        String baseName = property.getBaseName();
        Boolean required = property.getRequired();
        String dataType = property.getDataType();
        String dataFormat = property.getDataFormat();
        String defaultValue = property.getDefaultValue();
        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(required)) {
            columnDefinition.put("colNotNull", true);
        } else {
            columnDefinition.put("colNotNull", false);
            try {
                columnDefinition.put("colDefault", toColumnTypeDefault(defaultValue, dataType, dataFormat));
            } catch (RuntimeException exception) {
                LOGGER.warn("Property '{}' of model '{}' mapped to data type which doesn't support default value",
                        baseName, model.getName());
                columnDefinition.put("colDefault", null);
        if (description != null) {
            columnDefinition.put("colComment", description);

     * Processes each model's property that relates to another model
     * @param model              model's name
     * @param property           model's property
     * @param relationDefinition resulting relation definition dictionary
     * @return did we create the foreign key section.
    public boolean processForeignKey(CodegenModel model, CodegenProperty property, Map relationDefinition) {
        String dataType = property.getDataType();
        if (!property.isArray && !isRelation(dataType)) return false;

        String modelName = model.getName();
        String tryDataType = property.isArray ? property.items.dataType : property.dataType;
        String tryDataFormat = property.isArray ? property.items.dataFormat : property.dataFormat;
        Boolean isPrimitive = (tryDataType.startsWith("kotlin.") || tryDataType.startsWith("java."));
        String propName = isPrimitive ? property.getName() : tryDataType;

        String pkName = toTitleCase(toModelName(modelName));
        String pkColName = toColumnName(pkName);
        String fkName = toTitleCase(toModelName(propName));
        String fkColName = toColumnName(fkName);
        String relName = toModelName(camelize(modelName) + camelize(propName));
        String relTblName = toTableName(relName);

        final IntegerSchema pkSchema = new IntegerSchema().format(SchemaTypeUtil.INTEGER64_FORMAT);
        String pkDataType = getSchemaType(pkSchema);
        String pkDataFormat = pkSchema.getFormat();
        String pkColType = toColumnType(pkDataType, pkDataFormat);
        String fkDataType = isPrimitive ? tryDataType : pkDataType;
        String fkDataFormat = isPrimitive ? tryDataFormat : pkDataFormat;
        String fkColType = toColumnType(fkDataType, fkDataFormat);

        SqlTypeArgs pkArgs = new SqlTypeArgs();
        toColumnTypeArgs(pkDataType, pkDataFormat, null, null, pkArgs);
        SqlTypeArgs fkArgs = new SqlTypeArgs();
        toColumnTypeArgs(fkDataType, fkDataFormat, null, null, fkArgs);

        relationDefinition.put("pkName", pkName);
        relationDefinition.put("pkColName", pkColName);
        relationDefinition.put("pkColType", pkColType);
        relationDefinition.put("pkColKotlinType", pkDataType);
        relationDefinition.put("pkIsNumeric", pkArgs.isNumeric);
        relationDefinition.put("pkIsInteger", pkArgs.isInteger);
        relationDefinition.put("pkIsString", pkArgs.isString);
        relationDefinition.put("pkIsPrimitive", pkArgs.isPrimitive);

        relationDefinition.put("fkName", fkName);
        relationDefinition.put("fkColName", fkColName);
        relationDefinition.put("fkColType", fkColType);
        relationDefinition.put("fkColKotlinType", fkDataType);
        relationDefinition.put("fkIsNumeric", fkArgs.isNumeric);
        relationDefinition.put("fkIsInteger", fkArgs.isInteger);
        relationDefinition.put("fkIsString", fkArgs.isString);
        relationDefinition.put("fkIsPrimitive", fkArgs.isPrimitive);

        relationDefinition.put("relName", relName);
        relationDefinition.put("relTblName", relTblName);

        return true;

    private String toTitleCase(final String input) {
        return input.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) + input.substring(1);

    private static class SqlTypeArgs {
        // type classes
        public boolean isPrimitive;
        public boolean isNumeric;
        // specific types
        public boolean isBoolean;
        public boolean isInteger;
        public boolean isFloat;
        public boolean isDecimal;
        public boolean isString;
        public boolean isDate;
        public boolean isDateTime;
        public boolean isBlob;
        public boolean isJson;
        // special args
        public boolean isNull;

     * Checks if the model type should be a relationship instead.
     * @param columnDefinition resulting column definition dictionary
     * @return is a relation
    private boolean isPrimaryKey(Map columnDefinition) {
        String colName = (String) columnDefinition.get("colName");
        return colName.equals(primaryKeyConvention);

     * Checks if the model type should be a relationship instead.
     * @param dataType type name
     * @return is a relation
    private boolean isRelation(String dataType) {
        String sqlType = sqlTypeMapping.getOrDefault(dataType, "").toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
        switch (sqlType) {
            case SqlType.Boolean:
            case SqlType.Int:
            case SqlType.Long:
            case SqlType.Float:
            case SqlType.Double:
            case SqlType.Decimal:
            case SqlType.Text:
            case SqlType.Varchar:
            case SqlType.Date:
            case SqlType.DateTime:
            case SqlType.Blob:
            case SqlType.Json:
                return false;
                // If its explicitly configured kotlin.* and java.* types.
                if (dataType.startsWith("kotlin.") || dataType.startsWith("java.")) {
                    // We just have to serialize it.
                    return false;
                // Otherwise we assume this is a legitimate model name and it becomes a foreign key.
                return true;

     * Generates codegen type mapping between ktor and sqlite
     * Ref:
     * @param dataType   type name
     * @param dataFormat type format
     * @return generated codegen type
    private String toColumnType(String dataType, String dataFormat) {
        String sqlType = sqlTypeMapping.getOrDefault(dataType, "").toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
        switch (sqlType) {
            case SqlType.Boolean:
            case SqlType.Int:
            case SqlType.Long:
            case SqlType.Float:
            case SqlType.Double:
            case SqlType.Decimal:
            case SqlType.Text:
            case SqlType.Varchar:
            case SqlType.Date:
            case SqlType.DateTime:
            case SqlType.Blob:
            case SqlType.Json:
                return sqlType;
                return isRelation(dataType) ? SqlType.Long : SqlType.Blob;

     * Generates codegen type argument mapping between ktor and sqlite
     * Ref:
     * @param dataType   type name
     * @param dataFormat type format
     * @return generated codegen type
    private void toColumnTypeArgs(String dataType, String dataFormat, Object min, Object max, SqlTypeArgs args) {
        String sqlType = toColumnType(dataType, dataFormat);
        switch (sqlType) {
            case SqlType.Boolean:
            case SqlType.Int:
            case SqlType.Long:
            case SqlType.Float:
            case SqlType.Double:
            case SqlType.Decimal:
            case SqlType.Text:
            case SqlType.Varchar:
            case SqlType.Date:
            case SqlType.DateTime:
                args.isPrimitive = true;
            case SqlType.Blob:
            case SqlType.Json:
        switch (sqlType) {
            case SqlType.Boolean:
            case SqlType.Int:
            case SqlType.Long:
            case SqlType.Float:
            case SqlType.Double:
            case SqlType.Decimal:
                args.isNumeric = true;
            case SqlType.Text:
            case SqlType.Varchar:
            case SqlType.Date:
            case SqlType.DateTime:
            case SqlType.Blob:
            case SqlType.Json:
        switch (sqlType) {
            case SqlType.Boolean:
                args.isBoolean = true;
            case SqlType.Int:
            case SqlType.Long:
                args.isInteger = true;
            case SqlType.Float:
            case SqlType.Double:
                args.isFloat = true;
            case SqlType.Decimal:
                args.isDecimal = true;
            case SqlType.Text:
            case SqlType.Varchar:
                args.isString = true;
            case SqlType.Date:
                args.isDate = true;
            case SqlType.DateTime:
                args.isDateTime = true;
            case SqlType.Blob:
                args.isBlob = true;
            case SqlType.Json:
                args.isJson = true;
                args.isNull = true;

     * Generates codegen default value mapping between ktor and sqlite
     * Ref:, sec3.2
     * @param defaultValue value
     * @param dataType     type name
     * @param dataFormat   type format
     * @return generated codegen default
    private Map toColumnTypeDefault(String defaultValue, String dataType, String dataFormat) {
        String sqlType = toColumnType(dataType, dataFormat);
        String sqlDefault = "";
        if (defaultValue == null || defaultValue.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT).equals("NULL")) {
            sqlType = "null";
        //special case for keywords if needed
        switch (sqlType) {
            case SqlType.Boolean:
            case SqlType.Int:
            case SqlType.Long:
            case SqlType.Float:
            case SqlType.Double:
            case SqlType.Decimal:
            case SqlType.Text:
            case SqlType.Varchar:
            case SqlType.Date:
            case SqlType.DateTime:
                sqlDefault = defaultValue;
            case SqlType.Blob:
            case SqlType.Json:
                throw new RuntimeException("The BLOB and JSON data types cannot be assigned a default value");
                sqlDefault = "NULL";
        Map args = new HashMap();
        processTypeArgs(sqlType, null, null, null, args);
        args.put("defaultValue", sqlDefault);
        return args;

     * Converts name to valid database name
     * Produced name must be used with backticks only, eg. `database_name`
     * @param name source name
     * @return database name
    public String toDatabaseName(String name) {
        String identifier = toIdentifier(name, databaseNamePrefix, databaseNameSuffix);
        if (identifier.length() > IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH) {
            LOGGER.warn("Database name too long. Name '{}' will be truncated", name);
            identifier = identifier.substring(0, IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH);
        return identifier;

     * Converts name to valid column name
     * Produced name must be used with backticks only, eg. `table_name`
     * @param name source name
     * @return table name
    public String toTableName(String name) {
        String identifier = toIdentifier(name, tableNamePrefix, tableNameSuffix);
        if (identifierNamingConvention.equals("snake_case")) {
            identifier = underscore(identifier);
        if (identifier.length() > IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH) {
            LOGGER.warn("Table name too long. Name '{}' will be truncated", name);
            identifier = identifier.substring(0, IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH);
        return identifier;

     * Converts name to valid column name
     * Produced name must be used with backticks only, eg. `column_name`
     * @param name source name
     * @return column name
    public String toColumnName(String name) {
        String identifier = toIdentifier(name, columnNamePrefix, columnNameSuffix);
        if (identifierNamingConvention.equals("snake_case")) {
            identifier = underscore(identifier);
        if (identifier.length() > IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH) {
            LOGGER.warn("Column name too long. Name '{}' will be truncated", name);
            identifier = identifier.substring(0, IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH);
        return identifier;

     * Converts name to valid identifier which can be used as database, table, column name
     * Produced name must be used quoted only, eg. "column_name"
     * @param name   source name
     * @param prefix when escaped name is digits only, prefix will be prepended
     * @param suffix when escaped name is digits only, suffix will be appended
     * @return identifier name
    public String toIdentifier(String name, String prefix, String suffix) {
        String escapedName = escapeQuotedIdentifier(name);
        // Database, table, and column names cannot end with space characters.
        if (escapedName.matches(".*\\s$")) {
            LOGGER.warn("Database, table, and column names cannot end with space characters. Check '{}' name", name);
            escapedName = escapedName.replaceAll("\\s+$", "");

        // Identifiers may begin with a digit but unless quoted may not consist solely of digits.
        if (escapedName.matches("^\\d+$")) {
            LOGGER.warn("Database, table, and column names cannot consist solely of digits. Check '{}' name", name);
            escapedName = prefix + escapedName + suffix;

        // identifier name cannot be empty
        if (escapedName.isEmpty()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Empty database/table/column name for property '" + name + "' not allowed");
        return escapedName;

     * Escapes identifier to use it in SQL statements with backticks, eg. SELECT "identifier" FROM
     * Ref: H41130
     * Spec is similar to MySQL
     * @param identifier source identifier
     * @return escaped identifier
    public String escapeQuotedIdentifier(String identifier) {
        // ASCII: [0-9,a-z,A-Z$_] (basic Latin letters, digits 0-9, dollar, underscore) Extended: U+0080 .. U+FFFF
        // ASCII NUL (U+0000) and supplementary characters (U+10000 and higher) are not permitted in quoted or unquoted identifiers.
        // This does in fact matches against >\xFFFF and against ^\x0000. works only on Java7+
        Pattern regexp = Pattern.compile("[^0-9a-zA-z$_\\x0080-\\xFFFF]");
        Matcher matcher = regexp.matcher(identifier);
        if (matcher.find()) {
            LOGGER.warn("Identifier '{}' contains unsafe characters out of [0-9,a-z,A-Z$_] and U+0080..U+FFFF range",
            identifier = identifier.replaceAll("[^0-9a-zA-z$_\\x0080-\\xFFFF]", "");
        return identifier;

    public String escapeReservedWord(String name) {
        //LOGGER.warn("'" + name + "' is reserved word. Do not use that word or properly escape it with backticks in mustache template");
        return name;

    public String escapeQuotationMark(String input) {
        // remove ' to avoid code injection
        return input.replace("'", "");

    public String escapeUnsafeCharacters(String input) {
        return input.replace("*/", "*_/").replace("/*", "/_*");

     * Sets default database name for all queries
     * Provided value will be escaped when necessary
     * @param databaseName source name
    public void setDefaultDatabaseName(String databaseName) {
        String escapedName = toDatabaseName(databaseName);
        if (!escapedName.equals(databaseName)) {
                    "Invalid database name. '{}' cannot be used as identifier. Escaped value '{}' will be used instead.",
                    databaseName, escapedName);
        this.defaultDatabaseName = escapedName;

     * Returns default database name for all queries
     * This value must be used with backticks only, eg. `database_name`
     * @return default database name
    public String getDefaultDatabaseName() {
        return this.defaultDatabaseName;

     * Sets imported package name for the models
     * @param name name
    public void setImportModelPackageName(String name) {
        this.importModelPackageName = name;

     * Returns imported package name for the models
     * @return name
    public String getImportModelPackageName() {
        return this.importModelPackageName;

     * Sets identifier naming convention for table names and column names.
     * This is not related to database name which is defined by defaultDatabaseName option.
     * @param naming identifier naming convention (original|snake_case)
    public void setIdentifierNamingConvention(String naming) {
        switch (naming) {
            case "original":
            case "snake_case":
                this.identifierNamingConvention = naming;
                LOGGER.warn("\"{}\" is invalid \"identifierNamingConvention\" argument. Current \"{}\" used instead.",
                        naming, this.identifierNamingConvention);

     * Returns identifier naming convention for table names and column names.
     * @return identifier naming convention
    public String getIdentifierNamingConvention() {
        return this.identifierNamingConvention;

     * Sets primary key naming convention
     * @param name name
    public void setPrimaryKeyConvention(String name) {
        this.primaryKeyConvention = name;

     * Returns primary key naming convention
     * @return name
    public String getPrimaryKeyConvention() {
        return this.primaryKeyConvention;

     * Sets primary key naming convention
     * @param enable enable this option
    public void setAddSurrogateKey(boolean enable) {
        this.addSurrogateKey = enable;

     * Returns primary key naming convention
     * @return is enabled
    public boolean getAddSurrogateKey() {
        return this.addSurrogateKey;

     * Slightly modified version of AbstractPhpCodegen.toSrcPath method.
     * @param packageName package name
     * @return path
    public String toSrcPath(String packageName) {
        // Trim prefix file separators from package path
        String packagePath = StringUtils.removeStart(
                // Replace period, backslash, forward slash with file separator in package name
                packageName.replaceAll("[\\.\\\\/]", Matcher.quoteReplacement("/")),

        // Trim trailing file separators from the overall path
        return StringUtils.removeEnd(packagePath, File.separator);

    public GeneratorLanguage generatorLanguage() {
        return GeneratorLanguage.KTORM;

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