
powershell.http_signature_auth.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Gets the headers for HTTP signature.
Gets the headers for the http signature.
HTTP method
UriBuilder for url and query parameter
Request body
function Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}HttpSignedHeader {
$HEADER_REQUEST_TARGET = '(request-target)'
# The time when the HTTP signature was generated.
$HEADER_CREATED = '(created)'
# The time when the HTTP signature expires. The API server should reject HTTP requests
# that have expired.
$HEADER_EXPIRES = '(expires)'
# The 'Host' header.
# The 'Date' header.
# When the 'Digest' header is included in the HTTP signature, the client automatically
# computes the digest of the HTTP request body, per RFC 3230.
# The 'Authorization' header is automatically generated by the client. It includes
# the list of signed headers and a base64-encoded signature.
#Hash table to store singed headers
$HttpSignedRequestHeader = @{ }
$HttpSignatureHeader = @{ }
$TargetHost = $UriBuilder.Host
$httpSigningConfiguration = Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}ConfigurationHttpSigning
$Digest = $null
#get the body digest
$bodyHash = Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}StringHash -String $Body -HashName $httpSigningConfiguration.HashAlgorithm
if ($httpSigningConfiguration.HashAlgorithm -eq "SHA256") {
$Digest = [String]::Format("SHA-256={0}", [Convert]::ToBase64String($bodyHash))
} elseif ($httpSigningConfiguration.HashAlgorithm -eq "SHA512") {
$Digest = [String]::Format("SHA-512={0}", [Convert]::ToBase64String($bodyHash))
$dateTime = Get-Date
#get the date in UTC
$currentDate = $dateTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("r")
foreach ($headerItem in $httpSigningConfiguration.HttpSigningHeader) {
if ($headerItem -eq $HEADER_REQUEST_TARGET) {
$requestTargetPath = [string]::Format("{0} {1}{2}", $Method.ToLower(), $UriBuilder.Path, $UriBuilder.Query)
$HttpSignatureHeader.Add($HEADER_REQUEST_TARGET, $requestTargetPath)
} elseif ($headerItem -eq $HEADER_CREATED) {
$created = Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}UnixTime -Date $dateTime -TotalTime TotalSeconds
$HttpSignatureHeader.Add($HEADER_CREATED, $created)
} elseif ($headerItem -eq $HEADER_EXPIRES) {
$expire = $dateTime.AddSeconds($httpSigningConfiguration.SignatureValidityPeriod)
$expireEpocTime = Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}UnixTime -Date $expire -TotalTime TotalSeconds
$HttpSignatureHeader.Add($HEADER_EXPIRES, $expireEpocTime)
} elseif ($headerItem -eq $HEADER_HOST) {
$HttpSignedRequestHeader[$HEADER_HOST] = $TargetHost
$HttpSignatureHeader.Add($HEADER_HOST.ToLower(), $TargetHost)
} elseif ($headerItem -eq $HEADER_DATE) {
$HttpSignedRequestHeader[$HEADER_DATE] = $currentDate
$HttpSignatureHeader.Add($HEADER_DATE.ToLower(), $currentDate)
} elseif ($headerItem -eq $HEADER_DIGEST) {
$HttpSignedRequestHeader[$HEADER_DIGEST] = $Digest
$HttpSignatureHeader.Add($HEADER_DIGEST.ToLower(), $Digest)
} elseif($RequestHeader.ContainsKey($headerItem)) {
$HttpSignatureHeader.Add($headerItem.ToLower(), $RequestHeader[$headerItem])
} else {
throw "Cannot sign HTTP request. Request does not contain the $headerItem header."
# header's name separated by space
$headersKeysString = $HttpSignatureHeader.Keys -join " "
$headerValuesList = @()
foreach ($item in $HttpSignatureHeader.GetEnumerator()) {
$headerValuesList += [string]::Format("{0}: {1}", $item.Name, $item.Value)
#Concatenate headers value separated by new line
$headerValuesString = $headerValuesList -join "`n"
#Gets the hash of the headers value
$signatureHashString = Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}StringHash -String $headerValuesString -HashName $httpSigningConfiguration.HashAlgorithm
#Gets the Key type to select the correct signing algorithm
$KeyType = Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}KeyTypeFromFile -KeyFilePath $httpSigningConfiguration.KeyFilePath
if ($keyType -eq "RSA") {
$headerSignatureStr = Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}RSASignature -PrivateKeyFilePath $httpSigningConfiguration.KeyFilePath `
-DataToSign $signatureHashString `
-HashAlgorithmName $httpSigningConfiguration.HashAlgorithm `
-KeyPassPhrase $httpSigningConfiguration.KeyPassPhrase `
-SigningAlgorithm $httpSigningConfiguration.SigningAlgorithm
} elseif ($KeyType -eq "EC") {
$headerSignatureStr = Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}ECDSASignature -ECKeyFilePath $httpSigningConfiguration.KeyFilePath `
-DataToSign $signatureHashString `
-HashAlgorithmName $httpSigningConfiguration.HashAlgorithm `
-KeyPassPhrase $httpSigningConfiguration.KeyPassPhrase
<#$cryptographicScheme = Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}CryptographicScheme -SigningAlgorithm $httpSigningConfiguration.SigningAlgorithm `
-HashAlgorithm $httpSigningConfiguration.HashAlgorithm
$cryptographicScheme = "hs2019"
$authorizationHeaderValue = [string]::Format("Signature keyId=""{0}"",algorithm=""{1}""",
$httpSigningConfiguration.KeyId, $cryptographicScheme)
if ($HttpSignatureHeader.ContainsKey($HEADER_CREATED)) {
$authorizationHeaderValue += [string]::Format(",created={0}", $HttpSignatureHeader[$HEADER_CREATED])
if ($HttpSignatureHeader.ContainsKey($HEADER_EXPIRES)) {
$authorizationHeaderValue += [string]::Format(",expires={0}", $HttpSignatureHeader[$HEADER_EXPIRES])
$authorizationHeaderValue += [string]::Format(",headers=""{0}"",signature=""{1}""",
$headersKeysString , $headerSignatureStr)
$HttpSignedRequestHeader[$HEADER_AUTHORIZATION] = $authorizationHeaderValue
return $HttpSignedRequestHeader
Gets the RSA signature
Gets the RSA signature for the http signing
.PARAMETER PrivateKeyFilePath
Specify the API key file path
Specify the data to sign
.PARAMETER HashAlgorithmName
HashAlgorithm to calculate the hash
.PARAMETER KeyPassPhrase
KeyPassPhrase for the encrypted key
function Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}RSASignature {
try {
if ($hashAlgorithmName -eq "sha256") {
$hashAlgo = [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName]::SHA256
} elseif ($hashAlgorithmName -eq "sha512") {
$hashAlgo = [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName]::SHA512
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 7) {
$ecKeyHeader = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
$ecKeyFooter = "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
$keyStr = Get-Content -Path $PrivateKeyFilePath -Raw
$ecKeyBase64String = $keyStr.Replace($ecKeyHeader, "").Replace($ecKeyFooter, "").Trim()
$keyBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($ecKeyBase64String)
$rsa = [System.Security.Cryptography.RSA]::Create()
[int]$bytCount = 0
$rsa.ImportRSAPrivateKey($keyBytes, [ref] $bytCount)
if ($SigningAlgorithm -eq "RSASSA-PSS") {
$signedBytes = $rsa.SignHash($DataToSign, $hashAlgo, [System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding]::Pss)
} else {
$signedBytes = $rsa.SignHash($DataToSign, $hashAlgo, [System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding]::Pkcs1)
} else {
$rsa_provider_path = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "{{{apiNamePrefix}}}RSAEncryptionProvider.cs"
$rsa_provider_sourceCode = Get-Content -Path $rsa_provider_path -Raw
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $rsa_provider_sourceCode
[System.Security.Cryptography.RSA]$rsa = [RSAEncryption.RSAEncryptionProvider]::GetRSAProviderFromPemFile($PrivateKeyFilePath, $KeyPassPhrase)
if ($SigningAlgorithm -eq "RSASSA-PSS") {
throw "$SigningAlgorithm is not supported on $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)"
} else {
$signedBytes = $rsa.SignHash($DataToSign, $hashAlgo, [System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding]::Pkcs1)
$signedString = [Convert]::ToBase64String($signedBytes)
return $signedString
} catch {
throw $_
Gets the ECDSA signature
Gets the ECDSA signature for the http signing
.PARAMETER PrivateKeyFilePath
Specify the API key file path
Specify the data to sign
.PARAMETER HashAlgorithmName
HashAlgorithm to calculate the hash
.PARAMETER KeyPassPhrase
KeyPassPhrase for the encrypted key
function Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}ECDSASignature {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
if (!(Test-Path -Path $ECKeyFilePath)) {
throw "key file path does not exist."
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 7) {
throw "ECDSA key is not supported on PowerShell version $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion), Use PowerShell v7.0 and above"
$ecKeyHeader = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----"
$ecKeyFooter = "-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----"
$keyStr = Get-Content -Path $ECKeyFilePath -Raw
$ecKeyBase64String = $keyStr.Replace($ecKeyHeader, "").Replace($ecKeyFooter, "").Trim()
$keyBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($ecKeyBase64String)
$ecdsa = [System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa]::Create()
[int]$bytCount =0
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($KeyPassPhrase)) {
} else {
$signedBytes = $ecdsa.SignHash($DataToSign)
$derBytes = ConvertTo-ECDSAANS1Format -RawBytes $signedBytes
$signedString = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($derBytes)
return $signedString
Gets the hash of string.
Gets the hash of string
.Parameter String
Specifies the string to calculate the hash
.Parameter HashName
Specifies the hash name to calculate the hash, Accepted values are "SHA1", "SHA256" and "SHA512"
It is recommended not to use "SHA1" to calculate the Hash
Function Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}StringHash {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet("SHA1", "SHA256", "SHA512")]
$hashAlgorithm = [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create($HashName)
Gets the Unix time.
Gets the Unix time
.Parameter Date
Specifies the date to calculate the unix time
.Parameter ToTalTime
Specifies the total time , Accepted values are "TotalDays", "TotalHours", "TotalMinutes", "TotalSeconds" and "TotalMilliseconds"
function Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}UnixTime {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("TotalDays", "TotalHours", "TotalMinutes", "TotalSeconds", "TotalMilliseconds")]
[string]$TotalTime = "TotalSeconds"
$date1 = Get-Date -Date "01/01/1970"
$timespan = New-TimeSpan -Start $date1 -End $Date
switch ($TotalTime) {
"TotalDays" { [int]$timespan.TotalDays }
"TotalHours" { [int]$timespan.TotalHours }
"TotalMinutes" { [int]$timespan.TotalMinutes }
"TotalSeconds" { [int]$timespan.TotalSeconds }
"TotalMilliseconds" { [int]$timespan.TotalMilliseconds }
function Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}CryptographicScheme {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$rsaSignatureType = @("RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", "RSASSA-PSS")
$SigningAlgorithm = $null
if ($rsaSignatureType -contains $SigningAlgorithm) {
switch ($HashAlgorithm) {
"sha256" { $SigningAlgorithm = "rsa-sha256" }
"sha512" { $SigningAlgorithm = "rsa-sha512" }
return $SigningAlgorithm
Gets the key type from the pem file.
Gets the key type from the pem file.
.Parameter KeyFilePath
Specifies the key file path (pem file)
function Get-{{{apiNamePrefix}}}KeyTypeFromFile {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $KeyFilePath)) {
throw "Key file path does not exist."
$ecPrivateKeyHeader = "BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY"
$ecPrivateKeyFooter = "END EC PRIVATE KEY"
$rsaPrivateKeyHeader = "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY"
$rsaPrivateFooter = "END RSA PRIVATE KEY"
$pkcs8Header = "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY"
$pkcs8Footer = "END PRIVATE KEY"
$keyType = $null
$key = Get-Content -Path $KeyFilePath
if ($key[0] -match $rsaPrivateKeyHeader -and $key[$key.Length - 1] -match $rsaPrivateFooter) {
$KeyType = "RSA"
} elseif ($key[0] -match $ecPrivateKeyHeader -and $key[$key.Length - 1] -match $ecPrivateKeyFooter) {
$keyType = "EC"
} elseif ($key[0] -match $ecPrivateKeyHeader -and $key[$key.Length - 1] -match $ecPrivateKeyFooter) {
<#this type of key can hold many type different types of private key, but here due lack of pem header
Considering this as EC key
#TODO :- update the key based on oid
$keyType = "EC"
} else {
throw "Either the key is invalid or key is not supported"
return $keyType
Converts sequence of R and S bytes to ANS1 format for ECDSASignature.
Converts sequence of R and S bytes to ANS1 format for ECDSASignature.
.Parameter RawBytes[]
Specifies the R and S bytes of ECDSA signature.
function ConvertTo-ECDSAANS1Format{
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$derLength = 68 #default length for ECDSA code signing bit 0x44
$rbytesLength = 32 #R length 0x20
$sbytesLength = 32 #S length 0x20
[byte[]]$rBytes = $signedBytes[0..31]
[byte[]]$sBytes = $signedBytes[32..63]
if($rBytes[0] -gt 0x7F){
$rBytes = [byte[]]@(0x00) + $rBytes
if($sBytes[0] -gt 0x7F){
$sBytes = [byte[]]@(0x00) + $sBytes
[byte[]]$derBytes = @()
$derBytes += 48 # start of the sequence 0x30
$derBytes += $derLength # total length r length, type and r bytes
$derBytes += 2 # tag for integer
$derBytes += $rbytesLength # length of r
$derBytes += $rBytes
$derBytes += 2 #tag for integer
$derBytes += $sbytesLength #length of s
$derBytes += $sBytes
return $derBytes
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